

Vectors are a kind of sequence containers. As such, their elements are ordered following a strict linear sequence.

Vector containers are implemented as dynamic arrays; Just as regular arrays, vector containers have their elements stored in contiguous storage locations, which means that their elements can be accessed not only using iterators but also using offsets on regular pointers to elements.

But unlike regular arrays, storage in vectors is handled automatically, allowing it to be expanded and contracted as needed.

Vectors are good at:

Accessing individual elements by their position index (constant time). 
Iterating over the elements in any order (linear time). 
Add and remove elements from its end (constant amortized time). 
Compared to arrays, they provide almost the same performance for these tasks, plus they have the ability to be easily resized. Although, they usually consume more memory than arrays when their capacity is handled automatically (this is in order to accomodate for extra storage space for future growth).

Compared to the other base standard sequence containers (deques and lists), vectors are generally the most efficient in time for accessing elements and to add or remove elements from the end of the sequence. For operations that involve inserting or removing elements at positions other than the end, they perform worse than deques and lists, and have less consistent iterators and references than lists.

Internally, vectors -like all containers- have a size, which represents the amount of elements contained in the vector. But vectors, also have a capacity, which determines the amount of storage space they have allocated, and which can be either equal or greater than the actual size. The extra amount of storage allocated is not used, but is reserved for the vector to be used in the case it grows. This way, the vector does not have to reallocate storage on each occasion it grows, but only when this extra space is exhausted and a new element is inserted (which should only happen in logarithmic frequence in relation with its size).

Reallocations may be a costly operation in terms of performance, since they generally involve the entire storage space used by the vector to be copied to a new location. Therefore, whenever large increases in size are planned for a vector, it is recommended to explicitly indicate a capacity for the vector using member function vector::reserve.

In their implementation in the C++ Standard Template Library vectors take two template parameters:
template < class T, class Allocator = allocator<T> > class vector;
Where the template parameters have the following meanings:

T: Type of the elements. 
Allocator: Type of the allocator object used to define the storage allocation model. By default, the allocator class template for type T is used, which defines the simplest memory allocation model and is value-independent. 
In the reference for the vector member functions, these same names are assumed for the template parameters.


explicit vector ( const Allocator& = Allocator() );
explicit vector ( size_type n, const T& value= T(), const Allocator& = Allocator() );
template <class InputIterator>
         vector ( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Allocator& = Allocator() );
vector ( const vector<T,Allocator>& x ); <vector> 

Construct vector

Constructs a vector container object, initializing its contents depending on the constructor version used:

explicit vector ( const Allocator& = Allocator() ); 
Default constructor: constructs an empty vector, with no content and a size of zero. 
explicit vector ( size_type n, const T& value= T(), const Allocator& = Allocator() ); 
Repetitive sequence constructor: Initializes the vector with its content set to a repetition, n times, of copies of value. 
template <class InputIterator> vector ( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Allocator& = Allocator() ); 
Iteration constructor: Iterates between first and last, setting a copy of each of the sequence of elements as the content of the container. 
vector ( const vector<T,Allocator>& x ); 
Copy constructor: The vector is initialized to have the same contents (copies) and properties as vector x. 

Times that value is repeated to form the content of the container object.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 
Value to be repeated n times as the content of the container object.
T is the first class template parameter (the type of the elements stored in the vector). 
first, last 
Input iterators to the initial and final positions in a sequence. The range used is [first,last), which includes all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the element pointed by last.
The function template type can be any type of input iterator. 

Another vector object with the same class template parameters (T and Allocator).

unnamed Allocator parameter 
Allocator object to be used instead of constructing a new one.
For class instantiations using their version of the default allocator class template, this parameter is not relevant. 

