jsoup select 选择器


采用CSS或类似jquery 选择器(selector)语法来处理HTML文档中的数据。


利用方法:Element.select(String selector)Elements.select(String selector)

File input = new File("/tmp/input.html");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8", "http://example.com/");
Elements links = doc.select("a[href]"); // a with href
Elements pngs = doc.select("img[src$=.png]");  // img with src ending .png
Element masthead = doc.select("div.masthead").first();
  // div with class=masthead
Elements resultLinks = doc.select("h3.r > a"); // direct a after h3



jsoup elements support a CSS(or jquery) like selector syntax to find matching elements, that allows very powerful and robust queries.


The selectmethod is available in a DocumentElement, or in Elements. It is contextual, so you can filter by selecting from a specific element, or by chaining select calls.


Select returns a list of Elements (as Elements), which provides a range of methods to extract and manipulate the results.

选择器概要(Selector overview)

  • Tagname:通过标签查找元素(例如:a)
  • ns|tag:通过标签在命名空间查找元素,例如:fb|name查找<fb:name>元素
  • #id:通过ID查找元素,例如#logo
  • .class:通过类型名称查找元素,例如.masthead
  • [attribute]:带有属性的元素,例如[href]
  • [^attr]:带有名称前缀的元素,例如[^data-]查找HTML5带有数据集(dataset)属性的元素
  • [attr=value]:带有属性值的元素,例如[width=500]
  • [attr^=value],[attr$=value],[attr*=value]:包含属性且其值以value开头、结尾或包含value的元素,例如[href*=/path/]
  • [attr~=regex]:属性值满足正则表达式的元素,例如img[src~=(?i)\.(png|jpe?g)]
  • *:所有元素,例如*


  • el#id::带有ID的元素ID,例如div#logo
  • el.class:带类型的元素,例如. div.masthead
  • el[attr]:包含属性的元素,例如a[href]
  • 任意组合:例如a[href].highlight
  • ancestor child:继承自某祖(父)元素的子元素,例如.body p查找“body”块下的p元素
  • parent > child:直接为父元素后代的子元素,例如: div.content > pf查找p元素,body > * 查找body元素的直系子元素
  • siblingA + siblingB:查找由同级元素A前导的同级元素,例如div.head + div
  • siblingA ~ siblingX:查找同级元素A前导的同级元素X例如h1 ~ p
  • el, el, el:多个选择器组合,查找匹配任一选择器的唯一元素,例如div.masthead, div.logo

伪选择器(Pseudo selectors)

  • :lt(n):查找索引值(即DOM树中相对于其父元素的位置)小于n的同级元素,例如td:lt(3)
  • :gt(n):查找查找索引值大于n的同级元素,例如div p:gt(2)
  • :eq(n) :查找索引值等于n的同级元素,例如form input:eq(1)
  • :has(seletor):查找匹配选择器包含元素的元素,例如div:has(p)
  • :not(selector):查找不匹配选择器的元素,例如div:not(.logo)
  • :contains(text):查找包含给定文本的元素,大小写铭感,例如p:contains(jsoup)
  • :containsOwn(text):查找直接包含给定文本的元素
  • :matches(regex):查找其文本匹配指定的正则表达式的元素,例如div:matches((?i)login)
  • :matchesOwn(regex):查找其自身文本匹配指定的正则表达式的元素
  • 注意:上述伪选择器是0-基数的,亦即第一个元素索引值为0,第二个元素index为1等

详见SelectorAPI 参考资料所列全部信息和细节。



CSS-like element selector, that finds elements matching a query.

Selector syntax

A selector is a chain of simple selectors, separated by combinators. Selectors are case insensitive (including against elements, attributes, and attribute values).

The universal selector (*) is implicit when no element selector is supplied (i.e.  *.header  and  .header  is equivalent).

