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8 Managing Tablespaces --管理表空间

This chapter describes the various aspects of tablespace management, and contains the following topics:


Guidelines for Managing Tablespaces


Before working with tablespaces of an Oracle Database, familiarize yourself with the guidelines provided in the following sections:


Using Multiple Tablespaces


Using multiple tablespaces allows you more flexibility in performing database operations. When a database has multiple tablespaces, you can:


  • Separate user data from data dictionary data to reduce I/O contention.


  • Separate data of one application from the data of another to prevent multiple applications from being affected if a tablespace must be taken offline.


  • Store different the datafiles of different tablespaces on different disk drives to reduce I/O contention.


  • Take individual tablespaces offline while others remain online, providing better overall availability.


  • Optimizing tablespace use by reserving a tablespace for a particular type of database use, such as high update activity, read-only activity, or temporary segment storage.


  • Back up individual tablespaces.


    Some operating systems set a limit on the number of files that can be open simultaneously. --有些操作系统设置了能够同时打开的文件数量限制。 Such limits can affect the number of tablespaces that can be simultaneously online. --这样的限制能够影响表空间同时在线的数量。 To avoid exceeding your operating system limit, plan your tablespaces efficiently. --为了避免超过操作系统的限制,要有效率地规划你的表空间。 Create only enough tablespaces to fulfill your needs, and create these tablespaces with as few files as possible. --只创建足够的表空间来满足你的需求,并且创建这些表空间时尽可能的使用较少的文件。 If you need to increase the size of a tablespace, add one or two large datafiles, or create datafiles with autoextension enabled, rather than creating many small datafiles. --如果你需要增加表空间的容量,添加一个或二个大数据文件,或者创建可以自动扩展的数据文件。以上这些做法比创建很多小的数据文件要好。

    Review your data in light of these factors and decide how many tablespaces you need for your database design.


    Assigning Tablespace Quotas to Users --分配表空间限额给用户

    Grant to users who will be creating tables, clusters, materialized views, indexes, and other objects the privilege to create the object and a quota (space allowance or limit) in the tablespace intended to hold the object segment.


    See Also: --另请参阅

    Oracle Database Security Guide for information about creating users and assigning tablespace quotas.

    --Oracle 数据库安全向导。 更多的信息关于建立用户和分配表空间限额。

    Creating Tablespaces --创建表空间

    Before you can create a tablespace, you must create a database to contain it. --在你能够创建一个表空间之前,你必须创建一个数据库来包含它。 The primary tablespace in any database is the SYSTEM tablespace, which contains information basic to the functioning of the database server, such as the data dictionary and the system rollback segment. --任何数据库的主表空间是SYSTEM系统表空间,它包含数据库服务器基础功能的信息,例如数据字典和系统回滚段。 The SYSTEM tablespace is the first tablespace created at database creation. --系统表空间是数据库建立的第一个表空间 It is managed as any other tablespace, but requires a higher level of privilege and is restricted in some ways. --它可以像其他表空间一样被管理,但是需要高级别的权限,并且它的一些用途被限制。 For example, you cannot rename or drop the SYSTEM tablespace or take it offline. --例如,你不能更名或删除系统表空间,又或者让它脱机。

    The SYSAUX tablespace, which acts as an auxiliary tablespace to the SYSTEM tablespace, is also always created when you create a database. --辅助表空间为系统表空间扮演了辅助性质的表空间,在你建立数据库时,它也是一直被创建。 It contains information about and the schemas used by various Oracle products and features, so that those products do not require their own tablespaces. --它包含了各种数据库产品和特性的信息和模式,因此那些产品不再需要它们自己的表空间。 As for the SYSTEM tablespace, management of the SYSAUX tablespace requires a higher level of security and you cannot rename or drop it. --至于系统表空间和辅助表空间的管理,需要高级别的安全,并且你不能对辅助表空间进行更名和删除操作。 The management of the SYSAUX tablespace is discussed separately in "Managing the SYSAUX Tablespace". --关于辅助表空间管理,单独放在"Managing the SYSAUX Tablespace" 详尽描述

