


  1. 总题数:200
  2. 答题数:200
  3. 正题:123
  4. 错题:77
  5. 未答:0

单选题 (每题1分,共77道题)

3、 [单选] 在项目收尾期间,发现一个问题,但在这个阶段,该项目的资源已经解散。在解散资源之前,项目经理应该事先做什么?
During project closure, an issue is detecte at this stage, the project's resources have already been disbande What should the project manager have done prior to releasing the resources?

  •  A:执行实施整体变更控制过程
    Conducted the Perform Integrated change Control process.
  •  B:获得客户验收
    Obtained customer acceptance.
  •  C:记录经验教训
    Documented lessons learne
  •  D:执行根本原因分析
    Performed a root cause analysis.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的127页4.7.3.2最终产品、服务或成果移交:本题考收尾时,收尾最重要的一步是获取客户验收。

4、 [单选] 项目经理已经完成一个项目主要可交付成果的批准流程项目经理现在需要为关键相关方编 写产品质量和项目绩效的相关报告。 项目经理应该使用什么来编写这份报告?
A project manager has completed the review and approval processes for a project's key deliverables. The project manager now needs to prepare a report on product quality and project performance for key stakeholders. What should the project manager use to prepare this?

  •  A:质量测量指标和项目可交付成果
    Quality metrics and project deliverables
  •  B:质量检查报告和经验教训知识库
    Quality inspection reports and the lessons learned repository
  •  C:质量控制测量结果和工作绩效信息
    Quality control measurements and work performance information
  •  D:数据分析和工作绩效数据
    Data analysis and performance data

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:考质量报告和绩效报告输入,前者输入见P291的8.2.1.2,后者输入见P109的4.5.1.3,只有C正确。

7、 [单选] 在为一家公司开发软件时,供应商收到几个新的客户请求,这些请求都包含在系统中,软件按时交付,但因为高级管理人员认为软件不符合要求而拒收该软件。 若要避免这个问题,供应商的项目经理应该事先做什么?
While developing software for a accompany, provider receives several new customer requests that incorporated into the system. The software is delivered on time but is rejected because a senior manager believes it does not align with the requirements. What should the provider's project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:审查需求跟踪矩阵
    Reviewed the requirements traceability matrix.
  •  B:请求高级管理层参与客户高级管理层一起讨论需求
    Requested the involvement of their senior management to discuss the requirements with the customer’s senior management.
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程,并更新项目文件和基准
    Conducted the Perform Integrated Change Control process and updated the project documents and baseline.
  •  D:核实项目范围
    Validated the project scope.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(4)P120,在收到客户的请求或需求时,应严格按照整体变更控制流程执行。故选C。

10、 [单选] 项目经理集合在地理上分散的团队,为一家组织实施新的强制性监管要求。若要获得相关方的承诺,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager gathers a geographically distributed team to implement a new, mandatory regulatory requirement for an organization .What should the project manager do to gain stakeholder commitment?

  •  A:设置必要的沟通基础设施
    Set up the necessary communications infrastructure.
  •  B:召开项目启动大会
    Conduct a project kick off meeting.
  •  C:执行相关方分析
    Perform a stakeholder analysis.
  •  D:让团队集中办公
    Co-locate the team.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的81页4.1.3.1项目章程,获取相关方承诺是在启动大会上最正式权威。

15、 [单选] 在项目启动期间,项目经理进行了成本效益分析,结果为0.6,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During project initiation,the project management performecost-benefit analysis that resultein 0.6.What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:咨询专家,寻找选择方案,并重新执行分析
    Consult experts,look for options,and re-perform the analysis
  •  B:与项目发起人一起审查结果,以确认项目的可行性
    Review the results with the project sponsor to confirm the project's feasibility
  •  C:审查报告以确定是应该开始项目还是拒绝项目
    Examine response to determine if the project should start of be rejected
  •  D:咨询相关方关于项目的批准情况
    Consult with stakeholders about project approval

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P77-制定项目章程-商业论证。经批准的商业论证或类似文件时最常用于制定项目章程的商业文件。商业论证从商业视角描述必要的信息,并且据此决定项目的期望结果是否值得所需投资。高于项目级别的经理和高管通常使用该文件作为决策依据。一般情况下,商业论证包含商业需求和成本效益分析。

17、 [单选] 项目经理从一家公司的高级管理层收到一份商业论证,该公司之前曾有在项目执行阶段中途放弃项目且不能提供足够要求资源的历史。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager receives a business case from a company’s senior management. This company has a history of abandoning projects midway through the execution phase and not providing sufficient requested resources. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:制定工作分解结构(WBS)
    Build a work breakdown structure(WBS).
  •  B:制定项目章程
    Develop a project charter.
  •  C:制定项目管理计划
    Build a project management plan.
  •  D:制定战略计划
    Develop a strategic plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P77-商业论证是项目章程的输入。对于该公司的问题,可当做风险记录在项目章程中。

18、 [单选] 项目经理收到项目章程,并安排召开一次初步项目启动大会。然而,参加这次会议的公司资源很少。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该考虑哪一点?
A project manager receives a project charter and schedules an initial kick-off meeting. However the meeting is poorly attended by company resources. What should the project manager have considered to avoid this?

  •  A:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets.
  •  B:事业环境因素
    Business environment factor.
  •  C:协议
  •  D:沟通管理计划
    Communications management plan.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P77,刚收到项目章程,参加会议的资源很少,有可能是项目事业环境因素考虑不够。不选D答案的原因在于刚收到项目章程,还没有完成规划,未生成沟通管理计划。

25、 [单选] 项目第一阶段符合进度计划,且接近完成。第二阶段取决于第一阶段的完成。技术团队发现一个缺陷,且项目经理确定必须修补这个缺陷才能继续项目。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:变更项目管理计划,在不影响进度计划的情况下包含缺陷修补工作
    Update the project management plan to include the repair work without impacting the schedule.
  •  B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,供其审查和批准
    Submit a change request to be reviewed and approved by the change control board (CCB)
  •  C:与项目团队开会,审查发现结果,并确定所需的下一步行动
    Meet with the project team to review the findings and determine the next action required
  •  D:将修补工作添加进风险登记册,并重新计算成功概率
    Add repair work to the risk register and recalculate probability of success

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6缺陷补救是变更请求的一种,需要遵循变更管理流程。

27、 [单选] 当面临缺乏历史数据时,项目经理会做出各种假设,许多这些假设被证明是不正确的,至少引发了一个高影响的问题 若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先使用什么?
When faced with a lack of historical data a project manager makes various assumptions.A number of these assumptions prove incorrect triggering at least one high-impact issue. What should the project manager have used to avoid this?

