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原创 关于@Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)不回滚

我写了public class DefaultFooService implements FooService {@Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED) getFoo("a", "a"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }@Transactional(prop

2013-05-31 11:05:57 4388

原创 beans.xml Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException不允许有匹配 "[xX][mM][lL]" 的处理指

beans,xml 出现org.xml.sax.SAXParseException不允许有匹配 "[xX][mM][lL]" 的处理指异常查出应该去掉上面的注释,改成

2013-05-30 15:36:58 1728

原创 jquery获得checkbox是否选中的状态

Concerning boolean attributes, consider a DOM element defined by the HTML markup, and assume it is in a JavaScript variable namedelem:elem.checkedtrue (Boolean) Will change with checkbox

2013-05-30 09:53:36 1472

原创 Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Connection timed out: connect Nested exception: Connection t

今天配置spring的是一直出现错误 Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'mySessionFactory' defined in URL [file:/D:/Project/.metadata/.plugins/org.ecli

2013-05-29 20:38:48 1677

转载 JDBC CallableStatement Stored Procedure OUT parameter example

For stored procedure returns OUT parameters, it must beRegistered via JDBC CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(index,sqlType).Get it back via CallableStatement.getDataType(index).See code sni

2013-05-29 16:18:17 1216

转载 How to get the HttpServletRequest in Struts 2

In Struts 2 , you can use the following two methods to get the HttpServletRequest object.1. ServletActionContextGet the HttpServletRequest object directly from org.apache.struts2.ServletActionCont

2013-05-29 11:33:59 506

转载 JDBC Transaction example

JDBC Transaction let you control how and when a transaction should commit into database.//transaction block start //SQL insert statement//SQL update statement //SQL delete statement //tran

2013-05-27 09:46:42 691

转载 HowTo configure the C3P0 connection pool

ConfigurationHere is a sample of C3P0 configuration. This is an extract of hibernate.cfg.xml: 1 100 100 0 10 100 --> You also can set extra c3p0 properties using c3p0.properties. Put t

2013-05-25 14:07:29 520

转载 什么是SQL绑定变量,如何实现绑定变量?

1. 认识绑定变量:绑定变量是为了减少解析的,比如你有个语句这样select aaa,bbb from ccc where ddd=eee;如果经常通过改变eee这个谓词赋值来查询,像如下select aaa,bbb from ccc where ddd=fff;select aaa,bbb from ccc where ddd=ggg;select aaa,bbb from

2013-05-18 12:02:53 1146

原创 2013.5.15 面试经历

开始找工作了,面试了几家了,但是总是让等通知,然后就没信儿了,,搞得我现在没有什么动力了,,,唉。。。当初学java也考虑到了工作不好找,但是没想到还是这么不好找,。。。    现在我有点乱了。。。因为一天一天这么过去,到底什么时候能够找到工作呢?有好几次都是聊得挺好,但是又都没有信,总感觉是敷衍我啊。。。    现在公司不怎么爱找新手了,一般都是能直接干活。。。我该怎么办。。。

2013-05-15 21:43:54 487

转载 Understanding Caching in Hibernate – Part Three : The Second Level Cache

In the last posts I already covered the session cache as well as the query cache. In this post I will focus on the second-level cache. The Hibernate Documentation provides a good entry point rea

2013-05-09 16:21:57 702

转载 Understanding Caching in Hibernate – Part One : The Session Cache

Hibernateoffers caching functionality which is designed to reduces the amount of necessary database access.  This is a very powerful feature if used correctly. However I have seen a lot of cases and

2013-05-09 16:20:04 618

转载 Understanding Caching in Hibernate – Part Two : The Query Cache

In the last post I wrote on caching in Hibernate in general as well as on the behavior of the session cache. In this post we will have a closer look at theQueryCache. I will not explain the qu

2013-05-09 16:17:42 649

原创 Java EE中的Web项目的目录文件结构

project    ----src          ----package(各种包类)          ----beans.xml          ----hibernate.cfg.xml          ----log4j.properties          ----struts.xml      ----WebContent