    The steps for creating tablespaces vary by operating system, but the first step is always to use your operating system to create a directory structure in which your datafiles will be allocated. --创建表空间的步骤是取决于操作系统的,但第一步总是在你的操作系统上创建一个目录结构,用来分配你的数据文件。 On most operating systems, you specify the size and fully specified filenames of datafiles when you create a new tablespace or alter an existing tablespace by adding datafiles. --创建表空间的步骤是取决于操作系统的,但第一步总是在你的操作系统上创建一个目录结构,用来分配你的数据文件。 Whether you are creating a new tablespace or modifying an existing one, the database automatically allocates and formats the datafiles as specified. --无论你创建新的或者修改已有的表空间,数据库会自动的分配和格式化详细说明的特性数据文件

    To create a new tablespace, use the SQL statement CREATE TABLESPACE or CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE. --创建一个新表空间,使用SQL语句CREATE TABLESPACE or CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACEYou must have the CREATE TABLESPACE system privilege to create a tablespace. --你必须有CREATE TABLESPACE系统权限来建立表空间 Later, you can use the ALTER TABLESPACE or ALTER DATABASE statements to alter the tablespace. --然后你就可以使用ALTER TABLESPACE or ALTER DATABASE 语句来修改表空间。 You must have the ALTER TABLESPACE or ALTER DATABASE system privilege, correspondingly. --你必须有ALTER TABLESPACE or ALTER DATABASE 相对应的系统权限。

    You can also use the CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE statement to create a special type of tablespace called an undo tablespace, which is specifically designed to contain undo records. --你也可以使用CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE 语句来建立特别类型的表空间,它叫做撤销表空间,专门设计撤销表空间用来存放撤销记录。 These are records generated by the database that are used to roll back, or undo, changes to the database for recovery, read consistency, or as requested by a ROLLBACK statement. --这些被数据库产生的记录可以被用来回滚或者撤销(反向操作),改变数据库 用来恢复,读一致性,响应回滚语句的请求。 Creating and managing undo tablespaces is the subject of Chapter 10, "Managing the Undo Tablespace". --创建和管理撤销表空间是一个主题在第十小节 管理UNDO表空间

    The creation and maintenance of permanent and temporary tablespaces are discussed in the following sections:


    Locally Managed Tablespaces

    Locally managed tablespaces track all extent information in the tablespace itself by using bitmaps, resulting in the following benefits:


    • Fast, concurrent space operations. Space allocations and deallocations modify locally managed resources (bitmaps stored in header files).


    • Enhanced performance --增强性能

    • Readable standby databases are allowed, because locally managed temporary tablespaces do not generate any undo or redo.


    • Space allocation is simplified, because when the AUTOALLOCATE clause is specified, the database automatically selects the appropriate extent size.


    • User reliance on the data dictionary is reduced, because the necessary information is stored in file headers and bitmap blocks.


    • Coalescing free extents is unnecessary for locally managed tablespaces.


    All tablespaces, including the SYSTEM tablespace, can be locally managed.


    The DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package provides maintenance procedures for locally managed tablespaces.


    See Also: --另请参阅:

    Creating a Locally Managed Tablespace--创建一个本地管理的表空间

    Create a locally managed tablespace by specifying LOCAL in the EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. --创建一个本地化管理的表空间在语句CREATE TABLESPACE的条件EXTENT MANAGEMENT里面指定LOCAL This is the default for new permanent tablespaces, but you must specify the EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL clause if you want to specify either the AUTOALLOCATE clause or the UNIFORM clause. --虽然LOCAL是新建永久表空间EXTENTMANAGEMENT子句的缺省值,但是如果你想指定区的管理 是AUTOALLOCATE自动分配,还是UNIFORM统一尺寸中的任何一种,你就必须为指定为LOCAL You can have the database manage extents for you automatically with the AUTOALLOCATE clause (the default), or you can specify that the tablespace is managed with uniform extents of a specific size (UNIFORM). --你可以使用AUTOALLOCATE自动分配(缺省)来让数据库自动管理盘区,或者你可以指定表空间用统一尺寸的盘区来管理(UNIFORM).