  •  A:显性知识
    Explicit knowledge
  •  B:事业环境因素
    Enterprise environmental factors
  •  C:专家判断
    Expert judgement
  •  D:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的78页4.1.1.3事业环境因素:缺少历史信息是现实情况,也是项目经理无法影响的客观因素。

28、 [单选] 涉及一家全球公司10家分公司的项目即将完成,项目经理正在安排召开一次经验教训总结会议,项目经理应该邀请谁来参加会议?
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方
    All stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管
    Director of the project manager’s business unit
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员
    A11 members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层
    Senior management

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:pmbok6的103页4.4.2.2研讨会,包括问题解决会议和经验教训总结会议:总结经验教训,来的人越多越好。

29、 [单选] 在启动阶段,项目经理意识到主要里程碑与范围不一致,这可能导致误解,项目经理下 一步应该怎么做?
During the initiating stage,a project manager realizes that main milestones are misaligned with the scope,which may cause misinterpretation.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:在项目管理计划中详细说明范围和可交付成果
    Detail the scope and deliverables in the project management plan.
  •  B:提出一项变更请求,以修改范围和可交付成果
    Submit a change request to modify the scope and deliverables.
  •  C:在项目章程中规定范围和可交付成果
    Specify the scope and deliverables in the project charter.
  •  D:在问题日志中记录误解范围和可交付成果的可能性
    Document the possibility of scope and deliverables misinterpretation in the issue log.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C。解析:PMBOK(6)P81,题目中处于项目启动过程,还未进行到规划阶段和监控过程,故不选A和B。根据项目章程包含高层级项目描述、边界定义以及主要可交付成果和总体里程碑进度计划 ,故选C。

30、 [单选] 项目发起人非常注意与用户/客户一起制定效益分析和范围。任命的项目经理后来按时按预算完成项目。项目发起人应该如何向用户/客户确保最终可交付成果达到预期目标?
A project sponsor takes great care to develop the benefit analysis and scope with the user/client.The assigned project manager later completes the project on time and under budget.What should the project sponsor do to assure the user/client that the final deliverable has achieved the desired objectives?

  •  A:查阅工作分解结构(WBS)确认所有工作包已经完成
    Refer to the work breakdown structure(WBS) to confirm that all work packages were successfully complete
  •  B:向用户/客户指出,由于满足了进度计划和预算要求,该项目取得成功
    Point out to the user/client that since schedule and budget requirements were met,the project is a success.
  •  C:要求分配的效益负责人在书面报告中提供他们的反馈以进行验证
    Ask the assigned benefits owner to provide their feedback in a written report for verification.
  •  D:向用户/客户提供在项目结束时使用的一份清单,列出所有已解决的事项
    Provide to the user/client a list that was used at the end of the project indicating all items addresse

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P128- 项目结束的验收环节,以确保在达到全部项目要求后才正式关闭项目。

32、 [单选] 技术的进步使组织需要改进产品线的规格以保持领先于竞争对手。但是,本财政年度的预算已经处于巨大压力之下,新项目的可用资金很少。项目经理应该怎么做?
Advances in technology create an organizational need to improve a product line’s specifications to stay ahead of competitors. However, the budget for this financial year is already under significant strain,leaving very little funding available for new project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:等到新的财政年度再对产品改进做出任何变更
    Wait for the new financial year to make any changes in product advancements
  •  B:对商业论证执行成本效益分析,以说明实施项目的好处
    Perform a cost-benefit analysis of the business case to illustrate the benefits of implementing the project
  •  C:计算ROI以确定继续执行项目是否有意义
    Calculate the ROI to decided it makes sense to proceed with the project
  •  D:计算预期货币价值(EMV)以向组织提出必要的建议
    Calculate the expected monetary value (EMV) to make the necessary recommendations to the organization

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析: 制定项目章程 输入 商业文件 理解为如何为项目争取资金。题意说明项目还没有立项,因此排除CD,而A有点消极,B是项目立项之前应该做的工作,应选B。

36、 [单选] 一个地理位置分散的团队成功完成了一个项目,项目经理希望快速获得团队的统计分析反馈,项目经理应该使用下列哪种方法?
A geographically dispersed team successfully completed a project, The project manager wants quickly obtain the team’s feedback for statistical analysis. Which method should the project manager use?

  •  A:视频会议
    Video conference
  •  B:焦点小组会议
    Focus group
  •  C:调查问卷
  •  D:电子邮件

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


38、 [单选] 相关方已就项目可交付成果,关键里程碑以及角色与职责达成一致意见,项目经理与商业分析师开会,以评估项目的详细需求,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Stakeholders have agreed on project deliverables, key milestones, and roles and responsibilities. The project manager meets with the business analyst to assess the project’s detailed requirements. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:安排需求评审会议
    Arrange a requirements review meeting
  •  B:分享项目章程
    Share the project charter
  •  C:制定范围管理计划
    Develop the scope management plan
  •  D:审查工作分解结构(WBS)
    Review the work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


41、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个产品开发项目,有许多国家的消费者将使用该产品,而且开发团队将在不同的地理位置工作,在制定实施策略时,项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a product development project,Consumers across multiple countries, will use the product and the development team will working in different geographic locations. When developing the implementation strategy,what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:创建工作分解结构(WBS)以了解所需工作的具体细节
    Create A work breakdown structure (WBS) to understand the specific details of the required work
  •  B:制定甘特图以确定每个地点的资源和职责
    Develop a Gantt Charts to identify resources and responsibilities for each location
  •  C:确定可能影响项目成功的关键假设条件,制约因素和其他因素
    Identify key assumptions,constraints and other factors that may impact project success
  •  D:审查组织结构,以便与来自不同地点的团队进行有效协作
    Review the organizational structure to effectively work with teams from different locations

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


42、 [单选] 敏捷团队正在根据商业分析师团队提供的用户故事开发产品。在第四次冲刺之后,相关方举行了一次演示,其中三个已完成的故事获得通过,其余两个故事未能满足相关方的期望,项目经理应该怎么做?
An Agile teams is working on product according to the user stories provided by a team of business analysts. After the fourth sprint, a demo for stakeholders is held and Three completed stories pass, The remaining two stories fail to meet stakeholders expectations. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求商业分析师开发新的用户故事
    Ask the business analysts to develop new user stories
  •  B:审查用户故事并签发变更请求
    Review the user stories and issue a change request
  •  C:确认相关方的期望,然后更新并重新编写用户故事
    Confirm stakeholder expectations, then update and rework the user stories
  •  D:启动一个新项目,将修订后的用户故事纳入工作范围
    Initiate a new project to incorporate revised user stories into the scope of work

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


43、 [单选] 根据批准的商业论证,项目必须在12个月内完成,以最大限度地提高经济效益,在审查商业论证之后,项目经理识别到一些制约因素,这些制约因素将导致无法在规定时间范围内完成项目,项目经理应该怎么做?
According to the approved business case, a project must be completed within 12 months to maximize financial benefits. After reviewing the business case, the project manager identifies a few constraints that will make it impossible to complete the project within this time frame. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:在项目章程中包括12个月的项目持续时间
    Include the 12-month project duration in the project charter
  •  B:在考虑到这些制约因素的影响后,在项目章程中更新修订后的完成日期
    Update the project charter with revised completion date after consideration of the impact of these constraints
  •  C:通知管理层无法实现项目时间表
    Inform management that the project timeline is not achievable
  •  D:与管理层开会讨论此事并最终确定行动计划
    Meet with management to discuss the matter and finalize an action plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


45、 [单选] 项目经理在项目中途被替换了。新项目经理在之前的项目中遇到一些未发现风险的问题,希望确保所有关键人员均参与风险识别,项目经理应该参考哪一份文件?
Middle through a project manager is replaced, the new project manager had issue with some undiscovered risks on previous projects and wants to ensure that all key individuals are involved in risk identification. What document should the project manager reference?

