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如果属性存在且值通过测试,则该特征将被丢弃并写入 `_discarded.gff` 文件。

如果属性标签缺失(无法应用测试),则该特征将默认写入输出文件。如果启用了 `--na_aside` 参数,则这些特征将被写入 `_na.gff` 文件。

/!\ 删除一级或二级特征将自动删除所有关联的子特征。  
/!\ 删除一个特征的所有子特征也会自动删除该特征本身(除非启用了 `--keep_parental`)。  
/!\ 如果 `--keep_parental` 未启用且 `--na_aside` 已启用,并且记录的所有三级特征在 `_na.gff` 和 `_discarded.gff` 之间被拆分,则父级的一、二级特征将被删除,并最终只保留在 `_na.gff` 文件中。

1 使用方法 --gff infile.gff --value 1 -t "=" [ --output outfile ] --help
2 选项
-f, --reffile, --gff or -ref  
  输入的 GFF3 文件。

-a or --attribute

-p, --type or -l 
  主标签选项,不区分大小写,可接受列表。允许指定要处理的特征类型。可以通过第 3 列中的主标签名称指定特定特征,如:`cds`、`Gene`、`MrNa`。也可以直接指定特定级别的所有特征,如:`level2=mRNA,ncRNA,tRNA`,`level3=CDS,exon,UTR` 等。默认情况下,所有特征都会被考虑。填写 `all` 具有相同的效果。


  布尔值,默认关闭。启用时,通过 `--value` 参数提供的值将不区分大小写进行处理。

  布尔值,默认关闭。默认情况下,如果缺少用于过滤的属性标签,则该特征会写入输出文件。启用后,这些特征将被写入一个名为 `_na.gff` 的单独文件中。


-t or --test  
  应用的测试(> < = ! >= <=),默认值为 `=`。如果使用 `>` 或 `<`,请记得对参数加引号,如 `"<="`,否则终端可能会出错。仅 `=` 和 `!` 可以用于比较字符串值。

-o or --output  
  输出 GFF 文件。如果未指定输出文件,结果将写入标准输出(STDOUT)。


-c or --config  
  字符串 - 输入 AGAT 配置文件。默认情况下,AGAT 会使用当前工作目录下的 `agat_config.yaml` 文件(如果存在),否则使用 AGAT 自带的原始配置文件。要在本地获取配置文件,请运行 `"agat config --expose"`。使用 `--config` 选项可以指定使用自定义的 AGAT 配置文件(位于其他位置或不同名称)。

-h or --help  
3 脚本内容
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Pod::Usage;
use IO::File;

my $header = get_agat_header();
my $config;
my $primaryTag=undef;
my $opt_output= undef;
my $opt_value = undef;
my $opt_keep_parental = undef;
my $opt_na_aside = undef;
my $opt_value_insensitive = undef;
my $opt_attribute = undef;
my $opt_test = "=";
my $opt_gff = undef;
my $opt_verbose = undef;
my $opt_help;

my @copyARGV=@ARGV;
if ( !GetOptions( 'f|ref|reffile|gff=s' => \$opt_gff,
                  'value=s'             => \$opt_value,
                  'value_insensitive!'  => \$opt_value_insensitive,
                  'keep_parental!'      => \$opt_keep_parental,
                  'na_aside!'           => \$opt_na_aside, 
                  "p|type|l=s"          => \$primaryTag,
                  'a|attribute=s'       => \$opt_attribute,
                  't|test=s'            => \$opt_test,
                  'o|output=s'          => \$opt_output,
                  'v|verbose!'          => \$opt_verbose,
                  'c|config=s'          => \$config,
                  'h|help!'             => \$opt_help ) )
    pod2usage( { -message => 'Failed to parse command line',
                 -verbose => 1,
                 -exitval => 1 } );

if ($opt_help) {
    pod2usage( { -verbose => 99,
                 -exitval => 0,
                 -message => "$header\n" } );

if ( ! $opt_gff or ! defined($opt_value) or ! $opt_attribute ){
    pod2usage( {
           -message => "$header\nAt least 3 parameters are mandatory:\n1) Input reference gff file: --gff\n".
           "2) An attribute tag: -a\n3) A value (string or int) that will be used for filtering: --value\n\n",
           -verbose => 0,
           -exitval => 2 } );

# --- Manage config ---
$config = get_agat_config({config_file_in => $config});

# Test options
if($opt_test ne "<" and $opt_test ne ">" and $opt_test ne "<=" and $opt_test ne ">=" and $opt_test ne "=" and $opt_test ne "!"){
  print "The test to apply is Wrong: $opt_test.\nWe want something among this list: <,>,<=,>=,! or =.";exit;