    If you expect the tablespace to contain objects of varying sizes requiring many extents with different extent sizes, then AUTOALLOCATE is the best choice. --如果你期望表空间包含不同尺寸的对象,需要不同盘区尺寸的盘区,那么AUTOALLOCATE是最好的选择. AUTOALLOCATE is also a good choice if it is not important for you to have a lot of control over space allocation and deallocation, because it simplifies tablespace management. --AUTOALLOCATE是同样的好选择,如果大量控制空间的分配和取消对你来说不重要,因为它简化了表空间管理。 Some space may be wasted with this setting, but the benefit of having Oracle Database manage your space most likely outweighs this drawback. --因为自动分配的设定会浪费一些空间,但用自动分配来让oracle数据库管理你的空间带来的好处最有可能大于它的坏处。

    If you want exact control over unused space, and you can predict exactly the space to be allocated for an object or objects and the number and size of extents, then UNIFORM is a good choice. --如果你希望精确控制未使用空间,并且你能够精确预测数据库对象的空间分配、盘区的数量和尺寸,那么UNIFORM是一个很好的选择。 This setting ensures that you will never have unusable space in your tablespace. --这个设定可以确保你的表空间中永远不会有不能用的空闲空间。自动分配的方式空闲空间被分配了,就不能被其他段使用,造成空间浪费。

    When you do not explicitly specify the type of extent management, Oracle Database determines extent management as follows: --当你不能明确的指定盘区管理的类型,Oracle数据库用以下方法决定盘区的管理:

    • If the CREATE TABLESPACE statement omits the DEFAULT storage clause, then the database creates a locally managed autoallocated tablespace.

      --如果CREATE TABLESPACE语句省略了缺省存储子句,那么数据库建立一个本地管理的自动分配表空间。

    • If the CREATE TABLESPACE statement includes a DEFAULT storage clause, then the database considers the following:

      --如果CREATE TABLESPACE语句包含缺省存储子句,那么数据库考虑一下几点:

      • If you specified the MINIMUM EXTENT clause, the database evaluates whether the values of MINIMUM EXTENT, INITIAL, and NEXT are equal and the value of PCTINCREASE is 0. If so, the database creates a locally managed uniform tablespace with extent size = INITIAL. -如果你指定了MINIMUM EXTENT子句,数据库评估是否最小扩展值,初始值,和下一个值全部相等,并且PCTINCREASE的值是0。 如果是这样,数据库建立一个本地化管理的统一尺寸表空间,盘区的大小为= INITIAL的值。 If the MINIMUM EXTENT, INITIAL, and NEXT parameters are not equal, or if PCTINCREASE is not 0, the database ignores any extent storage parameters you may specify and creates a locally managed, autoallocated tablespace. -如果MINIMUM EXTENT, INITIAL, and NEXT三个参数值不相等,或者如果PCTINCREASE的值不为0 那么数据库忽略任何指定的盘区存储参数,并且建立一个本地化管理,自动分配盘区的表空间。

      • If you did not specify MINIMUM EXTENT clause, the database evaluates only whether the storage values of INITIAL and NEXT are equal and PCTINCREASE is 0. If so, the tablespace is locally managed and uniform. Otherwise, the tablespace is locally managed and autoallocated.

        -如果没有指定MINIMUM EXTENT最小盘区子句,数据库只评估存储初始值是否和下一个值相等,并且PCTINCREASE值是0。 如果是这样,表空间是本地化管理和统一尺寸。否则,表空间是本地化管理和自动分配盘区。

    The following statement creates a locally managed tablespace named lmtbsb and specifies AUTOALLOCATE:



    AUTOALLOCATE causes the tablespace to be system managed with a minimum extent size of 64K.


    The alternative to AUTOALLOCATE is UNIFORM. which specifies that the tablespace is managed with extents of uniform size. You can specify that size in the SIZE clause of UNIFORM. If you omit SIZE, then the default size is 1M.

    -UNIFORM是二选一中AUTOALLOCATE的另外一个。UNIFORM指定表空间采用统一尺寸的盘区管理。你可以指定UNIFORM 子句中SIZE的大小。如果你省略这个值,缺省的尺寸是1M。

    The following example creates a tablespace with uniform 128K extents. (In a database with 2K blocks, each extent would be equivalent to 64 database blocks). Each 128K extent is represented by a bit in the extent bitmap for this file.