  •  A:资源日历
    Resource calendar
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  C:相关方登记册
    Stakeholder Register
  •  D:项目章程
    Project charter

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:识别风险的输入相关方登记册。 项目文件-相关方登记册

46、 [单选] 一个已识别到的风险发生了,从而触发一个次生的已识别风险,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
An identified risk occurs,which triggers a secondary identified risk. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:审查风险登记册
    Review the risk register
  •  B:进行风险审计
    Conduct a Risk audit
  •  C:提交变更请求
    Submit a change requests
  •  D:继续商定的风险减轻措施
    Proceed with agreed to risk mitigation

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:风险发生应该实施应对计划,次生风险也发生了,同样要应对。已知未知风险及其次生风险的应对计划都记录在风险登记册,A可以。B是应对后的工作。 项目文件更新 风险登记册。

49、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个复杂的电子商务应用程序工作。客户同意在项目开始时向应用程序测试团队提供数据。但是,在用户验收测试(UAT)之前,客户数据将不可用。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a complex e-commerce application. The client agrees to provide data to the test application team at beginning of the project. However, client data will be unavailable until user acceptance testing (UAT). What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给客户
    Escalate the issue to the client
  •  B:让团队创建用于测试的虚拟数据
    Have the team create dummy data to use for testing
  •  C:评估影响,并将其提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
    Evaluate the impact and raise it to the change control board (CCB)
  •  D:将该情况记录在风险登记册中
    Note it in the risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK11.2.3 风险登记册,客户的一个重要承诺无法兑现,将可能影响项目,属于风险。

50、 [单选] 用于在开发过程中进行产品测试的一个供应商技术正在被逐步淘汰,如果需要,项目委员会同意提供额外的时间和资金进行测试。项目经理应该如何处理这个风险?
A supplier’s technology for product testing during development is being phased out, the project board agrees to grant additional time and funds to conduct testing if require How should the project manager handle this risk?

  •  A:通过从范围中删除测试来规避风险
    Avoid the risk by removing testing from the scope
  •  B:通过将测试活动外包给合格供应商来转移风险
    Transfer the risk by outsourcing testing activities to a qualified vendor
  •  C:使用另一种测试技术来减轻风险
    Mitigate the risk by Using another testing technique
  •  D:通过使用淘汰的技术进行测试来接受风险
    Accept the risks by using the phased-out technology for testing

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


53、 [单选] 项目团队发现新监管法律可能对项目产生重大影响的风险。发起人要求项目经理进行进一步分析,以确定可能因此而发生的财务损失。项目经理应执行哪一项?
A project team discovers a risk that new regulatory laws may significantly impact the project. The sponsor asks the project manager to perform further analysis to identify the financial losses that may occur as a result. Which analysis should the project manager conduct?

  •  A:成本效益分析
    Cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:定性分析
    Qualitative analysis
  •  C:根本原因分析
    Root cause analysis
  •  D:定量分析
    Quantitative analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK11.4 实施定量风险分析。“财务损失”属于量化的风险影响。

57、 [单选] 一位团队成员注意到多个风险均已过期,该团队成员询问项目经理如何处理这些风险。项目经理应该建议该团队成员做什么?
A team member noticed several risks with expired time periods,The team member asks the project manager how these risks should be handle What should the project manager advise the team members to do?

  •  A:将这些风险从主动跟踪风险中删除,并消除项目中的任何相关意外事件
    Remove the risks from active tracking and eliminate any associated contingencies from the project
  •  B:继续被动地监督风险,直到项目结束为止
    Continue to passively monitors the risks until the end of the project
  •  C:继续审查风险,但减少频率
    Continue to review the risks but on a less frequent basis
  •  D:删除风险减轻任务,以便这项任务可以用于其他潜在风险
    Remove the risk mitigation task so that these tasks can be used on other potential risks

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK11.7.2.3 风险审计会议上关闭已过时的风险

58、 [单选] 在风险审查会议期间,团队识别到一个风险。项目经理无法确定内部管理风险的方法, 因为这是另外一个项目团队的领域。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During a risk review meeting, the team identified a risk. The project manager is unable to determine a way to manage the risk internally because it is in the domain of another project team. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:接受风险
    Accept the risk
  •  B:将该风险升级上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the risk to senior management
  •  C:规避风险
    Avoid the risks
  •  D:将风险转移给另一个团队
    Transfer the risk to another team

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


61、 [单选] 法律要求一个新项目进行环境影响研究后才可以继续执行,这将导致进度延误和成本超支。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Legislation requires an environmental impact study before a new project can proceed,this will cause a schedule delay and a cost overruns. What should the project manager have done to avoid this ?

  •  A:将使用实施整体变更控制流程活动的结果纳入到执行计划中
    Incorporate the results obtained using the perform integrated change control process into the execution plan
  •  B:将该风险纳入风险登记册中,然后在该风险变成现实时重定进度基准
    Include the risk in the risk register,then rebaselined the schedule if the risk was realized
  •  C:请求作为例外情况按现状实施项目,然后考虑在未来项目的范围内增加此环境影响研究
    Requested an exception to implement the project as. is,then considered adding this environmental impact study in a future project’s scope
  •  D:执行风险分析以指出这种可能性,并记录当风险变成现实时需要遵循的方法
    Performed a risk analysis to indicate this possibility and document an approach to follow if the risk materialized

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK11.2.1.5 事业环境因素,法律要求。D是识别风险并制定应对计划。A理解错误;B后半句错。

63、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理识别到多个风险。为减轻这些风险的影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?

  •  A:将风险规避视为风险应对策略
    Consider risk avoidance as A risk response strategy
  •  B:遵循先前项目的风险管理计划
    Follow the risk management plan from previous projects
  •  C:执行储备分析
    Conduct a reserve analysis
  •  D:执行决策树分析并让相关方参与应对措施选择过程
    Perform a decision tree analysis and involve stakeholder in the response selection process

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:pmbok p428 11.4定量风险分析。实施定量风险分析是就已识别的单个项目风险和不确定性的其他来源对整体项目目标的影响进行定 量分析的过程。题目中说到,已识别了多个风险,那么要规划风险应对则需要先对风险进行分析。

64、 [单选] 在创建组织业务计划的项目期间,项目经理促成与高级管理层一起召开优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析研讨会。项目经理正在实施的是哪一个过程?
During a project to create an organizational business plan,the project manager facilitates strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats(SWOT) analysis workshop with senior management.What progress is the project manager implementing?

  •  A:实施定性风险分析
    Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis.
  •  B:制定风险响应计划
    Plan Risk Responses.
  •  C:规划风险管理
    Plan Risk Management.
  •  D:识别风险
    Identify Risk.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


66、 [单选] 在准备状态报告时,项目经理发现完工估算(EAC)高于完工预算(BAC)。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
While preparing a status report,a project manager discovers that the estimate at completion(EAC)is more than the budget at completion(BAC).What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将问题升级上报给项目发起人
    Escalate it to the project sponsor.
  •  B:减少范围,以符合BAC
    Reduce the scope to meet the BA
  •  C:评估并在风险登记册中记录该风险
    Assess it and record it in the risk register.
  •  D:与团队开会,以解决该问题
    Meet with the team to address the issue.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参见PMBOK第6版11.2.3 识别风险:输出 风险登记册 风险登记册记录已识别单个项目风险的详细信息。随着实施定性风险分析、规划风险应对、实施风险应对和监督风险等过程的开展,这些过程的结果也要记进风险登记册。

71、 [单选] 在项目的最后一个星期,一场强风暴造成损害并影响项目的交付日期,项目经理应该怎么做?
During the last week of the project,a strong storm causes damage and impacts the project's delivery date ?What should the project manager do?

