
1、在本机上安装WebLogic Server 软件;
2、添加WebLogic Server类到 CLASSPATH 环境变量中,并设置JDK的二进制执行目录到path环境变量中。我们可以使用 setWLSEnv.sh 或者 setWLSEnv.cmd 脚本帮助我们设置环境变量

这两个脚本存放在weblogic安装目录的 server/bin子目录下,例如:C:\app\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin

java [ SSL Arguments] weblogic.Deployer [ Connection Arguments] [ User Credentials Arguments] COMMAND-NAME command-options [ Common Arguments]

java [ -Dweblogic.security.TrustKeyStore=DemoTrust ]
[ -Dweblogic.security.JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase=password ]
[ -Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName=filename
[-Dweblogic.security.CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase=password ]
[ -Dweblogic.security.SSL.hostnameVerifier=classname ]
[ -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true ]
[ User Credentials Arguments ]
COMMAND-NAME command-arguments

java [ SSL Arguments] weblogic.Deployer [-adminurl protocol://listen_address:port_number] [ User Credentials Arguments] COMMAND-NAME command-options [ Common Arguments]

-adminurl [protocol://]Admin-Server-listen-address:listen-port
Listen address and listen port of the Administration Server.
To use a port that is not secured by SSL, the format is -adminurl [protocol]Admin-Server-listen-address:port where t3 , http , iiop , and iiops are valid protocols.
In order to use an adminurl with the HTTP protocol, you must enable the HTTP tunneling option in the Administration Console. For more information, see Setting Up WebLogic Server for HTTP Tunneling in Administering Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server. For instructions on enabling HTTP tunneling in the Administration Console, see Configure HTTP protocol in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.
To use a port that is secured by SSL, the format is -adminurl secure-protocol://Admin-Server-listen-address:port where t3s and https are valid secure protocols.
To connect to the Administration Server via a configured administration channel, you must specify a valid administration port number: -adminurl secure-protocol://Admin-Server-listen-address:domain-wide-admin-port
There is no default value for this argument.

java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Deployer [ Connection Arguments] [ { -username username [-password password] } | [ -userconfigfile config-file [-userkeyfile admin-key] ] ] COMMAND-NAME command-options [ Common Arguments]

-username username
Administrator username. If you supply the -username option but you do not supply a corresponding -password option, weblogic.Deployer prompts you for the password.
-password password
Password of the administrator user.
To avoid having the plain text password appear in scripts or in process utilities such as ps , first store the username and encrypted password in a configuration file using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) storeUserConfig command as described in the WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server. Omit both the -username and -password options to weblogic.Deployer to use the values stored in the default configuration file.
If you want to use a specific configuration file and key file, rather than the default files, use the -userconfigfile and -userkeyfile options to weblogic.Deployer .
-userconfigfile config-file
Location of a user configuration file to use for the administrative username and password. Use this option, instead of the -user and -password options, in automated scripts or in situations where you do not want to have the password shown on-screen or in process-level utilities such as ps . Before specifying the -userconfigfile attribute, you must first generate the file using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) storeUserConfig command as described in the WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.
-userkeyfile admin-key
Specifies the location of a user key file to use for encrypting and decrypting the username and password information stored in a user configuration file (the -userconfigfile option). Before specifying the -userkeyfile attribute, you must first generate the file using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) storeUserConfig command as described in the WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.

java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Deployer [ Connection Arguments] [ { -username username [-password password] } | [ -userconfigfile config-file [-userkeyfile admin-key] ] ] COMMAND-NAME command-options [公共参数]

Argument Name
Prints full command-line help text for all weblogic.Deployer actions and options.
Display example command lines for common tasks.
Prints command-line help text for the most commonly used weblogic.Deployer actions and options.
加了 -noexit 后,将覆盖上述的行为。即不退出。
Indicates that weblogic.Deployer should ignore all version related code paths on the Administration Server. This behavior is useful when deployment source files are located on Managed Servers (not the Administration Server) and you want to use the external_stage staging mode.
If you use this option, you cannot use versioned applications.
weblogic.Deployer prints the task ID and exits without waiting for the action to complete. This option initiates multiple tasks and then monitor them later with the -list action.
-output <raw | formatted>
(Deprecated.) Either raw or formatted to control the appearance of weblogic.Deployer output messages. Both output types contain the same information, but raw output does not contain embedded tabs. By default, weblogic.Deployer displays raw output.
Indicates that weblogic.Deployer should flush out deployment tasks that are retired.
Indicates that weblogic.Deployer is not running on the same machine as the Administration Server, and that source paths specified in the command are valid for the Administration Server machine itself. If you do not use the -remote option, weblogic.Deployer assumes that all source paths are valid paths on the local machine.
-timeout seconds
Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for the deployment task to complete. After the time expires, weblogic.Deployer prints out the current status of the deployment and exits.
Additional progress messages, including details about the prepare and activate phases of the deployment.
Prints version information for weblogic.Deployer .






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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


