Modultils工具源码分析之insmod篇 (10)



1819              /* archdata based on relocatable addresses */

1820              if (add_archdata(f, &archdata))

1821                     goto out;


1823              /* kallsyms based on relocatable addresses */

1824              if (add_kallsyms(f, &kallsyms, force_kallsyms))

1825                     goto out;




1034       /* Add an arch data section if the arch wants it. */

1035       static int add_archdata(struct obj_file *f,

1036                            struct obj_section **sec)

1037       {

1038              size_t i;


1040              *sec = NULL;

1041              /* Add an empty archdata section to the module if necessary */

1042              for (i = 0; i < f->header.e_shnum; ++i) {

1043                     if (strcmp(f->sections[i]->name, ARCHDATA_SEC_NAME) == 0) {

1044                            *sec = f->sections[i];

1045                            break;

1046                     }

1047                  }

1048              if (!*sec)

1049                     *sec = obj_create_alloced_section(f, ARCHDATA_SEC_NAME, 16, 0);


1051              /* Size and populate archdata */

1052              if (arch_archdata(f, *sec))

1053                     return(1);

1054              return 0;

1055      }


函数创建名为“__archdata (宏ARCH_SEC_NAME的定义)的段。在x86体系下arch_archdata函数是空函数。



979  /* Add a kallsyms section if the kernel supports all symbols. */

980  static int add_kallsyms(struct obj_file *f,

981                       struct obj_section **module_kallsyms, int force_kallsyms)

982  {

983         struct module_symbol *s;

984         struct obj_file *f_kallsyms;

985         struct obj_section *sec_kallsyms;

986         size_t i;

987         int l;

988         const char *p, *pt_R;

989         unsigned long start = 0, stop = 0;


991         for (i = 0, s = ksyms; i < nksyms; ++i, ++s) {

992                p = (char *)s->name;

993                pt_R = strstr(p, "_R");

994                if (pt_R)

995                       l = pt_R - p;

996                else

997                       l = strlen(p);

998                if (strncmp(p, "__start_" KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME, l) == 0)

999                       start = s->value;

1000                     else if (strncmp(p, "__stop_" KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME, l) == 0)

1001                            stop = s->value;

1002              }


1004              if (start >= stop && !force_kallsyms)

1005                     return(0);


1007              /* The kernel contains all symbols, do the same for this module. */


1009              /* Add an empty kallsyms section to the module if necessary */

1010              for (i = 0; i < f->header.e_shnum; ++i) {

1011                     if (strcmp(f->sections[i]->name, KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME) == 0) {

1012                            *module_kallsyms = f->sections[i];

1013                            break;

1014                     }

1015                  }

1016              if (!*module_kallsyms)

1017                     *module_kallsyms = obj_create_alloced_section(f, KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME, 0, 0);


1019              /* Size and populate kallsyms */

1020              if (obj_kallsyms(f, &f_kallsyms))

1021                     return(1);

1022              sec_kallsyms = f_kallsyms->sections[KALLSYMS_IDX];

1023              (*module_kallsyms)->header.sh_addralign = sec_kallsyms->header.sh_addralign;

1024              (*module_kallsyms)->header.sh_size = sec_kallsyms->header.sh_size;

1025              free((*module_kallsyms)->contents);

1026              (*module_kallsyms)->contents = sec_kallsyms->contents;

1027              sec_kallsyms->contents = NULL;

1028              obj_free(f_kallsyms);


1030              return 0;

1031      }




84    /* Extract all symbols from the input obj_file, ignore ones that are

85    * no use for debugging, build an output obj_file containing only the

86    * kallsyms section.

87    *

88    * The kallsyms section is a bit unusual.  It deliberately has no

89    * relocatable data, all "pointers" are represented as byte offsets

90    * into the the section.  This means it can be stored anywhere without

91    * relocation problems.  In particular it can be stored within a kernel

92    * image, it can be stored separately from the kernel image, it can be

93    * appended to a module just before loading, it can be stored in a

94    * separate area etc.

95    *

96    * Format of the kallsyms section.

97    *

98    * Header:

99    *   Size of header.

100  *   Total size of kallsyms data, including strings.

101  *   Number of loaded sections.

102  *   Offset to first section entry from start of header.

103  *   Size of each section entry, excluding the name string.

104  *   Number of symbols.

105  *   Offset to first symbol entry from start of header.

106  *   Size of each symbol entry, excluding the name string.