  •  A:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request.
  •  B:将其报告给项目发起人
    Report it to the project sponsors.
  •  C:使用储备分析技术
    Use the reserve analysis technique.
  •  D:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


76、 [单选] 一个至关重要的项目增加了一个新的相关方。该相关方与每位团队成员联系,以获取有关项目目标和状态的信息。项目经理应该如何为该相关方提供这些信息?
A crucial important project adds a new stakeholder,This stakeholder approaches each team member to obtain information about the project’s objectives and status, what should the project manager do to provide the stakeholder with this information ?

  •  A:邀请该相关方参加定期的项目状态会议
    Invite the stakeholder to regular project status meetings
  •  B:将项目章程通过电子邮件发送给该相关方,然后通过电话跟进
    Email the project charter to the stakeholder then follow up with a phone call
  •  C:要求该相关方与职能经理和项目发起人交谈
    Ask the stakeholder to speak with the functional manager and project sponsor
  •  D:确保该相关方从团队成员那里收到所有必要的信息
    Ensure that the stakeholder receives all required information from team members

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK10.3 监督沟通,相关方直接向成员索取信息,对项目会有负面影响,因此是相关方问题。但题目问如何提供信息,又属于沟通问题。排除法,A正确。

77、 [单选] 在一个复杂项目中,项目经理困扰于大量文件,以及如何用最佳方法分发这些文件。项目经理应该查询下列哪一项?
During a complex project.a project manager struggles with the amount of documentation and how best to distribute it .What should the project manager consult?

  •  A:项目管理信息系统(PMIS)
    Project management information system(PMIS)
  •  B:配置管理系统
    Configuration management system
  •  C:项目相关方沟通需求
    Stakeholders’communication needs
  •  D:绩效报告和问题日志
    Performance reports and issue logs

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


78、 [单选] 项目进入三个月后,项目发起人通过电子邮件了解到该项目落后于进度并超出预算。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Three months into a projects,a project sponsor learns via email that the project is behind schedule and over budget.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:经常举行质量审计
    Held frequent quality audits
  •  B:经常向项目发起人发送项目更新电子邮件
    Frequently emailed project updates to the sponsor
  •  C:与项目团队共享状态报告模板
    Shared the status report template with the project team
  •  D:定期与关键相关方召开项目指导委员会会议
    Held regular project steering committee meetings with key stakeholders

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:pmbok p379 管理沟通是确保项目信息及时且恰当地收集、生成、发布、存储、检索、管理、监督和最终处置的过程。题目中说到通过电子邮件了解到项目出现问题,且问题是事先,那么考虑到之前计划没做好,收到信息太晚,考虑沟通问题。排除法,D最好。

81、 [单选] —个项目的团队成员位于不同国家。由于团队必须审查大量信息,应该采用什么方法进行沟通?
A project’s team members are located in different countries.Since the team must review large amounts of information.what methods should be used to communicate?

  •  A:内部网站、知识库和经验教训数据库
    Intranet sites,knowledge repositories,and lessons learned database
  •  B:即时通讯和会议
    Instant messaging(IM)and meetings
  •  C:视频会议和电话会议
    Video conferencing and phone calls
  •  D:电子邮件、信件和备忘录
    Emails,letters,and memos

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK10.1.2.5 沟通方法。大量信息,最好用拉式沟通。

82、 [单选] 项目经理通过每周一次的电子邮件与相关方沟通。在接下来的委员会管理会议上,一名相关方得知项目的状态感到很惊讶,并表明其从未收到任何更新。若要在将来避免这种情况,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager communicates with stakeholders via weekly E-mails. At the next board management meeting, a stakeholders is surprised to learn about the project’s status and states they have not received any updates. What should the project manager do to avoid this situation in the future?

  •  A:查阅项目章程
    Refer to the project charter
  •  B:确保遵循沟通管理计划
    Ensure the communication management plan is followed
  •  C:邀请该相关方参加未来的项目会议
    Invite the stakeholder to future project meetings
  •  D:密切管理该相关方
    Manage the stakeholder closely

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK10.3 监督沟通。典型的沟通问题,找沟通管理计划。相关方没有收到更新计划,有可能是PM把他漏掉了,也有可能此相关方根本就不应该知道项目更新计划。应严格按照沟通管理计划执行信息沟通。

92、 [单选] 一位关键团队成员犯了一个严重错误,将导致项目严重延迟。按照相关方参与计划,项目经理与相关方开会讨论此问题。在会议上,项目经理应该提供什么信息?
A key team member makes a critical mistake that will result in a significant project delay.In accordance with the stakeholders engagement plan, The project manager meets with stakeholders to discuss this issue. What information should the project manager present during the meeting?

  •  A:团队的培训计划,以避免类似错误
    Training plan for the team to avoid similar mistakes
  •  B:说明防止类似问题发生的新规定
    Description of new provisions to prevent similar issue from occurring
  •  C:修改范围以保持项目进度计划的方案
    Options for amending the scope to maintain the project schedule
  •  D:根本原因分析,解释错误发生的原因
    Root cause analysis, explaining why the mistake occurred

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析: 培训。培训包括旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动,可以是正式或非正式的。题目里面表示,因为一个关键成员的失误而导致了项目延迟,那么在会议上面,我们需要提供这个问题的解决方案。这个问题是因为团队成员引起的,我们需要对该团队成员进行培训,避免之后出现类似的情况。

93、 [单选] 在错过第二个项目里程碑后,项目经理进行了调查以确定原因。结果显示任务分布不均,大部分工作量由一个小组执行,主要是因为他们经验丰富且熟悉流程。若要解决这个问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
After the second project milestone was missed, the project manager performed an investigation to determine the reason. The outcome revealed that takes were uneven distribution ,The bulk of the workload was performed by a small ground, mainly because they were experienced and familiar with the process. To address this, what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:要求运营和职能经理根据所需的技能和知识水平重新分配项目人员
    Ask the operational and functional managers to reassign project resource based on required levels of skill and knowledge
  •  B:查看工作分解结构(WBS)上的任务,并在团队成员之间更均匀地重新分配职责
    Review the tasks on the work breakdown structure (WBS) and reallocate responsibilities more evenly among team members
  •  C:评估每个团队成员的经验和专业知识,以确定过程改造、培训要求和指导技术,帮助缩小团队内部的知识差距
    Assess the experience and expertise of each team member to identify process improvements, training requirements, and mentoring techniques that will help close the knowledge gap within the team
  •  D:与相应的相关方和职能经理开会,了解项目人员配置时的初步决策,包括所使用的基本原理和标准
    Meet with appropriates stakeholders and functional managers to understand the initial decisions made when staffing the project,.'including the retionale and criteria used

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK9.4.2.6 培训包括旨在提高项目团队成员能力的全部活动优化资源。

97、 [单选] 在系统升级后,客户向支持团队抱怨他们无法使用该系统。支持团队没有从负责升级的项目团队那里接受过培训。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
Following an upgrade, customer complain to the support team that they are unable to use the system. The support team failed to receive training from the project team that work on the upgrade. What should the project manager do to resolve this?

  •  A:查看支持团队的培训计划,并安排培训课程
    Review the training plan for the support team and schedule a training session
  •  B:应将问题升级上报给项目发起人,并建议项目团队接管支持职能
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and recommended that the project team take over the support function
  •  C:遵循变更管理计划,采取必要的纠正措施以满足客户的期望
    Follow the change management plan to take the corrective actions necessary to meet customer expectations
  •  D:与部署团队合作,安排修复升级问题
    Work with the deployment team to schedule the fixes to the upgrade

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK9.4.2.6 培训 成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。题目中说到团队没有接受过培训,那么要解决这个问题,当然是先建议安排培训。

99、 [单选] 在项目中途,一位关键团队成员离开并被替换,项目经理应该让新资源首先查阅什么?
Midway throughout a project,a key team member leaves and is replaced.What is the first thing the project manager should have the new resource review?