// constructing vectors
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  unsigned int i;

  // constructors used in the same order as described above:
  vector<int> first;                                // empty vector of ints
  vector<int> second (4,100);                       // four ints with value 100
  vector<int> third (second.begin(),second.end());  // iterating through second
  vector<int> fourth (third);                       // a copy of third

  // the iterator constructor can also be used to construct from arrays:
  int myints[] = {16,2,77,29};
  vector<int> fifth (myints, myints + sizeof(myints) / sizeof(int) );

  cout << "The contents of fifth are:";
  for (i=0; i < fifth.size(); i++)
    cout << " " << fifth[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;
The contents of fifth are: 16 2 77 29  

For the default constructor, constant.
For the repetitive sequence constructor, linear on n (copy constructions).
For the iterator constructor, linear on the distance between the iterators (copy constructions). If the iterators are forward, bidirectional or random-access, the capacity is determined before beginning, otherwise logarithmic complexity (object reallocations) must be added on top of that.
For the copy constructor, linear on x's size (copy constructions).



vector<T,Allocator>& operator= (const vector<T,Allocator>& x);  

Copy vector content

Assigns a copy of vector x as the new content for the vector object.

The elements contained in the vector object before the call are dropped, and replaced by copies of those in vector x, if any.

After a call to this member function, both the vector object and vector x will have the same size and compare equal to each other.

A vector object containing elements of the same type. 

Return value

// vector assignment
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> first (3,0);
  vector<int> second (5,0);


  cout << "Size of first: " << int (first.size()) << endl;
  cout << "Size of second: " << int (second.size()) << endl;
  return 0;
Both vectors of int elements are initialized to sequences of zeros of different sizes. Then, second is assigned to first, so both are now equal and with a size of 3. And then, first is assigned to a newly constructed empty object, so its size is finally 0.
Size of first: 0
Size of second: 3 

Linear on sizes (destruction, copy construction).


 iterator begin ();
const_iterator begin () const;  

Return iterator to beginning

Returns an iterator referring to the first element in the vector container.

Notice that unlike member vector::front, which returns a reference to the first element, this function returns a random access iterator.


Return Value
An iterator to the beginning of the sequence.
Both iterator and const_iterator are member types. In the vector class template, these are random access iterators.

// vector::begin
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) myvector.push_back(i);

  vector<int>::iterator it;

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for ( it=myvector.begin() ; it < myvector.end(); it++ )
    cout << " " << *it;

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

myvector contains: 1 2 3 4 5 



 reverse_iterator rbegin();
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;  

Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning

Returns a reverse iterator referring to the last element in the vector container.

rbegin refers to the element right before the one that would be referred to by member end.

Notice that unlike member vector::back, which returns a reference to this same element, this function returns a reverse random access iterator.


Return Value
A reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the sequence.
Both reverse_iterator and const_reverse_iterator are member types. In the vector class template, these are reverse random access iterators, defined as reverse_iterator<iterator> and reverse_iterator<const_iterator> respectivelly.

// vector::rbegin/rend
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) myvector.push_back(i);

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  vector<int>::reverse_iterator rit;
  for ( rit=myvector.rbegin() ; rit < myvector.rend(); ++rit )
    cout << " " << *rit;

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

Notice how the reverse iterator iterates through the vector in a reverse way by increasing the iterator. Output:
myvector contains: 5 4 3 2 1 



size_type size() const;  

Return size

Returns the number of elements in the vector container.

This is the number of actual objects held in the vector, which is not necessarily equal to its storage capacity. Vectors automatically reallocate their storage space when needed or when requested with member resize. To retrieve the current storage capacity of a vector you can call to its member capacity.


Return Value
The number of elements that conform the vector's content.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type.

// vector::size
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myints;
  cout << "0. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl;

  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) myints.push_back(i);
  cout << "1. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl;

  myints.insert (myints.end(),10,100);
  cout << "2. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl;

  cout << "3. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl;

  return 0;

0. size: 0
1. size: 10
2. size: 20
3. size: 19 



size_type max_size () const;  

Return maximum size

Returns the maximum number of elements that the vector container can hold.

This is not the amount of storage space currently allocated to the vector (this can be obtained with member vector::capacity), but the maximum potential size the vector could reach due to system or library implementation limitations.


Return Value
The maximum number of elements a vector object can have as its content.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type.

// comparing size, capacity and max_size
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;

  // set some content in the vector:
  for (int i=0; i<100; i++) myvector.push_back(i);

  cout << "size: " << (int) myvector.size() << "\n";
  cout << "capacity: " << (int) myvector.capacity() << "\n";
  cout << "max_size: " << (int) myvector.max_size() << "\n";
  return 0;

A possible output for this program could be:
size: 100
capacity: 141
max_size: 1073741823 



void resize ( size_type sz, T c = T() );  

Change size

Resizes the vector to contain sz elements.

