cake1.2 ajax

Ajax task list

A tutorial for the Cake PHP framework

This tutorial is similar to the Ta Da List application ( in Ruby on Rails.

Note: Updated on 3 May 2006 10:07pm GMT to work with Cake version

What you will learn

How to create a basic task list using Ajax and Cake.

What you will need

An installation of Cake on your server, a working database and the JavaScript library (which can be downloaded from


Download files

If you don't want to copy and paste the code, download all the application files in a handy Zip file. Please note that this file does not include Cake itself.

1. Upload files

Place the files in the /app/webroot/js/ folder. Don’t forget to put the prototype.js file (that comes with the library) in the same folder.

To make the JavaScript libraries available to Cake, you also need to add the following inside the <head> tag of your Layout file (/app/views/layouts/default.thtml):

<?php print $html->charsetTag('UTF-8') ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('prototype') ?>
<?php print $javascript->link('scriptaculous.js?load=effects') ?>

Note: The Ajax functions only work with the UTF-8 character set declaration.

If you have not created a layout file (ie the /app/views/layouts/ folder is empty), you can add these lines to the default Cake layout (in /cake/libs/views/templates/layouts/).

2. Create the database table

Create the database table structure.

title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
done TINYINT(1),
created DATETIME,
modified DATETIME,

3. Create a Model file

Create a file called task.php and put it in the /app/models folder. Copy and paste the code below into your file.


//File: /app/models/task.php

class Task extends AppModel
	var $name = 'Task';

4. Create a Controller file

Create a file called tasks_controller.php and put it in the /app/controllers folder. Copy and paste the code below into your file.

The key things to note here are the render actions. Rather than displaying a new view (normal behaviour) they instead send the rendered view back to a div in the view that originally called the controller. This is done by specifying the ajax layout in the second argument.

<? php

// File: /app/controllers/tasks_controller.php

class  TasksController  extends  AppController

var   $name   =   ' Tasks ' ;
var   $helpers   =   array ( ' Html ' ,   ' Javascript ' ,   ' Ajax ' );
function  index()
//  initial view
         $this -> set( ' data ' ,   $this -> Task -> findAll());
function  add()
//  adds new task to database
         if  ( ! empty ( $this -> params[ ' data ' ]))
if  ( $this -> Task -> save( $this -> params[ ' data ' ]))
$this -> set( ' data ' ,   $this -> Task -> findAll());
$this -> render( ' todo ' ,   ' ajax ' );
//  do nothing
function   done ( $id   =   null )
//  move task from todo to done
         $this -> Task -> id  =   $id ;
$this -> params[ ' data ' ][ ' Task ' ][ ' done ' =   1 ;
if  ( $this -> Task -> save( $this -> params[ ' data ' ]))
$this -> set( ' data ' ,   $this -> Task -> findAll());
$this -> render( ' done ' ,   ' ajax ' );
function  undo( $id )
//  moves task from done to todo
         $this -> Task -> id  =   $id ;
$this -> params[ ' data ' ][ ' Task ' ][ ' done ' =   0 ;
if  ( $this -> Task -> save( $this -> params[ ' data ' ]))
$this -> set( ' data ' ,   $this -> Task -> findAll());
$this -> render( ' todo ' ,   ' ajax ' );
function  delete( $id )
//  deletes task from database
         $this -> Task -> del( $id );
$this -> set( ' data ' ,   $this -> Task -> findAll());
$this -> render( ' done ' ,   ' ajax ' );


5. Create the Views

Create three view files, index.thtml, todo.thtml and done.thtml and put them in the /app/views/tasks folder. Copy and paste the code below into your files.

The index.thtml file includes the form that adds new tasks and two divs (tasks_todo and tasks_done) which show the tasks. The first time the page loads, these divs are populated with tasks. From then on they are dynamically updated by the ajax functions.

