Smart contract security Papers

[SP’20]VeriSmart: A Highly Precise Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts

[SP’20]VerX:Safety Verification of Smart Contracts

[VSTTE’19]solc-verify:A Modular Verifier for Solidity SC

[Arxive]SmartEmbed: A Tool for Clone and Bug Detection in Smart Contracts through Structural Code Embedding

[CCS’19]HyperService:Interoperability and Programmability Across Heterogeneous Blockchains

[CCS’19]Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart contracts

[CCS’19]TokenScope Automatically Detecting Inconsistent Behaviors of Cryptocurrency Tokens in Ethereum

[NDSS’19]Sereum:Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks

[arxive’19-5]HARVEY: A Greybox Fuzzer for Smart Contracts

[ICDCS’19]Read-Uncommitted Transactions for SC performance

[ICPC’19]Enabling Clone Detection For Ethereum via smart contract Birthmarks

[ICPC’19]Towards Automated Testing of Blockchain-based Decentralized Application

[RAID’19]Towards a First Step to Understand the Cryptocurrency Stealing Attack on Ethereum

[IWBOSE’19]Potential Risks of Hyperledger Fabric Smart contracts

[SANER’19]Towards Generating Cost-Effective Test-Suite for Ethereum Smart contract

[SANER’19]EVM:From Offline Detection to Online Reinforcement for Ethereum Virtual Machine

[ESEM’19]A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Control Flow Identification of Smart Contracts

[ISSTA’19]Exploiting the Laws of Order in Smart Contracts

[ISSTA’19]SAFEVM:A Sfety Verifier for Ethereum Smart contracts

EVMFuzz:Differential fuzz testing of Ethereum Virtual Machine

[IEEE transaction on SMC:systems]blockchain-enabled smart contracts: Architecture,applications, and future trends

[axrive’19]Detecting Standard Violation Errors in Smart Contracts

[PDP’19]Blockchain-Enabled Smart Contracts: Architecture, Applications, and Future Trends

[security’19]The Art of The Scam: Demystifying Honeypots in Ethereum smart contracts

[raid’19]Towards a First Step to Understand the Cryptocurrency Stealing Attack on Ethereum

[Arxive’19’2]Precise Attack Synthesis for Smart Contracts

[ICSE’19]EASYFLOW:Keep Ethereum Away From Overflow [shortpaper]

[Arxive’19]Mutation Testing for Ethereum Smart Contract

[PACMPL’18]Online detection of effectively callback Free Objects with Applications to Smart Contract

[NDSS’18]Chainspace_A Sharded Smart Contracts Platform

[NDSS’18]ZEUS_Analyzing Safety of Smart Contracts

[ACSAC’18 ]Osiris Hunting for Integer Bugs in Ethereum Smart Contracts

[ICSE’18]Towards Saving Money in Using Smart Contracts

[ISPEC’17-bestpaper]An Adaptive Gas Cost Mechanism for Ethereum to Defend Against Under-Priced DoS Attacks

[OOPSLA’18]MadMax-surviving out-of-gas conditions in Ethereum smart contracts

[ACSAC’18]Finding The Greedy, Prodigal, and Suicidal Contracts at Scale

[ASE’18]ContractFuzzer: fuzzing smart contracts for vulnerability detection

[Arxive’18]Towards Safer Smart Contracts:A Sequence Learning Approach to Detecting Vulnerabilities

[ICSE’18]ReGuard:Finding Reentrancy Bugs in smart contracts [shortpaper]

[ASE’18]S-Gram:Towards Semantic-Aware security auditing for Ethereum Smart Contract [shortpaper]

[ESEC-FSE’18]EClone:Detect Semantic Clones in Ethereum via Symbolic Transaction Sketch [shortpaper]

[IMC’18]Analyzing Ethereum’s Contract Topology

[SECURITY’18]teEther-Gnawing at Ethereum to Automatically Exploit Smart Contracts

[SECURITY’18]Enter the Hydra-Towards Principled Bug Bounties and Exploit-Resistant Smart Contracts

[SECURITY’18]Arbitrum: Scalable Ethereum’s Opaque Smart Contracts

[CCS’18]Securify: Practical Security Analysis of Smart Contracts

[WETSEB’18]SmartCheck:static analysis of ethereum smart contracts

[CCS’18]BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts

[archive’18]Smart Contracts for Bribing Miners

[Euro S&P’18]Ekiden-A Platform for Confidentiality-Preserving, Trustworthy, and Performant Smart Contract Execution

[archive’18]Blockchain and Trusted Computing Problems, Pitfalls, and a Solution for Hyperledger Fabric

[ARXIVE’18]Vandal: A Scalable Security Analysis Framework for smart contracts

[ARXIVE’19]sCompile:Critical Path Identification and Analysis for smart contracts

[Arxive]SmartEmbed: A Tool for Clone and Bug Detection in Smart Contracts through Structural Code Embedding

[PODC’17]FruitChains: A Fair Blockchain

[POST’17]A survey of attacks on Ethereum smart contracts
[master thesis’17]Ethereum Smart Contracts_Security vulnerabilities and security Tools

[SP’16]Hawk-The Blockchain Model of Cryptography and Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts

[CCS’16]Making Smart Contracts Smarter

[CCS’16]The ring of gyges_Investigating the Future of Criminal smart contracts

[FC’16]Step by Step Towards Creating a Safe Smart Contract: Lessons and Insights from a Cryptocurrency Lab

[CCS’15]Demystifying incentives in the concesnsus computer

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