  •  A:项目管理计划
    Project management plan.
  •  B:项目状态报告
    Project status report.
  •  C:问题日志
    Issue log.
  •  D:项目章程
    Project charter.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参见PMBOK第6版9.1.2.2 数据表现。责任分配矩阵展示项目资源在各个工作包中的任务分配。这个矩阵属于资源管理计划。

105、 [单选] 项目团队中两名最关键的资源私下告知项目经理他们已经辞职并将在一个月内离开项目,这两位成员非常受欢迎,团队中的其他成员也向他们寻求建议和支持。 项目经理应该做什么?
Two of the most critical resource on a project team privately informs theproject manager that they have resigned and will leave the project within a month.These member are very popular,and others in the team lock to themadvice and support. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:举行团队会议,宣布这两名成员辞职并解决任何疑虑
    Conduct a team meeting to announce the resignations and address any concerns.
  •  B:要求团队成员不要讨论这两位成员辞职的信息,以免士气受到影响
    Ask the team members to refrain from discussing their resignations so thatmorale is not impacte
  •  C:推迟行动,因为这两名成员仍会在团队待一个月
    Postpone action,since the two members are still on the team for anothermonth.
  •  D:向所有团队成员发送一封电子邮件,告知这两名成员辞职的信息
    Send an email to all team members to inform them of the resignations.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:团队中两名最关键资源离职,会影响到团队完整性,项目经理召开团队会议并解答其他项目成员的问题,可以稳定团队士气,有利于项目继续进行。 参见PMBOK 会议。

110、 [单选] —名新成员加入团队,该团队的报告结构发生多次变更。若要快速使这位新团队成员适应,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
A new member joins the team and the team's reporting structure has changed for several times. Which document should the project manager review to quickly get the new team member adapted?

  •  A:项目组织图
    Project Organization Chart
  •  B:层级资源图
    Hierarchical Resources Map
  •  C:责任分配矩阵(RAM)
    Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
  •  D:资源管理计划
    Resources Control Plan

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。基于项目的需要,项目组织图可以是正式或非正式的,非常详细或高度概括的。A选项最准确。

112、 [单选] 项目经理从一个符合进度和预算的项目中辞职。在聘用替代的新项目经理后,团队反对新项目经理提出的意见。团队处于下列哪一个发展阶段?
The project manager resigns from a project that meets the schedule and budget. After hiring an alternative new project manager, the team is opposed to the comments from the new project manager. Which of the following development stages does the team have?

  •  A:形成
  •  B:规范
  •  C:成熟阶段
    Mature stage
  •  D:震荡阶段

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:公开反对,冲突较多,属于震荡阶段的特点,D选项为最佳答案。

117、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个由跨职能团队执行的软件重新设计项目。该公司正在进行敏捷转型,项目管理办公室(PMO)发布了更新后的政策和程序,要求当前项目迭代开发整合到项目管理方法中。若要确保每次迭代交付都考虑质量,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a software redesign project with a cross-functional team. The company is undergoing an agile transformation, and the project management office (PMO) has released updated policies and procedures that require current projects to integrated iterative development into project management approaches. What should the project manager do to ensure that quality is incorporated into each iteration of delivery?

  •  A:与相关方以及和项目团队合作,以确保有明确定义的“已完成”定义(DoD)
    Work with stakeholders and the project team to ensure that there is a clearly a defined definition of done(DoD)
  •  B:将测试和验证活动分配给具有功能背景的团队成员
    Assign testing and validation activities to team members with a functional background
  •  C:安排该项目最后一次迭代的所有测试活动,以便整个团队可以关注同一目标
    Schedule all testing activities for the last iteration of the project so the entire team can focus on the same goal
  •  D:分配专门的软件测试人员,以确保在整个项目生命周期中进行测试
    Assign a dedicated software tester to ensure that testing occurs throughout the project’s life cycle

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


118、 [单选] 在一个IT项目的第二个交付里程碑中执行了质量评估。由于提出了许多问题,项目经理希望了解质量趋势以及是否存在相关变量。项目经理应该使用哪一项工具?
At the second delivery milestone of an IT project. A quality assessment is Performed ,A number of issues are raised, and the project manager wants to understand the trend about quality and whether or not there are related variables. What tool or technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:石川图
    Ishikawa diagram
  •  B:散点图
    Scatter diagram
  •  C:帕累托图
    Pareto chart
  •  D:统计分析
    Statistical sampling

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


120、 [单选] 一个开发软件产品的项目包含几个不同的组件。在实施项目之前,项目经理审查了从之前的类似项目中汲取的经验教训。项目经理发现,质量保证团队经常要求开发团队对未达到验证标准的产品组件进行返工。项目经理应该在项目中加入什么来防止这种情况再发生?
A project develop a software product encompasses several different components.Before implementing the project,the project manager reviewsthe lessons learned from previous,similar projects.The project manager identifies that quality assurance teams frequently requested rework by thedevelopment team on product components that failed to meet acceptancecriteriWhat should the project manager include in the project to prevent this fromreoccurring?

  •  A:充足的质量保证团队资源,确保质量保证任务的执行更加高效
    Adequate quality assurance team resources to ensure that the execution ofquality assurance tasks is more efficient.
  •  B:进度计划中的充足时间,来完成所需的开发和质量保证任务
    Sufficient time in the schedule to complete the required development andquality assurance tasks.
  •  C:质量管理计划,包含每个组件的开发任务、验收标准和质量保证任务
    A quality management plan that incorporates development tasks,acceptancecriteria,and quality assurance tasks foe each component.
  •  D:充足的开发团队资源,用于质量保证任务,确保以更高的质量交付产品
    Sufficient development team resource for quality assurance tasks to ensure that the product is delivered with higher quality.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:从经验教训登记册中得知,质量水平是一个问题,提升质量需要提升生产(开发)流程,检查不解决根本问题。而提升质量是一个系统工程,需要各个环节的合作,单纯增加某一项资源是不可取的,因此选择C。 PMBOK 质量管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目标。它描述了项目管理团队为实现一系列项目质量目标所需的活动和资源。

121、 [单选] 一个分包商虽然工作速度非常快,但却未能完成项目可交付成果的正式验收程序。客户的质量团队检查了可交付成果,并创建了一份很长的缺陷清单。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A subcontractor,working at a very fast pace,falls to complete official acceptance procedures for project deliverables.The client's team inspects thedeliverables and creates a long list of defects.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:经常与客户举行状态会议
    Held frequent status meetings with the client.
  •  B:让一个内部质量团队检查可交付成果
    Had an internal quality team check the deliverables.
  •  C:实施质量管理计划
    Implemented a quality management plan.
  •  D:要求客户提供原型
    Requested a prototype from the client.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:为了保证质量水平,需要有完整的质量管理计划。PMBOK 质量管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述如何实施适用的政策、程序和指南以实现质量目标。它描述了项目管理团队为实现一系列项目质量目标所需的活动和资源。B只关注检查结果,不能保证避免质量问题。A举行会议,不一定能暴露出质量问题。

123、 [单选] 一个项目相关方对某些可交付成果的质量颇有微词。项目经理认为,这些可交付成果符合项目的质量标准。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来支持这一点?
A project stakeholder complains about the quality of deliverables.The project manager believes that these deliverables meet the project's quality standards. What tool or technique should the project manager use to support this?