# Manage Output

my $gffout_ok_file ;
my $fhout_discarded_file ;
my $ostreamReport_file;
my $fhout_semidDiscarded_file if $opt_na_aside;

if ($opt_output) {
  my ($outfile,$path,$ext) = fileparse($opt_output,qr/\.[^.]*/);

  # set file names
  $gffout_ok_file = $path.$outfile.$ext;
  $fhout_discarded_file = $path.$outfile."_discarded.gff";
  $ostreamReport_file = $path.$outfile."_report.txt";
  $fhout_semidDiscarded_file = $path.$outfile."_na.gff";

my $gffout_ok = prepare_gffout($config, $gffout_ok_file);
my $fhout_discarded = prepare_gffout($config, $fhout_discarded_file);
my $ostreamReport = prepare_fileout($ostreamReport_file);
my $fhout_semidDiscarded = prepare_gffout($config, $fhout_semidDiscarded_file) if $opt_na_aside;

# Manage $primaryTag
my @ptagList;
my $print_feature_string;
if(! $primaryTag or $primaryTag eq "all"){
  $print_feature_string = "all features";
  push(@ptagList, "all");
elsif($primaryTag =~/^level[123]$/){
  $print_feature_string .= "$primaryTag features ";
  push(@ptagList, $primaryTag);
   @ptagList= split(/,/, $primaryTag);
   foreach my $tag (@ptagList){
      if($tag =~/^level[123]$/){
        $print_feature_string .= "$primaryTag features ";
        $print_feature_string .= "$tag feature ";

# Transform value list into hash
my $value_hash = string_sep_to_hash({ string => $opt_value,
                                      separator => ","
foreach my $value (keys %{$value_hash}){
  if( ! looks_like_number($value) ){
    if($opt_test ne "=" and $opt_test ne "!"){
      print "This test $opt_test is not possible with string value.\n";

# start with some interesting information
my $stringPrint = strftime "%m/%d/%Y at %Hh%Mm%Ss", localtime;
$stringPrint .= "\nusage: $0 @copyARGV\n";
$stringPrint .= "We will discard $print_feature_string that have the attribute $opt_attribute with the value $opt_test $opt_value";
if ($opt_value_insensitive){
  $stringPrint .= " case insensitive.\n";
   $stringPrint .= " case sensitive.\n";

if ($opt_output){
  print $ostreamReport $stringPrint;
  print $stringPrint;
else{ print $stringPrint; }
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#        MAIN         #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
my %all_cases = ( 'left' => {'l1' => 0, 'l2' => 0, 'l3' => 0, 'all' => 0},
                  'discarded' => {'l1' => 0, 'l2' => 0, 'l3' => 0, 'all' => 0} );

### Parse GFF input #
my ($hash_omniscient, $hash_mRNAGeneLink) =  slurp_gff3_file_JD({ input => $opt_gff,
                                                                  config => $config
print("Parsing Finished\n");
### END Parse GFF input #
# sort by seq id
my $hash_sortBySeq = gather_and_sort_l1_by_seq_id($hash_omniscient);

my $removeit=undef;
# == LEVEL 1 == #
foreach my $seqid (sort { (($a =~ /(\d+)$/)[0] || 0) <=> (($b =~ /(\d+)$/)[0] || 0) } keys %{$hash_sortBySeq}){ # loop over all the feature level1

	foreach my $tag_l1 (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$hash_omniscient->{'level1'}}){
		foreach my $feature_l1 ( @{$hash_sortBySeq->{$seqid}{$tag_l1}} ){
			my $id_l1 = lc($feature_l1->_tag_value('ID'));

	    $removeit = check_feature($feature_l1, 'level1');
			# we can remove feature L1 now because we are looping over $hash_sortBySeq not $hash_omniscient
	    if ($removeit){
        my $cases;
        if($removeit == 1){ 
          $cases = remove_l1_and_relatives($hash_omniscient, $feature_l1, $fhout_discarded);
          $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l1'} += $cases->{'l1'};
          $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l2'} += $cases->{'l2'};
          $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l3'} += $cases->{'l3'};
          $all_cases{'discarded'}{'all'} += $cases->{'all'};
        } elsif ($removeit == 2 and $opt_na_aside){ 
          $cases = remove_l1_and_relatives($hash_omniscient, $feature_l1, $fhout_semidDiscarded);
          $all_cases{'na'}{'l1'} += $cases->{'l1'};
          $all_cases{'na'}{'l2'} += $cases->{'l2'};
          $all_cases{'na'}{'l3'} += $cases->{'l3'};
          $all_cases{'na'}{'all'} += $cases->{'all'};

	    # == LEVEL 2 == #
			my %list_l2_to_remove;
			my %list_l3_to_remove;
	    foreach my $tag_l2 (sort keys %{$hash_omniscient->{'level2'}}){ # primary_tag_key_level2 = mrna or mirna or ncrna or trna etc...

