 *   PPJoy Virtual Joystick for Microsoft Windows                          *
 *   Copyright (C) 2011 Deon van der Westhuysen                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
 *                                                                         *

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <Wbemidl.h>

#include "Testsign.h"
#include "Debug.h"

// Function to check if the currently loaded OS supports loading test signed
// drivers. This is done by looking for "TESTSIGNING" or "/TESTSIGNING" in the
// HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControl\Control\SystemStartOptions key.
// Return 1 if the text is found, 0 if not found or <0 for error.
int GetRegistryTestsigningFlag (void)
 int rc;
 HKEY RegKey;
 DWORD ValueType;
 char StartOptions[2048];     // Allow for a LONG string vale
 DWORD BufSize= sizeof(StartOptions)-3; // -3 to reserve extra space for leading and trailing space and terminating null
 char *Search;

 // Open the target registry key
 rc= RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control",&RegKey);
 if (rc)
  DebugPrintf (("RegOpenKey() error %d\n",rc));
  return -1;

 // Make sure the options string starts with a space, then copy registry value
 // to next character. This will ensure that there is always at least one space
 // in front of each option.
 StartOptions[0]= ' ';
 rc= RegQueryValueExA (RegKey,"SystemStartOptions",NULL,&ValueType,(LPBYTE)(StartOptions+1),&BufSize);
 RegCloseKey (RegKey);      // Ignore the return value
 if (rc)
  DebugPrintf (("RegQueryValueEx() error %d\n",rc));
  return -2;

 // Make sure the value is of the right type - otherwise we are lost
 if (ValueType!=REG_SZ)
  DebugPrintf (("StartupOptions value type 0x%04X, expected 0x%04X (REG_SZ)\n",ValueType,REG_SZ));
  return -3;

 // Add a forced termination to the string in case the registry value was not
 // zero terminated. BufSize+1 because we started copying into the second
 // character of the buffer
 StartOptions[BufSize+1]= 0;    
 DebugPrintf (("Startup options: '%s'\n",StartOptions+1)); // Skip our leading space

 // Now we replace any forward slashes with a space - some versions of windows
 // add them (Vista) and some don't (Windows 7). This makes searching easier.
 // We also append a final space to ensure all options are delimited with a
 // trailing space, even at the end of the string.
 Search= StartOptions;
 while (*Search)
  if (*Search=='/') *Search=' ';
 *(Search++)= ' ';   // Append a space to the end of the string
 *Search= 0;    // And ensure it is still terminated

 // Now just search for the option name surrounded by spaces - easy
 DebugPrintf (("Processed Startup options: '%s'\n",StartOptions));
 Search= strstr(StartOptions," TESTSIGNING ");

 // Returns 1 if Search is not NULL (i.e. Option found)
 return Search!=NULL;

//=================== COM functions for BCD Store operations ==================

// Does not seem to be defined in the include files so we define it here. Values
// and names taken from the BCD documentation in the Windows SDK.
#define BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures  0x16000049
#define BcdOSLoaderBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures 0x26000027

// COM helper macros - used to hide some of the repetiveness of the implementation
// Macro to check if Object is allocated (non-null) before releasing it
#define RELEASE_COM_OBJ(x) {if ((x)) (x)->Release(); }
// Make a Unicode (L"xxx") string from "xxx" as parameter
#define LSTR(x)   LSTR_HELP(x)
#define LSTR_HELP(x) L##x
// (Common) initialisation code for routines to set arguments for a WMI function call
#define SET_WMI_ARG_INIT(argtype)       \
   HRESULT hr;          \
   VARIANT var;         \
   VariantInit (&var);        \
   var.vt= argtype;
// (Common) code to call WMI function that sets an argument for a method call
#define SET_WMI_ARG_EXEC(argtypename)      \
   hr= PropertyClass->Put(ArgName,0,&var,0);  \
   VariantClear(&var);        \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf (("Error 0x%08X trying to set " argtypename " argument %ls\n",hr,ArgName)); \
    return 0;          \
   }            \
   return 1;