  •  A:散点图
    Scatter diagrams.
  •  B:因果图
    Cause-and-effected diagrams.
  •  C:控制图
    Control charts.
  •  D:直方图

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


124、 [单选] 在向客户移交之前,对项目可交付成果的一部分进行核实。负责质量审计的团队成员在其中一项可交付成果中找到一些有缺陷的部分,他们将其发回给装配线团队返工,这将增加成本。 这种质量成本(COQ)如何分类?
A portion of a project's deliverable are being validated point to client handover.Team members responsible for quality audits fined some defective parts in one of the items.They send them to the reworked by the assembly-lineteam,which will increase coats. How is this coast of quality(COQ)categorized?

  •  A:内部失败成本
    Internal failure coasts
  •  B:外部失败成本
    External failure coasts
  •  C:预防成本
    Prevention coasts
  •  D:评估成本
    Appraisal costs

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


126、 [单选] 虽然某个可交付成果已遵循质量控制过程,但客户对其质量表示不满,项目经理首先应该做什么?
Although the quality control process was followed for a deliverable,thecustomers express displeasure with its quality. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给合同经理
    EsAalate the issue to the AontraAt manager.
  •  B:继续执行该项目,因为可交付成果已通过质量控制检查
    ProceeB with the project since the Beliverable passeB quality control checks.
  •  C:审查内部质量控制流程
    Review the internal quality control process
  •  D:将可交付成果的质量与验收标准进行比较
    Compare the deliveraDle's quality against the acceptance criteri

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


127、 [单选] 公司正在开发一些新产品,在测试阶段,客户发现该产品的一个严重缺陷。项目经理应该使用什么来确定合适的解决方案?
A company is developing a new produci.During the testing stage,customers identify a serious defect with it. What should the project manager use to determine an appropriate solution?

  •  A:因果图
    Cause-and-effect diagram
  •  B:六西格玛
    Six Sigma
  •  C:专家判断
    Expert judgement
  •  D:面向X的设计
    Design for X

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:修复缺陷,要先找根本原因。

131、 [单选] 在生产某个新产品时,确定某个过程的两个数据点超出控制界限上限。由于这个过程是项目管理计划中其它活动的依赖,所以如果没有得到适当控制,整个项目的绩效都将会受到影响。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the production of a new product, it is identified that two data points of a process are above the upper control limit. Since this process is a dependency of other activities in the project management plan, performance of the overall project could be impacted not properly controlle What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将这个过程与其他类似产品的过程进行标杆对照,以提高绩效
    Benchmark this process to others of similar products to improve performance
  •  B:使用实验设计(DOE)方法来确定这些偏差的根本原因
    Use the design of experiments(DOE)method to identify the root cause of these deviations
  •  C:创建石川图来确定这些问题的根本原因
    Create an Ishikawa diagram to determine the root cause of these problems
  •  D:审查这一过程的强制性依赖关系,以评估对项目的影响
    Review the mandatory dependencies of this process to assess the impact on the project

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析:可以判断过程失控,应该对过程进行修复、改进。改进过程首先需要识别过程失控的根本原因。

134、 [单选] 项目经理意识到数据收集不足并且不符合质量管理计划,这种疏忽将严重影响项目的制约因素。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager realizes that data gathering is insufficent and does not conform to the quality management plan. This oversight will seriously affect the project's constraints. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:提交变更请求,以修订质量管理计划
    Submit a change request to revise the quality management plan.
  •  B:遵行因果分析,并将结果报告给项目发起人
    Conduct a cause-and-effect analysis, and report the results to the project sponsor.
  •  C:确定不合格的根本原因
    Determine the root cause of the nonconformance.
  •  D:通知项目发起人,并要求与相关方开会,以修订质量管理计划
    Inform the project sponsor, and request a meeting with stakeholder to revise the quality management plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:没有遵守质量管理计划,要改正的是行为,不是质量管理计划,AD错误,B排除,只能选C,纠正之前先找原因。

135、 [单选] 项目经理研究报纸文章,以确定哪些团体可能影响项目。项目经理执行的是哪一个过程?
The project manager studies newspaper articles to determine which group will affect the project. Which process is the project manager performing?

  •  A:控制风险
    Control risk
  •  B:识别相关方
    Identify stakeholders
  •  C:控制相关方参与程度
    Control stakeholders' participation
  •  D:识别风险
    Identify risks

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


137、 [单选] 一家公司正在进行重组,虽然并不是所有新职位都是已知的,但是组织变更情况已经传达,项目经理应该怎么做?
A company is going through a reorganization.Although not all new positions are known yet,organizational changes are already being communicate What should the project manager do?

  •  A:在风险管理计划中更新潜在的未来相关方变更
    Update the risk management plan with potential future stakeholder changes,
  •  B:在相关方登记册中更新已知的信息
    Update the stakeholder register with the information that is already available.
  •  C:与关键相关方的期望保持一致
    Align expectations with key stakeholders.
  •  D:通知所有相关方当前项目状态
    Inform all stakeholders about the current project status.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P507-13.1 识别相关方。定期识别相关方,分析和记录他们的利益,参与度,相互依赖度等,在整个项目期间定期开展。项目的相关方发生改变,应该首先更新相关方登记册。

138、 [单选] 一家组织在一个发展中国家启动一个大型项目。项目经理同时也是当地的一位相关方,非常支持这个项目。在项目执行期间,该项目经理调到另一个国家工作,新项目经理对该项目的支持较少,因为使用了许多专注于其他日常职责的当地资源。项目经理应该审查哪份文件?
An organization initiates a large project in a developing country. The project manager, who is also the local stakeholder, is very supportive of this project. During project execution, the project manager is transferred to another country. The new project manager is less supportive of the project because it uses many local resources that could be focusing on other daily responsibilities. What document should the project manager review?

  •  A:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets
  •  B:相关方参与评估矩阵
    Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
  •  C:项目管理计划
    Project management plan
  •  D:相关方参与计划
    Stakeholder engagement plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P521-相关方参与度评估矩阵用于将相关方当前参与水平与期望参与水平进行比较。

139、 [单选] 一位相关方经常错过计划每两周举行一次的相关方会议。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
One stakeholder regularly misses scheduled biweekly Stakeholder meeting. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:开始记录每两周举行一次的会议,并与所有预期的与会者分享记录
    Start recording the biweekly meetings , and share the recordings with all the intended attendees.
  •  B:请项目发起人与该相关方进行交涉
    Ask the project sponsor to intervene with the stakeholder.
  •  C:与该相关方会面,讨论其未能参加会议的问题
    Meet with the stakeholder to discuss his failure to attend meetings.
  •  D:审查相关方参与评估矩阵,以了解该相关方的参与程度
    Review the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix to understand the engagement level of the stakeholder.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P521-相关方参与度评估矩阵用于将相关方当前参与水平与期望参与水平进行比较。

144、 [单选] 一个关键的项目决策需要所有相关方的支持。项目经理现在得知之前未识别到一名关键相关方。 项目经理应该做什么来防止这个问题成为项目进展和成功的障碍?
A key project decision requires the support of all stakeholders. The project manager now learns that one key stakeholder was not previously identifie What should the project manager do to prevent this from being an obstacle to the project's progress and success?

