




Onvif协议:使用gSOAP创建SOAP调用实例_gsoap 编译 soapclient soapserver-CSDN博客


​ gSOAP 编译工具提供了一个SOAP关于C/C++ 语言的实现,从而让C/C++语言开发Web Services服务端或客户端程序的工作变得轻松了很多。甚至,即使你对Web Services不甚了解都没有关系,有了gSOAP这样的工具,你也能开发基于SOAP方式实现的Web Services客户端。


​ gSOAP工具根据WSDL文档,自动生成C/C++语言的客户端/服务端框架代码。这其中有两个工具很重要,wsdl2h和soapcpp2。wsdl2h工具根据WSDL文成C/C++头文件,而soapcpp2工具则是根据该头文件生成C/C++的框架源码。

​ gSOAP工具可以在Windows、Linux和Macosx操作系统下运行,gSOAP工具包中自带有Windows和Macosx操作系统的wsdl2h和soapcpp2可执行文件,而Linux操作系统的可执行文件,需要自己编译。

​ 通过实验证实,用Windows和Linux工具生成的框架代码,是一样的,没有区别。


​ 开发Web服务程序,需使用gSOAP生成服务器端和客户端代码框架(通常情况下之需要实现server端或者实现client,因为另一端通常是别人做好的,比如ipnc中的onvif,实现的server端)。我们有两种方式:

  • 编写WSDL,使用wsdl2h生成头文件,再soapcpp2生成框架代码;
  • 编写头文件,使用soapcpp2生成框架代码;




shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf$ mkdir Onvif
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf$ cd Onvif
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif$ wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/gsoap2/files/gsoap_2.8.134.zip


gsoap_2.8.134.zip2024-04-2235.5 MB


# 1.解压
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif$ unzip gsoap_2.8.134.zip -d gsoap_2.8.134
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif$ cd gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/gsoap/

# 2.配置
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/_install/x86

# 3.编译
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ make

# 4.安装
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ make install


  • 语法格式:unzip <压缩文件> -d <目录>

    ​ unzip的参数-d :xtract files into exdir 解压缩文件到解压缩文件夹下

  • 在运行configure时使用**–prefix选项,将软件包安装到自定义的目录/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86**


# 编译结果
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ ls _install/x86/
bin  include  lib  share
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ cd _install/x86/

shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8$ tree
├── bin
│   ├── soapcpp2
│   └── wsdl2h
├── include
│   └── stdsoap2.h
├── lib
│   ├── libgsoap.a
│   ├── libgsoap++.a
│   ├── libgsoapck.a
│   ├── libgsoapck++.a
│   ├── libgsoapssl.a
│   ├── libgsoapssl++.a
│   └── pkgconfig
│       ├── gsoapck.pc
│       ├── gsoapck++.pc
│       ├── gsoap.pc
│       ├── gsoap++.pc
│       ├── gsoapssl.pc
│       └── gsoapssl++.pc
└── share
    └── gsoap
        ├── custom
        │   ├── chrono_duration.cpp
        │   ├── chrono_duration.h
        │   ├── chrono_time_point.cpp
        │   ├── chrono_time_point.h
        │   ├── duration.c
        │   ├── duration.h
        │   ├── float128.c
        │   ├── float128.h
        │   ├── int128.c
        │   ├── int128.h
        │   ├── long_double.c
        │   ├── long_double.h
        │   ├── long_time.c
        │   ├── long_time.h
        │   ├── qbytearray_base64.cpp
        │   ├── qbytearray_base64.h
        │   ├── qbytearray_hex.cpp
        │   ├── qbytearray_hex.h
        │   ├── qdate.cpp
        │   ├── qdate.h
        │   ├── qdatetime.cpp
        │   ├── qdatetime.h
        │   ├── qstring.cpp
        │   ├── qstring.h
        │   ├── qtime.cpp
        │   ├── qtime.h
        │   ├── README.txt
        │   ├── struct_timeval.c
        │   ├── struct_timeval.h
        │   ├── struct_tm.c
        │   ├── struct_tm_date.c
        │   ├── struct_tm_date.h
        │   └── struct_tm.h
        ├── extras
        │   ├── ckdb.c
        │   ├── ckdb.h
        │   ├── ckdbtest.c
        │   ├── ckdbtest.h
        │   ├── fault.cpp
        │   ├── logging.cpp
        │   ├── README.txt
        │   └── soapdefs.h
        ├── import
        │   ├── c14n.h
        │   ├── dom.h
        │   ├── ds2.h
        │   ├── ds.h
        │   ├── plnk.h
        │   ├── README.txt
        │   ├── ref.h
        │   ├── saml1.h
        │   ├── saml2.h
        │   ├── ser.h
        │   ├── soap12.h
        │   ├── stdstring.h
        │   ├── stldeque.h
        │   ├── stl.h
        │   ├── stllist.h
        │   ├── stlset.h
        │   ├── stlvector.h
        │   ├── vprop.h
        │   ├── wsa3.h
        │   ├── wsa4.h
        │   ├── wsa5.h
        │   ├── wsa.h
        │   ├── wsc2.h
        │   ├── wsc.h
        │   ├── wsdd10.h
        │   ├── wsdd5.h
        │   ├── wsdd.h
        │   ├── wsdx.h
        │   ├── WS-example.c
        │   ├── WS-example.h
        │   ├── WS-Header.h
        │   ├── wsp_appliesto.h
        │   ├── wsp.h
        │   ├── wsrm4.h
        │   ├── wsrm5.h
        │   ├── wsrm.h
        │   ├── wsrp.h
        │   ├── wsrx5.h
        │   ├── wsrx.h
        │   ├── wsse11.h
        │   ├── wsse2.h
        │   ├── wsse.h
        │   ├── wst2.h
        │   ├── wst.h
        │   ├── wstx2.h
        │   ├── wstx.h
        │   ├── wsu.h
        │   ├── xenc2.h
        │   ├── xenc.h
        │   ├── xlink.h
        │   ├── xmime4.h
        │   ├── xmime5.h
        │   ├── xmime.h
        │   ├── xml.h
        │   ├── xmlmime5.h
        │   ├── xmlmime.h
        │   ├── xop.h
        │   └── xsd.h
        ├── plugin
        │   ├── cacerts.c
        │   ├── cacerts.h
        │   ├── calcrest.h
        │   ├── curlapi.c
        │   ├── curlapi.h
        │   ├── httpda.c
        │   ├── httpda.h
        │   ├── httpdatest.c
        │   ├── httpdatest.h
        │   ├── httpform.c
        │   ├── httpform.h
        │   ├── httpget.c
        │   ├── httpget.h
        │   ├── httpgettest.c
        │   ├── httpgettest.h
        │   ├── httpmd5.c
        │   ├── httpmd5.h
        │   ├── httpmd5test.c
        │   ├── httpmd5test.h
        │   ├── httppipe.c
        │   ├── httppipe.h
        │   ├── httppost.c
        │   ├── httppost.h
        │   ├── httpposttest.c
        │   ├── httpposttest.h
        │   ├── logging.c
        │   ├── logging.h
        │   ├── md5evp.c
        │   ├── md5evp.h
        │   ├── mecevp.c
        │   ├── mecevp.h
        │   ├── mq.c
        │   ├── mq.h
        │   ├── plugin.c
        │   ├── plugin.h
        │   ├── README.txt
        │   ├── sessions.c
        │   ├── sessions.h
        │   ├── smdevp.c
        │   ├── smdevp.h
        │   ├── threads.c
        │   ├── threads.h
        │   ├── wsaapi.c
        │   ├── wsaapi.h
        │   ├── wsddapi.c
        │   ├── wsddapi.h
        │   ├── wsdl2h-httpda.o
        │   ├── wsdl2h-smdevp.o
        │   ├── wsdl2h-threads.o
        │   ├── wsrmapi.c
        │   ├── wsrmapi.h
        │   ├── wsse2api.c
        │   ├── wsse2api.h
        │   ├── wsseapi.c
        │   ├── wsseapi.cpp
        │   ├── wsseapi.h
        │   ├── wsseapi-lite.c
        │   ├── wsseapi-lite.h
        │   ├── wstapi.c
        │   └── wstapi.h
        └── WS
            ├── discovery.xsd
            ├── ds.xsd
            ├── enumeration.xsd
            ├── LEGAL.txt
            ├── oasis-sstc-saml-schema-assertion-1.1.xsd
            ├── README.txt
            ├── reference-1.1.xsd
            ├── saml-schema-assertion-2.0.xsd
            ├── typemap.dat
            ├── WS-Addressing03.xsd
            ├── WS-Addressing04.xsd
            ├── WS-Addressing05.xsd
            ├── WS-Addressing.xsd
            ├── ws-bpel_abstract_common_base.xsd
            ├── ws-bpel_executable.xsd
            ├── ws-bpel_plnktype.xsd
            ├── ws-bpel_serviceref.xsd
            ├── ws-bpel_varprop.xsd
            ├── WS-Discovery.wsdl
            ├── WS-Enumeration.wsdl
            ├── WS-Policy12.xsd
            ├── WS-Policy.xsd
            ├── ws-reliability-1.1.xsd
            ├── WS-ReliableMessaging.wsdl
            ├── WS-ReliableMessaging.xsd
            ├── WS-Routing.xsd
            ├── WS-SecureConversation.xsd
            ├── WS-SecurityPolicy.xsd
            ├── wsse.xsd
            ├── WS-Trust.wsdl
            ├── WS-Trust.xsd
            ├── WS-typemap.dat
            ├── wsu.xsd
            └── xenc.xsd