// (Common) code to call WMI function which retrieves an out parameter
#define GET_WMI_ARG_INIT(argtype,argtypename)    \
   HRESULT hr;          \
   VARIANT var;         \
   CIMTYPE vt_type;        \
   hr= PropertyClass->Get(ArgName,0,&var,&vt_type,0); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf (("Error 0x%08X trying to get (" argtypename ") argument %ls\n",hr,ArgName)); \
    return 0;          \
   }            \
   if (vt_type!=argtype)       \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf (("Unexpected return type 0x%02X, expecting " #argtype "\n",vt_type)); \
    VariantClear (&var);       \
    return 0;          \
// Common code to clean up after calling WMI function to get out parameter
#define GET_WMI_ARG_DONE         \
   VariantClear (&var);       \
   return 1;

// (Common) code to execute a WMI method - initialise variables and parameter list
#define EXEC_WMI_METHOD_INIT(objclasspath,methodname)  \
   HRESULT hr;          \
   int     BoolFuncResult;    \
   IWbemClassObject *pObjectClass= NULL;  \
   IWbemClassObject *pInParamsClass= NULL;  \
   IWbemClassObject *pInParamsObj= NULL;  \
   IWbemClassObject *pOutParamsObj= NULL;  \
   BSTR    ObjectClassPath= SysAllocString(LSTR(objclasspath)); \
   BSTR    MethodName= SysAllocString(LSTR(methodname)); \
   VARIANT    var;      \
   /* Create a copy of the class object */   \
   VariantInit (&var);        \
   hr= pWMINamespace->GetObject(ObjectClassPath,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,NULL,&pObjectClass,NULL); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf(("pWMINamespace->GetObject() returned 0x%08X trying to get object %ls\n",hr,ObjectClassPath)); \
    goto Cleanup;         \
   }            \
   /* Get method arguments from the class object */\
   pObjectClass->GetMethod(MethodName,0,&pInParamsClass,NULL); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf(("pObjectClass->GetMethod() returned 0x%08X trying to get parameters for %ls\n",hr,MethodName)); \
    goto Cleanup;         \
   }            \
   /* Create instance of input parameters */  \
   hr= pInParamsClass->SpawnInstance(0,&pInParamsObj); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf(("pInParamsClass->SpawnInstance() returned 0x%08X\n",hr)); \
    goto Cleanup;         \
// (Common) code to execute a WMI method - execute the actual method
#define EXEC_WMI_METHOD_EXEC(objinstance)     \
   /* Get WMI path to this object instance */  \
   hr= objinstance->Get(L"__Relpath",0,&var,NULL,NULL); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf((#objinstance "->Get(__Relpath) returned 0x%08X\n",hr)); \
    goto Cleanup;         \
   }            \
   DebugPrintf ((#objinstance " __Relpath: %ls\n",var.bstrVal)); \
   /* Execute method with instance path as classpath */ \
   hr= pWMINamespace->ExecMethod(var.bstrVal,MethodName,0,NULL,pInParamsObj,&pOutParamsObj,NULL); \
   if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)      \
   {            \
    DebugPrintf(("pWMINamespace->ExecMethod() returned 0x%08X for classpath %ls method %ls\n",hr,var.bstrVal,MethodName)); \
    goto Cleanup;         \
   }            \
   /* Test to see if we have success */   \
   if (!GetWMIBooleanReturnValue(pOutParamsObj,&BoolFuncResult)) \
    goto Cleanup;         \
   DebugPrintf (("%ls->%ls result is %s\n",var.bstrVal,MethodName,BoolFuncResult?"TRUE":"FALSE"));
// (Common) code to execute a WMI method - cleanup all variables
#define EXEC_WMI_METHOD_DONE        \
   Cleanup:          \
   VariantClear (&var);       \
   SysFreeString (MethodName);      \
   SysFreeString (ObjectClassPath);    \
   RELEASE_COM_OBJ(pInParamsClass)     \
   RELEASE_COM_OBJ(pInParamsObj)     \
   RELEASE_COM_OBJ(pOutParamsObj)     \


// Print to object definition of a WMI (class) object - used for debugging
void PrintObjectText (IWbemClassObject *Obj)
#ifdef _DEBUG  // Set by Visual Studio when we have a debug target
 HRESULT   hr;
 BSTR    Text= NULL;

 hr= Obj->GetObjectText(0,&Text);
 if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)
  DebugPrintf (("Obj->GetObjectText() returned 0x%08X\n",hr));
 DebugPrintf (("Object text: %ls\n",Text));
 SysFreeString (Text);