107  *

108  * Section entry - one per loaded section.

109  *   Start of section[1].

110  *   Size of section.

111  *   Offset to name of section, from start of strings.

112  *   Section flags.

113  *

114  * Symbol entry - one per symbol in the input file[2].

115  *   Offset of section that owns this symbol, from start of section data.

116  *   Address of symbol within the real section[1].

117  *   Offset to name of symbol, from start of strings.

118  *

119  * Notes: [1] This is an exception to the "represent pointers as

120  *            offsets" rule, it is a value, not an offset.  The start

121  *            address of a section or a symbol is extracted from the

122  *            obj_file data which may contain absolute or relocatable

123  *            addresses.  If the addresses are relocatable then the

124  *            caller must adjust the section and/or symbol entries in

125  *            kallsyms after relocation.

126  *        [2] Only symbols that fall within loaded sections are stored.

127  */


129  int

130  obj_kallsyms (struct obj_file *fin, struct obj_file **fout_result)

131  {

132      struct obj_file *fout;

133      int i, loaded = 0, *fin_to_allsym_map;

134      struct obj_section *isec, *osec;

135      struct kallsyms_header *a_hdr;

136      struct kallsyms_section *a_sec;

137      ElfW(Off) sec_off;

138      struct kallsyms_symbol *symbols = NULL, a_sym;

139      ElfW(Word) symbols_size = 0, symbols_left = 0;

140      char *strings = NULL, *p;

141      ElfW(Word) strings_size = 0, strings_left = 0;

142      ElfW(Off) file_offset;

143      static char strtab[] = "/000" KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME;


145      /* Create the kallsyms section.  */

146      fout = arch_new_file();

147      memset(fout, 0, sizeof(*fout));

148      fout->symbol_cmp = strcmp;

149      fout->symbol_hash = obj_elf_hash;

150      fout->load_order_search_start = &fout->load_order;


152      /* Copy file characteristics from input file and modify to suit */

153      memcpy(&fout->header, &fin->header, sizeof(fout->header));

154      fout->header.e_type = ET_REL;          /* Output is relocatable */

155      fout->header.e_entry = 0;                    /* No entry point */

156      fout->header.e_phoff = 0;                   /* No program header */

157      file_offset = sizeof(fout->header);        /* Step over Elf header */

158      fout->header.e_shoff = file_offset;              /* Section headers next */

159      fout->header.e_phentsize = 0;              /* No program header */

160      fout->header.e_phnum = 0;                 /* No program header */

161      fout->header.e_shnum = KALLSYMS_IDX+1;   /* Initial, strtab, kallsyms */

162      fout->header.e_shstrndx = KALLSYMS_IDX-1; /* strtab */

163      file_offset += fout->header.e_shentsize * fout->header.e_shnum;


165      /* Populate the section data for kallsyms itself */

166      fout->sections = xmalloc(sizeof(*(fout->sections))*fout->header.e_shnum);

167      memset(fout->sections, 0, sizeof(*(fout->sections))*fout->header.e_shnum);


169      fout->sections[0] = osec = arch_new_section();

170      memset(osec, 0, sizeof(*osec));

171      osec->header.sh_type = SHT_NULL;

172      osec->header.sh_link = SHN_UNDEF;


174      fout->sections[KALLSYMS_IDX-1] = osec = arch_new_section();

175      memset(osec, 0, sizeof(*osec));

176      osec->name = ".strtab";

177      osec->header.sh_type = SHT_STRTAB;

178      osec->header.sh_link = SHN_UNDEF;

179      osec->header.sh_offset = file_offset;

180      osec->header.sh_size = sizeof(strtab);

181      osec->contents = xmalloc(sizeof(strtab));

182      memcpy(osec->contents, strtab, sizeof(strtab));

183      file_offset += osec->header.sh_size;


185      fout->sections[KALLSYMS_IDX] = osec = arch_new_section();

186      memset(osec, 0, sizeof(*osec));

187      osec->name = KALLSYMS_SEC_NAME;

188      osec->header.sh_name = 1;                  /* Offset in strtab */

189      osec->header.sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS;   /* Load it */

190      osec->header.sh_flags = SHF_ALLOC;        /* Read only data */

191      osec->header.sh_link = SHN_UNDEF;

192     osec->header.sh_addralign = sizeof(ElfW(Word));

193      file_offset = (file_offset + osec->header.sh_addralign - 1)

194         & -(osec->header.sh_addralign);

