
项目中主要是应用Hibernate3的DetachedCriteria实现分页查询,首先是写一个AbstractManager的abstract class,继承spring对hibernate的封装类org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.HibernateDaoSupport,覆盖getHibernateTemplate()方法,通过此方法获得一个hibernateTemplate Object,AbstractManager实例中定义好的方法最终还是去调用hibernateTamplate的方法来实现,当然我们也可以自己来实现。
public class PaginationSupport {
 public final static int PAGESIZE = 20;
 private int pageSize = PAGESIZE;
 private List items;
 private int totalCount;
 private int[] indexes = new int[0];
 private int[] showIndexes = new int[0];
 private int startIndex = 0;
 private int lastIndex = 0;

 public PaginationSupport(List items, int totalCount) {
 public PaginationSupport(List items, int totalCount, int startIndex) {
 public PaginationSupport(List items, int totalCount, int pageSize,
   int startIndex) {
 public List getItems() {
  return items;
 public void setItems(List items) {
  this.items = items;
 public int getPageSize() {
  return pageSize;
 public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
  this.pageSize = pageSize;
 public int getTotalCount() {
  return totalCount;
 public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) {
  if (totalCount > 0) {
   this.totalCount = totalCount;
   int count = totalCount / pageSize;
   if (totalCount % pageSize > 0)
   indexes = new int[count];
   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    indexes[i] = pageSize * i;
  } else {
   this.totalCount = 0;
 public int[] getIndexes() {
  return indexes;
 public void setIndexes(int[] indexes) {
  this.indexes = indexes;
 public int[] getShowIndexes() {
  return showIndexes;
 public void setShowIndexes(int[] showIndexes) {
  this.showIndexes = showIndexes;
 public int getStartIndex() {
  return startIndex;
 public void setStartIndex(int startIndex) {
  if (totalCount <= 0)
   this.startIndex = 0;
  else if (startIndex >= totalCount)
   this.startIndex = indexes[indexes.length - 1];
  else if (startIndex < 0)
   this.startIndex = 0;
  else {
   this.startIndex = indexes[startIndex / pageSize];
 public int getNextIndex() {
  int nextIndex = getStartIndex() + pageSize;
  if (nextIndex >= totalCount)
   return getStartIndex();
   return nextIndex;
 public int getPreviousIndex() {
  int previousIndex = getStartIndex() - pageSize;
  if (previousIndex < 0)
   return 0;
   return previousIndex;
 public int getLastIndex(){
  return this.indexes[this.indexes.length -1];
 private void setShowIndexes(int totalPage,int startIndex) {
  //首页 [][][][] currentPage [][][][] 末页
  // add by qinyalan
  if (totalPage < 3) return;
  if (totalPage < 12) {
   this.showIndexes = new int[totalPage-2];
   for(int i=1;i<(totalPage-1);i++){
    this.showIndexes[i-1] = i * pageSize;
  int nTempStart = pageSize;
  if (startIndex > 4*pageSize) {
   nTempStart = startIndex - 4 * pageSize;
  int nTempEnd = nTempStart + 8 * pageSize;
  if (nTempEnd > (totalPage -2) * pageSize){
   nTempEnd = (totalPage -2) * pageSize;
   nTempStart = nTempEnd - 8 * pageSize;
  int nShowCount = (nTempEnd - nTempStart) / pageSize +1;
  this.showIndexes = new int[nShowCount];
  for (int i = 0; i < nShowCount; i++) {
   this.showIndexes[i] = nTempStart + pageSize * i;
 public static void main(String[] args){
  //List items, int totalCount, int pageSize,int startIndex
  PaginationSupport ps = new PaginationSupport(null,144,10,140);
  /*for(int idx : ps.getIndexes()){
  for(int idx : ps.getShowIndexes()){
AbstractManager 部分代码如下:
public abstract class AbstractManager extends HibernateDaoSupport {
    public PaginationSupport findPageByCriteria(final DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria) {   
        return findPageByCriteria(detachedCriteria, PaginationSupport.PAGESIZE, 0);  
    public PaginationSupport findPageByCriteria(final DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria, final int startIndex) {  
        return findPageByCriteria(detachedCriteria, PaginationSupport.PAGESIZE, startIndex);  
    public PaginationSupport findPageByCriteria(final DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria, final int pageSize,  
            final int startIndex) throws HibernateException {  
        return (PaginationSupport) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() {  
            public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
                Criteria criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(session);  
                int totalCount = ((Integer) criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult()).intValue();  