*any element*
tagelements with the given tag namediv
ns|Eelements of type E in the namespace nsfb|name finds <fb:name> elements
#idelements with attribute ID of "id"div#wrap#logo
.classelements with a class name of "class"div.left.result
[attr]elements with an attribute named "attr" (with any value)a[href][title]
[^attrPrefix]elements with an attribute name starting with "attrPrefix". Use to find elements with HTML5 datasets[^data-]div[^data-]
[attr=val]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value equal to "val"img[width=500]a[rel=nofollow]
[attr^=valPrefix]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value starting with "valPrefix"a[href^=http:]
[attr$=valSuffix]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value ending with "valSuffix"img[src$=.png]
[attr*=valContaining]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value containing "valContaining"a[href*=/search/]
[attr~=regex]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value matching the regular expressionimg[src~=(?i)\\.(png|jpe?g)]
 The above may be combined in any orderdiv.header[title]


E Fan F element descended from an E elementdiv a.logo h1
E > Fan F direct child of Eol > li
E + Fan F element immediately preceded by sibling Eli + lidiv.head + div
E ~ Fan F element preceded by sibling Eh1 ~ p
E, F, Gall matching elements E, F, or Ga[href], div, h3

Pseudo selectors

:lt(n)elements whose sibling index is less than ntd:lt(3) finds the first 2 cells of each row
:gt(n)elements whose sibling index is greater than ntd:gt(1) finds cells after skipping the first two
:eq(n)elements whose sibling index is equal to ntd:eq(0) finds the first cell of each row
:has(selector)elements that contains at least one element matching the selectordiv:has(p) finds divs that contain p elements
:not(selector)elements that do not match the selector. See also Elements.not(String)div:not(.logo) finds all divs that do not have the "logo" class.
div:not(:has(div)) finds divs that do not contain divs.
:contains(text)elements that contains the specified text. The search is case insensitive. The text may appear in the found element, or any of its descendants.p:contains(jsoup) finds p elements containing the text "jsoup".
:matches(regex)elements whose text matches the specified regular expression. The text may appear in the found element, or any of its descendants.td:matches(\\d+) finds table cells containing digits. div:matches((?i)login) finds divs containing the text, case insensitively.
:containsOwn(text)elements that directly contain the specified text. The search is case insensitive. The text must appear in the found element, not any of its descendants.p:containsOwn(jsoup) finds p elements with own text "jsoup".
:matchesOwn(regex)elements whose own text matches the specified regular expression. The text must appear in the found element, not any of its descendants.td:matchesOwn(\\d+) finds table cells directly containing digits.div:matchesOwn((?i)login) finds divs containing the text, case insensitively.
 The above may be combined in any order and with other selectors.light:contains(name):eq(0)

Structural pseudo selectors

:rootThe element that is the root of the document. In HTML, this is the html element:root

elements that have an+b-1 siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element. For values of a and b greater than zero, this effectively divides the element's children into groups of a elements (the last group taking the remainder), and selecting the bth element of each group. For example, this allows the selectors to address every other row in a table, and could be used to alternate the color of paragraph text in a cycle of four. The a and b values must be integers (positive, negative, or zero). The index of the first child of an element is 1.

In addition to this, :nth-child() can take odd and even as arguments instead. odd has the same signification as 2n+1, and even has the same signification as 2n.
tr:nth-child(2n+1) finds every odd row of a table. :nth-child(10n-1) the 9th, 19th, 29th, etc, element. li:nth-child(5) the 5h li
:nth-last-child(an+b)elements that have an+b-1 siblings after it in the document tree. Otherwise like :nth-child()tr:nth-last-child(-n+2) the last two rows of a table
:nth-of-type(an+b)pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent elementimg:nth-of-type(2n+1)
:nth-last-of-type(an+b)pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent elementimg:nth-last-of-type(2n+1)
:first-childelements that are the first child of some other element.div > p:first-child
:last-childelements that are the last child of some other element.ol > li:last-child
:first-of-typeelements that are the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent elementdl dt:first-of-type
:last-of-typeelements that are the last sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent elementtr > td:last-of-type
:only-childelements that have a parent element and whose parent element hasve no other element children 
:only-of-typean element that has a parent element and whose parent element has no other element children with the same expanded element name 
:emptyelements that have no children at all


采用CSS或类似jquery 选择器(selector)语法来处理HTML文档中的数据。


利用方法:Element.select(String selector)Elements.select(String selector)

File input = new File("/tmp/input.html");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8", "http://example.com/");
Elements links = doc.select("a[href]"); // a with href
Elements pngs = doc.select("img[src$=.png]");  // img with src ending .png
Element masthead = doc.select("div.masthead").first();
  // div with class=masthead
Elements resultLinks = doc.select("h3.r > a"); // direct a after h3



jsoup elements support a CSS(or jquery) like selector syntax to find matching elements, that allows very powerful and robust queries.


