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Every new compute instance comes with a pre-defined size of virtual disk space.

Imagine you already have a compute instance in data center Rot DC1 where you want to install a Hana database. The database data should be stored on an extra virtual disk. The following section will guide you step-by-step through the process from creating a raw virtual disk to finally write to and read from the new filesystem.



LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager and is a method to manage disk space dynamically on multiple harddrives. It adds an addional layer of abstraction between the filesystem and the harddrives.

Before starting with the creation of a new volume under Linux some terms needed to be explained.

Physical volume

A physical volume is the real data storage of a LVM. It could be a partition or a whole harddrive.

Volume group

A volume group is a container for at least one physical volume.

Logical volume

A logical volume is like a partition inside a volume group. The logical volume can be used like a normal partition, meaning that filesystems can be created and it can be mounted.


LVM allows to resize physical volume, volume group and logical volume on the fly without reboot the system.

Note The filesystem inside the the logical volume needs to be resized as well.

Step 1: Create a new volume

In the Monsoon Dashboard navigate to the project where the compute instance resides and click on the tab Volume.

Perform the following steps to create a new virtual disk in the same Availability Zone as the compute instance:

  1. Click on on the button New Volume.
  2. Give the volume a short description.
  3. Select the availability zone.
  4. Select the size of the virtual disk from 1 to 1024 GB.

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The newly created volume has the type vmdk, which is an open container format for virtual hard disk drives to be used in virtual machines. By clicking on the name of the volume more detailed information including the compute instances the volume is attached to are being displayed.

Step 2: Attach volume to the compute instance

Once the the virtual disk is available you can attach the volume to your compute instances. Open the tool box of the volume and then click on ‘Attach’.

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On the following screen select the server to which you want to attach the new volume. You can attach the volume only to servers within your project. When the volume is attached it appears in the operating system of the instance as a raw disk.

  • On Linux under /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>. Additionally, it is also sensible to set an alias /dev/ under which the volume should also appear.

Important When setting an alias, you cannot choose a kernel reserved name like /dev/sda.

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Note Please be aware that you have created in this step a raw virtual disk only.

Note On Linux you can scan for all storage devices available on your machine with the command lvmdiskscan.

Step 3: Create physical volume

Instead of applying the manual steps described below you can also use the sap-lvm cookbook to create and mount a Logical Volume.

Create physical volume

In order to use the raw virtual disk in Linux you have to intialize the device as an LVM physical volume. The following command pvcreate initializes your device as an LVM physical volume for later use as part of an LVM logical volume.

The path to the virtual disk is /dev/monsoon/<volume-id> or if an alias was set it can also be accessed via /dev/<alias>.

Note This example will only use /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>.

sudo pvcreate /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>

List physical volumes

You can view all physical volumes on your instance with the pvdisplay command.

sudo pvdisplay

Example output:

  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/sda6
  VG Name               osvg
  PV Size               68.27 GiB / not usable 1.00 MiB
  Allocatable           yes 
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              17477
  Free PE               5821
  Allocated PE          11656
  PV UUID               qb8pns-Zj94-JFWl-HpQ6-BRBQ-V2RO-WPCeD9

Alternatively you can also use pvs command.

sudo pvs

Example output:

PV         VG   Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
/dev/sda2  main lvm2 a-   465,57G 311,57G

Step 4: Create/Extend volume group

Create volume group

Create an LVM volume group <group> with vgcreate command from the physical volume /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>.

sudo vgcreate <group> /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>

Extend volume group

Expand an existing LVM volume group <group> with vgextend command by the physical volume /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>.

sudo vgextend <group> /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>

List volume groups

You can view all volume groups on your instance with the vgdisplay command.

sudo vgdisplay

Example output:

  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               osvg
  System ID             
  Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        1
  Metadata Sequence No  7
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status             resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                3
  Open LV               3
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                1
  Act PV                1
  VG Size               68.27 GiB
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              17477
  Alloc PE / Size       11656 / 45.53 GiB
  Free  PE / Size       5821 / 22.74 GiB
  VG UUID               GY8Uou-MFzC-JkWf-ZP1g-JATj-9NUd-mlHcqK

Alternatively use the vgs command.

sudo vgs

Example output:

VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
main   1   6   0 wz--n- 465,57G 311,57G

Note Use the vgscan command to verify the LVM configuration of the volume group .

