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转载 转载:一则招聘广告引发的猜想:苹果正在自研5G技术?

摘要:上周五,苹果发布了一则招聘毫米波IC工程师的广告,但三天后便被撤下。毫米波是5G的关键技术,目前正和高通深陷法律战的苹果,似乎也在布局自己的5G技术,以摆脱对芯片巨头的依赖。4月27日,苹果发布了一条招聘启事,随后又被快速撤下。该招聘职位涉及5G领域关键技术,这也让人们关注到了苹果5G方面的布局和用心。据Business Insider报道,苹果公司曾于4月27日发布了一条毫米波IC设计工程...

2018-05-02 16:35:43 175

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2015-01-15 23:44:00 265

JAVA 面试 1000题内容全覆盖2017年新版

JAVA 面试 1000题 内容全覆盖 2017年新版,强烈推荐 面试,考试必备,有详细解答答案。


最新11版JAVA经典好书 Core JAVA 11th 亚马逊5星强烈推荐 PDF格式高清

最新11版 JAVA 经典好书 Core JAVA 11th 亚马逊5星强烈推荐 PDF格式高清,内容涵盖 最新 JAVA 10 和 JAVA 11。不容错过


最新经典入门好书 Java_How_to_program_10th 亚马逊5星推荐

最新经典入门好书 Java_How_to_program_10th 亚马逊5星推荐,高清完整,详尽,包含JAVA 8,1245页。一本完整学习JAVA的经典入门好书。强烈推荐。



IBM出的私家货:JAVA设计模式Java_Design_Patterns_101,学习JAVA Design Patterns 强烈推荐


最新经典入门好书 JAVA 8 in Action 亚马逊5星推荐

最新经典入门好书 JAVA 8 in Action 亚马逊5星推荐。In Action系列好书,重点介绍JAVA 8新特性,不容错过。强烈推荐


经典入门好书 Modern PHP 亚马逊5星推荐

经典入门好书 Modern PHP 亚马逊5星推荐,学习Php新特性:namespace, traits, Generators and closures,强烈推荐。


经典入门好书 Linux-Bible-9th 最新 亚马逊5星推荐

经典入门好书 Linux-Bible-9th 最新 亚马逊5星推荐,内容详尽,是学习Linux的好帮手,强烈推荐


最新Exploring Java 9: Build Modularized Applications in Java

Exploring Java 9: Build Modularized Applications in Java 学习最新JAVA 9新关键特性 Modularity必备好书。推荐


入门学习Java For Beginners: A Simple Start To Java Programming

入门学习Java For Beginners: A Simple Start To Java Programming,JAVA入门学习好书,推荐


黑皮书 Learn Java 8 In a Week_ A Beginner's Guide to Java Programming一个星期学好JAVA

黑皮书 Learn Java 8 In a Week_ A Beginner's Guide to Java Programming,新手一个星期学好JAVA,推荐


经典入门好书JavaScript-JQuery: The Missing Manual,3rd最新 亚马逊5星推荐

经典入门好书JavaScript-JQuery: The Missing Manual,3rd最新 亚马逊5星推荐。经典Missing Manual系列,内容详尽, 易学易懂,事半功倍。


经典入门好书Head First JQuery 亚马逊5星推荐

经典入门好书Head First JQuery 亚马逊5星推荐,Head First 经典系列,大量采用“图”说,解释学习 JQuery,易学易懂,事半功倍。


经典入门好书JavaScript & JQuery 亚马逊5星推荐

经典入门好书JavaScript & JQuery 亚马逊5星推荐,大量彩图实例,易学易懂。强烈推荐。


Linux入门好书How.Linux.Works 亚马逊5星推荐

Linux 入门好书 How.Linux.Works hat.Every.Superuser.Should.Know 亚马逊5星推荐



学习Ubuntu经典好书 Ubuntu_for_Non-Geeks 亚马逊5星推荐


Linux入门好书 Linux All-in-One For Dummies, 5th 亚马逊5星推荐

入门好书, 亚马逊5星推荐。Dummies系列一向是入门者必备好书。这本Linux入门好书 Linux All-in-One For Dummies, 5th 亚马逊5星推荐 也不例外。


