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http://andy51002000.blogspot.com/2019/03/vs-code.html双击 “SSH FS - CONFIGURATIONS”, 配置相关信息Click “Add as Workspace folder”. (第一个符号,文件夹和一个加号的那个符号)==============================================今天就來分享如何用VS Code來做遠端編輯Step 1. 安裝必要的Plugin打開VS Code 進入Exten

2021-04-18 23:58:23 1520

转载 Ubuntu桌面卡死解决办法

Ubuntu桌面卡死解决办法方法一:不需要重启按Ctrl+Alt+F1可以进入tty终端输入账号和密码进行登录,注意,这一步不要使用小键盘执行命令注销桌面重新登录命令为:sudo pkill Xorg 或者 sudo restart lightdm4. 执行后等待几分钟,一般就能恢复正常方法二:安全重启首先,无论Ubuntu出现什么状况,千万不要强制重启如果方法一无效,可以尝试安全重启同时按住 Ctrl 和 Alt 键,按住不要放按一下 SysRq 键(有

2021-04-18 19:38:22 6931

转载 Mask RCNN框架理解

文章内容来源于以下两篇文章的整合Mask RCNN: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37998710Faster RCNN: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/31426458https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/63083743 (参考 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37998710 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/40314107)https://www.huaw

2021-04-11 22:53:30 410

转载 Maskrcnn Code Understanding

Reference:1.https://blog.csdn.net/leijieZhang/article/details/91431846?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 CSDN博主「leijieZhang」2. https://blog.csdn.net/leijieZhang/article/details/909034623. https://blog.csdn.net/xiangxianghehe/article/details/887936704. https://b

2021-04-08 00:25:27 489 1

原创 Long-Tailed Classification by Keeping the Good and Removing the Bad Momentum Causal Effect

The data will be inevitably long-tailed.For example, if we target at increasing the images of tail class instances like “remote controller”, we have to bring in more head instance like “sofa” and “TV” simultaneously in every newly added image.The par..

2021-02-05 17:38:36 848

原创 CBS

torch.arange()https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/article/details/106745713a.repeat(repeats)repeats: int或int数组 每个元素的重复次数。https://www.cnblogs.com/nxf-rabbit75/p/10055932.htmla.view()https://blog.csdn.net/york1996/article/details/81949843.t()转置if x_g

2021-01-05 15:35:42 325

原创 beam_search.py

ransformer.py class Transformer(CaptioningModel)captioning_model.py class CaptioningModel(Module): def beam_search(self, visual: utils.TensorOrSequence, max_len: int, eos_idx: int, beam_size: int, out_size=1, return_pr.

2020-12-04 14:49:32 212 1

原创 Loss

Summary of Paper “WHAT’S IN A LOSS FUNCTION FOR IMAGE CLASSIFICATION?”Different losses and regularizers achieve broadly similar accuracies. Although the acuuracy differences are larger enough to be meaningful in some contexts, the largerst difference is

2020-11-12 22:51:19 170

翻译 在NLP当中,不同的评价指标,BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE和CIDEr的逻辑意义?

翻译自: https://www.zhihu.com/question/304798594These metrics are all used to evaluate the quality of text generation under supervision. The general approach is to compare the similarity of a candidate text (usually generated by a machine) and several other

2020-09-30 22:36:18 620


Install anaconda3https://blog.csdn.net/lwgkzl/article/details/89329383Download anacondahttps://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/archive/anaconda old package listhttps://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/packages/oldpkglists/Install python3.6 on Ubuntu

2020-09-11 15:16:35 103

翻译 Autoencoders的理解

Autoencoders的理解From paper “Unsupervised speech representation learningusing WaveNet autoencoders”"Autoencoders: networks which are tasked with reconstructing their inputs. Autoencoders use an encoding network to extract a latent representation, which is

2020-08-20 21:46:46 490

原创 LeetCode1 两数之和

LeetCode1 两数之和C语言“不能重复利用这个数组中同样的元素” 的意思是, 比如{3,2,4} target = 6, 会不会出现返回 0 0 这种错。(3+3 = 6)。所以需要确保所找到的下标 j != i, 而在上面的代码中是通过使 j = i+1 来确保 j != i 的。还需要注意的是 i < numsSize -1, j < numsSize。...

2019-01-03 00:12:00 115

转载 算法题 Day1 时间复杂度

转自于 https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/10758328.html1、时间复杂度(1)时间频度一个算法执行所耗费的时间,从理论上是不能算出来的,必须上机运行测试才能知道。但我们不可能也没有必要对每个算法都上机测试,只需知道哪个算法花费的时间多,哪个算法花费的时间少就可以了。并且一个算法花费的时间与算法中语句的执行次数成正比例,哪个算法中语句执行次数多,它花...

2019-01-02 23:23:13 157

转载 Unity3d ——在脚本中获取场景中的游戏体

2018-12-31 14:04:42 512

转载 Unity3d —— Rigidbody 通过刚体组件控制物体的运动

转自于 http://www.ceeger.com/Components/class-Rigidbody.html刚体 RigidbodyRigidbodies enable your GameObjects to act under the control of physics. The Rigidbody can receive forces and torque to make your...

2018-12-31 13:44:48 3483

转载 Unity中使用Visual Studio时的配置

转自于 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38782460/article/details/78243763百度云链接:2015版UnityVS和VS2015镜像:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8n45EM 密码:fkzuUnity VS下载链接:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemNam...

2018-12-28 23:33:27 6346

原创 Unity3d 无人机

1. unity5 rendersetting选项rendersetting选项~之前是在Edit菜单下,新版本unity都是在 window菜单下的lighting,找到scene选项,天空盒和雾效等等都在里面。需要提前导入天空盒子资源包2. Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer suppor...