Step 5: Create/Extend logical volume

Create logical volume

Use the lvcreate command to create the appropriate logical volume <volume> that uses all of the unallocated space within the volume group <group>.

sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n <volume> <group>

Extend logical volume

To extend an existing logical volume /dev/<group>/<volum> use the lvextend command that uses all of the unallocated space of the volume /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>.

sudo lvextend /dev/<group>/<volum> /dev/monsoon/<volume-id>

List logical volumes

You can view all volume groups on your instance with the lvdisplay command.

sudo lvdisplay

Example output:

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Name                /dev/osvg/lvroot
  VG Name                osvg
  LV UUID                F9hXgF-gj8B-Rdgh-efVD-p1Er-SkKN-qWx18U
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Status              available
  # open                 1
  LV Size                18.62 GiB
  Current LE             4768
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           252:1

Alternatively use the lvs command.

sudo lvs

Example output:

LV         VG   Attr   LSize  Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%
home       main -wi-ao 70,00G
music      main -wi-ao 20,00G
root       main -wi-ao 20,00G
swap       main -wi-ao  2,00G
tmp        main -wi-ao  2,00G
virtualbox main -wi-ao 40,00G

Note Use the lvscan command to verify the LVM configuration of the logical volume.

Step 6: Create/Extend filesystem

Create filesystem

Without a file system nothing can be saved on a logical volume. Perform the mkfs command to format the logical volume.

sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/<group>/<volume>

Extend filesystem

To extend an existing filesystem on the logical volume <volume> with the volume group <group> use the command resize2fs.

sudo resize2fs /dev/<group>/<volume>

Step 7: Mount logical volume

Before accessing a new filesystem it is necessary to mount it. First create the directory <directory> and then mount the logical volume.

sudo mkdir <directory>
sudo mount /dev/<group>/<volume> <directory>

Run the command df -h and you should see your logical volume in the output.

Example output:

Filesystem                                          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/packer--UBUNTU1204--BUILD--54--vg-root  137G   36G   96G  27% /
udev                                                7.9G   12K  7.9G   1% /dev
tmpfs                                               1.6G  268K  1.6G   1% /run
none                                                5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none                                                7.9G     0  7.9G   0% /run/shm
/dev/sda1                                           228M   56M  161M  26% /boot

Step 8: Access the logical volume

Congratulations! You have set up the LVM volume on your compute instance. Now you can write to and read from <directory>.

touch <directory>/
ls <directory>

Note Use the commands chown and chmod if you need to change the owner or permissions of <directory>.

Step 9: Automatically mount the logical volume

In order to mount the logical volume automatically when the instance boots, add the following line to the /etc/fstab file.

/dev/<group>/<volume> <directory> ext3 rw,noatime 0 0

After restarting the instance run the command df -h and you should see that the logical volume is mounted on <directory>.

Create a simple or striped dynamic Volume/Drive on Windows

Step 1: Create a new volume

In the Monsoon Dashboard navigate to the project where the compute instance resides and click on the tab Volume.

Perform the following steps to create a new virtual disk in the same Availability Zone as the compute instance:

  1. Click on on the button New Volume.
  2. Give the volume a short description.
  3. Select the availability zone.
  4. Select the size of the virtual disk from 1 to 1024 GB.

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The newly created volume has the type vmdk, which is an open container format for virtual hard disk drives to be used in virtual machines. By clicking on the name of the volume more detailed information including the compute instances the volume is attached to are being displayed.

Step 2: Attach volume to the compute instance

Once the the virtual disk is available you can attach the volume to your compute instances. Open the tool box of the volume and then click on ‘Attach’.

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On the following screen select the server to which you want to attach the new volume. You can attach the volume only to servers within your project. When the volume is attached it appears in the operating system of the instance as a raw disk.

  • On Windows Server in Disk Manager as Disk[1-n]. The Disk Manager can be found in All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Server Manager -> Storage -> Disk Management.

Note Setting an alias affects only on Linux, on windows no alias/name is configurable at that time

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Note Please be aware that you have created in this step a raw virtual disk only.

Step 3: Open disk manager

3.1 Connect to your Windows system via Remote Desktop Connection.

3.2 Open Server Manager

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3.3 On navigation select Storage/Disk Management

3.3 On main window you should see your created disk in mode uninitialzed and unallocated

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Step 4: Take disk online and initialize it

4.1 Right click on on disk and take it online

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4.2 Right click on disk and initialize it

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4.3 Also select partition style

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Step 5A: Create a formatted simple Volume/Drive

5.1 Right click on new volume and select “New Simple Volume…”

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5.2 Follow the steps of wizzard

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5.3 Set size

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5.4 Set drive letter

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5.5 Set file system (NTFS is default)

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5.6 Check summary and start formatting

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5.7 You should now see your new created simple Volume/Drive

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Step 5B: Create striped Volume

Note In order to create a dynamic/stripped volume on Windows you need to create at least 2 volumes on the Monsoon platform, attach to your instance and perform the steps 3 and 4 on both volumes.

5.1 Right click on on of your new Volumes and click on “New Sliced Volume…”

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5.2 Follow the steps of Striped Volume Wizard

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5.3 The first new Volume will be selected by default, you have to add at least one additional disk

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5.4 Choose a drive letter

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5.5 Choose file system (NTFS is default)

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5.6 Check the summary and start volume formatting

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5.7 Disks must be converted to dynamic mode - confirm, click on yes

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5.8 You should now see your new Sliced Volume/Drive in diskmanager

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