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转载 SVN 配置

  这个SVN可真是让我无语了,开始安了个Eclipse下的subclipse1.x.x,就以为可以了,不过悲剧的是一直报错“无法连接主机“localhost”: 由于目标机器积极拒绝,无法连接。”原来我根本没有安装服务器端,咳~~一、描述:SVNSVN可以理解为一个加密的共享文件夹或加密的FTP,其中有服务器端subversion1.x.x和客户端TortoiseSVN-1.x.x.xxxx(或Eclipse下的subclipse1.x.x)。其中subversion1.x.x在服务器端必须安装,而客户端

2010-09-28 09:19:00 1034

转载 数据库名(DB_NAME)、实例名(Instance_name)、以及操作系统环境变量(ORACLE_SID) 之间的区别

数据库名(DB_NAME)、实例名(Instance_name)、以及操作系统环境变量(ORACLE_SID) 在ORACLE7、8数据库中只有数据库名(db_name)和数据库实例名(instance_name)。在ORACLE8i、9i中出现了新的参数,即数据库域名(db_domain)、服务名(service_name)、以及操作系统环境变量(ORACLE_SID)。这些都存在于同一个数据库中的标识,用于区分不同数据库的参数。 一、什么是数据库名(db_name)?数据库名是用于区分数据的内部标识,是

2010-09-27 11:27:00 740

原创 Delphi7 BusinessSkinForm 安装

弄了半天终于把BusinessSkinForm安装到了我的Delphi7上面,步骤很简单,就是一直没有找到可以用的BusinessSkinForm安装文件。下了一些竟是Demo的BusinessSkinForm,让人看着眼馋,就是不能安装到我的程序上,郁闷死了。       我把我用到的东西都上传到csdn上了,所以有人安装BusinessSkinForm的话,随时可以下载。不用在东找西找了。地址如下:      http://download.csdn.net/source/2714321这个版本直接在D

2010-09-24 00:49:00 3376

原创 ubuntu 清除、更改 kde 鼠标

因为硬盘地儿不够了,所以只好把不经常用的KDE桌面删除喽,不过在删除完KDE桌面后。发现那个鼠标图标怎么老是KDE的,阴魂不散的鼠标图标,怎么换也换不了。最后只好用直接修改配置文件了,命令如下:1.编辑配置文件sudo vi /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme2.替换下列内容:[Icon Theme]Name = DMZ-WhiteComment = Default icon themeInherits = DMZ-White3.注销一下系统就行了。ps:(1)当然你也

2010-09-21 12:42:00 1213

转载 SQL server 2000 卸载

以在XP Professional里面卸载SQLServer2000为例:1 在控制面板中添加/删除程序中卸载掉SQLServer2000.2 运行"regedit.exe"命令,在出现的注册表编辑器中删除以下选项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/MSSQLServer------------------|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Microsoft SQLServer----------|--前面三项是对SQLS

2010-09-16 13:34:00 837

android sdk 自带 实例(samples)

List of Sample Apps The list below provides a summary of the sample applications that are available with the Android SDK. Using the links on this page, you can view the source files of the sample applications in your browser. You can also download the source of these samples into your SDK, then modify and reuse it as you need. For more information, see Getting the Samples. API Demos A variety of small applications that demonstrate an extensive collection of framework topics. Backup and Restore A simple example that illustrates a few different ways for an application to implement support for the Android data backup and restore mechanism. Bluetooth Chat An application for two-way text messaging over Bluetooth. BusinessCard An application that demonstrates how to launch the built-in contact picker from within an activity. This sample also uses reflection to ensure that the correct version of the contacts API is used, depending on which API level the application is running under. Contact Manager An application that demonstrates how to query the system contacts provider using the ContactsContract API, as well as insert contacts into a specific account. Home A home screen replacement application. JetBoy A game that demonstrates the SONiVOX JET interactive music technology, with JetPlayer. Live Wallpaper An application that demonstrates how to create a live wallpaper and bundle it in an application that users can install on their devices. Lunar Lander A classic Lunar Lander game. Multiple Resolutions A sample application that shows how to use resource directory qualifiers to provide different resources for different screen configurations. Note Pad An application for saving notes. Similar (but not identical) to the Notepad tutorial. SampleSyncAdapter Demonstrates how an application can communicate with a cloud-based service and synchronize its data with data stored locally in a content provider. The sample uses two related parts of the Android framework — the account manager and the synchronization manager (through a sync adapter). Searchable Dictionary A sample application that demonstrates Android's search framework, including how to provide search suggestions for Quick Search Box. Snake An implementation of the classic game "Snake." Soft Keyboard An example of writing an input method for a software keyboard. Spinner A simple application that serves as an application-under-test for the SpinnerTest sample application. SpinnerTest An example test application that contains test cases run against the Spinner sample application. To learn more about the application and how to run it, please read the Activity Testing tutorial. TicTacToeLib An example of an Android library project that provides a game-play Activity to any dependent application project. For an example of how an application can use the code and resources in an Android library project, see the TicTacToeMain sample application. TicTacToeMain An example of an Android application that makes use of code and resources provided in an Android library project. Specifically, this application uses code and resources provided in the TicTacToeLib library project. Wiktionary An example of creating interactive widgets for display on the Android home screen. Wiktionary (Simplified) A simple Android home screen widgets example.






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