2013-05-09 12:33:42 1961

转载 分配给单链表的内存储单元地址必须是连续的吗


2013-05-09 11:10:45 10882

转载 servlet,filter,listener

Filtering Requests and ResponsesA filter is an object that can transform the header and content (orboth) of a request or response. Filters differ from web components in thatfilters usually do not th

2013-05-09 10:59:14 429

转载 stack and heap

2.5.2. Java Virtual Machine Stacks Each Java Virtual Machine thread has a privateJava Virtual Machine stack, created at the same time as the thread.A Java Virtual Machine stack stores frames (§2

2013-05-09 10:25:17 691

转载 com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The TCP/IP connection to the host localhost/SQLEXPR

Try running some Java code to test it. Replace {computer-name}\SQLEXPRESS with the domain that you see in the root node of SQL Server Management Studio. When installing SQL Express, you had the option

2013-05-08 14:06:05 2883

转载 SQLserver 通过端口 1433 连接到主机 localhost 的 TCP/IP 连接失败。错误:“Connecti...

最近要学数据库, 老师用的是microsoft sqlserver 2005, 我是学java的, 一直都 JDBC来连oracle数据库的,这次我装了 microsoft sqlserver 2005,想用 JDBC 来连 microsoft sqlserver 2005, 没想出了这样的问题:com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException:

2013-05-08 13:03:31 1730

转载 Server Management Studio报错“请验证实例名称是否正确并且SQL Server已配置为允许远程连接”


2013-05-08 10:21:04 1553

原创 Request Encoding ,Page Encoding,Response Encoding 以及中文乱码的原因

首先先把文档给大家贴过来,Request EncodingThe request encoding is the character encoding in which parameters in an incoming request are interpreted. Currently, many browsers do not send a request encodin

2013-05-07 23:09:01 1097

转载 Java线程安全系列(1)--Servlet线程安全


2013-05-06 21:06:14 545

转载 SP2-0110: Cannot create save file "afiedt.buf"

We get this error message because we don't have write permission on the current directory. Either start sqlplus from a different directory, or change the editfile entry in sqlplus:SQL>set editfile

2013-05-05 08:12:05 2038

转载 ORA-01109: 数据库未打开 ORA-01034&ORA-27101错误

今天用系统清理工具把系统垃圾清理了一番,结果在打开oracle 数据库时出现了错误:SQL>connect / as sysdba;  已连接。  SQL> shutdown immediate;  ORA-01109: 数据库未打开    已经卸载数据库。  ORACLE 例程已经关闭。  SQL> startup;  ORACLE 例程已经启动。  Tota

2013-05-04 10:24:58 998

转载 When to use comparable and comparator interfaces in java

You must have been came across the situation where you have to sort a collection of objects by a certain rule. And if you are working on a domain where people are your main entities, you will encounte

2013-05-03 13:22:20 755

原创 Nested Classes嵌套类

The Java programming language allows you to define a class within another class. Such a class is called anested class and is illustrated here:class OuterClass { ... class NestedClass {

2013-05-03 11:03:39 775

转载 Performance considerations for keySet() and entrySet() of Map

First of all, this depends entirely on which type of Map you're using. But since the JavaRanch thread talks about HashMap, I'll assume that that's the implementation you're referring to. And lets assu

2013-05-02 09:54:12 541

转载 Interview stuff about String class in java

All of us must have gone though some common questions related to String class in java. These questions range from immutability to memory leak issues. I will try to cover such questions in this pos

2013-05-01 14:39:52 514

转载 Working with hashCode and equals methods in java

In this post, i will point out my understanding about hashCode() and equals() method. I will talk about their default implementation and how to correctly override them. I will also write about impleme

2013-05-01 13:57:11 593

转载 How hashmap works in java

Most of you will agree that HashMap is most favorite topic for discussion in interviews now-a-days. I have gone through several discussions with my colleagues time to time and it really helped. Now,

2013-05-01 11:27:33 530


开发时间:2个月 软件开发坏境:oracle + windows Xp + jdk1.4.0 + eclipse + SVN 开发工具:Eclipse + mysql 使用技术:Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate+jbpm (SSH)框架++JSP+junit++jquery+javascript



客户管理软件 用ssh技术 数据库是mysql



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