The selectmethod is available in a DocumentElement, or in Elements. It is contextual, so you can filter by selecting from a specific element, or by chaining select calls.


Select returns a list of Elements (as Elements), which provides a range of methods to extract and manipulate the results.

选择器概要(Selector overview)

  • Tagname:通过标签查找元素(例如:a)
  • ns|tag:通过标签在命名空间查找元素,例如:fb|name查找<fb:name>元素
  • #id:通过ID查找元素,例如#logo
  • .class:通过类型名称查找元素,例如.masthead
  • [attribute]:带有属性的元素,例如[href]
  • [^attr]:带有名称前缀的元素,例如[^data-]查找HTML5带有数据集(dataset)属性的元素
  • [attr=value]:带有属性值的元素,例如[width=500]
  • [attr^=value],[attr$=value],[attr*=value]:包含属性且其值以value开头、结尾或包含value的元素,例如[href*=/path/]
  • [attr~=regex]:属性值满足正则表达式的元素,例如img[src~=(?i)\.(png|jpe?g)]
  • *:所有元素,例如*


  • el#id::带有ID的元素ID,例如div#logo
  • el.class:带类型的元素,例如. div.masthead
  • el[attr]:包含属性的元素,例如a[href]
  • 任意组合:例如a[href].highlight
  • ancestor child:继承自某祖(父)元素的子元素,例如.body p查找“body”块下的p元素
  • parent > child:直接为父元素后代的子元素,例如: div.content > pf查找p元素,body > * 查找body元素的直系子元素
  • siblingA + siblingB:查找由同级元素A前导的同级元素,例如div.head + div
  • siblingA ~ siblingX:查找同级元素A前导的同级元素X例如h1 ~ p
  • el, el, el:多个选择器组合,查找匹配任一选择器的唯一元素,例如div.masthead, div.logo

伪选择器(Pseudo selectors)

  • :lt(n):查找索引值(即DOM树中相对于其父元素的位置)小于n的同级元素,例如td:lt(3)
  • :gt(n):查找查找索引值大于n的同级元素,例如div p:gt(2)
  • :eq(n) :查找索引值等于n的同级元素,例如form input:eq(1)
  • :has(seletor):查找匹配选择器包含元素的元素,例如div:has(p)
  • :not(selector):查找不匹配选择器的元素,例如div:not(.logo)
  • :contains(text):查找包含给定文本的元素,大小写铭感,例如p:contains(jsoup)
  • :containsOwn(text):查找直接包含给定文本的元素
  • :matches(regex):查找其文本匹配指定的正则表达式的元素,例如div:matches((?i)login)
  • :matchesOwn(regex):查找其自身文本匹配指定的正则表达式的元素
  • 注意:上述伪选择器是0-基数的,亦即第一个元素索引值为0,第二个元素index为1等

详见SelectorAPI 参考资料所列全部信息和细节。



CSS-like element selector, that finds elements matching a query.

Selector syntax

A selector is a chain of simple selectors, separated by combinators. Selectors are case insensitive (including against elements, attributes, and attribute values).

The universal selector (*) is implicit when no element selector is supplied (i.e.  *.header  and  .header  is equivalent).