11 directories, 208 files


shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86$ ls
bin  include  lib  share
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86$ cd bin/
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86/bin$ ls
soapcpp2  wsdl2h
shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86/bin$ ./soapcpp2 -h
Usage: soapcpp2 [-0|-1|-2] [-C|-S|-CS] [-A] [-a] [-b] [-c|-c++|-c++11|-c++14|-c++17] [-d path] [-Ec] [-Ed] [-Et] [-e] [-f N] [-g] [-h] [-i] [-I path:path:...] [-L] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-p name] [-Q name] [-q name] [-r] [-s] [-T] [-t] [-u] [-V] [-v] [-w] [-x] [-y] [-z#] [infile]

-0      no SOAP, generate REST source code
-1      generate SOAP 1.1 source code
-2      generate SOAP 1.2 source code
-A      require HTTP SOAPAction headers to invoke server-side operations
-a      use HTTP SOAPAction with WS-Addressing to invoke server-side operations
-b      serialize byte arrays char[N] as string
-C      generate client-side source code only
-c      generate C source code
-c++    generate C++ source code (default)
-c++11  generate C++ source code optimized for C++11 (compile with -std=c++11)
-c++14  generate C++ source code optimized for C++14 (compile with -std=c++14)
-c++17  generate C++ source code optimized for C++17 (compile with -std=c++17)
-dpath  use path to save files
-Ec     generate extra functions for deep copying
-Ed     generate extra functions for deep deletion
-Et     generate extra functions for data traversals with callback functions
-e      generate SOAP RPC encoding style bindings (also use -1 or -2)
-fN     multiple soapC files, with N serializer definitions per file (N>=10)
-g      generate XML sample messages in template format for testmsgr
-h      display help info and exit
-Ipath  use path(s) for #import (paths separated with ':')
-i      generate C++ service proxies and objects inherited from soap struct
-j      generate C++ service proxies and objects that share a soap struct
-L      don't generate soapClientLib/soapServerLib
-l      generate linkable modules (experimental)
-m      generate source code for the Matlab(tm) MEX compiler (deprecated)
-n      use service name to rename service functions and namespace table
-pname  save files with new prefix name instead of 'soap'
-Qname  use name as the C++ namespace, including custom serializers
-qname  use name as the C++ namespace, excluding custom serializers
-r      generate soapReadme.md report
-S      generate server-side source code only
-s      generate stub and skeleton functions with strict XML validation checks
-T      generate server auto-test source code
-t      generate source code for fully xsi:type typed SOAP/XML messages
-u      uncomment WSDL/schema output by suppressing XML comments
-V      display the current version and exit
-v      verbose output
-w      don't generate WSDL and schema files
-x      don't generate sample XML message files
-y      include C/C++ type access information in sample XML messages
-z1     compatibility: generate old-style C++ service proxies and objects
-z2     compatibility with 2.7.x: omit XML output for NULL pointers
-z3     compatibility up to 2.8.30: _param_N indexing and nillable pointers
-z4     compatibility up to 2.8.105: char* member defaults, even when omitted
infile  header file to parse (if none reads stdin)

shared@code-pc:/mnt/workspace/xyf/Onvif/gsoap_2.8.134/gsoap-2.8/_install/x86/bin$ ./wsdl2h -h
Usage: wsdl2h [-a] [-b] [-c|-c++|-c++11|-c++14|-c++17] [-D] [-d] [-e] [-F] [-f] [-g] [-h] [-I path] [-i] [-j] [-k] [-L] [-l] [-M] [-m] [-N name] [-n name] [-O1|-O2|-O3|-O4|-Ow2|-Ow3|-Ow4] [-P|-p] [-Q] [-q name] [-R] [-r proxyhost[:port[:uid:pwd]]] [-r:uid:pwd] [-Sname] [-s] [-T] [-t typemapfile] [-U] [-u] [-V] [-v] [-w] [-W] [-x] [-y] [-z#] [-_] [-o outfile.h] infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www... ...

