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转载 Advanced memory management and more performance improvements in M89

Thursday, March 11, 2021Boosting performance while adding features, functionality, and improving security, requires deep and continuous investment. Today’s post is the first in a series this year that will go into more technical detail about Chrome’s ongo

2021-06-11 19:39:09 109

转载 Speeding up Chrome‘s release cycle

Thursday, March 4, 2021For more than a decade, Chrome has shipped a new milestone every 6 weeks, delivering security, stability, speed and simplicity to our users and the web. As we have improved our testing and release processes for Chrome, and deployed

2021-04-12 20:55:14 92

转载 Heads Up: Restriction on SharedArrayBuffers are coming in M91

Wednesday, February 17, 2021Starting in Chrome 91 (May, 2021), cross-origin isolation will be required on all platforms in order to access APIs like SharedArrayBuffer and performance.measureUserAgentSpecificMemory(). This brings our desktop platforms in l

2021-04-12 20:40:31 252

转载 Chrome 89 Beta: Advanced Hardware Interactions, Web Sharing on Desktop, and More

Thursday, January 28, 2021Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Learn more about the features listed here through the provided links or from the l

2021-03-01 21:30:50 298

转载 Privacy Sandbox in 2021: Testing a more private web

Monday, January 25, 2021A year ago we announced our intention to phase out third-party cookies and replace them with new browser features that are fundamentally more private. Since then, we’ve been working closely with the broader web community, including

2021-02-28 17:14:30 106

转载 Progress on Privacy Sandbox and building a more private web

Tuesday, October 6, 2020Last year we announced a new initiative (known as Privacy Sandbox) to develop a set of open standards to fundamentally enhance privacy on the web. With Privacy Sandbox we’ve been exploring privacy-preserving mechanisms with the web

2021-02-28 17:11:42 89

转载 Building a more private web: A path towards making third party cookies obsolete

Tuesday, January 14, 2020In August, we announced a new initiative (known as Privacy Sandbox) to develop a set of open standards to fundamentally enhance privacy on the web. Our goal for this open source initiative is to make the web more private and secur

2021-02-28 17:07:39 105

转载 Better content sharing with Custom Tabs

Friday, January 22, 2021Custom Tabs is a browser feature, introduced by Chrome, that is now supported by most major browsers on Android. It gives apps more control over their web experience, and makes transitions between native and web content more seamle

2021-02-22 11:58:30 72

转载 Limiting Private API availability in Chromium

Friday, January 15, 2021During a recent audit, we discovered that some third-party Chromium based browsers were able to integrate Google features, such as Chrome sync and Click to Call, that are only intended for Google’s use. This meant that a small frac

2021-02-22 11:55:21 75

转载 Chrome Dev Summit 2020: Building an open web for our users and developers

Wednesday, December 9, 2020We all benefit from an open web that is secure, powerful, and fast. Over the past year, we’ve focused our efforts on strengthening the web in three areas:Rethinking how we can deliver a safe and secure webAdding the capabilit

2021-02-04 10:23:52 178 1

转载 Manifest V3 now available on M88 Beta

Wednesday, December 9, 2020With hundreds of millions of people using over 250,000 items in the Chrome Web Store, extensions have become essential to how many of us experience the web and get work done online. We believe extensions must be trustworthy by d

2021-01-26 21:19:06 1112

转载 Easy to build, monetize, and discover: List your web app on Google Play

Wednesday, December 9, 2020App developers should be able to make money from their creations, whether via ads, purchases, or subscriptions. The first step to successfully monetizing is getting your app discovered.Now that Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can b

2021-01-26 21:16:32 191

转载 Seamless payments and password management in Chrome

Tuesday, December 8, 2020Many people choose to save their payment information and passwords for their favorite websites to their Google Account for easy access. Until recently, it was not always easy to access them in Chrome. For example: in that moment w

2021-01-10 20:16:54 195

转载 Continuing our journey to bring instant experiences to the whole web

Monday, December 7, 2020Speed has always been a core tenet of Chrome. We care about speed, not only because it helps our users get things done quicker, but because it also contributes to making the web ecosystem more diverse by lowering the friction of di

2021-01-07 20:23:26 135

转载 Chrome 88: Digital Goods, Lighting Estimation in Augmented Reality, and More

Thursday, December 3, 2020Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Learn more about the features listed here through the provided links or from the l