入门好书Murach's Beginning Java with Netbeans亚马逊5星推荐

JAVA 入门好书,以特有的Murach book形式,左边讲解,右边图解的方式来解释学习 JAVA,亚马逊5星推荐


Git Essencial 第二版 最新2017.11月

Git Essencial 最新 第二版2017.11月 About This Book Master all the basic concepts of Git to protect your code and make it easier to evolve Use Git proficiently, and learn how to resolve day-by-day challenges easily This step-by-step guide is packed with examples to help you learn and work with Git’s internals Who This Book Is For If you are a software developer with little or no experience of versioning systems, or you are familiar with other centralized versioning systems, then this book is for you. If you have experience in server and system management and need to broaden your use of Git from a DevOps perspective, this book contains everything you need. What You Will Learn Master Git fundamentals Be able to "visualize," even with the help of a valid GUI tool Write principal commands in a shell Figure out the right strategy to run change your daily work with few or no annoyances Explore the tools used to migrate to Git from the Subversion versioning system without losing your development history Plan new projects and repositories with ease, using online services, or local network resources


Learn Version Control with Git: A step-by-step course for the complete

简单易懂。 You won't find a top programmer, web developer, or web designer who doesn't use version control. Because it helps you produce better results and makes collaboration easy. Git is one of those version control systems - but not just any: Top projects like the Linux Kernel, Ruby On Rails, or jQuery use Git as their version control system of choice. Around the world, in teams large and small, Git is an essential part of the tool chain. "Learn Version Control with Git" is a beginner-friendly step-by-step course. The book doesn't require a deep technical background. Instead, it's aimed at beginners of version control and/or programming, designers, and project managers. Basic topics - from installing Git to a "Command Line 101" - are covered, not expected. While learning all the key features such as Branching and Merging, the book will also explain advanced topics as well as tools and services. Accompanying charts & graphics make it easy to understand even complex facts and workflows. Version control is an essential tool if you want to be successful in today's web & software world. This book will help you master it with ease.


Pro Git, 2nd

原书Git 最新版 Pro Git (Second Edition) is your fully-updated guide to Git and its usage in the modern world. Git has come a long way since it was first developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It has taken the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and this book teaches you how to use it like a pro. Effective and well-implemented version control is a necessity for successful web projects, whether large or small. With this book you’ll learn how to master the world of distributed version workflow, use the distributed features of Git to the full, and extend Git to meet your every need.


Beginning Power BI with Excel

最新版: Understanding your company’s data has never been easier than with Microsoft’s new Power BI package for Excel Consisting of four powerful tools—Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query and Power Maps—Power BI makes self-service business intelligence a reality for a wide range of users, bridging the traditional gap between Excel users, business analysts and IT experts and making it easier for everyone to work together to build the data models that can give you game-changing insights into your business. Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013 guides you step by step through the process of analyzing and visualizing your data. Daniel R. Clark, an expert in BI training and a regular speaker on these topics, takes you through each tool in turn, using hands-on activities to consolidate what you’ve learned in each chapter. Starting with Power Pivot, you will create robust scalable data models which will serve as the foundation of your data analysis. Once you have mastered creating suitable data models, you will use them to build compelling interactive visualizations in Power View. It’s often necessary to combine data from disparate sources into a data model. Power Query allows you to easily discover, combine, and refine data from a variety of sources, so you can make accurate judgments with all the available information. Geographical awareness is another common requirement of data analysis. Using Power Maps you will create captivating visualizations that map your data in space and time.



原书最新第5版 Need help finding the right HTML5 element or attribute for your web page or application? HTML5 Pocket Reference is the classic reference that web designers and developers have been keeping close at hand for more than thirteen years. This fifth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of HTML5, including the HTML5 Candidate Recommendation, the emerging HTML5.1 Working Draft, and the living WHATWG standard. Features include: An alphabetical listing of every element and attribute in HTML5, HTML5.1, and the WHATWG living standard Descriptions, markup examples, content categories, content models, and start- and end-tag requirements for every element At-a-glance notes indicating the differences between the HTML5 specifications and HTML 4.01 Useful charts of special characters An overview of HTML5 APIs If you’re an experienced web designer or developer who needs a quick resource for working with established web standards, this handy book is indispensable.


Write Web Apps with Dart

Web development,: DART, THE OPEN-SOURCE web programming language developed by Google, is designed for building everything from simple console utilities to full-featured applications for browsers and mobile devices. The Dart language is both familiar for seasoned engineers and easy to learn for aspiring programmers. To get you up and productive, Dart developer Jack Murphy presents a series of solutions that a modern full stack developer will need to become proficient and launch a production application using Dart. In addition to a language introduction and overview, Jack builds a web application that will provide an easy-to-follow walkthrough of the Dart language and its associated development environments for both front-end and back-end programming. Jack’s web application implements a series of asynchronous browser components using Angular 2 Dart, while also leveraging Dart’s server capabilities to create a Dart-powered REST API.



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