195      osec->header.sh_offset = file_offset;


197      /* How many loaded sections are there? */

198      for (i = 0; i < fin->header.e_shnum; ++i) {

199         if (fin->sections[i]->header.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)

200                ++loaded;

201      }


203      /* Initial contents, header + one entry per input section.  No strings. */

204      osec->header.sh_size = sizeof(*a_hdr) + loaded*sizeof(*a_sec);

205      a_hdr = (struct kallsyms_header *) osec->contents =

206             xmalloc(osec->header.sh_size);

207      memset(osec->contents, 0, osec->header.sh_size);

208      a_hdr->size = sizeof(*a_hdr);

209      a_hdr->sections = loaded;

210      a_hdr->section_off = a_hdr->size;

211      a_hdr->section_size = sizeof(*a_sec);

212      a_hdr->symbol_off = osec->header.sh_size;

213      a_hdr->symbol_size = sizeof(a_sym);

214      a_hdr->start = (ElfW(Addr))(~0);


216      /* Map input section numbers to kallsyms section offsets. */

217      sec_off = 0;    /* Offset to first kallsyms section entry */

218      fin_to_allsym_map = xmalloc(sizeof(*fin_to_allsym_map)*fin->header.e_shnum);

219      for (i = 0; i < fin->header.e_shnum; ++i) {

220         isec = fin->sections[i];

221         if (isec->header.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) {

222                fin_to_allsym_map[isec->idx] = sec_off;

223                sec_off += a_hdr->section_size;

224         }

225         else

226                fin_to_allsym_map[isec->idx] = -1;     /* Ignore this section */

227      }


229      /* Copy the loaded section data. */

230     a_sec = (struct kallsyms_section *) ((char *) a_hdr + a_hdr->section_off);

231     for (i = 0; i < fin->header.e_shnum; ++i) {

232         isec = fin->sections[i];

233         if (!(isec->header.sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC))

234                continue;

235         a_sec->start = isec->header.sh_addr;

236         a_sec->size = isec->header.sh_size;

237         a_sec->flags = isec->header.sh_flags;

238         a_sec->name_off = strings_size - strings_left;

239         append_string(isec->name, &strings, &strings_size, &strings_left);

240         if (a_sec->start < a_hdr->start)

241                a_hdr->start = a_sec->start;

242         if (a_sec->start+a_sec->size > a_hdr->end)

243                a_hdr->end = a_sec->start+a_sec->size;

244         ++a_sec;

245      }


247      /* Build the kallsyms symbol table from the symbol hashes. */

248      for (i = 0; i < HASH_BUCKETS; ++i) {

249         struct obj_symbol *sym = fin->symtab[i];

250         for (sym = fin->symtab[i]; sym ; sym = sym->next) {

251                if (!sym || sym->secidx >= fin->header.e_shnum)

252                       continue;

253                if ((a_sym.section_off = fin_to_allsym_map[sym->secidx]) == -1)

254                       continue;

255                if (strcmp(sym->name, "gcc2_compiled.") == 0 ||

256                       strncmp(sym->name, "__insmod_", 9) == 0)

257                       continue;

258                a_sym.symbol_addr = sym->value;

259                if (fin->header.e_type == ET_REL)

260                       a_sym.symbol_addr += fin->sections[sym->secidx]->header.sh_addr;

261                a_sym.name_off = strings_size - strings_left;

262                append_symbol(&a_sym, &symbols, &symbols_size, &symbols_left);

263                append_string(sym->name, &strings, &strings_size, &strings_left);

264                ++a_hdr->symbols;

265         }

266      }

267      free(fin_to_allsym_map);


269      /* Sort the symbols into ascending order by address and name */

270      sym_strings = strings;    /* For symbol_compare */

271      qsort((char *) symbols, (unsigned) a_hdr->symbols,

272                sizeof(* symbols), symbol_compare);

273      sym_strings = NULL;


275      /* Put the lot together */

276      osec->header.sh_size = a_hdr->total_size = a_hdr->symbol_off +

277                a_hdr->symbols*a_hdr->symbol_size + strings_size - strings_left;

278      a_hdr = (struct kallsyms_header *) osec->contents = xrealloc(a_hdr, a_hdr->total_size);

279      p = (char *)a_hdr + a_hdr->symbol_off;

280      memcpy(p, symbols, a_hdr->symbols*a_hdr->symbol_size);

281      free(symbols);

282      p += a_hdr->symbols*a_hdr->symbol_size;

283     a_hdr->string_off = p - (char *)a_hdr;

284      memcpy(p, strings, strings_size - strings_left);

285      free(strings);


287      *fout_result = fout;

288      return 0;

289          }




60    /* Format of data in the kallsyms section.

