exp taiaer_cc/hollycrm@taiaer_101 file=d:/taiaer_101.dmp log=d:/tai.log owner=taiaer_cc
imp taiaer_cc/hollycrm@localdb file=d:/taiaer_101.dmp fromuser=taiaer_cc touser=taiaer_cc
create user TAIAER_CC
identified by "hollycrm" --给用户设置密码
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to TAIAER_CC;
grant dba to TAIAER_CC;
grant resource to TAIAER_CC;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create view to TAIAER_CC;
grant unlimited tablespace to TAIAER_CC;
最新推荐文章于 2024-11-01 08:29:48 发布