Java网络爬虫crawler4j学习笔记<17> CrawlConfig类




 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawler;

import edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawler.authentication.AuthInfo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CrawlConfig {

   * The folder which will be used by crawler for storing the intermediate
   * crawl data. The content of this folder should not be modified manually.
    // 用于存放爬虫中间信息的文件目录,目录里面的内容最好不要更改
  private String crawlStorageFolder;

   * If this feature is enabled, you would be able to resume a previously
   * stopped/crashed crawl. However, it makes crawling slightly slower
  // 是否允许恢复之前停止或者崩溃的爬虫。这会使得爬虫效率略微降低
  private boolean resumableCrawling = false;

   * Maximum depth of crawling For unlimited depth this parameter should be
   * set to -1
  // 爬虫的最大爬取深度。-1表示爬取深度无限制
  private int maxDepthOfCrawling = -1;

   * Maximum number of pages to fetch For unlimited number of pages, this
   * parameter should be set to -1
  // 最大爬取的页面数,-1表示爬取页面数无限制
  private int maxPagesToFetch = -1;

   * user-agent string that is used for representing your crawler to web
   * servers. See for more details
  // 爬虫的user-agent
  private String userAgentString = "crawler4j (";

   * Politeness delay in milliseconds (delay between sending two requests to
   * the same host).
  // 对同一个host的两次request之间的间隔时间(ms),避免过快爬取
  private int politenessDelay = 200;

   * Should we also crawl https pages?
  // 是否爬取https页面
  private boolean includeHttpsPages = true;

   * Should we fetch binary content such as images, audio, ...?
  // 是否爬取二进制数据的页面,例如image,audio
  private boolean includeBinaryContentInCrawling = false;

   * Maximum Connections per host
  // 对于一个host的最大同时连接
  private int maxConnectionsPerHost = 100;

   * Maximum total connections
  // 总的最大连接数
  private int maxTotalConnections = 100;

   * Socket timeout in milliseconds
  // socket超时时间(ms)
  private int socketTimeout = 20000;

   * Connection timeout in milliseconds
  // 连接超时时间(ms)
  private int connectionTimeout = 30000;

   * Max number of outgoing links which are processed from a page
  // 一个页面最多处理多少个外链
  private int maxOutgoingLinksToFollow = 5000;

   * Max allowed size of a page. Pages larger than this size will not be
   * fetched.
  // 访问页面的最大大小,超过这个大小的页面一律丢弃
  private int maxDownloadSize = 1048576; // 128 x 1024 x 8 = 128KB

   * Should we follow redirects?
  // 是否跟踪网页重定向
  private boolean followRedirects = true;

   * If crawler should run behind a proxy, this parameter can be used for
   * specifying the proxy host.
  // 代理主机
  private String proxyHost = null;

   * If crawler should run behind a proxy, this parameter can be used for
   * specifying the proxy port.
  // 代理端口
  private int proxyPort = 80;

   * If crawler should run behind a proxy and user/pass is needed for
   * authentication in proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the
   * username.
  // 代理用户名
  private String proxyUsername = null;

   * If crawler should run behind a proxy and user/pass is needed for
   * authentication in proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the
   * password.
  // 代理密码
  private String proxyPassword = null;

  * List of possible authentications needed by crawler
  // 爬虫需要的认证信息集合
  private List<AuthInfo> authInfos;

  public CrawlConfig() {

   * Validates the configs specified by this instance.
   * @throws Exception on Validation fail
  // 配置信息有效性验证
  public void validate() throws Exception {
    if (crawlStorageFolder == null) {
      throw new Exception("Crawl storage folder is not set in the CrawlConfig.");
    if (politenessDelay < 0) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid value for politeness delay: " + politenessDelay);
    if (maxDepthOfCrawling < -1) {
      throw new Exception("Maximum crawl depth should be either a positive number or -1 for unlimited depth.");
    if (maxDepthOfCrawling > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
      throw new Exception("Maximum value for crawl depth is " + Short.MAX_VALUE);

  public String getCrawlStorageFolder() {
    return crawlStorageFolder;

   * The folder which will be used by crawler for storing the intermediate
   * crawl data. The content of this folder should not be modified manually.
   * @param crawlStorageFolder The folder for the crawler's storage
  public void setCrawlStorageFolder(String crawlStorageFolder) {
    this.crawlStorageFolder = crawlStorageFolder;

  public boolean isResumableCrawling() {
    return resumableCrawling;

   * If this feature is enabled, you would be able to resume a previously
   * stopped/crashed crawl. However, it makes crawling slightly slower
   * @param resumableCrawling Should crawling be resumable between runs ?
  public void setResumableCrawling(boolean resumableCrawling) {
    this.resumableCrawling = resumableCrawling;

  public int getMaxDepthOfCrawling() {
    return maxDepthOfCrawling;

   * Maximum depth of crawling For unlimited depth this parameter should be set to -1
   * @param maxDepthOfCrawling Depth of crawling (all links on current page = depth of 1)
  public void setMaxDepthOfCrawling(int maxDepthOfCrawling) {
    this.maxDepthOfCrawling = maxDepthOfCrawling;

  public int getMaxPagesToFetch() {
    return maxPagesToFetch;

   * Maximum number of pages to fetch For unlimited number of pages, this parameter should be set to -1
   * @param maxPagesToFetch How many pages to fetch from all threads together ?
  public void setMaxPagesToFetch(int maxPagesToFetch) {
    this.maxPagesToFetch = maxPagesToFetch;

   * @return userAgentString
  public String getUserAgentString() {
    return userAgentString;