    CREATE TABLESPACE lmtbsb DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtbsb01.dbf' SIZE 50M    EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL UNIFORM SIZE 128K;

    You cannot specify the DEFAULT storage clause, MINIMUM EXTENT, or TEMPORARY when you explicitly specify EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL. If you want to create a temporary locally managed tablespace, use the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement.



    When you allocate a datafile for a locally managed tablespace, you should allow space for metadata used for space management (the extent bitmap or space header segment) which are part of user space. -当为本地化管理表空间分配一个数据文件时,你应该在用户空间保留一部分中足够的空间,这个空间是为了做空间管理而存储的元数据。(盘区位图或者段的头部空间) For example, if specify the UNIFORM clause in the extent management clause but you omit the SIZE parameter, then the default extent size is 1MB. In that case, the size specified for the datafile must be larger (at least one block plus space for the bitmap) than 1MB. -举个例子,如果在盘区管理子句里面指定UNIFORM统一尺寸子句,但又省略了SIZE尺寸参数,那么缺省的盘区大小是1MB。 在这种情况下,指定的数据文件大小必须大于1MB(至少多出1个数据块加上位图空间的容量)。
    Specifying Segment Space Management in Locally Managed Tablespaces-在本地化管理表空间中指定段空间管理类型

    In a locally managed tablespace, there are two methods that Oracle Database can use to manage segment space: automatic and manual. -在本地化管理表空间中,有两种方法被Oracle数据库用来管理进行段空间的管理:自动和手动。 Manual segment space management uses linked lists called "freelists" to manage free space in the segment, while automatic segment space management uses bitmaps. -手动段空间管理使用被叫做"freelists"的链接列表来管理段里面的空闲空间,然而自动段空间管理使用位图。 Automatic segment space management is the more efficient method, and is the default for all new permanent, locally managed tablespaces. -自动段空间管理是最有效率方法,并且是所有新增永久,本地化管理表空间的缺省值。

    Automatic segment space management delivers better space utilization than manual segment space management. -自动段空间管理比手动段空间管理实现更好的空间利用。 It is also self-tuning, in that it scales with increasing number of users or instances. -同时它是自调整的,因为它的尺度会随用户和实例的数量而增加。 In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, automatic segment space management allows for a dynamic affinity of space to instances. -在oracle RAC 环境,自动段空间管理允许对实例的空间动态喜好(同时访问的数据会慢慢的集中在访问频率最多的一个实例上)。 In addition, for many standard workloads, application performance with automatic segment space management is better than the performance of a well-tuned application using manual segment space management. -另外,一些通过自动段空间管理的标准化工作负载和应用性能要好过那些使用手动段空间管理经过良好优化的应用程序性能。

    Although automatic segment space management is the default for all new permanent, locally managed tablespaces, you can explicitly enable it with the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO clause. -尽管自动段空间管理对所有新建永久本地化管理表空间来说是缺省值,你也可以明确使用它通过SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO 子句。

    The following statement creates tablespace lmtbsb with automatic segment space management:


    The SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT MANUAL clause disables automatic segment space management. -SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT MANUAL子句取消自动段空间管理。

    The segment space management that you specify at tablespace creation time applies to all segments subsequently created in the tablespace. You cannot change the segment space management mode of a tablespace.



    • If you set extent management to LOCAL UNIFORM, then you must ensure that each extent contains at least 5 database blocks.

      -如果你设置了盘区管理为LOCAL UNIFORM本地和统一尺寸。那么你必须确认每个盘区至少包含5个数据库块。

    • If you set extent management to LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE, and if the database block size is 16K or greater, then Oracle manages segment space by creating extents with a minimum size of 5 blocks rounded up to 64K.

      -如果你设置盘区管理为LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE本地和自动分配,并且数据库块的大小为16K或更大, 那么Oracle管理段空间,会建立最小尺寸为5个数据块的盘区,来达到64K。

    Locally managed tablespaces using automatic segment space management can be created as single-file or bigfile tablespaces, as described in "Bigfile Tablespaces".