  •  A:审查相关方登记册
    Review the stakeholder register.
  •  B:与项目发起人会面
    Meet with the project sponsor.
  •  C:更新相关方参与评估矩阵
    Update the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.
  •  D:定期及时审查沟通策略
    Conduct regular and timely reviews of the communication strategy.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P514-题目问的是如何防止未识别到一个关键相关方对未来的项目造成后续影响和障碍,应该更新相关方参与评估矩阵来对该相关方进行管理。

156、 [单选] 供应商建议项目经理,为了满足要求的规格,需要更换特定材料。为确保成本基准不受影响,项目经理应该审查下列哪一项?
A supplier activates the project manager that,to meet the requested specifications,replacement of a specific material is required,What should the project manager to ensure that the cost baseline is unaffected?

  •  A:管理储备
    Management reserve.
  •  B:应急储备
    Contingency reserve.
  •  C:成本预测
    Cost forecast.
  •  D:挣值(EV)分析
    Earned value(EV)analysis.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:考点:7.4 控制成本。确保成本符合特定要求,需要确认成本绩效与绩效测量基准是否一致。最好的工具就是挣值分析,通过挣值分析来持续监控偏差。

157、 [单选] 项目经理正在监督一个不可避免、不可控制、也无法转移的严重风险,由于这个风险需要额外的资金,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is overseeing a serious risk that is neither avoidable,controllable,nor transferable.Since this risk requires extra funding,what should the project manager do?

  •  A:执行定性风险分析
    Perform a qualitative risk analysis.
  •  B:将该风险升级上报给一个外部方
    Escalate the risk to an external party.
  •  C:减轻风险
    Mitigate the risk.
  •  D:使用应急储备
    Use the contingency reserve.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:由题意得,对于“已知-未知”的风险,使用应急储备。见PMBOK6版7.2.2.6 储备分析,题干可知,不可避免控制和转移,所以C不对,同时因为正在监督,说明已经完成了风险分析。B上报给一个外部方不正确。

158、 [单选] 项目经理正在努力识别一个大型项目的完整范围。项目经理应该审查什么?
A project manager is struggling to identify the complete scope of a large project. What should the project manager review?

  •  A:项目进度计划
    Project schedule
  •  B:工作分解结构(WBS)和排列活动顺序
    Work breakdown structure (WBS) and sequence activities
  •  C:网络图
    Network diagram
  •  D:项目章程和需求文档
    Project charter and requirements documentation

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:D。 解析:PMBOK(6)P150-5.3 图表。考点是定义范围的输入。

161、 [单选] 创建工作分解结构(WBS)时,项目经理必须分解一项名为“招标”的任务。项目经理使用什么来进一步细分任务?
While creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager must decompose a task titled “solicit bids.”What can the project manager use to further subdivide the task?

  •  A:石川图
    Ishikawa diagram
  •  B:关键链法(CCM)
    Critical chain method (CCM)
  •  C:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  D:类比估算
    Analogous estimating

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P156-5.4图表。考点创建WBS的工具—专家判断。

162、 [单选] 项目经理已经在一个项目上工作了三个月,该项目是关于在公司的网站上发布了一个新功能,然而,一位关键相关方感到不满,因为可交付成果未能满足他们的期望。 项目经理应该参考什么文件?
A project manager has been working for three months on a project to launch a new functionality in a company’s website.However,a key stakeholder is dissatisfied because the deliverable fails to meet their expectations. What document should the project manager consult?

  •  A:范围管理计划
    Scope management plan
  •  B:项目范围说明书
    Project scope statement
  •  C:需求跟踪矩阵
    Requirements traceability matrix
  •  D:需求文件
    Requirements documentation

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P148-需求跟踪矩阵连接需求与项目目标。

164、 [单选] 一个大型项目正处于收尾阶段,客户拒绝签署同意项目可交付成果,提及之前从未讨论过的需求,项目经理要求与客户开会,以讨论该问题。在会议之前应该查阅下列哪一项?
A large project is in its closure phase, The client refuses to sign off on project deliverables, cititing requirements that were not previously discussed, The project manager requests a meeting with the client to discuss the issue. What should be consulted prior to this meeting?

  •  A:工作绩效数据
    Work performance data
  •  B:验收标准
    Acceptance criteria
  •  C:经验教训储存库
    Lessons learned repository
  •  D:需求跟踪矩阵
    Requirements traceability matrix

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析: 需求跟踪矩阵 需求跟踪矩阵是把产品需求从其来源连接到能满足需求的可交付成果的一种表格。 是否是新的需求,可以通过查看需求跟踪矩阵得知。

169、 [单选] 一家公司计划改进其计算机系统,为其用户提供增值功能。项目经理需要从位于全球各地的大量员工那里收集需求,并且需要快速周转。项目经理应该怎么做?
A company plans to revamp its computer system to provide value-added features for its clients.The Project managers needs to collect requirements from a large number of staff members located globally,and a quick turnaround is required, What should the project manager do?

  •  A:要求所有相关方参与虚拟研讨会
    Invite all stakeholders to a virtual workshop
  •  B:与选中的客户一起召开现场研讨会
    Organize on-site workshop with selected clients
  •  C:向海外员工分发问卷调查
    Distribute questionnaires and surveys to overseas staff
  •  D:确保收集需求符合时间限制
    Ensure that collecting requirements will meet the time constraints

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


171、 [单选] 在项目章程获得批准,实施新的会计制度之后,项目经理试图了解会计部门的结构和流程。项目经理下一步应该创建什么?
Following project charter approval to implement a new accounting system.the project manager tries to understand the accounting department’s structure and processes.What should the project manager create next?

  •  A:项目基准
    Project baseline
  •  B:范围管理计划
    Scope management plan
  •  C:商业案例
    Business case
  •  D:项目范围说明书
    Project scope statement

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:pmbok p82 制定项目管理计划是定义、准备和协调项目计划的所有组成部分,并把它们整合为一份综合项目 管理计划的过程。创建项目章程之后,就是开始创建项目管理计划,只有B选项是项目管理计划的子计划。

175、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理希望将尽可能多的成本超支风险转移给供应商。项目经理应使用哪一个合同类型?
During the project planning,the project manager wants to transfer as many cost overrun risks as possible to the supplier.What type of contract should the project manager use?

  •  A:固定总价(FFP)
    Firm fixed price(FFP).
  •  B:总价加经济价格调整(FPEPA)
    Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA).
  •  C:成本加激励费用(CPIF)
    Cost plus incentive fee(CPIF).
  •  D:成本加固定费用(CPFF)
    Cost plus fixed fee(CPFF).

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


177、 [单选] 一个IT项目的客户坚持使用来自某个地区供应商的许可软件,在项目开始之前,合同中定义了不同的供应商和原产国。项目经理应该做什么?
The client for an IT project insists on using licensed software from a vendor from a certain region.A different vendor and country of origin weredefined in the contract prior to the project's start. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与客户分享合同协议
    Share the contract agreement with the client.
  •  B:通知客户已经采购该软件
    Inform the client that the software was already purchase
  •  C:从采购团队获得该地区的软件供应商清单
    Obtain a list of software vendors from that region from the procurement team.
  •  D:提出一项变更请求,以符合客户的偏好
    Initiate a change request to comply with the client's preference.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


178、 [单选] 收到供应商建议书后,项目经理应使用什么来确保最低报价在当前市场范围内?
After receiving vendor proposals, what should a project manager use to ensure that the lowest price is within the current market range?