If sz is smaller than the current vector size, the content is reduced to its first sz elements, the rest being dropped.

If sz is greater than the current vector size, the content is expanded by inserting at the end as many copies of c as needed to reach a size of sz elements. This may cause a reallocation.

Notice that this function changes the actual content of the vector by inserting or erasing elements from the vector; It does not only change its storage capacity. To direct a change only in storage capacity, use vector::reserve instead.

New vector size, expressed in elements.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 
Object whose content is copied to the added elements in case that sz is greater than the current vector size.
If not specified, the default constructor is used.
T is the first template parameter (the type of the elements stored in the vector). 

Return Value
If a reallocation happens, it is performed using Allocator::allocate(), which may throw exceptions (for the default allocator, bad_alloc is thrown if the allocation request does not succeed).

// resizing vector
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;

  unsigned int i;

  // set some initial content:
  for (i=1;i<10;i++) myvector.push_back(i);


  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (i=0;i<myvector.size();i++)
    cout << " " << myvector[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

The code sets a sequence of 9 numbers as an initial content for myvector. It then uses resize first to trim the vector to a size of 5, then to extend its size to 8 with values of 100 for its new elements, and finally it extends its size to 12 with their default values (for int elements this is zero).
myvector contains: 1 2 3 4 5 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 


size_type capacity () const;  

Return size of allocated storage capacity

Returns the size of the allocated storage space for the elements of the vector container.

Notice that, in vectors, the capacity is not necessarily equal to the number of elements that conform the underlying vector content (this can be obtained with member vector::size), but the capacity of the actual allocated space, which is either equal or greater than the content size.

Notice also that this capacity does not suppose a limit to the size of the vector. If more space is required to accomodate new elements in the vector, the capacity is automatically expanded, or can even be explicitly modified by calling member vector::reserve.

The real limit on the size a vector object can reach is returned by member vector::max_size.


Return Value
The size of the currently allocated storage capacity in the vector, measured in the number elements it could hold.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type.

// comparing size, capacity and max_size
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;

  // set some content in the vector:
  for (int i=0; i<100; i++) myvector.push_back(i);

  cout << "size: " << (int) myvector.size() << "\n";
  cout << "capacity: " << (int) myvector.capacity() << "\n";
  cout << "max_size: " << (int) myvector.max_size() << "\n";
  return 0;

A possible output for this program could be:
size: 100
capacity: 141
max_size: 1073741823 


bool empty () const;  

Test whether vector is empty

Returns whether the vector container is empty, i.e. whether its size is 0.

This function does not modify the content of the vector in any way. To clear the content of a vector, use vector::clear.


Return Value
true if the vector size is 0, false otherwise.

// vector::empty
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  int sum (0);

  for (int i=1;i<=10;i++) myvector.push_back(i);

  while (!myvector.empty())
     sum += myvector.back();

  cout << "total: " << sum << endl;
  return 0;
The example initializes the content of the vector to a sequence of numbers (form 1 to 10). It then pops the elements one by one until it is empty and calculates their sum.
total: 55 


void reserve ( size_type n );  

Request a change in capacity

Requests that the capacity of the allocated storage space for the elements of the vector container be at least enough to hold n elements.

This informs the vector of a planned change in size, which can be either to expand or shrink its storage capacity, although notice that the parameter n informs of a minimum, so the resulting capacity may be any capacity equal or larger than this.

When n supposes an expansion in capacity, a reallocation happens during the call to this function, granting that no further automatic reallocations will happen because of a call to vector::insert or vector::push_back until the vector size surpasses at least n (this preserves the validity of iterators on these calls).

A reallocation invalidates all previously obtained iterators, references and pointers.

In any case, a call to this function never affects the elements contained in the vector, nor the vector size (for that purposes, see vector::resize or vector::erase, which modify the vector size and content).

Minimum amount desired as capacity of allocated storage.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 

Return Value
If the requested size to allocate is greater than the maximum size (vector::max_size) a length_error exception is thrown.