	      if ( exists_keys( $hash_omniscient, ('level2', $tag_l2, $id_l1) ) ){
	        my @list_fl2 = @{$hash_omniscient->{'level2'}{$tag_l2}{$id_l1}};
	        foreach my $feature_l2 ( @list_fl2 ) {

	          $removeit = check_feature($feature_l2,'level2');
	          if ($removeit){
              if ($removeit == 1){
                push ( @{$list_l2_to_remove{'discarded'}}, [$feature_l2, $tag_l1, $id_l1, $fhout_discarded]);
              } elsif ($removeit == 2 and $opt_na_aside){
                push ( @{$list_l2_to_remove{'na'}}, [$feature_l2, $tag_l1, $id_l1, $fhout_semidDiscarded]);
	          # == LEVEL 3 == #
	          my $id_l2 = lc($feature_l2->_tag_value('ID'));

	          foreach my $tag_l3 (sort keys %{$hash_omniscient->{'level3'}}){ # primary_tag_key_level3 = cds or exon or start_codon or utr etc...
	            if ( exists_keys( $hash_omniscient, ('level3', $tag_l3, $id_l2) ) ){
	              my @list_fl3 = @{$hash_omniscient->{'level3'}{$tag_l3}{$id_l2}};
	              foreach my $feature_l3 ( @list_fl3 ) {

	                $removeit = check_feature($feature_l3, 'level3');
                  if($removeit ==  1){
                    push ( @{$list_l3_to_remove{'discarded'}}, [$feature_l3, $tag_l1, $id_l1, $tag_l2, $id_l2, $fhout_discarded]); 
                  } elsif ( $removeit == 2 and $opt_na_aside ){
                    push ( @{$list_l3_to_remove{'na'}}, [$feature_l3, $tag_l1, $id_l1, $tag_l2, $id_l2, $fhout_semidDiscarded]);
			# Should be removed after looping over them to avoid problems
			foreach my $key ( keys %list_l2_to_remove ){
				foreach my $infos ( @{$list_l2_to_remove{$key}} ) {
					my $cases = remove_l2_and_relatives( $hash_omniscient, @$infos, $opt_keep_parental);
					$all_cases{$key}{'l1'} += $cases->{'l1'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'l2'} += $cases->{'l2'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'l3'} += $cases->{'l3'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'all'} += $cases->{'all'};
			foreach my $key ( sort keys %list_l3_to_remove ){
				foreach my $infos ( @{$list_l3_to_remove{$key}} ) {
					my $cases = remove_l3_and_relatives( $hash_omniscient, @$infos, $opt_keep_parental);
					$all_cases{$key}{'l1'} += $cases->{'l1'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'l2'} += $cases->{'l2'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'l3'} += $cases->{'l3'};
					$all_cases{$key}{'all'} += $cases->{'all'};

print_omniscient( {omniscient => $hash_omniscient, output => $gffout_ok} );

$stringPrint = "Feature discarded by applying the test (see $fhout_discarded_file file):\n";
$stringPrint .= $all_cases{'discarded'}{'all'}." features removed:\n";
$stringPrint .= $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l1'}." features level1 (e.g. gene) removed\n";
$stringPrint .= $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l2'}." features level2 (e.g. mRNA) removed\n";
$stringPrint .= $all_cases{'discarded'}{'l3'}." features level3 (e.g. exon) removed\n";

  $stringPrint .= "Feature left out because the attribute is missing (see $fhout_semidDiscarded_file file):\n";
  $stringPrint .= $all_cases{'na'}{'all'}." features removed:\n";
  $stringPrint .= $all_cases{'na'}{'l1'}." features level1 (e.g. gene) removed\n";
  $stringPrint .= $all_cases{'na'}{'l2'}." features level2 (e.g. mRNA) removed\n";
  $stringPrint .= $all_cases{'na'}{'l3'}." features level3 (e.g. exon) removed\n";

if ($opt_output){
  print $ostreamReport $stringPrint;
  print $stringPrint;
} else{ print $stringPrint; }

         #     methods    #

sub check_feature{
  my  ($feature, $level)=@_;

  my $removeit=undef;
  my $primary_tag=$feature->primary_tag;

