ConfigurableBeanFactory 源码分析

ConfigurableBeanFactory 源码分析


  1. 本文基于 jdk 8, spring-framework 5.2.x 编写。
  2. @author JellyfishMIX - github /
  3. LICENSE GPL-2.0







 * Configuration interface to be implemented by most bean factories. Provides
 * facilities to configure a bean factory, in addition to the bean factory
 * client methods in the {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory}
 * interface.
 * <p>This bean factory interface is not meant to be used in normal application
 * code: Stick to {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory} or
 * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory} for typical
 * needs. This extended interface is just meant to allow for framework-internal
 * plug'n'play and for special access to bean factory configuration methods.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 03.11.2003
 * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory
 * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory
 * @see ConfigurableListableBeanFactory
public interface ConfigurableBeanFactory extends HierarchicalBeanFactory, SingletonBeanRegistry {


  1. 可配置的 BeanFactory,声明了对 BeanFactory 各种各样的配置能力,如 bean 的作用域,bean 的 classLoader,bean 的元数据缓存,bean 的表达式解析器,类型转换器,属性编辑器等。实现此接口即拥有对 BeanFactory 的配置能力。
  2. ConfigurableBeanFactory 这个巨大的 BeanFactory 体系接口,继承自 HierarchicalBeanFactory 和 SingletonBeanRegistry 这两个接口,并额外独有多个方法。
  3. 本文介绍 ConfigurableBeanFactory 接口独有的主要方法。


两个属性,singleton 表示原型模式。prototype 表示原型模式。

	 * Scope identifier for the standard singleton scope: {@value}.
	 * <p>Custom scopes can be added via {@code registerScope}.
	 * 单例模式
	 * @see #registerScope
	String SCOPE_SINGLETON = "singleton";

	 * Scope identifier for the standard prototype scope: {@value}.
	 * <p>Custom scopes can be added via {@code registerScope}.
	 * 原型模式
	 * @see #registerScope
	String SCOPE_PROTOTYPE = "prototype";


setParentBeanFactory 方法设置父类容器。

	 * Set the parent of this bean factory.
	 * <p>Note that the parent cannot be changed: It should only be set outside
	 * a constructor if it isn't available at the time of factory instantiation.
	 * 设置父类容器
	 * @param parentBeanFactory the parent BeanFactory
	 * @throws IllegalStateException if this factory is already associated with
	 * a parent BeanFactory
	 * @see #getParentBeanFactory()
	void setParentBeanFactory(BeanFactory parentBeanFactory) throws IllegalStateException;


  1. setBeanClassLoader 方法: 设置 bean 的类加载器。
  2. getBeanClassLoader 方法: 获取 bean 的类加载器。
  3. setTempClassLoader 方法: 设置临时加载器。如果涉及到加载时 aop 编织,通常仅指定一个临时类装入器,以确保实际的 bean 类被尽可能延迟地装入。一旦 BeanFactory 完成他的启动解析后,这个临时的类加载器将被移除。
  4. getTempClassLoader 方法: 获取临时加载器。
	 * Set the class loader to use for loading bean classes.
	 * Default is the thread context class loader.
	 * <p>Note that this class loader will only apply to bean definitions
	 * that do not carry a resolved bean class yet. This is the case as of
	 * Spring 2.0 by default: Bean definitions only carry bean class names,
	 * to be resolved once the factory processes the bean definition.
	 * 设置 bean 的类加载器
	 * @param beanClassLoader the class loader to use,
	 * or {@code null} to suggest the default class loader
	void setBeanClassLoader(@Nullable ClassLoader beanClassLoader);

	 * Return this factory's class loader for loading bean classes
	 * (only {@code null} if even the system ClassLoader isn't accessible).
	 * 获取 bean 的类加载器
	 * @see org.springframework.util.ClassUtils#forName(String, ClassLoader)
	ClassLoader getBeanClassLoader();

	 * Specify a temporary ClassLoader to use for type matching purposes.
	 * Default is none, simply using the standard bean ClassLoader.
	 * <p>A temporary ClassLoader is usually just specified if
	 * <i>load-time weaving</i> is involved, to make sure that actual bean
	 * classes are loaded as lazily as possible. The temporary loader is
	 * then removed once the BeanFactory completes its bootstrap phase.
	 * 设置临时加载器。如果涉及到加载时 aop 编织,通常仅指定一个临时类装入器,以确保实际的 bean 类被尽可能延迟地装入。
	 * 一旦 BeanFactory 完成他的启动解析后,这个临时的类加载器将被移除。
	 * @since 2.5
	void setTempClassLoader(@Nullable ClassLoader tempClassLoader);

	 * Return the temporary ClassLoader to use for type matching purposes,
	 * if any.
	 * 获取临时加载器
	 * @since 2.5
	ClassLoader getTempClassLoader();

bean 的元数据缓存

bean 的元数据缓存,默认为 true。如果为 false,每次创建 bean 都要从类加载器获取信息。

  1. setCacheBeanMetadata 方法: 设置是否缓存。
  2. isCacheBeanMetadata 方法: 判断是否缓存。
	 * Set whether to cache bean metadata such as given bean definitions
	 * (in merged fashion) and resolved bean classes. Default is on.
	 * <p>Turn this flag off to enable hot-refreshing of bean definition objects
	 * and in particular bean classes. If this flag is off, any creation of a bean
	 * instance will re-query the bean class loader for newly resolved classes.
	 * bean 的元数据缓存,默认为 true。如果为 false,每次创建 bean 都要从类加载器获取信息。
	 * 设置是否缓存
	void setCacheBeanMetadata(boolean cacheBeanMetadata);