*any element*
tagelements with the given tag namediv
ns|Eelements of type E in the namespace nsfb|name finds <fb:name> elements
#idelements with attribute ID of "id"div#wrap#logo
.classelements with a class name of "class"div.left.result
[attr]elements with an attribute named "attr" (with any value)a[href][title]
[^attrPrefix]elements with an attribute name starting with "attrPrefix". Use to find elements with HTML5 datasets[^data-]div[^data-]
[attr=val]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value equal to "val"img[width=500]a[rel=nofollow]
[attr^=valPrefix]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value starting with "valPrefix"a[href^=http:]
[attr$=valSuffix]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value ending with "valSuffix"img[src$=.png]
[attr*=valContaining]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value containing "valContaining"a[href*=/search/]
[attr~=regex]elements with an attribute named "attr", and value matching the regular expressionimg[src~=(?i)\\.(png|jpe?g)]
 The above may be combined in any orderdiv.header[title]


E Fan F element descended from an E elementdiv a.logo h1
E > Fan F direct child of Eol > li
E + Fan F element immediately preceded by sibling Eli + lidiv.head + div
E ~ Fan F element preceded by sibling Eh1 ~ p
E, F, Gall matching elements E, F, or Ga[href], div, h3

Pseudo selectors

:lt(n)elements whose sibling index is less than ntd:lt(3) finds the first 2 cells of each row
:gt(n)elements whose sibling index is greater than ntd:gt(1) finds cells after skipping the first two
:eq(n)elements whose sibling index is equal to ntd:eq(0) finds the first cell of each row
:has(selector)elements that contains at least one element matching the selectordiv:has(p) finds divs that contain p elements
:not(selector)elements that do not match the selector. See also Elements.not(String)div:not(.logo) finds all divs that do not have the "logo" class.
div:not(:has(div)) finds divs that do not contain divs.
:contains(text)elements that contains the specified text. The search is case insensitive. The text may appear in the found element, or any of its descendants.p:contains(jsoup) finds p elements containing the text "jsoup".
:matches(regex)elements whose text matches the specified regular expression. The text may appear in the found element, or any of its descendants.td:matches(\\d+) finds table cells containing digits. div:matches((?i)login) finds divs containing the text, case insensitively.
:containsOwn(text)elements that directly contain the specified text. The search is case insensitive. The text must appear in the found element, not any of its descendants.p:containsOwn(jsoup) finds p elements with own text "jsoup".
:matchesOwn(regex)elements whose own text matches the specified regular expression. The text must appear in the found element, not any of its descendants.td:matchesOwn(\\d+) finds table cells directly containing digits.div:matchesOwn((?i)login) finds divs containing the text, case insensitively.
 The above may be combined in any order and with other selectors.light:contains(name):eq(0)

Structural pseudo selectors

:rootThe element that is the root of the document. In HTML, this is the html element:root

elements that have an+b-1 siblings before it in the document tree, for any positive integer or zero value of n, and has a parent element. For values of a and b greater than zero, this effectively divides the element's children into groups of a elements (the last group taking the remainder), and selecting the bth element of each group. For example, this allows the selectors to address every other row in a table, and could be used to alternate the color of paragraph text in a cycle of four. The a and b values must be integers (positive, negative, or zero). The index of the first child of an element is 1.

In addition to this, :nth-child() can take odd and even as arguments instead. odd has the same signification as 2n+1, and even has the same signification as 2n.
tr:nth-child(2n+1) finds every odd row of a table. :nth-child(10n-1) the 9th, 19th, 29th, etc, element. li:nth-child(5) the 5h li
:nth-last-child(an+b)elements that have an+b-1 siblings after it in the document tree. Otherwise like :nth-child()tr:nth-last-child(-n+2) the last two rows of a table
:nth-of-type(an+b)pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name before it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent elementimg:nth-of-type(2n+1)
:nth-last-of-type(an+b)pseudo-class notation represents an element that has an+b-1 siblings with the same expanded element name after it in the document tree, for any zero or positive integer value of n, and has a parent elementimg:nth-last-of-type(2n+1)
:first-childelements that are the first child of some other element.div > p:first-child
:last-childelements that are the last child of some other element.ol > li:last-child
:first-of-typeelements that are the first sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent elementdl dt:first-of-type
:last-of-typeelements that are the last sibling of its type in the list of children of its parent elementtr > td:last-of-type
:only-childelements that have a parent element and whose parent element hasve no other element children 
:only-of-typean element that has a parent element and whose parent element has no other element children with the same expanded element name 
:emptyelements that have no children at all
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