// WMI helper function to set a string argument to a function call
int SetWMIStringArg (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, WCHAR* ArgName, WCHAR* Str)
 SET_WMI_ARG_INIT(VT_BSTR)     // Declare and initialise variables
 var.bstrVal= SysAllocString(Str);   // Copy string value into parameter variable
 if (var.bstrVal==NULL)
  return 0;
 SET_WMI_ARG_EXEC("string")     // Set parameter value and return result

// WMI helper function to set a DWORD argument to a function call
int SetWMIDWORDArg (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, WCHAR* ArgName, DWORD ArgValue)
 SET_WMI_ARG_INIT(VT_I4)     // Declare and initialise variables
 var.lVal= ArgValue;      // Copy DWORD value into parameter variable
 SET_WMI_ARG_EXEC("DWORD")     // Set parameter value and return result

// WMI helper function to set a boolean argument to a function call
int SetWMIBooleanArg (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, WCHAR* ArgName, int ArgValue)
 SET_WMI_ARG_INIT(VT_BOOL)     // Declare and initialise variables
 var.lVal= ArgValue?0xFFFF:0;    // Copy boolean value into parameter variable
 SET_WMI_ARG_EXEC("boolean")    // Set parameter value and return result

// WMI helper function to retrieve a WMI object returned from method call
int GetWMIObjectArg (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, WCHAR* ArgName, IWbemClassObject **Result)
 GET_WMI_ARG_INIT(VT_UNKNOWN,"IUnknown interface") // Get variant result

 // Attempt to find an IWebClassObject interface from the returned pointer
 hr= var.punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject,(void**)Result);
 if (hr!=S_OK)
  // Could not find the interface
  DebugPrintf (("QueryInterface for WbemClassObject result failled: 0x%08X\n",hr));
  VariantClear (&var);
  return 0;

 GET_WMI_ARG_DONE       // Clean-up after the function call

// WMI helper function to retrieve a boolean value returned from method call
int GetWMIBooleanArg (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, WCHAR* ArgName, int *Result)
 GET_WMI_ARG_INIT(VT_BOOL,"boolean")  // Get variant result
 if (Result) *Result= var.boolVal;   // Save result value
 GET_WMI_ARG_DONE       // Clean-up after the function call

// WMI helper function to retrieve the boolean return value of a method call
int GetWMIBooleanReturnValue (IWbemClassObject *PropertyClass, int *Result)
 // Just a little wrapper around the GetWMIBoolean function
 return GetWMIBooleanArg (PropertyClass,L"ReturnValue",Result);

// Function to return a services pointer to the WMI namespace. COM must already
// be initialised. Only cleanup required is to release the returned (non null)
// pointer and (later) uninitialise COM. Return NULL on failure.
IWbemServices* OpenWMINamespace (void)
 HRESULT   hr;
 IWbemLocator  *pWMILocator= NULL;
 IWbemServices  *pWMINamespace= NULL;
 BSTR    WMINamespacePath= SysAllocString(L"\\\\.\\root\\wmi");

 // Set up security context for COM access
 if (FAILED(hr))
  printf("CoInitializeSecurity() returned 0x%08X\n",hr);
  goto Cleanup;

 // Create COM object which will connect to WMI layer
 hr= CoCreateInstance (CLSID_WbemLocator,0,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IWbemLocator,(LPVOID*)&pWMILocator);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  printf ("CoCreateInstance() returned 0x%08X\n",hr);
  goto Cleanup;

 // Connect to the WMI layer
 hr= pWMILocator->ConnectServer (WMINamespacePath,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,&pWMINamespace);
 if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)
  printf("pWMILocator->ConnectServer() returned 0x%08X trying to connect to %ls\n",hr,WMINamespacePath);
  goto Cleanup;

 // Set security context for WMI calls to use (pretty much from the Platform SDK)
 if (hr!=WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)
  printf("CoSetProxyBlanket() returned 0x%08X\n",hr);
  goto Cleanup;

 SysFreeString (WMINamespacePath);

 return pWMINamespace;

// Function to open the default BCD store - we from here we will open the
// default OS and get/set configuration values. Caller must release the
// returned object; returns NULL on error.
IWbemClassObject* OpenDefaultBCDStore (IWbemServices *pWMINamespace)
 IWbemClassObject *pBCDStoreObject= NULL;
 // Standard initialisation
 // Set File parameter as "" - specify to open default store
 if (!SetWMIStringArg (pInParamsObj,L"File",L"")) goto Cleanup;
 // Call the actual method - use pObjectClass from init macro to call static member
 // Get output parameters if call was successful
 if (BoolFuncResult) GetWMIObjectArg (pOutParamsObj,L"Store",&pBCDStoreObject);
 // Cleanup
 return pBCDStoreObject;