  •  A:独立估算
    Independent estimates
  •  B:建议书评价技术
    Proposal evaluation techniques
  •  C:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  D:分析技术
    Analytical techniques

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:对于大型的采购,采购组织可以自行准备独立估算,或聘用外部专业估算师做出成本估算,并将其作为评价卖方报价的对照基准。

180、 [单选] 在一个项目的结束阶段,项目经理和供应商对所交付的工作是否符合要求存在冲突。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
At a project ending phase , the project manager and a vendor are confiscate about whether the work delivered meets requirements. What should the project manager reference to resolve this ?

  •  A:项目章程
    Project Charter
  •  B:建议邀请书(RFP)
    Request for proposal(RFP)
  •  C:工作说明书(SOW)
    Statement of work
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS)
    Work breakdown structure(WBS)

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:采购问题,1、查看合同 2、查看SOW。

181、 [单选] 新聘用的项目经理加入一个正在进行的项目,而该项目已经落后于进度,在规划阶段未考虑到几个时间制约因素,并且批准的基准进度计划具有不灵活的完工期限,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A newly hired project manager joins an ongoing project that is already behind schedule, several time constraints were not considered during the planning phase, and the approved baseline schedule has an inflexible completion deadline. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:制定进度计划
    Develop the schedule
  •  B:控制进度计划
    Control the schedule
  •  C:为项目活动排序
    Sequence project activities
  •  D:快速跟进进度计划
    Fast track the schedule

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


182、 [单选] 在监督项目进度的同时,项目经理发现第一阶段里程碑将超过进度计划的期限并延续到第二阶段开始。但是,在达到第一阶段里程碑并提交其结果之前,无法开始第二阶段,若要满足第一阶段的时间表并交付预期的结果,项目经理应该怎么做?
While monitoring the project schedule, the project manager realizes that the phase one milestone will exceed the schedule deadline and run over into the start of phase two, However, phase two cannot start until the phase one milestone is reached and its results presented,What should the project manager do to meet phase one’s timeline and deliver the expected results?

  •  A:与项目团队进行头脑风暴并审查几个假设情景
    Brainstorm with the project team and review several what-if scenarios
  •  B:使用项目日历来计算有限的资源和项目的不确定性
    Use the project calendar to calculate for limited resources and project uncertainties
  •  C:制定关键路径,以确定完成第一阶段的最长时间
    Develop the critical path to Identify the longest time for completing phase one
  •  D:考虑快速跟进第一阶段,尽管这会增加风险
    Consider fast tracking phase one. although it would increases the risk

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


183、 [单选] 项目经理必须为政府编制一份工厂生产能力报告。这份报告将通过对400家工厂的总经理进行调查而创建,并且必须在四个月内完成,然而,根据现有资源以及调查每位总经理所需的时间,该项目预计需要一年时间。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来满足预期期限?
A project manager must compile a factory productivity for government.The report will be created by surveying general managers across 400 factories and must be completed in four mouths.However 9based on the available resources and the time needed to survey each general manager,the project is expected to take one year. What tool or technique should the project manager use to meet the expected deadline?

  •  A:进度压缩
    Schedule compression
  •  B:快速跟进
    Fast tracking
  •  C:标杆对照
  •  D:统计抽样
    Statistical sampling

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


184、 [单选] 任务B依赖于任务A,而任务A延迟了。任务B的资源可用性有限,必须按时开始任务B。项目经理应该如何重新安排进度计划以确保最终期限保持不变?
Task B is dependent upon task A,which is delayed,resources for task B have limited availability and must begin task B on time. What should the project manager do to replan the schedule so that the deadline is unchanged?

  •  A:快速跟进任务B并立即开始工作
    Fast track task B and immediately begin work
  •  B:对任务A赶工,并在计划的时候开始任务B
    Crash task A and start task B at the planned time
  •  C:重新计划任务B的开始日期,让其可以在A任务完成后开始
    Replan task B’s start date,so it begins after the completion of task A
  •  D:快速跟进任务A并移动任务B的开始日期
    Fast track task A and move task B’s start date

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK6.5.2.6 前面工作延误导致后面工作的资源不可用,或者赶工恢复进度,或者调整后面工作的资源安排。

191、 [单选] 一家农业设备制造商因一个缺陷部件而召回数千个产品。这个问题导致许多客户不满, 公司花费500万美元来修理和更换零件。哪一种成本预算类型可以防止这个问题?
An agricultural equipment manufacturer recalls several thousand products due to a defective part.This issue results in many unhappy customers,and the company spends US$5 million to repair and replace the part. What type of cost budgeting would have prevented this issue?

  •  A:非一致性成本
    Cost of non-conformance
  •  B:一致性成本
    Cost of conformance
  •  C:矩阵图
    Matrix diagrams
  •  D:多标准决策分析
    Multicriteria decision analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


192、 [单选] 一位团队成员通知项目经理他们必须完成项目之外的一项关键任务。这将对项目进度产生风险。项目经理应该做什么去消除风险?
A team member informs the project manager that they must complete a critical outside of the project.This will pose a schedule risk to the project.What should the project manager do to eliminate the risk?

  •  A:与该团队成员的经理协商另外一个时间来完成这项其他任务
    Negotiate with the team member^ manager for an alternative time to complete the other task.
  •  B:从另一个部门获得一位替代资源
    Obtain a replacement resource from another department.
  •  C:向项目发起人汇报该团队成员的经理不遵守规定
    Resport the team member's manger to the project sponsor for noncompliance.
  •  D:指示该团队成员的经理释放该团队成员以完成预定的项目活动
    Instruct the team member's manager to release the team member to complete the scheduled project activity.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:说明解析:用协商的办法获得项目资源的可用性。选项B:获得替代资源需要进行变更。选项C:告状不是好方法。 选项D:项目经理无法指示、要求职能经理。

195、 [单选] 一个制作新产品的大型敏捷项目已经启动几个团队正在同时开展新功能和增强功能方面的工作。项目经理面临严重的扩展挑战,以确保不同功能的创建井协作,若要解决这种情况,项目经理应该做什么?
A large-scale agile project has been kicked off to build a new project. Several teams are working simultaneously on new and enhanced features. The project manager faces major scaling challenges to ensure that the different features are created and work in harmony. What should the project manager do to address this?

  •  A:通过大量协作工作进行交付
    Deliver through a large sprint of collaborative work.
  •  B:使用相同的团队进行开发、集成和测试
    Use the same team foe development, integration, and testing.
  •  C:将工作划分为多个版本
    Drive the work across multiple releases.
  •  D:执行充分的前期规划以管理依赖关系
    Perform sufficient up-front planning to manage interdependencie.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


200、 [单选] 一个更换关键应用程序的项目将影响多个内部和外部服务。在规划过程中,拥有这些服务的项目相关方未能承诺履行约定活动。项目经理应该如何改进项目相关方的参与程度?
A project that replaces critical applications will affect multiple internal and external services.During the planning process,project stakeholders with these services failed to commit to the agreed activities.How should the project manager improve the participation of the project stakeholders?

  •  A:用谈判和沟通
    Negotiating and communicating
  •  B:将这种情况上报给指导委员会
    Report this to the Steering Committee
  •  C:准备一份概率和影响矩阵
    Prepare a probability and impact matrix
  •  D:将这种情况记录在问题日志中
    Record this in the problem log

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


答题时间:2020-08-17 15:44:31


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