In case of reallocation, this is performed using Allocator::allocate(), which may throw its own exceptions (for the default allocator, bad_alloc is thrown if the allocation request does not succeed).

// vector::reserve
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> content;
  size_t filesize;

  ifstream file ("test.bin",ios::in|ios::ate|ios::binary);
  if (file.is_open())


    while (!file.eof())
      content.push_back( file.get() );

    // print out content:
    vector<int>::iterator it;
    for (it=content.begin() ; it<content.end() ; it++)
      cout << hex << *it;

  return 0;

This example reserves enough capacity in a vector of ints to store the content of an entire file, which is then read character by character (each character stored as an element in the vector). By reserving a capacity for the vector of at least the size of the entire file, we avoid all the automatic reallocations that the object content could suffer each time that a new element surpassed the size of its previously allocated storage space.


 reference operator[] ( size_type n );
const_reference operator[] ( size_type n ) const;  

Access element

Returns a reference to the element at position n in the vector container.

A similar member function, vector::at, has the same behavior as this operator function, except that vector::at signals if the requested position is out of range by throwing an exception.

Position of an element in the vector.
Notice that the first element has a position of 0, not 1.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 

Return value
The element at the specified position in the vector.
Member types reference and const_reference are the reference types to the elements of the vector container (generally defined as T& and const T& respectivelly in most storage allocation models).

// vector::operator[]
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector (10);   // 10 zero-initialized elements
  unsigned int i;

  vector<int>::size_type sz = myvector.size();

  // assign some values:
  for (i=0; i<sz; i++) myvector[i]=i;

  // reverse vector using operator[]:
  for (i=0; i<sz/2; i++)
    int temp;
    temp = myvector[sz-1-i];

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (i=0; i<sz; i++)
    cout << " " << myvector[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

myvector contains: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 


const_reference at ( size_type n ) const;
      reference at ( size_type n );  

Access element

Returns a reference to the element at position n in the vector.

The difference between this member function and member operator function operator[] is that vector::at signals if the requested position is out of range by throwing an out_of_range exception.

Position of an element in the vector.
If this is greater than the vector size, an exception of type out_of_range is thrown.
Notice that the first element has a position of 0, not 1.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 

Return value
The element at the specified position in the vector.
Member types reference and const_reference are the reference types to the elements of the vector container (for the default storage allocation model, allocator, these are T& and const T& respectively).

// vector::at
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector (10);   // 10 zero-initialized ints
  unsigned int i;

  // assign some values:
  for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++);

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++)
    cout << " " <<;

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

myvector contains: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 


 reference front ( );
const_reference front ( ) const;  

Access first element

Returns a reference to the first element in the vector container.

Unlike member vector::begin, which returns an iterator to this same element, this function returns a direct reference.


Return value
A reference to the first element in the vector.
Member types reference and const_reference are the reference types to the elements of the vector container (for the default storage allocation model, allocator, these are T& and const T& respectively).

// vector::front
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;


  // now front equals 77, and back 16

  myvector.front() -= myvector.back();

  cout << "myvector.front() is now " << myvector.front() << endl;

  return 0;

myvector.front() is now 61 


 reference back ( );
const_reference back ( ) const;  

Access last element

Returns a reference to the last element in the vector container.

Unlike member vector::end, which returns an iterator just past this element, this function returns a direct reference.


Return value
A reference to the last element in the vector.
Member types reference and const_reference are the reference types to the elements of the vector container (for the default storage allocation model, allocator, these are T& and const T& respectively).

// vector::back
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;


  while (myvector.back() != 0)
    myvector.push_back ( myvector.back() -1 );

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (unsigned i=0; i<myvector.size() ; i++)
    cout << " " << myvector[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

myvector contains: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 


template <class InputIterator>
  void assign ( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
void assign ( size_type n, const T& u );  

Assign vector content

Assigns new content to the vector object, dropping all the elements contained in the vector before the call and replacing them by those specified by the parameters:

In the first version (with iterators), the new contents are a copy of the elements in the sequence between first and last (in the range [first,last)).