// Function to open the OSLoader BCDObject for the currently running OS. Caller
// must release the returned object; returns NULL on error.
IWbemClassObject* OpenDefaultOSLoader (IWbemServices *pWMINamespace, IWbemClassObject *pBCDStoreObject)
 IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject= NULL;
 // Standard initialisation
 // Set Currently active OS instance as parameter
 if (!SetWMIStringArg (pInParamsObj,L"Id",L"{FA926493-6F1C-4193-A414-58F0B2456D1E}")) goto Cleanup;
 // Call the actual method
 // Get output parameters if call was successful
 if (BoolFuncResult) GetWMIObjectArg (pOutParamsObj,L"Object",&pOSLoaderObject);
 // Cleanup
 return pOSLoaderObject;

// Function to return the value of a Boolean Element contained in an BCD Object.
// Return value is 0 if the function encountered an error or 1 if the function
// call was successful. If return value is 1 then *Value parameter is valid and
// can be either: -1 (element not found), 0 (element value false) or 1 (element
// value true)
int GetBooleanElementValue (IWbemServices *pWMINamespace, IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject, DWORD ElementID, int *Value)
 int    BoolElementValue;
 int    FuncResult= 0;
 IWbemClassObject *pElementObject= NULL;
 // Standard initialisation
 // Set ElementID for which we want the value
 if (!SetWMIDWORDArg (pInParamsObj,L"Type",ElementID)) goto Cleanup;
 // Call the actual method
 // Test function result
 if (!BoolFuncResult)
  FuncResult= 1;  // No (WMI/COM) errors so function call successful
  *Value= -1;   // but element not found
  goto Cleanup;
 // Function call succcesfull - extract the boolean value
 if (!GetWMIObjectArg(pOutParamsObj,L"Element",&pElementObject)) goto Cleanup;
 if (!GetWMIBooleanArg(pElementObject,L"Boolean",&BoolElementValue)) goto Cleanup;
 // OK, we success
 FuncResult= 1;     // Everything OK
 *Value= BoolElementValue!=0; // And return the element value (convert from variant Boolean values to C boolean values)
 // Cleanup
 return FuncResult;

// Function to set the value of a Boolean Element contained in an BCD Object.
// Return value is 0 if the function encountered an error or 1 if the function
// call was successful and the new element value set.
int SetBooleanElementValue (IWbemServices *pWMINamespace, IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject, DWORD ElementID, int Value)
 int    FuncResult= 0;
 // Standard initialisation
 // Set the ElementID (type) and the desired value as parameters for method call
 if (!SetWMIDWORDArg (pInParamsObj,L"Type",ElementID)) goto Cleanup;
 if (!SetWMIBooleanArg (pInParamsObj,L"Boolean",Value)) goto Cleanup;
 // Call the actual method
 // Test the return value to set our function result
 FuncResult= BoolFuncResult!=0;
 // Cleanup
 return FuncResult;

// Function to delete an Element contained in an BCD Object. Return value is
// 0 if the function encountered an error or 1 if the element was deleted.
int DeleteBCDElement (IWbemServices *pWMINamespace, IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject, DWORD ElementID)
 int    FuncResult= 0;
 // Standard initialisation
 // Set the ElementID (type) and the desired value as parameters for method call
 if (!SetWMIDWORDArg (pInParamsObj,L"Type",ElementID)) goto Cleanup;
 // Call the actual method
 // Test the return value to set our function result
 FuncResult= BoolFuncResult!=0;
 // Cleanup
 return FuncResult;

// Function to get the value of the BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures
// or BcdOSLoaderBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures boolean elements from the BCD
// for the current running OS instance.
// Return value is -1: error, 0: value not set or false and 1: value set
int GetBCDTestsigningFlag (void)
 int    FuncResult= -1;
 int    Value;

