9/23 Partial order relations

Partial order relation

Partial ordered sets

A relation R R R on a set A A A is called a partial order if R R R is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. The set A A A together with the partial order R R R is called a partially ordered set, or simply a poset, and we denote this poset by ( A , R ) (A,R) (A,R).

A relation R R R on a set A A A is antisytmmetric if whenever a    R    b a\;R\;b aRb, then b    ℟    a b\;℟\;a ba, unless a = b a=b a=b

The notation a ≼ b a\preccurlyeq b ab denotes that ( a , b ) ∈ R (a,b)\in R (a,b)R
Note that the symbol ≼ \preccurlyeq is used to denote the relation in any poset, not just the lessthan or equals relation.
The notation a ≺ b a\prec b ab denotes that a ≼ b , b u t    a ≠ b a\preccurlyeq b, but \;a\ne b ab,buta=b


The elements a a a and b b b of a poset ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) are called comparable if either a ≼ b    o r    b ≼    a a\preccurlyeq b\;or\;b\preccurlyeq\;a aborba.
When a a a and b b b are elements of A A A such that neither a ≼ b a\preccurlyeq b ab nor b ≼ a b\preccurlyeq a ba, a a a and b b b are called incomparable

total order (linearly order)

If ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) is a poset and every elements of A A A are comparable, A A A is called a totally ordered or linearly ordered set, and ≼ \preccurlyeq is called a total order or linear order.

A totally ordered set is also called a chain.

Hasse Diagram

  1. partial order is reflexive , thus we should delete all loop from the digraph
  2. Because a partial order is transitive, we do not have to show those edges that must be present because of transitivity.
  3. If we assume that all edges are pointed upward, we do not have to show the directions of the edges

Extremal elements of partially ordered sets

maximal & minimal element

Let ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) is a poset. An elements a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a maximal element of A A A if there is no elements c c c in A A A such that a ≺ c a\prec c ac.
An elements b ∈ A b\in A bA is called a minimal element of A A A if there is no elements c c c in A A A such that c ≺ b c\prec b cb

A poset can have more than one maximal or minimal element.

greatest element & least element

Let ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) is a poset.
An element a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a greatest element of A A A if x ≼ a x\preccurlyeq a xa for all x ∈ A x\in A xA
An elements a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a least element of A A A if a ≼ x a\preccurlyeq x ax for all x ∈ A x\in A xA

upper bound & lower bound

Let ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) is a poset, and B ⊆ A B\subseteq A BA.
An element a ∈ A a\in A aA is called an upper bound of B B B if b ≼ a b \preccurlyeq a ba for all b ∈ B b\in B bB.
An element a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a lower bound of B B B if a ≼ b a\preccurlyeq b ab for all b ∈ B b\in B bB


Let ( A , ≼ ) (A,\preccurlyeq) (A,) be a poset, and B ⊆ A B\subseteq A BA.

An element a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a least upper bound of B    B\; B ( L U B ( B ) ) (LUB(B)) (LUB(B)), if a a a is an upper bound of B B B and a ≼ a ′ a\preccurlyeq a' aa, whenever a ′ a' a is an upper bound of B B B.
An element a ∈ A a\in A aA is called a greatest lower bound of B B B ( G L B ( B ) ) (GLB(B)) (GLB(B)), if a lower bound of B B B and a ′ ≼ a a'\preccurlyeq a aa, whenever a ′ a' a is an lower bound of B B B



Let A A A and B B B be nonempty sets.
A relation is an everywhere function from A A A to B B B, denoted by
f : A → B f: A\to B f:AB
If for every a ∈ A a\in A aA, there is one and only b ∈ B b\in B bB so that ( a , b ) ∈ f (a,b)\in f (a,b)f, we say that b = f ( a ) b=f(a) b=f(a)

The set A A A is called the domain of the function f f f.
If X ⊆ A X\subseteq A XA, then f ( X ) = { f ( a ) ∣ a ∈ X } f(X)=\{f(a)|a\in X\} f(X)={f(a)aX} is called the image of X X X, the image of A A A itself is called the range of f f f, we write R f R_f Rf

If Y ⊆ B Y\subseteq B YB, then f − 1 ( Y ) = { a ∣ f ( a ) ∈ Y } f^{-1}(Y)=\{a|f(a)\in Y\} f1(Y)={af(a)Y} is called the preimage of Y Y Y.

A function f : A → B f:A\to B f:AB is called a mapping. If ( a , b ) ∈ f (a,b)\in f (a,b)f so that b = f ( a ) b= f(a) b=f(a), then we say that the element a a a is mapped to element b b b.

Everywhere function

  1. D o m f = A Domf = A Domf=A
  2. if ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b) and ( a , b ′ ) ∈ f (a,b')\in f (a,b)f, then b = b ′ b=b' b=b

in other words
D o m R = A DomR = A DomR=A

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