By specifying which div to update in the call to Ajax.Updater (in the onClick actions on the checkboxes), we tell Cake where to display the update coming from the $this->render statement in the Controller.

<!-- File :   / app / views / tasks / index . thtml -->

< div id = " add_task " >
< form onSubmit = " return false; " >
<? php 
print   $html -> input( ' Task/title ' ,   array ( ' id '   =>   ' add_input ' ));
print   $ajax -> submit( ' Add task ' ,   array ( ' url '   =>   ' add ' ,   ' update ' => ' tasks_todo ' ));
</ form >
</ div >
< h3 > To  do </ h3 >
< div id = " tasks_todo " >
<? php 

foreach  ( $data   as   $row )

$item   =   $row [ ' Task ' ];
if  ( $item [ ' done ' ==   0 )
print   ' <div class="task" id="todo_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> ' ;
print   ' <input id="todo_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' " type="checkbox" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('tasks_done','/tasks/done/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] .   ' ', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});new Effect.Fade('todo_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' ');" />  ' ;
print   ' <label for="todo_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> '   .   $item [ ' title ' .   ' </label> ' ;
print   ' </div> ' ;
</ div >
< h3 > Done </ h3 >
< div id = " tasks_done " >
<? php 

foreach  ( $data   as   $row )

$item   =   $row [ ' Task ' ];
if  ( $item [ ' done ' ==   1 )
print   ' <div class="task" id="done_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> ' ;
print   ' <input id="done_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' " type="checkbox" checked="true" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('tasks_todo','/tasks/undo/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] .   ' ', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});new Effect.Fade('done_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' ');" />  ' ;
print   ' <label for="done_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> '   .   $item [ ' title ' .   ' </label> ' ;
print   $ajax -> link( ' Delete ' ,   ' delete/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] ,   array ( ' update ' => ' tasks_done ' ));
print   ' </div> ' ;

</ div >

The file todo.thtml is loaded into the tasks_todo div by the add or undo methods in the controller. This happens when a task is created or unticked. This View simply loops through all tasks in the database and displays those where the done field equals 0.

If Cake is installed in a subfolder (ie not your server's web root) then you will need to use $html->url("/tasks/undo/" . $item["id"] ); in the second Ajax.Updater argument. This means the URL is generated by Cake rather than being hard-coded.

<? php

// File: /app/views/tasks/todo.thtml

foreach  ( $data   as   $row )

$item   =   $row [ ' Task ' ];
if  ( $item [ ' done ' ==   0 )
print   ' <div class="task" id="todo_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> ' ;
print   ' <input id="todo_check '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' " type="checkbox" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('tasks_done','/tasks/done/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] .   ' ', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});new Effect.Fade('todo_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' ');" />  ' ;
print   ' <label for="todo_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> '   .   $item [ ' title ' .   ' </label> ' ;
print   ' </div> ' ;


The file done.thtml is loaded into the tasks_done div when a task is ticked (triggering the done method in the controller). This View loops through all tasks in the database and displays all those where the done field equals 1.

<? php

// File: /app/views/tasks/done.thtml

foreach  ( $data   as   $row )

$item   =   $row [ ' Task ' ];
if  ( $item [ ' done ' ==   1 )
print   ' <div class="task" id="done_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> ' ;
print   ' <input id="done_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] .   ' " type="checkbox" checked="true" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('tasks_todo','/tasks/undo/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] .   ' ', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});new Effect.Fade('done_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' ');" />  ' ;
print   ' <label for="done_check_ '   .   $item [ ' id ' .   ' "> '   .   $item [ ' title ' .   ' </label> ' ;
print   $ajax -> link( ' Delete ' ,   ' delete/ '   .   $item [ ' id ' ] ,   array ( ' update ' => ' tasks_done ' ));
print   ' </div> ' ;


6. Try it out

Visit your task list at You should have a working task manager.

Comments and feedback

Please e-mail graham at grahambird dot co dot uk






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