
Given a binary tree, find the largest Binary Search Tree (BST), where largest means BST with largest number of nodes in it. The largest BST may or may not include all of its descendants.


In this post, we develop a solution to find the largest BST in a binary tree. Please note that the largest BST may or may not include all of its descendants. If you are interested in the solution for finding the largest BST subtree where it must include all of its descendants, read my previous post: Largest Subtree Which is a Binary Search Tree (BST).

An anonymous reader left an interesting comment in my previous post where the interviewer was asking what if the largest BST may or may not include all of its descendants.

From now onwards, we use the term largest BST for largest BST which may or may not include all of its descendants, while largest BST subtree is for largest BST subtree which must include all of its descendants.

The example I showed in my last post was too trivial, so here I show a slightly more complicated example.

              /                                        \
  ___________10___________                             20
 /                        \
 5                   _____7____
                    /          \
                  __2__       __5
                 /     \     /
                 0      8    3 

The largest BST (may or may not include all of its descendants) from the above example should be:

        /          \
      _10          20

while the largest BST subtree (must include all of its descendants) should be:

     /    \
     0     8 
An Incorrect Solution:

One might try to do an in-order traversal of the binary tree and find the longest increasing contiguous sequence or the longest increasing subsequence. Although these two approaches seemed to work for many cases, they are flawed and cannot handle the above case.

Let’s do an in-order traversal for the above binary tree:

5 10 0 2 8 7 3 5 15 20

The longest increasing contiguous sequence is:

3 5 15 20

The longest increasing subsequence is:

0 2 3 5 15 20

As you can see, neither one of them is correct.

A Top-down Approach:
The largest BST subtree solution requires a bottom-up approach where the min and max values are passed bottom-up. The main reason of doing this is when one of the nodes does not satisfy the BST properties, all subtrees above (which includes this node as well) must also not satisfy the BST requirements.

However, finding the largest BST requires a slightly different approach. We want the largest BST by including as many nodes as possible while we traverse down the tree, as long the current BST constraint is maintained. What happens when we see a node that breaks the current BST constraint? The answer is we can simply exclude it. However, we must treat it as an entirely new tree (ie, find in that tree if there is another larger BST). As you can see, we are passing the min and max values top-down, while the nodes count are passed bottom-up (Read my previous post to know how).

As a tree is defined recursively using its left and right subtrees, you could not simply return root node of the largest BST as this would include all of its subtrees. You would need to create copies of the subtrees or delete nodes from the original binary tree. My code below create copies of the subtrees. As it does not handle the deletion of trees, some of the subtrees that are created dynamically will eventually be memory-leaked. Handling this problem would require more complicated code. I will not demonstrate how to do it here since this post is to illustrate the algorithm.

// Find the largest BST in a binary tree.
// This code does not delete dynamically-allocated nodes,
// so memory will be leaked upon exit.
// The min and max values are passed top-down to check if
// including a node satisfies the current BST constraint.
// The child nodes are passed bottom-up to be assigned
// to its parent.
// Returns the total number of nodes the child holds.
int findLargestBST(BinaryTree *p, int min, int max, int &maxNodes,
                   BinaryTree *& largestBST, BinaryTree *& child) {
  if (!p) return 0;
  if (min < p->data && p->data < max) {
    int leftNodes = findLargestBST(p->left, min, p->data, maxNodes, largestBST, child);
    BinaryTree *leftChild = (leftNodes == 0) ? NULL : child;
    int rightNodes = findLargestBST(p->right, p->data, max, maxNodes, largestBST, child);
    BinaryTree *rightChild = (rightNodes == 0) ? NULL : child;
    // create a copy of the current node and
    // assign its left and right child.
    BinaryTree *parent = new BinaryTree(p->data);
    parent->left = leftChild;
    parent->right = rightChild;
    // pass the parent as the child to the above tree.
    child = parent;
    int totalNodes = leftNodes + rightNodes + 1;
    if (totalNodes > maxNodes) {
      /** need to delete the memory of the **/
      /** largestBST first to avoid memory leak **/
      maxNodes = totalNodes;
      largestBST = parent;
    return totalNodes;
  } else {
    // include this node breaks the BST constraint,
    // so treat this node as an entirely new tree and
    // check if a larger BST exist in this tree
    findLargestBST(p, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, maxNodes, largestBST, child);
    // must return 0 to exclude this node
    return 0;
BinaryTree* findLargestBST(BinaryTree *root) {
  BinaryTree *largestBST = NULL;
  BinaryTree *child;
  int maxNodes = INT_MIN;
  findLargestBST(root, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, maxNodes, largestBST, child);
  return largestBST;

以下是对提供的参考资料的总结,按照要求结构化多个要点分条输出: 4G/5G无线网络优化与网规案例分析: NSA站点下终端掉4G问题:部分用户反馈NSA终端频繁掉4G,主要因终端主动发起SCGfail导致。分析显示,在信号较好的环境下,终端可能因节能、过热保护等原因主动释放连接。解决方案建议终端侧进行分析处理,尝试关闭节电开关等。 RSSI算法识别天馈遮挡:通过计算RSSI平均值及差值识别天馈遮挡,差值大于3dB则认定有遮挡。不同设备分组规则不同,如64T和32T。此方法可有效帮助现场人员识别因环境变化引起的网络问题。 5G 160M组网小区CA不生效:某5G站点开启100M+60M CA功能后,测试发现UE无法正常使用CA功能。问题原因在于CA频点集标识配置错误,修正后测试正常。 5G网络优化与策略: CCE映射方式优化:针对诺基亚站点覆盖农村区域,通过优化CCE资源映射方式(交织、非交织),提升RRC连接建立成功率和无线接通率。非交织方式相比交织方式有显著提升。 5G AAU两扇区组网:与三扇区组网相比,AAU两扇区组网在RSRP、SINR、下载速率和上传速率上表现不同,需根据具体场景选择适合的组网方式。 5G语音解决方案:包括沿用4G语音解决方案、EPS Fallback方案和VoNR方案。不同方案适用于不同的5G组网策略,如NSA和SA,并影响语音连续性和网络覆盖。 4G网络优化与资源利用: 4G室分设备利旧:面对4G网络投资压减与资源需求矛盾,提出利旧多维度调优策略,包括资源整合、统筹调配既有资源,以满足新增需求和提质增效。 宏站RRU设备1托N射灯:针对5G深度覆盖需求,研究使用宏站AAU结合1托N射灯方案,快速便捷地开通5G站点,提升深度覆盖能力。 基站与流程管理: 爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程:未提供具体内容,但通常涉及邻区规划、参数配置、测试验证等步骤,以确保基站间顺畅切换和覆盖连续性。 网络规划与策略: 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点:虽未提供详细内容,但可推测涉及高铁跨海大桥区域的4G/5G网络覆盖规划,需考虑信号穿透、移动性管理、网络容量等因素。 总结: 提供的参考资料涵盖了4G/5G无线网络优化、网规案例分析、网络优化策略、资源利用、基站管理等多个方面。 通过具体案例分析,展示了无线网络优化的常见问题及解决方案,如NSA终端掉4G、RSSI识别天馈遮挡、CA不生效等。 强调了5G网络优化与策略的重要性,包括CCE映射方式优化、5G语音解决方案、AAU扇区组网选择等。 提出了4G网络优化与资源利用的策略,如室分设备利旧、宏站RRU设备1托N射灯等。 基站与流程管理方面,提到了爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程,但未给出具体细节。 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点展示了特殊场景下的网络规划需求。




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