In the second version, the new content is the repetition n times of copies of element u.

first, last 
Input iterators to the initial and final positions in a sequence. The range used is [first,last), which includes all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the element pointed by last.
The template type can be any type of input iterator. 
Times that u is repeated to form the new content of the object.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 
Value to be repeated n times as the new content of the object.
T is the first class template parameter (the type of the elements stored in the vector). 

Return value

// vector assign
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> first;
  vector<int> second;
  vector<int> third;

  first.assign (7,100);             // a repetition 7 times of value 100

  vector<int>::iterator it;

  second.assign (it,first.end()-1); // the 5 central values of first

  int myints[] = {1776,7,4};
  third.assign (myints,myints+3);   // assigning from array.

  cout << "Size of first: " << int (first.size()) << endl;
  cout << "Size of second: " << int (second.size()) << endl;
  cout << "Size of third: " << int (third.size()) << endl;
  return 0;
Size of first: 7
Size of second: 5
Size of third: 3 

Linear on initial and final sizes (destruction, copy construction).
In the case of the iteration version, if the iterators are forward, bidirectional or random-access, the new capacity is determined before beginning, otherwise logarithmic complexity (object reallocations) must be added on top of that.


void push_back ( const T& x );  

Add element at the end

Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element. The content of this new element is initialized to a copy of x.

This effectively increases the vector size by one, which causes a reallocation of the internal allocated storage if the vector size was equal to the vector capacity before the call. Reallocations invalidate all previously obtained iterators, references and pointers.

Value to be copied to the new element.
T is the first template parameter (the type of the elements stored in the vector). 

Return value
If a reallocation happens, it is performed using Allocator::allocate(), which may throw exceptions (for the default allocator, bad_alloc is thrown if the allocation request does not succeed).

// vector::push_back
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  int myint;

  cout << "Please enter some integers (enter 0 to end):\n";

  do {
    cin >> myint;
    myvector.push_back (myint);
  } while (myint);

  cout << "myvector stores " << (int) myvector.size() << " numbers.\n";

  return 0;
The example uses push_back to add a new element to the vector each time a new integer is read.


void pop_back ( );  

Delete last element

Removes the last element in the vector, effectively reducing the vector size by one and invalidating all iterators and references to it.

This calls the removed element's destructor.


Return value

// vector::pop_back
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  int sum (0);
  myvector.push_back (100);
  myvector.push_back (200);
  myvector.push_back (300);

  while (!myvector.empty())

  cout << "The elements of myvector summed " << sum << endl;

  return 0;
In this example, the elements are popped out of the vector after they are added up in the sum. Output:
The elements of myvector summed 600 


iterator insert ( iterator position, const T& x );
    void insert ( iterator position, size_type n, const T& x );
template <class InputIterator>
    void insert ( iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last );  

Insert elements

The vector is extended by inserting new elements before the element at position.

This effectively increases the vector size, which causes an automatic reallocation of the allocated storage space if, and only if, the new vector size surpases the current vector capacity. Reallocations in vector containers invalidate all previously obtained iterators, references and pointers.

Because vectors keep an array format, insertions on positions other than the vector end are performed by moving all the elements between position and the end of the vector to their new positions, and then inserting the new element(s), which may not be a method as efficient as the insertion in other kinds of sequence containers (deque, list).

The parameters determine how many elements are inserted and to which values they are initialized:

Position in the vector where the new elements are inserted.
iterator is a member type, defined as a random access iterator type. 
Value to be used to initialize the inserted elements.
T is the first template parameter (the type of the elements stored in the vector). 
Number of elements to insert. Each element is initialized to the value specified in x.
Member type size_type is an unsigned integral type. 
first, last 
Iterators specifying a range of elements. Copies of the elements in the range [first,last) are inserted at position position.
Notice that the range includes all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the one pointed by last.
The template type can be any type of input iterator. 

Return value
Only the first version returns a value, which is an iterator that points to the newly inserted element.
If reallocations happen, they are performed using Allocator::allocate(), which may throw exceptions (for the default allocator, bad_alloc is thrown if the allocation request does not succeed).