                List items = criteria.setFirstResult(startIndex).setMaxResults(pageSize).list();
                Iterator it = items.iterator();
           while (it.hasNext()){
            System.out.println("it.next.class.name" + (it.next()).getClass().getName());
          }catch(Exception e){
                PaginationSupport ps = new PaginationSupport(items, totalCount, pageSize, startIndex);  
                return ps;  
        }, true);  
    public PaginationSupport findPageByCriteria(final DetachedCriteria criteria, final int pageSize,  
            final int startIndex, Order order) throws HibernateException {
     DetachedCriteria clone = (DetachedCriteria) SerializationUtils.clone(criteria);
     int totalCount = getCountByCriteria(clone);
     if (order != null) {  
     List items = getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria, startIndex, pageSize);
     PaginationSupport ps = new PaginationSupport(items, totalCount, pageSize, startIndex);  
        return ps;
      * 根据 DetachedCriteria 得 到 分页结果, 运行期间会根据 criteria  自动运算总行数, 注意如果 criteria 中 set 了 Projection,
      * 则返回结果 List 中为 Projection 指定类型
      * @param hibernateTemplate  the hibernateTemplate
      * @param criteria the criteria
      * @param firstResult the first result row number 
      * @param maxResults the max result 
      * @return the pagination support
      * @throws org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException in case of Hibernate errors 
 在DAO层调用findPageByCriteria method时记得的要继承abstract class AbstractManager ,下面是我在DAO中调用abstract class中分页方法的代码:
public class SubjectNovelDAOImpl extends AbstractManager implements SubjectNovelDAOI {
 public PaginationSupport loadSubjectNovelList(int subid, int startIndex)
   throws DataAccessException {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(A.class);
  detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", id));
  detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.not(Restrictions.eq("state", -1)));
  //order by
  PaginationSupport ps = this.findPageByCriteria(detachedCriteria, PaginationSupport.PAGESIZE, startIndex);
  return ps;
<textarea id="list_templ" style="display:none">
 <h2 class="bodytitlebar">
   <table width="100%">
    <tr><td align="left" width="80%">示例列表 </td><td align="right"><a οnclick="closeWin('("objectDIV")" style="CURSOR: pointer">关闭</a></td></tr>
   <div class="pagebodyblockbody userdefineclass">
  <div class="pagebodyblockcontent">
   <form name="formlist" >
   <table id="listID" width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
    {for n in list.items}
    <tr id="item_subnovel_${n.id}" >
     <td align="left">${n.snorder}</td>
     <td align="center">${n.objectname.name}</td>
     <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="editobject('${id}','${n.id}');"><img src="images/ico_edit.gif" alt="修改" /></a>
      <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="delobject('${id}','${n.id}','${n.objectname.name}');"><img
src="images/ico_cancel.gif" alt="删除" /></a>
    共${list.totalCount}条&nbsp;&nbsp;每页显示${list.pageSize}条 &nbsp;&nbsp; 共${list.indexes.length}页<br><br>
    {if list.startIndex == 0} 首页{else} <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="showobject(${id},0)">首页</a>{/if}
    {for startIdx in list.showIndexes}
     {var p = new Number(startIdx)/list.pageSize + 1}
     {if startIdx == subnovellist.startIndex}
      <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="showobject(${id},${startIdx})">第${p}页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    {if list.lastIndex > 0 && list.startIndex == list.lastIndex} 末页
    {elseif list.lastIndex > 0 && list.startIndex <list.lastIndex}
    <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="showobject(${id},${list.lastIndex})">末页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    {if subnovellist.previousIndex <list.startIndex}
    <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="showobject(${id},${list.previousIndex})">上一页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;{/if}
    {if list.nextIndex > list.startIndex}
    <a style="CURSOR: pointer" οnclick="showobject(${id},${list.nextIndex})">下一页</a>{/if}
function showobject(id,startIndex){
 ajaxsubjectNovel.loadSubjectNovelList(id,startIndex,{callback:function (data){
 var Object_data = {"id":id,"list" : data};
 var sstext =  TrimPath.processDOMTemplate("list_templ",Object_data);
 DWRUtil.setValue("objectDIV", sstext);




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