2020-12-29 18:56:14 253

转载 Transparent privacy practices for Chrome Extensions

Transparent privacy practices for Chrome ExtensionsWednesday, November 18, 2020Protecting users and their data is a fundamental aspect of the work we do on Chrome. Last year, as part of Google’s Project Strobe, we announced an important set of policies

2020-12-20 19:50:36 65

转载 Tab throttling and more performance improvements in Chrome M87

Tab throttling and more performance improvements in Chrome M87转自 https://blog.chromium.org/search?updated-max=2020-11-18T10:13:00-08:00&max-results=7Tuesday, November 17, 2020Even if you have a lot of tabs open, you likely only focus on a small set

2020-12-18 20:35:38 137 2

原创 chromium系列(6) -- Blink MediaPlayer的实现

chromium系列(6) – Blink MediaPlayer的实现Media相关知识MUX和DEMUXMux 是 Multiplex 的缩写,意为“多路传输”,其实就是“混流”、“封装”的意思,与“合成”的意思相似就是指把视频素材和音频素材封装到一个单独的文件中。通过 muxing(混流),可以将视频流、音频流甚至是字幕流捆绑到一个单独的文件中,作为一个信号进行传输,等传输完毕,就可以通过 demuxing(分离) 将里面的视频、音频或字幕分解出来各自进行解码和播放。要点:在 muxing

2020-06-02 16:50:57 535

原创 Chromium 系列之(5) blink相关知识

Chromium 系列之(5) blink相关知识因为这段时间找工作,问的内核的相关问题比较多,所以记录下这些blink的相关的基础知识,一是帮助自己更好的理解blink,另一方面也当作笔记记录下来。Blink的层级结构一方面是HTML和CSS以及布局和JavaScript引擎部分,注意Blink中的JavaScript引擎为V8引擎。另一方面是和系统相关的接口层,例如调用openGL等和音视频解码。Blink中的2D使用的是Skia,音频和视频是重点。所以就会变成下面的样子。Blink调用

2020-05-27 18:22:44 1273

原创 chromium系列(4)-webview的创建过程


2020-04-29 18:45:39 888

转载 C/C++杂记:虚函数的实现的基本原理

C/C++杂记:虚函数的实现的基本原理转载自https://www.cnblogs.com/malecrab/p/5572730.html 如有冒犯,请及时联系,多谢!找到一篇虚函数讲的比较好的文章。概述简单地说,每一个含有虚函数(无论是其本身的,还是继承而来的)的类都至少有一个与之对应的虚函数表,其中存放着该类所有的虚函数对应的函数指针。例:其中:B的虚函数表中存放着B::fo...

2020-04-24 11:22:27 92

原创 chromium系列(3)--编译

chromium系列(3)–编译前言本文主讲 android 编译的相关编译前的准备编译硬件需求i 系统基于linux.ii 内存大于16GBiii cpu 至少4核, 每核3.5GHz之上iiii 硬盘至少需要100GB, 固态硬盘最好,可以提高编译速度和文件打开速度。编译环境的配置本文基于ubuntu18.04。首先安装必须的环境依赖cd srcbuil...

2020-04-21 11:40:43 820

原创 chromium系列(2)-使用release分支工作

chromium系列(2)-使用release分支工作在平时的工作中,我们经常要基于release分支做点事情,因为release分支比较稳定,bug相对来说比较少,也包含了稳定的特性。查看最新chromium最新的release分支在 https://www.chromium.org/developers/calendar 查找期望checkout的版本信息,需要代理才能访问。需要查看st...

2020-04-10 11:29:49 1007

原创 chromium系列(1)--代码下载

chromium系列(1)–代码下载编译硬件配置(android平台为例)64位处理器和系统,至少要有8GB的内存硬盘剩余存储空间至少需要100GB要安装python和gitchromium代码相关的介绍chromium 下载代码的工具使用的是depot_tools工具,git 仓库地址是git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/ch...

2020-04-01 12:25:07 705

原创 chromium系列

chromium系列chromium系列前言总序chromium系列前言 我从开始工作以来,第一家公司是360,就从浏览器相关的工作开始,先后经历了360极速浏览器(windows版本),360安全浏览器(windows版本)的开发和发展过程。见证了android发展壮大,也协助开发了360云盘(android)一段时间, 后来去了百度国际化,进行了百度国际化产品的开发。目前还是...

2020-04-01 09:22:13 150

Git Community Book

git 大神必经之路,学习git不可获取的书籍



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