翻译 Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(7)

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(7)

2.1 Debugging Code
2.1 调试代码

Remember when debugging JavaScript meant using alert() to verify the value of
variables? Well, the ability to debug JavaScript code has dramatically improved in the last
few years, in no small part due to the popularity of the Firebug developer extension for

  Similar tools have been developed for all major browsers:

• Firebug: The popular developer extension for Firefox that got the ball rolling. See http://getfirebug.org/
• IE Developer Tools: Included in Internet Explorer 8 and 9.
• Opera Dragonfly: Included in Opera 9.5 and newer. Also works with Mobile versions of Opera.
• WebKit Developer Tools: Introduced in Safari 3, dramatically improved in Safari
4, and now in Chrome.

• Firebug: 火狐最受欢迎的开发者扩展使这一切成为可能。 见http://getfirebug.org/
• IE Developer Tools: IE 8和9包含了这一工具。
• Opera Dragonfly: Ppera9.5及其以后版本包含了这一工具。 Opera的移动版本中也包含这一工具。
• WebKit Developer Tools: Safari 3包含这一工具, Safari 4中大大改善, 如今它也存在于Chrome浏览器。

  There are two important approaches to debugging JavaScript: logging and breakpoints. They are both useful for answering the important question “What’s going on in my code?”, but each tackling it from a different angle.

  Let’s start by looking at logging.

2.1.1 Logging
2.1.1 日志记录

Logging statements (such as using the console.log() method in Firebug, Safari, Chrome and IE) are part of the code (even if perhaps temporarily) and useful in a cross-browser sense. We can write logging calls in our code, and we can benefit from seeing the messages in the console of all modern browsers (with the exception of Opera).

  These browser consoles have dramatically improved the logging process over the old ‘add an alert’ technique. All our logging statements can be written to the console and be browsed immediately or at a later time without impeding the normal flow of the program – something not possible with alert() .

  For example, if we wanted to know what the value of a variable named x was at a certain point in the code, we might write:

  If we were to assume that the value of x is 213, then the result of executing this statement in the Chrome browser with the JavaScript console enabled would appear as shown in figure 2.1.

  Because Opera chose to go its own way when it comes to logging, implementing a proprietary postError() method, we’ll get all suave and implement a higher-level logging method that works across all modern browsers as shown in Listing 2.1.

  In this method, we first try to log a message using the method that works in most modern browsers (#1). If that fails, an exception will be thrown that we catch (#2), and then try to log a message using Opera’s proprietary method (#3). If both of those methods fail, we fall back to using old-fashioned alerts (#4).

  NOTE Within our method we used the apply() and call() methods of the JavaScript Function to relay the arguments passed to our function to the logging function. These Function methods are designed to help us make precisely controlled calls to JavaScript functions and we’ll be seeing much more of them in chapter 3.
  注意 在上述方法中,我们使用JavaScript中apply()和call()方法传递参数。这些函数方法的设计目标是帮助我们精确调用JavaScript方法,我们会在第三章看到更多这样的函数。

  Logging is all well and good to see what the state of things might be as the code is running, but sometimes we want to stop the action and take a look around.

  That’s where breakpoints come in.

2.1.2 Breakpoints
2.1.2 断点

Breakpoints, a somewhat more complex concept than logging, possess a notable advantage over logging: they halt the execution of a script at a specific line of code, pausing the browser. This allows us to leisurely investigate the state of all sorts of things at the point of the break. This includes all accessible variables, the context, and the scope chain.


  Let’s say that we have a page that employs our new log() method as shown in listing 2.2.

  If we were to set a breakpoint using Firebug on the annotated line (#1) in listing 2.2 (by clicking on the line number margin in the Script display) and refresh the page to cause the code to execute, the debugger would stop execution at that line and show us the display in figure 2.2.

  Note how the rightmost pane allows us to see the state within which our code is running, including the value of x .

  The debugger breaks on a line before that line is actually executed; so in this example,
the call to our log() method has yet to be executed. If we were to imagine that we were
trying to debug a problem with our new method, we might want to step into that method to
see what’s going on inside it.

  Clicking on the “step into” button (left-most gold arrow button) causes the debugger to execute up to the first line of our method, and we’d see the display of figure 2.3.
  点击"单步进入调试(step into)"按钮(最左侧金色箭头按钮)则直接进入自定义方法的第一行开始调试,如图2.3所示。

  Note how the displayed state has changed to allow us to poke around the new state within which our log() method executes.

  Any fully featured debugger with breakpoint capabilities is highly dependent upon the browser environment in which it is executing. For this reason, the aforementioned developer tools were created as the functionality provided by them would not be otherwise possible. It is a great boon and relief to the entire web development community that all the major browser implementers have come on board to create effective utilities for allowing debugging activities.

  Debugging code not only serves its primary and obvious purpose (detecting and fixing bugs), it also can helps us achieve the good practice goal of generating effective test cases.





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