REST API Development with Node.js, 2nd Edition 免积分下载


管理并了解成功REST开发的全部功能。REST API开发是编程领域的热门话题,但开发人员并没有太多资源可以真正理解如何利用这些优势。


Node社区目前充斥着模块; 其中一些是一次发布而且从未再次更新 - 使整个包的范围变得混乱。使用Node.js的Pro REST API开发为试图创建API的开发人员提供了模块的黑洞。立即使用本书了解Node.js的REST API开发。


  • 了解REST和API开发如何与Node.js混淆
  • 创建可扩展,技术无关且统一的界面
  • 准备您的服务以供您的客户使用
  • 测试并部署您的API
  • 查看故障排除技巧


任何想要完全理解REST API开发的Node.js开发人员。


下载地址: REST API Development with Node.js, 2nd Edition


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These days, everyone is finding a new way to interconnect systems; the Internet of Things (IoT), for instance, is the new kid on the block, but who knows what will come later. The point is that in order to interconnect systems, as an architect, you’re better off using standard methods that allow for a faster adoption of your technology. In particular, APIs allow for the creation of standards and can work under known and well-tested core technologies like HTTP. If you add to that a well-defined style guide like REST, you’ve got yourself the means to create a scalable, technology-agnostic, and uniform interface for your services to be consumed by your clients. Welcome to REST API Development with Node.js. This book will cover REST, API development, and, finally, how these two mix up with Node.js. Starting from a theoretical point of view, you’ll learn how REST came to be, who created it, and its characteristics. Later, you’ll move toward the practical side by going over API development and the lessons that years of experience from the community have taught us. Finally, you’ll move into a fully practical approach, and you’ll see how Node.js and its modules can help create a RESTful API. You’ll also get a taste of what a real-world development flow would be like and what it would take to both test and deploy your code into a production environment. The final chapters will be 100% practical, going over a real-world example of a RESTful API developed in Node.js. I will cover everything from the requirement- gathering process, to tools selection, through actual development, and, finally, you’ll land in troubleshooting-land, where I’ll discuss the different things that can go wrong and how to tackle them. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the reading.
Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away. Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet. Node.js is a great and simple platform to work with. It is lightweight, easy to deploy and manage. You will see how using Node.js can be a fun and rewarding experience - start today with Beginning Node.js. What you’ll learn • Learn how JavaScript can help you be highly productive as a full-stack developer • How to set up an end to end Node.js development environment • Learn how to create reusable and maintainable Node.js modules • Patterns for sharing code between the server and the client • Create Node.js restful web services and websites • Store and retrieve your data using Document Databases • How to test your Node.js applications • How to deploy your applications on the internet Who this book is for Beginning Node.js is great for front-end developers looking to use Node.js in their websites. If you understand the basics of programming this book will teach you how you can leverage JavaScript to create full stack web-apps using Node.js. Node.js allows you to write code that runs both on the client and server. This allows you to reuse more code and deliver applications faster. From this book you will learn how to write maintainable server-side JavaScript using Node.js, how to test your code and deploy it on the internet. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Setting up for Node.js Development Chapter 2: Understanding Node.js Chapter 3: Core Node.js Chapter 4: Node.js Packages Chapter 5: Events and Streams Chapter 6: Getting Started with HTTP Chapter 7: Introducing Express Chapter 8: Persisting Data Chapter 9: Front-End Basics Chapter 10: Simplifying Callbacks Chapter 11: Debugging Chapter 12: Testing Chapter 13: Deployment and Scalability
REST API 是一种架构风格,用于发网络服务。Node.js 是一个基于 JavaScript 运行时的发平台,可以用于构建高效且可扩展的服务器端应用程序。因此,使用 Node.jsREST API 是一种常见的选择。 借助 Node.js 的特性,我们可以轻松地构建 REST API。使用 Node.js 的异步非阻塞 I/O 模型,可以提供高度并发的能力,使服务器能够处理大量的请求。此外,Node.js 的事件驱动架构也使得处理请求变得更加高效。 在使用 Node.js REST API 时,我们可以使用许多流行的框架和库,例如 Express、Koa 或 Hapi。这些框架提供了许多便捷的功能和中间件,帮助我们搭建和组织 REST API 的路由和业务逻辑。 Node.js 还可以与许多数据库进行集成,如 MongoDB、MySQL、PostgreSQL 等。这使得我们可以轻松地与数据库交互,存储和检索数据。同时,我们还可以使用其他第三方库和工具来处理认证和授权、API 文档生成、日志记录等常见的发任务。 通过结合 Node.jsREST API,我们能够构建出灵活、可扩展且高性能的服务器端应用程序。这种架构模式使得不同的客户端可以通过 HTTP 协议与服务器进行通信,从而实现前后端的分离和独立发。并且,REST API 的设计原则和规范使得不同的团队能够更好地协作发,提高发效率。 总而言之,使用 Node.jsREST API 是一种强大而灵活的方式。借助 Node.js 的优势和丰富的生态系统,我们可以轻松构建出高性能、可扩展且易于维护的 REST API




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