 HRESULT   hr;
 IWbemServices  *pWMINamespace= NULL;
 IWbemClassObject *pBCDStoreObject= NULL;
 IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject= NULL;
 // Must initialise COM subsystem
 hr= CoInitialize(0);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  DebugPrintf(("CoInitialize() returned 0x%08X\n",hr));
  return FuncResult;
 // Open WMI namespace and get a pointer to the WMI services
 pWMINamespace= OpenWMINamespace();
 if (!pWMINamespace) goto Cleanup;
 // Open the default WMI store
 pBCDStoreObject= OpenDefaultBCDStore(pWMINamespace);
 if (!pBCDStoreObject) goto Cleanup;
 PrintObjectText (pBCDStoreObject);
 // Once we have the BCD store opened, open current OSLoader object
 pOSLoaderObject= OpenDefaultOSLoader(pWMINamespace,pBCDStoreObject);
 if (!pOSLoaderObject) goto Cleanup;
 PrintObjectText (pOSLoaderObject);

 // First try to get the "Library" version of the test signing flag
 if (!GetBooleanElementValue(pWMINamespace,pOSLoaderObject,BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures,&Value)) goto Cleanup;
 DebugPrintf (("BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures element value %d\n",Value));
 if (Value<0) // No WMI/COM errors but element not found
  // If the "Library" version is not found we will try to open the "OSLoader" version instead
  if (!GetBooleanElementValue(pWMINamespace,pOSLoaderObject,BcdOSLoaderBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures,&Value)) goto Cleanup;
  printf ("BcdOSLoaderBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures element value %d\n",Value);
 // Function returns 1 if either of the two testsign elements were set as true.
 FuncResult= Value>0;

 // Uninitialise COM. If somebody wants to use COM again they must initialise it

 return FuncResult;

// Function to set the value of the BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures
// element to true or false (allow/disallow test signing) and then delete the
// BcdOSLoaderBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures boolean element.
// Return value is 0: value not set (error) or 1: value successfully set
int SetBCDTestsigningFlag (int NewFlag)
 int    FuncResult= -1;
 HRESULT   hr;
 IWbemServices  *pWMINamespace= NULL;
 IWbemClassObject *pBCDStoreObject= NULL;
 IWbemClassObject *pOSLoaderObject= NULL;
 // Must initialise COM subsystem
 hr= CoInitialize(0);
 if (FAILED(hr))
  DebugPrintf(("CoInitialize() returned 0x%08X\n",hr));
  return FuncResult;
 // Open WMI namespace and get a pointer to the WMI services
 pWMINamespace= OpenWMINamespace();
 if (!pWMINamespace) goto Cleanup;
 // Open the default WMI store
 pBCDStoreObject= OpenDefaultBCDStore(pWMINamespace);
 if (!pBCDStoreObject) goto Cleanup;
 PrintObjectText (pBCDStoreObject);
 // Once we have the BCD store opened, open current OSLoader object
 pOSLoaderObject= OpenDefaultOSLoader(pWMINamespace,pBCDStoreObject);
 if (!pOSLoaderObject) goto Cleanup;
 PrintObjectText (pOSLoaderObject);

 // Attempt to set "Library" version of the Testsigning flag - BCDEDIT seems to
 // set this one in preference to the "OSLoader" version.
 if (!SetBooleanElementValue(pWMINamespace,pOSLoaderObject,BcdLibraryBoolean_AllowPrereleaseSignatures,NewFlag))
  goto Cleanup;
 // OK, if we get here the element was succesfully set
 FuncResult= 1;
 // Delete the "OSLoader" version of the flag in case it exists (may interfere
 // with the "Library" version?!

 // Uninitialise COM. If somebody wants to use COM again they must initialise it

 return FuncResult;

// Function to reboot the operating system (lets new BCD option value take
// effect). Return value is 0 on error and 1 on success.
int RebootSystem (void)
 HANDLE    hToken;
 DWORD    LastError;
 // Get a token for this process.
 if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES|TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken))
  DebugPrintf(("OpenProcessToken() error %d\n",GetLastError()));
  return (0);
 // Get the LUID for the shutdown privilege.
 TokenPriv.PrivilegeCount= 1;  // one privilege to set
 TokenPriv.Privileges[0].Attributes= SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
 // Enable the shutdown privilege for this process.
 AdjustTokenPrivileges (hToken,FALSE,&TokenPriv,0,(PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL,0);
 LastError= GetLastError();
 if (LastError!=ERROR_SUCCESS) // At least some priviledges not assigned.
  DebugPrintf(("AdjustTokenPrivileges() error %d\n",GetLastError()));
  return (0);

 // Shut down the system and force all applications to close.
  return 0;

 return 1;

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