// inserting into a vector
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector (3,100);
  vector<int>::iterator it;

  it = myvector.begin();
  it = myvector.insert ( it , 200 );

  myvector.insert (it,2,300);

  // "it" no longer valid, get a new one:
  it = myvector.begin();

  vector<int> anothervector (2,400);
  myvector.insert (it+2,anothervector.begin(),anothervector.end());

  int myarray [] = { 501,502,503 };
  myvector.insert (myvector.begin(), myarray, myarray+3);

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (it=myvector.begin(); it<myvector.end(); it++)
    cout << " " << *it;
  cout << endl;

  return 0;
myvector contains: 501 502 503 300 300 400 400 200 100 100 100 


iterator erase ( iterator position );
iterator erase ( iterator first, iterator last );  

Erase elements

Removes from the vector container either a single element (position) or a range of elements ([first,last)).

This effectively reduces the vector size by the number of elements removed, calling each element's destructor before.

Because vectors keep an array format, erasing on positions other than the vector end also moves all the elements after the segment erased to their new positions, which may not be a method as efficient as erasing in other kinds of sequence containers (deque, list).

This invalidates all iterator and references to elements after position or first.

All parameters are of member type iterator, which in vector containers are defined as a random access iterator type.

Iterator pointing to a single element to be removed from the vector. 
first, last 
Iterators specifying a range within the vector to be removed: [first,last). i.e., the range includes all the elements between first and last, including the element pointed by first but not the one pointed by last. 

Return value
A random access iterator pointing to the new location of the element that followed the last element erased by the function call, which is the vector end if the operation erased the last element in the sequence.

// erasing from vector
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  unsigned int i;
  vector<unsigned int> myvector;

  // set some values (from 1 to 10)
  for (i=1; i<=10; i++) myvector.push_back(i);
  // erase the 6th element
  myvector.erase (myvector.begin()+5);

  // erase the first 3 elements:
  myvector.erase (myvector.begin(),myvector.begin()+3);

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++)
    cout << " " << myvector[i];
  cout << endl;

  return 0;
myvector contains: 4 5 7 8 9 10 


void swap ( vector<T,Allocator>& vec );  

Swap content

Exchanges the content of the vector by the content of vec, which is another vector of the same type. Sizes may differ.

After the call to this member function, the elements in this container are those which were in vec before the call, and the elements of vec are those which were in this. All iterators, references and pointers remain valid for the swapped vectors.

Notice that a global algorithm function exists with this same name, swap, and the same behavior.

Another vector container of the same type as this whose content is swapped with that of this container. 

Return value

// swap vectors
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

main ()
  unsigned int i;
  vector<int> first (3,100);   // three ints with a value of 100
  vector<int> second (5,200);  // five ints with a value of 200


  cout << "first contains:";
  for (i=0; i<first.size(); i++) cout << " " << first[i];

  cout << "\nsecond contains:";
  for (i=0; i<second.size(); i++) cout << " " << second[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

first contains: 200 200 200 200 200 
second contains: 100 100 100  


void clear ( );  

Clear content

All the elements of the vector are dropped: their destructors are called, and then they are removed from the vector container, leaving the container with a size of 0.


Return value

// clearing vectors
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main ()
  unsigned int i;
  vector<int> myvector;
  myvector.push_back (100);
  myvector.push_back (200);
  myvector.push_back (300);

  cout << "myvector contains:";
  for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++) cout << " " << myvector[i];

  myvector.push_back (1101);
  myvector.push_back (2202);

  cout << "\nmyvector contains:";
  for (i=0; i<myvector.size(); i++) cout << " " << myvector[i];

  cout << endl;

  return 0;

myvector contains: 100 200 300
myvector contains: 1101 2202 


allocator_type get_allocator() const;  

Get allocator

Returns the allocator object used to constuct the vector.


Return Value
The allocator.
Member type allocator_type is defined to the same as the second template parameter used to instantitate this specific vector class (its Allocator type).

// vector::get_allocator
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main ()
  vector<int> myvector;
  int * p;
  unsigned int i;

  // allocate an array of 5 elements using vector's allocator:

  // assign some values to array
  for (i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=i;

  cout << "The allocated array contains:";
  for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout << " " << p[i];
  cout << endl;


  return 0;
The example shows an elaborate way to allocate memory for an array of ints using the same allocator used by the vector. 
The allocated array contains: 0 1 2 3 4 





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