    -本地化管理表空间使用自动段空间管理,可以建立单一文件或大文件的表空间。在中描述"Bigfile Tablespaces"

    Altering a Locally Managed Tablespace-修改本地化管理表空间

    You cannot alter a locally managed tablespace to a locally managed temporary tablespace, nor can you change its method of segment space management. -不能修改本地化管理表空间为本地化管理临时表空间,也不能变更它的段空间段里方式。 Coalescing free extents is unnecessary for locally managed tablespaces. -在本地化管理的表空间中没有必要聚集空闲盘区。 However, you can use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement on locally managed tablespaces for some operations, including the following: -然而你可以在本地化管理表空间上使用ALTER TABLESPACE语句做一些操作,包括以下:

    Bigfile Tablespaces-大文件表空间

    A bigfile tablespace is a tablespace with a single, but very large (up to 4G blocks) datafile. Traditional smallfile tablespaces, in contrast, can contain multiple datafiles, but the files cannot be as large. The benefits of bigfile tablespaces are the following:

    -大文件表空间bigfile tablespace,它只有一个但非常大的数据文件(最大4G的数据块)。 传统的小文件表空间,相比来说,能够包含多个数据文件,但文件不能很大。大文件表空间有以下的好处:

    • A bigfile tablespace with 8K blocks can contain a 32 terabyte datafile. -大文件表空间使用8K的数据块尺寸,可以包含32T的数据文件。 A bigfile tablespace with 32K blocks can contain a 128 terabyte datafile. -大文件表空间使用32K的数据块尺寸,可以包含128T的数据文件。 The maximum number of datafiles in an Oracle Database is limited (usually to 64K files). -数据文件最大数量在数据库里面是被限制的(通常是64K个文件)。 Therefore, bigfile tablespaces can significantly enhance the storage capacity of an Oracle Database. -然而,大文件表空间能显著的增强数据库的存储能力。

    • Bigfile tablespaces can reduce the number of datafiles needed for a database. -大文件表空间可以降低一个数据库的数据文件需求数量。 An additional benefit is that the DB_FILES initialization parameter and MAXDATAFILES parameter of the CREATE DATABASE and CREATE CONTROLFILE statements can be adjusted to reduce the amount of SGA space required for datafile information and the size of the control file. -一个附加的好处就是,初始化参数DB_FILES和语句CREATE DATABASECREATE CONTROLFILE中的 MAXDATAFILES参数 可以被调整来降低SGA空间存放数据文件信息的需求和控制文件的大小。

    • Bigfile tablespaces simplify database management by providing datafile transparency. -大文件表空间通过数据文件的透明来简化数据库的管理。 SQL syntax for the ALTER TABLESPACE statement lets you perform operations on tablespaces, rather than the underlying individual datafiles. -ALTER TABLESPACE语句的SQL语法,可以在表空间上执行操作,而不需要针对每个独立的数据文件。

    Bigfile tablespaces are supported only for locally managed tablespaces with automatic segment space management, with three exceptions: locally managed undo tablespaces, temporary tablespaces, and the SYSTEM tablespace.



    • Bigfile tablespaces are intended to be used with Automatic Storage Management (ASM) or other logical volume managers that supports striping or RAID, and dynamically extensible logical volumes. -大文件表空间是被打算用在 自动存储管理或者其他支持条带化的逻辑卷管理或者RAID,并且逻辑卷可以动态的扩展。

    • Avoid creating bigfile tablespaces on a system that does not support striping because of negative implications for parallel query execution and RMAN backup parallelization. -避免在不支持条带化的系统上建立大文件表空间。因为这对并行查询和RMAN并行备份具有负面潜在影响。

    • Using bigfile tablespaces on platforms that do not support large file sizes is not recommended and can limit tablespace capacity. Refer to your operating system specific documentation for information about maximum supported file sizes.