61    * Most of the fields are small numbers but the total size and all

62    * offsets can be large so use the 32/64 bit types for these fields.

63    *

64    * Do not use sizeof() on these structures, modutils may be using extra

65    * fields.  Instead use the size fields in the header to access the

66    * other bits of data.

67    */ 


69    struct kallsyms_header {

70           int          size;        /* Size of this header */

71           ElfW(Word)   total_size;       /* Total size of kallsyms data */

72           int          sections;  /* Number of section entries */

73           ElfW(Off)      section_off;    /* Offset to first section entry */

74           int          section_size;   /* Size of one section entry */

75           int          symbols;  /* Number of symbol entries */

76           ElfW(Off)      symbol_off;    /* Offset to first symbol entry */

77           int          symbol_size;   /* Size of one symbol entry */

78           ElfW(Off)      string_off;      /* Offset to first string */

79           ElfW(Addr)    start;              /* Start address of first section */

80           ElfW(Addr)    end;        /* End address of last section */

81    };


83    struct kallsyms_section {

84           ElfW(Addr)    start;              /* Start address of section */

85           ElfW(Word)   size;        /* Size of this section */

86           ElfW(Off)      name_off;       /* Offset to section name */

87           ElfW(Word)   flags;             /* Flags from section */

88    };


89    struct kallsyms_symbol {

90           ElfW(Off)      section_off;    /* Offset to section that owns this symbol */

91           ElfW(Addr)    symbol_addr;  /* Address of symbol */

92           ElfW(Off)      name_off;       /* Offset to symbol name */

93             };


回到obj_kallsyms函数。到167行是对elf文件头的设置,具体请参照elf格式文档。169~172行是对section(段头)第一项的设置,在elf文件里这是保留不用的。174~183行设置第2section,这是个string section,其内容初始化为”/000__kallsyms”,实际上是不可见的。185行开始设置最后一项section,这是这个obj_file的主要部分。



34    /* Append a string to the big list of strings */


36    static void

37    append_string (const char *s, char **strings,

38                  ElfW(Word) *strings_size, ElfW(Word) *strings_left)

39    {

40        int l = strlen(s) + 1;

41        while (l > *strings_left) {

42           *strings = xrealloc(*strings, *strings_size += EXPAND_BY);

43           *strings_left += EXPAND_BY;

44        }

45        memcpy((char *)*strings+*strings_size-*strings_left, s, l);

46        *strings_left -= l;

45             }


248~266行将合适的符号保存入kallsyms段里。从代码里可以看到,这里忽略符号名为gcc2_complied.或包含__insmod_的符号。这里生成的obj_file的属性是ET_REL,所以执行260行,计算出符号在内存中的地址(注意现在得到的还是理论上的地址,也就是文件在内存的起始位置为0,段头的sh_addr表示段在内存的起始位置,就是以这个为假设的)。然后通过append_  symbol将符号的内容存入缓存,接着保存符号名。append_symbol在同一文件里。


50    /* Append a symbol to the big list of symbols */


52    static void

53    append_symbol (const struct kallsyms_symbol *s,

54                  struct kallsyms_symbol **symbols,

55                  ElfW(Word) *symbols_size, ElfW(Word) *symbols_left)

56    {

57        int l = sizeof(*s);

58        while (l > *symbols_left) {

59           *symbols = xrealloc(*symbols, *symbols_size += EXPAND_BY);

60           *symbols_left += EXPAND_BY;

61        }

62        memcpy((char *)*symbols+*symbols_size-*symbols_left, s, l);

63        *symbols_left -= l;

63             }




66    /* qsort compare routine to sort symbols */


68    static const char *sym_strings;


70    static int

71    symbol_compare (const void *a, const void *b)

72    {

73        struct kallsyms_symbol *c = (struct kallsyms_symbol *) a;

74        struct kallsyms_symbol *d = (struct kallsyms_symbol *) b;


76        if (c->symbol_addr > d->symbol_addr)

77           return(1);

78        if (c->symbol_addr < d->symbol_addr)

79           return(-1);

80        return(strcmp(sym_strings+c->name_off, sym_strings+d->name_off));

79             }










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