-a      generate indexed struct names for local elements with anonymous types
-b      bi-directional operations (duplex ops) added to serve one-way responses
-c      generate C source code
-c++    generate C++ source code (default)
-c++11  generate C++11 source code
-c++14  generate C++14 source code
-c++17  generate C++17 source code
-D      make attribute members with default/fixed values optional with pointers
-d      use DOM to populate xs:any, xs:anyType, and xs:anyAttribute
-e      don't qualify enum names
-F      add transient members to structs to simulate struct-type derivation in C
-f      generate flat C++ class hierarchy by removing inheritance
-g      generate global top-level element and attribute declarations
-h      display help info and exit
-Ipath  use path to locate WSDL and XSD files
-i      don't import (advanced option)
-j      don't generate SOAP_ENV__Header and SOAP_ENV__Detail definitions
-k      don't generate SOAP_ENV__Header mustUnderstand qualifiers
-L      generate less documentation by removing generic @note comments
-l      display license information
-M      suppress error "must understand element with wsdl:required='true'"
-m      use xsd.h module to import primitive types
-Nname  use name for service prefixes to produce a service for each binding
-nname  use name as the base namespace prefix instead of 'ns'
-O1     optimize by omitting duplicate choice/sequence members
-O2     optimize -O1 and omit unused schema types (unreachable from roots)
-O3     optimize -O2 and omit unused schema root attributes
-O4     optimize -O3 and omit unused schema root elements (use only with WSDLs)
-Ow2    optimize -O2 while retaining all derived types of used base types
-Ow3    optimize -O3 while retaining all derived types of used base types
-Ow4    optimize -O4 while retaining all derived types of used base types
-ofile  output to file
-P      don't create polymorphic types inherited from xsd__anyType
-p      create polymorphic types inherited from base xsd__anyType
-Q      make xsd__anySimpleType equal to xsd__anyType to use as the base type
-qname  use name for the C++ namespace of all declarations
-R      generate REST operations for REST bindings specified in a WSDL
        connect via proxy host, port, and proxy credentials uid and pwd
        connect with authentication credentials uid and pwd
-Sname  use name instead of 'soap' for the C++ class members with soap contexts
-s      don't generate STL code (no std::string and no std::vector)
-tfile  use type map file instead of the default file typemap.dat
-U      allow UTF-8-encoded Unicode C/C++ identifiers when mapping XML tag names
-u      don't generate unions
-V      display the current version and exit
-v      verbose output
-W      suppress warnings
-w      always wrap response parameters in a response struct (<=1.1.4 behavior)
-X      don't qualify part names to disambiguate doc/lit wrapped patterns
-x      don't generate _XML any/anyAttribute extensibility elements
-y      generate typedef synonyms for structs and enums
-z1     compatibility with 2.7.6e: generate pointer-based arrays
-z2     compatibility with 2.7.7-2.7.15: (un)qualify element/attribute refs
-z3     compatibility with 2.7.16-2.8.7: (un)qualify element/attribute refs
-z4     compatibility up to 2.8.11: don't generate union structs in std::vector
-z5     compatibility up to 2.8.15: don't include minor improvements
-z6     compatibility up to 2.8.17: don't include minor improvements
-z7     compatibility up to 2.8.59: don't generate std::vector of class of union
-z8     compatibility up to 2.8.74: don't gen quals for doc/lit wrapped patterns
-z9     compatibility up to 2.8.93: always qualify element/attribute refs
-z10    compatibility up to 2.8.96: gen quals even when defined w/o namespace
-_      don't generate _USCORE (replace with Unicode code point _x005f)
infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www... list of input sources (if none reads stdin)
2.8.59: don't generate std::vector of class of union
-z8     compatibility up to 2.8.74: don't gen quals for doc/lit wrapped patterns
-z9     compatibility up to 2.8.93: always qualify element/attribute refs
-z10    compatibility up to 2.8.96: gen quals even when defined w/o namespace
-_      don't generate _USCORE (replace with Unicode code point _x005f)
infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www... list of input sources (if none reads stdin)




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