翻译 Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(11)

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja 边译边学(11)







3 Functions are fundamental
3 函数是基础

In this chapter:

  • Why understanding functions is so crucial
  • How functions are first-class objects
  • How the browser invokes function
  • Declaring functions
  • The secrets of how functions are invoked
  • The context within a function


  • 为什么理解函数如此重要
  • 为什么函数是第一类对象
  • 浏览器如何触发函数
  • 声明函数
  • 触发函数的秘密
  • 函数上下文

You might have been somewhat surprised, upon turning to this first page of the part of this book dedicated to JavaScript fundamentals, to see that the topic of discussion is to be functions rather than objects.

  We’ll certainly be paying plenty of attention to objects (particularly in chapter 6), but when it comes down to brass tacks, the main difference between writing JavaScript code like the average Joe (or Jill) and writing it like a JavaScript Ninja, is understand JavaScript as a functional language. The level of the sophistication of all the code that you will ever write in JavaScript hinges upon this realization.

  If you’re reading this book, you’re not a rank beginner and we’re assuming that you know enough object fundamentals to get by for now (and we’ll be taking a look at more advanced object concepts in chapter 6), but really understanding functions in JavaScript is the single most important weapon we can wield. So important, in fact, that this and the following two chapters are going to be devoted to thoroughly understanding functions in JavaScript.

  Most importantly, in JavaScript, functions are first-class objects; that is, they coexist with, and can be treated like, any other JavaScript object. Just like the more mundane JavaScript data types, they can be referenced by variables, declared with literals, and even passed as function parameters.

  The fact that JavaScript treats functions as first-class objects is going to be important on a number of levels, but one significant advantage comes in the form of code terseness. To take a sneak-peek ahead to some code that we’ll examine in greater depth in section 3.1.2, some imperative code (in Java) to perform a collection sort could be:

Arrays.sort(values,new Comparator<Integer>(){
public int compare(Integer value1, Integer value2) {
return value2 - value1;

  The JavaScript equivalent written using a functional approach:

values.sort(function(value1,value2){ return value2 - value1; });

  Don’t be too concerned if the notation seems odd – you’ll be an old hand at it by the end of this chapter. We just wanted to give you a glimpse of one of the advantages that understanding JavaScript as a functional language will bring to the table.

  This chapter will thoroughly examine JavaScript’s focus on functions, and give us a sound basis on which to bring our JavaScript code to a level that any master would be proud of.





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