	 * Return whether to cache bean metadata such as given bean definitions
	 * (in merged fashion) and resolved bean classes.
	 * bean 的元数据缓存,默认为 true。如果为 false,每次创建 bean 都要从类加载器获取信息。
	 * 判断是否缓存
	boolean isCacheBeanMetadata();

bean 的表达式解析器

  1. setBeanExpressionResolver 方法: 设置表达式解析器。
  2. getBeanExpressionResolver 方法: bean 的表达式解析器,获取表达式解析器。
	 * Specify the resolution strategy for expressions in bean definition values.
	 * <p>There is no expression support active in a BeanFactory by default.
	 * An ApplicationContext will typically set a standard expression strategy
	 * here, supporting "#{...}" expressions in a Unified EL compatible style.
	 * bean 的表达式解析器,设置表达式解析器
	 * @since 3.0
	void setBeanExpressionResolver(@Nullable BeanExpressionResolver resolver);

	 * Return the resolution strategy for expressions in bean definition values.
	 * bean 的表达式解析器,获取表达式解析器
	 * @since 3.0
	BeanExpressionResolver getBeanExpressionResolver();


  1. setConversionService 方法: 设置类型转换器。
  2. getConversionService 方法: 获取类型转换器。
	 * Specify a Spring 3.0 ConversionService to use for converting
	 * property values, as an alternative to JavaBeans PropertyEditors.
	 * 设置类型转换器
	 * @since 3.0
	void setConversionService(@Nullable ConversionService conversionService);

	 * Return the associated ConversionService, if any.
	 * 获取类型转换器
	 * @since 3.0
	ConversionService getConversionService();


  1. addPropertyEditorRegistrar 方法: 添加属性编辑器。
  2. registerCustomEditor 方法: 注册给定类型的属性编辑器。
	 * Add a PropertyEditorRegistrar to be applied to all bean creation processes.
	 * <p>Such a registrar creates new PropertyEditor instances and registers them
	 * on the given registry, fresh for each bean creation attempt. This avoids
	 * the need for synchronization on custom editors; hence, it is generally
	 * preferable to use this method instead of {@link #registerCustomEditor}.
	 * 添加属性编辑器
	 * @param registrar the PropertyEditorRegistrar to register
	void addPropertyEditorRegistrar(PropertyEditorRegistrar registrar);

	 * Register the given custom property editor for all properties of the
	 * given type. To be invoked during factory configuration.
	 * <p>Note that this method will register a shared custom editor instance;
	 * access to that instance will be synchronized for thread-safety. It is
	 * generally preferable to use {@link #addPropertyEditorRegistrar} instead
	 * of this method, to avoid for the need for synchronization on custom editors.
	 * 注册给定类型的属性编辑器
	 * @param requiredType type of the property
	 * @param propertyEditorClass the {@link PropertyEditor} class to register
	void registerCustomEditor(Class<?> requiredType, Class<? extends PropertyEditor> propertyEditorClass);
ConfigurableBeanFactory 接口是一个 Bean 工厂的扩展接口,它提供了一些额外的功能,例如 Bean 的作用域、Bean 的生命周期回调等。下面是 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的用法: 1. 定义一个 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的实现类,例如 DefaultListableBeanFactory。 2. 创建 BeanDefinition 对象,即 Bean 的定义信息。 3. 通过 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的 registerBeanDefinition() 方法将 BeanDefinition 注册到 Bean 工厂中。 4. 可以通过 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的 getBean() 方法获取 Bean 实例,或者通过 containsBean() 方法判断是否存在某个 Bean。 5. 可以通过 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的 setBeanNameGenerator() 方法设置 Bean 的命名生成器,setBeanClassLoader() 方法设置 Bean 的类加载器,setScope() 方法设置 Bean 的作用域,addBeanPostProcessor() 方法添加 Bean 后置处理器等。 6. 可以通过 ConfigurableBeanFactory 的 registerSingleton() 方法直接注册一个单例 Bean 实例,或者通过 destroySingletons() 方法销毁所有单例 Bean 实例。 示例代码如下: ```java // 定义一个 ConfigurableBeanFactory 实现类 DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory(); // 创建 BeanDefinition 对象 BeanDefinition beanDefinition = new RootBeanDefinition(User.class); // 注册 BeanDefinition beanFactory.registerBeanDefinition("user", beanDefinition); // 获取 Bean 实例 User user = (User)beanFactory.getBean("user"); // 设置 Bean 的作用域 beanFactory.registerScope("prototype", new PrototypeScope()); // 添加 Bean 后置处理器 beanFactory.addBeanPostProcessor(new UserBeanPostProcessor()); // 注册单例 Bean 实例 User singletonUser = new User(); beanFactory.registerSingleton("singletonUser", singletonUser); // 销毁所有单例 Bean 实例 beanFactory.destroySingletons(); ```




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