2018-12-27 15:32:33 2364 3

转载 每日TED What we don't understand about trust

So I’m going to talk about trust, and I’m going to start by reminding you of the standard views that people have about trust. I think these are so commonplace(老生常谈的), they’ve become clichés of our soc...

2018-12-25 15:34:10 344

转载 Python入门 —— class类 Day11【转载】

转载于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=502830245&idx=1&sn=280610e9f16bfca2b05b6b5e0a319390&chksm=3e454ec30932c7d5e1833e844e059f7f71caad373c95bed1809e4616c94c92ee6563...

2018-12-25 14:33:15 106

转载 Python入门 —— 数据聚合 Day10【转载】

转自于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=2650313581&idx=1&sn=e4c5b26d79ed78e30cde6f7e63f9ee72&mpshare=1&scene=23&srcid=1223zJpZVL314INo7BQLO2A5#rd目标:掌握类似于SQL...

2018-12-23 19:06:30 131

原创 Unity3d 入门——代码的理解

(1)Input.GetAxis()Vertical:获得垂直方向的 输入 -1~1Horizontal:获得水平方向的 输入-1~1水平输入 和垂直输入 做方向的时候 需要跟 当前世界坐标系的轴比较使其方向一致if (Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) > 0.2) //判断向前的速度如果大于0.2(2)Vector3 ( , , )Representa...

2018-12-22 22:02:25 437

翻译 每日TED "How to find person who can help you get ahead at work"

How to find person who can help you get ahead at work"The roundtable was a very commonly used phrase on Wall Street to describe the year-end evaluative process for analysis, associate, vice president...

2018-12-22 20:45:57 795

原创 Unity3d串口通信中遇到的两个问题及解决办法

关于"using System.IO.Ports;" 问题I want to conect with serial port but when I use “using System.IO.Ports;” I take this error I want to conect with serial port but when I use “using System.IO.Ports;” I t...

2018-12-22 20:44:26 2397

转载 每日TED —— The real reason female entrepreneurs get less funding

This is me at five years old, shortly before jumping into this beautifully still pool of water. I soon find out the hard way that this pool is completely empty because the ice-cold water is near freez...

2018-12-21 22:44:50 685

转载 Python入门 —— 正则表达式 Day9 【转载】


2018-12-21 22:07:46 134

转载 Python入门 —— 数据清洗(2)文本处理 Day8 【转载】

前言一、去除空白先等一会解决那个多选问题,从最基本的开始,如果我们的文本数据中,混入了很多空格该怎么办?比如Areas这个变量:二、分列三、把多选题的文本创建成哑四、下集预告下一集我将继续学习Python的正则表达式处理文本,想跟数说君的日记一起学习的朋友,强烈建议先阅读一下【SAS 正则表达】这个系列。专门为数据分析师打造!(在数说工作室微信后...

2018-12-21 16:19:09 239

转载 Python入门 —— 数据清洗 Day7 【转载】

本文内容转自于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=2650313425&idx=1&sn=72ebfbe60eb592e5b36aa0fd71c508d5&scene=21今天将带来第7天的学习日记。目录如下:前言删除重复异常值监测替换数据映射数值变量类型化创建哑变量上...

2018-12-21 15:09:20 100

转载 Python入门 —— 数据合并 Day6【转载】


2018-12-21 13:19:39 121

转载 Python 入门 —— Pandas的进阶学习 Day5【转载】

本文章内容转自于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=402829681&idx=1&sn=3042132921889b2b5414fff28513b05b&scene=21#wechat_redirect

2018-12-21 13:16:46 98

转载 Python入门 —— Numpy Day3【转载】

本文章转自于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=402378855&idx=1&sn=77ed3c403aa00977e66a6d712b565f44&scene=21#wechat_redirect今天将进阶学习一下Numpy这个库。做为一名统计师,既然使用Python的主要目的就是处理数...

2018-12-21 13:09:34 97

转载 Python入门 —— Pandas Day4【转载】

转载于 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=402568021&idx=1&sn=66d5234a31f2de640baa71439f856a33&scene=21#wechat_redirectPandas被称为“Python Data Analysis Li”,它:是基于Numpy的一种...

2018-12-20 15:15:40 118

转载 每日TED How to get better at the things you care about? Working hard but not improving?

How to get better at the things you care about? Working hard but not improving?Most of us go through life trying to do our best at whatever we do, whether it’s our job, family, school or anything els...

2018-12-20 14:40:17 735

转载 Python入门 —— 函数、循环和条件、类 Day2【转载】

本文章内容转自于https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MDEzNDAyNQ==&mid=201008325&idx=1&sn=79ee31af2756fd4d30bbeab2024d9fe4&scene=21#wechat_redirect一、函数1. 定义函数(1) )定义规则介绍列表方法的时候已经大概说过函数,学过数学...

2018-12-17 17:04:54 117

转载 Python入门 —— 容器 Day1 【转载】

容器1. 容器的概念容器,就是装数据的器具。主要包括序列和词典。序列又包括列表、元组、字符串。总而言之,我们利用索引来访问序列中的某个或某几个元素; 根据键来访问字典中的元素。2. 序列的一些通用操作列表、元组、字符串等这些序列还有一些共同的操作。(1)索引序列的最后一个元素的索引,也可以是-1,倒数第二个也可以用-2,依次类推:(2)分片使用分片操作来访问一定范围内的元素...

2018-12-16 23:21:44 142

转载 Point Cloud

Point Cloud一、什么是点云数据

2018-12-16 16:00:13 5030



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