    Creating a Bigfile Tablespace-创建大文件表空间

    To create a bigfile tablespace, specify the BIGFILE keyword of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement (CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE ...). -为了建立大文件表空间,需要在CREATE TABLESPACE语句中指定BIGFILE关键字。 (CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE ...) Oracle Database automatically creates a locally managed tablespace with automatic segment space management. -Oracle数据库自动建立一个自动段空间管理的本地化管理表空间。 You can, but need not, specify EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL and SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO in this statement. -你可以,但不需要,在这个语句中指定EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL 本地化管理盘区 和 SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO 自动段空间管理。 However, the database returns an error if you specify EXTENT MANAGEMENT DICTIONARY or SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT MANUAL. -可是,当你在语句中指定EXTENT MANAGEMENT DICTIONARY 数据字典管理盘区 或者 SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT MANUAL 手动段空间管理 数据库会返回一个错误。 The remaining syntax of the statement is the same as for the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, but you can only specify one datafile. For example: -下面的语法和CREATE TABLESPACE语句一样,但你只能指定一个数据文件。例如:

    CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE bigtbs     DATAFILE '/u02/oracle/data/bigtbs01.dbf' SIZE 50G...

    You can specify SIZE in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T). -你可以指定SIZE的单位为 kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T)。

    If the default tablespace type was set to BIGFILE at database creation, you need not specify the keyword BIGFILE in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement. A bigfile tablespace is created by default. -如果在数据库建立时缺省表空间类型被设置为BIGFILE,你不必在CREATE TABLESPACE语句中指定BIGFILE关键字。 大文件表空间会被缺省的创建。

    If the default tablespace type was set to BIGFILE at database creation, but you want to create a traditional (smallfile) tablespace, then specify a CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE statement to override the default tablespace type for the tablespace that you are creating. -如果缺省表空间类型被设定为大文件,但你想建立传统的小文件表空间,那么指定CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE 语句来覆盖缺省的表空间类型,你就可以创建你需要的表空间。

    See Also: --另请参阅:

    "Supporting Bigfile Tablespaces During Database Creation" -在数据库建立时支持大文件表空间
    Altering a Bigfile Tablespace-修改大文件表空间

    Two clauses of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement support datafile transparency when you are using bigfile tablespaces: -当你使用大文件表空间时,ALTER TABLESPACE 语句有两个子句支持数据文件的透明化。

    • RESIZE: The RESIZE clause lets you resize the single datafile in a bigfile tablespace to an absolute size, without referring to the datafile. For example:


    • AUTOEXTEND (used outside of the ADD DATAFILE clause): -AUTOEXTEND自动扩展(不使用ADD DATAFILE子句):

      With a bigfile tablespace, you can use the AUTOEXTEND clause outside of the ADD DATAFILE clause. For example:

      -使用大文件表空间,你可以使用AUTOEXTEND 子句,ADD DATAFILE子句超出了使用范围。 例如:


    An error is raised if you specify an ADD DATAFILE clause for a bigfile tablespace -如果你在大表空间上指定ADD DATAFILE子句,会提示错误。 .

    Identifying a Bigfile Tablespace

    The following views contain a BIGFILE column that identifies a tablespace as a bigfile tablespace: -以下视图包含BIGFILE字段,可以用来识别表空间是否是大表空间:




    You can also identify a bigfile tablespace by the relative file number of its single datafile. That number is 1024 on most platforms, but 4096 on OS/390. -你也可以通过表空间关联的文件号来识别大文件表空间。在大多数平台上是1024,IBM的OS/390上是4096。

    Temporary Tablespaces-临时表空间

    A temporary tablespace contains transient data that persists only for the duration of the session. -临时表空间包含短暂的数据,这些数据只在会话期间存在。(如果会话不断开,就一直存在了。) Temporary tablespaces can improve the concurrency of multiple sort operations, reduce their overhead, and avoid Oracle Database space management operations. -临时表空间能提升多排序操作的并发性,降低它们的内部整理自检,并且避免数据库空间管理操作。 A temporary tablespace can be assigned to users with the CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement and can be shared by multiple users. -临时表空间可以被分配给用户,通过使用CREATE USER or ALTER USER语句。并且可以分享给多个用户。

