Hibernate has basic logging feature to display the SQL generated statement withshow_sql configuration property.

Hibernate: INSERT INTO mkyong.stock_transaction (CHANGE, CLOSE, DATE, OPEN, STOCK_ID, VOLUME) 
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

However , it just isn’t enough for debugging, the Hibernate SQL parameter values are missing.

Solution – Log4j

Log4J is required to display the real Hibernate SQL parameter value.

1. Configure the Log4j in Hibernate

Follow this article to configure Log4j in Hibernate(此处是链接)

2. Change the Log level

Modify the Log4j properties file, and change the log level to “debug” or “trace” in “log4j.logger.org.hibernate.type” property.

File : log4j.properties

# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
# Hibernate logging options (INFO only shows startup messages)
# Log JDBC bind parameter runtime arguments
3. Done

The Hibernate real parameter values are display now


Hibernate: INSERT INTO mkyong.stock_transaction (CHANGE, CLOSE, DATE, OPEN, STOCK_ID, VOLUME) 
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
13:33:07,253 DEBUG FloatType:133 - binding '10.0' to parameter: 1
13:33:07,253 DEBUG FloatType:133 - binding '1.1' to parameter: 2
13:33:07,253 DEBUG DateType:133 - binding '30 December 2009' to parameter: 3
13:33:07,269 DEBUG FloatType:133 - binding '1.2' to parameter: 4
13:33:07,269 DEBUG IntegerType:133 - binding '11' to parameter: 5
13:33:07,269 DEBUG LongType:133 - binding '1000000' to parameter: 6
If this logging is still not detail enough for you to debug the SQL problem, you can use the P6Spy library to log the exact SQL statement that send to database. Check this article – How to display hibernate sql parameter values with P6Spy(此处是链接)