   * user-agent string that is used for representing your crawler to web
   * servers. See for more details
   * @param userAgentString Custom userAgent string to use as your crawler's identifier
  public void setUserAgentString(String userAgentString) {
    this.userAgentString = userAgentString;

  public int getPolitenessDelay() {
    return politenessDelay;

   * Politeness delay in milliseconds (delay between sending two requests to
   * the same host).
   * @param politenessDelay
   *            the delay in milliseconds.
  public void setPolitenessDelay(int politenessDelay) {
    this.politenessDelay = politenessDelay;

  public boolean isIncludeHttpsPages() {
    return includeHttpsPages;

   * @param includeHttpsPages Should we crawl https pages?
  public void setIncludeHttpsPages(boolean includeHttpsPages) {
    this.includeHttpsPages = includeHttpsPages;

  public boolean isIncludeBinaryContentInCrawling() {
    return includeBinaryContentInCrawling;

   * @param includeBinaryContentInCrawling Should we fetch binary content such as images, audio, ...?
  public void setIncludeBinaryContentInCrawling(boolean includeBinaryContentInCrawling) {
    this.includeBinaryContentInCrawling = includeBinaryContentInCrawling;

  public int getMaxConnectionsPerHost() {
    return maxConnectionsPerHost;

   * @param maxConnectionsPerHost Maximum Connections per host
  public void setMaxConnectionsPerHost(int maxConnectionsPerHost) {
    this.maxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost;

  public int getMaxTotalConnections() {
    return maxTotalConnections;

   * @param maxTotalConnections Maximum total connections
  public void setMaxTotalConnections(int maxTotalConnections) {
    this.maxTotalConnections = maxTotalConnections;

  public int getSocketTimeout() {
    return socketTimeout;

   * @param socketTimeout Socket timeout in milliseconds
  public void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout) {
    this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout;

  public int getConnectionTimeout() {
    return connectionTimeout;

   * @param connectionTimeout Connection timeout in milliseconds
  public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) {
    this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;

  public int getMaxOutgoingLinksToFollow() {
    return maxOutgoingLinksToFollow;

   * @param maxOutgoingLinksToFollow Max number of outgoing links which are processed from a page
  public void setMaxOutgoingLinksToFollow(int maxOutgoingLinksToFollow) {
    this.maxOutgoingLinksToFollow = maxOutgoingLinksToFollow;

  public int getMaxDownloadSize() {
    return maxDownloadSize;

   * @param maxDownloadSize Max allowed size of a page. Pages larger than this size will not be fetched.
  public void setMaxDownloadSize(int maxDownloadSize) {
    this.maxDownloadSize = maxDownloadSize;

  public boolean isFollowRedirects() {
    return followRedirects;

   * @param followRedirects Should we follow redirects?
  public void setFollowRedirects(boolean followRedirects) {
    this.followRedirects = followRedirects;

  public String getProxyHost() {
    return proxyHost;

   * @param proxyHost If crawler should run behind a proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the proxy host.
  public void setProxyHost(String proxyHost) {
    this.proxyHost = proxyHost;

  public int getProxyPort() {
    return proxyPort;

   * @param proxyPort If crawler should run behind a proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the proxy port.
  public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort) {
    this.proxyPort = proxyPort;

  public String getProxyUsername() {
    return proxyUsername;

   * @param proxyUsername
   *        If crawler should run behind a proxy and user/pass is needed for
   *        authentication in proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the username.
  public void setProxyUsername(String proxyUsername) {
    this.proxyUsername = proxyUsername;

  public String getProxyPassword() {
    return proxyPassword;

   * If crawler should run behind a proxy and user/pass is needed for
   * authentication in proxy, this parameter can be used for specifying the password.
   * @param proxyPassword String Password
  public void setProxyPassword(String proxyPassword) {
    this.proxyPassword = proxyPassword;

   * @return the authentications Information
  public List<AuthInfo> getAuthInfos() {
    return authInfos;

  public void addAuthInfo(AuthInfo authInfo) {
    if (this.authInfos == null) {
      this.authInfos = new ArrayList<AuthInfo>();


   * @param authInfos authenticationInformations to set
  public void setAuthInfos(List<AuthInfo> authInfos) {
    this.authInfos = authInfos;

  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("Crawl storage folder: " + getCrawlStorageFolder() + "\n");
    sb.append("Resumable crawling: " + isResumableCrawling() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max depth of crawl: " + getMaxDepthOfCrawling() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max pages to fetch: " + getMaxPagesToFetch() + "\n");
    sb.append("User agent string: " + getUserAgentString() + "\n");
    sb.append("Include https pages: " + isIncludeHttpsPages() + "\n");
    sb.append("Include binary content: " + isIncludeBinaryContentInCrawling() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max connections per host: " + getMaxConnectionsPerHost() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max total connections: " + getMaxTotalConnections() + "\n");
    sb.append("Socket timeout: " + getSocketTimeout() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max total connections: " + getMaxTotalConnections() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max outgoing links to follow: " + getMaxOutgoingLinksToFollow() + "\n");
    sb.append("Max download size: " + getMaxDownloadSize() + "\n");
    sb.append("Should follow redirects?: " + isFollowRedirects() + "\n");
    sb.append("Proxy host: " + getProxyHost() + "\n");
    sb.append("Proxy port: " + getProxyPort() + "\n");
    sb.append("Proxy username: " + getProxyUsername() + "\n");
    sb.append("Proxy password: " + getProxyPassword() + "\n");
    return sb.toString();




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