  # check primary tag (feature type) to handle
  foreach my $ptag (@ptagList){

    if($ptag eq "all"){
      $removeit = should_we_remove_feature($feature);
    elsif(lc($ptag) eq $level){
      $removeit = should_we_remove_feature($feature);
    elsif(lc($ptag) eq lc($primary_tag) ){
      $removeit = should_we_remove_feature($feature);
  return $removeit;

sub should_we_remove_feature{
  my ($feature)=@_;

  if ($feature->has_tag($opt_attribute)){

    # get list of values for the attribute
    my @file_values = $feature->get_tag_values($opt_attribute);

    # if we found among the values one pass the test we return 1
    foreach my $file_value (@file_values){

      foreach my $given_value (keys %{$value_hash}){
        # Deal with insensitive for template
        if ($opt_value_insensitive){
          $given_value = lc($given_value);
          $file_value = lc($file_value);
        # for string values replace = by eq and ! by ne and avoid other type of test
        if ( ! looks_like_number ($given_value) or ! looks_like_number ($file_value)){
          print "String case\n" if $opt_verbose;
          if ($opt_test eq "="){
            if ($file_value eq $given_value) { print "equal\n" if $opt_verbose; return 1; }
            else { print "not equal\n" if $opt_verbose; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq "!"){
            if ($file_value ne $given_value){ print "different\n" if $opt_verbose; return 1; }
            else { print "not different\n" if $opt_verbose; }
          print "Number case\n" if $opt_verbose;
          if ($opt_test eq "="){
            if ($file_value == $given_value){return 1; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq "!"){
            if ($file_value != $given_value){return 1; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq ">"){
            if ($file_value > $given_value){return 1; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq "<"){
            if ($file_value < $given_value){return 1; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq "<="){
            if ($file_value <= $given_value){return 1; }
          elsif ($opt_test eq ">="){
            if ($file_value >= $given_value){return 1; }
    return 0;
  } else {
    print "Attribute not found  case\n" if $opt_verbose;
    return 2;


=head1 NAME


The script aims to filter features according to attribute value (9th column).
- If the attribute exists and the value do not pass the test, the feature is written into <output>.
- If the attribute exists and the value pass the test, the feature is discarded and written into <output>_discarded.gff.
- If the attribute tag is missing (test cannot be applyed), the feature will be written into <output> by default. If --na_aside parameter 
is activated then it will be written into <output>_na.gff.

Attribute are stored in the 9th column and have this shape: tag=value
/!\ Removing a level1 or level2 feature will automatically remove all linked subfeatures.
/!\ Removing all children of a feature will automatically remove this feature too (excepted if --keep_parental is activated).
/!\ If --keep_parental is not activated and --na_aside is activated, and all level3 features of a record are split between both <output>_na.gff and <output>_discarded.gff, 
then the parental level1 and level2 features are removed and will end up in the <output>_na.gff file only.

=head1 SYNOPSIS --gff infile.gff --value 1 -t "=" [ --output outfile ] --help

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-f>, B<--reffile>, B<--gff>  or B<-ref>

Input GFF3 file that will be read

=item  B<-a> or B<--attribute>

Attribute tag to specify the attribute to analyse (attribute example: tag=value).

=item B<-p>,  B<--type> or  B<-l>

primary tag option, case insensitive, list. Allow to specied the feature types that will be handled.
You can specified a specific feature by given its primary tag name (column 3) as: cds, Gene, MrNa
You can specify directly all the feature of a particular level:
By default all feature are taking into account. fill the option by the value "all" will have the same behaviour.

=item B<--value>

Value(s) to check in the attribute. Case sensitive. List of values must be coma separated.

=item B<--value_insensitive>

Bolean. Deactivated by default. When activated the values provided by the --value parameter are handled case insensitive.

=item B<--na_aside>

Bolean. Deactivated by default. By default if the attribute tag on which the filter is based is missing, the feature will be written into <output>.
When activated, such features will be written into a separate file called <output>_na.gff.

=item B<--keep_parental>

Bolean. Deactivated by default. When activated even if all child features have been removed, the parental one will be kept.

=item B<-t> or B<--test>

Test to apply (> < = ! >= <=). default value "=". 
If you use one of these two character >, <, please don't forget to quote the
parameter like that "<=" otherwise your terminal will complain.
Only = and ! tests can be used to compare string values.

=item B<-o> or B<--output>

Output GFF file. If no output file is specified, the output will be
written to STDOUT.

=item B<-v>

Verbose option for debugging purpose.

=item B<-c> or B<--config>

String - Input agat config file. By default AGAT takes as input agat_config.yaml file from the working directory if any, 
otherwise it takes the orignal agat_config.yaml shipped with AGAT. To get the agat_config.yaml locally type: "agat config --expose".
The --config option gives you the possibility to use your own AGAT config file (located elsewhere or named differently).

=item B<-h> or B<--help>

Display this helpful text.



=head2 Did you find a bug?

Do not hesitate to report bugs to help us keep track of the bugs and their
resolution. Please use the GitHub issue tracking system available at this


 Ensure that the bug was not already reported by searching under Issues.
 If you're unable to find an (open) issue addressing the problem, open a new one.
 Try as much as possible to include in the issue when relevant:
 - a clear description,
 - as much relevant information as possible,
 - the command used,
 - a data sample,
 - an explanation of the expected behaviour that is not occurring.

=head2 Do you want to contribute?

You are very welcome, visit this address for the Contributing guidelines:


AUTHOR - Jacques Dainat





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