    Within a temporary tablespace, all sort operations for a given instance and tablespace share a single sort segment. -在临时表空间内部,所有排序操作给一个给定的实例并且表空间共享一个单独排序段。 Sort segments exist for every instance that performs sort operations within a given tablespace. -排序段存在于给定的表空间内部,为每一个实例提供执行排序的操作。 The sort segment is created by the first statement that uses a temporary tablespace for sorting, after startup, and is released only at shutdown. -在数据库启动以后,当第一个使用零时表空间排序的语句执行时,排序段被建立。但数据库关闭的时候,被释放。 An extent cannot be shared by multiple transactions. -一个盘区不能被多个事务共享。

    You can view the allocation and deallocation of space in a temporary tablespace sort segment using the V$SORT_SEGMENT view. -你可以使用动态性能视图V$SORT_SEGMENT,来查看零时表空间排序段的分配和取消分配。 The V$TEMPSEG_USAGE view identifies the current sort users in those segments. -视图V$TEMPSEG_USAGE标识在排序段中当前排序的用户。

    You cannot explicitly create objects in a temporary tablespace.



    The exception to the preceding statement is a temporary table. When you create a temporary table, its rows are stored in your default temporary tablespace. -前述的一个例外是临时表。当你建立临时表,临时表的纪录存储在用户缺省的临时表空间中。 See "Creating a Temporary Table" for more information. -查看更多信息,请参阅"Creating a Temporary Table"建立临时表。

    See Also: --另请参阅:

    Creating a Locally Managed Temporary Tablespace-建立本地化管理的临时表空间

    Because space management is much simpler and more efficient in locally managed tablespaces, they are ideally suited for temporary tablespaces. -因为空间管理采用本地化管理非常简单和越来越有效率,它们完美地适合临时表空间。 Locally managed temporary tablespaces use tempfiles, which do not modify data outside of the temporary tablespace or generate any redo for temporary tablespace data. -本地化管理临时表空间使用tempfiles临时文件,临时文件不修改临时表空间以外的数据,也不为临时表空间数据产生任何重做。 Because of this, they enable you to perform on-disk sorting operations in a read-only or standby database. -因为这样。数据库可以让你执行磁盘排序操作在只读和备用数据库上。

    You also use different views for viewing information about tempfiles than you would for datafiles. -你同样可以使用不同的视图来查看关于临时文件的信息,和你查看数据文件一样。 The V$TEMPFILE and DBA_TEMP_FILES views are analogous to the V$DATAFILE and DBA_DATA_FILES views. -V$TEMPFILEDBA_TEMP_FILES视图类似于V$DATAFILE and DBA_DATA_FILES视图。

    To create a locally managed temporary tablespace, you use the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement, which requires that you have the CREATE TABLESPACE system privilege. -建立本地管理临时表空间,使用CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE语句,同时需要CREATE TABLESPACE系统权限。

    The following statement creates a temporary tablespace in which each extent is 16M. Each 16M extent (which is the equivalent of 8000 blocks when the standard block size is 2K) is represented by a bit in the bitmap for the file. -下列语句建立临时表空空间使用16M的盘区。临时文件头部位图的每一位代表一个16M的盘区(当数据库块是2K时,8000个数据块组成一个盘区。)


    The extent management clause is optional for temporary tablespaces because all temporary tablespaces are created with locally managed extents of a uniform size. -盘区管理子句对临时表空间来说是可选项。因为所有临时表空间的创建,都采用本地管理统一尺寸的盘区。 The Oracle Database default for SIZE is 1M. But if you want to specify another value for SIZE, you can do so as shown in the preceding statement. -Oracle数据库缺省盘区尺寸是1M。但如果你想指定其他的尺寸,可以采用刚才的语句来做。

    The AUTOALLOCATE clause is not allowed for temporary tablespaces. -AUTOALLOCATE自动分配盘区大小,临时表空间不采用。


    On some operating systems, the database does not allocate space for the tempfile until the tempfile blocks are actually accessed. -在一些操作系统上,数据库不会为临时文件分配空间,直到临时文件的数据块被真正使用。 This delay in space allocation results in faster creation and resizing of tempfiles, but it requires that sufficient disk space is available when the tempfiles are later used. -这种在空间分配上的延迟,是为了能够对临时文件进行快速建立和变更大小。但它必须要求磁盘有足够的空间,当临时文件稍后使用的时候。 Please refer to your operating system documentation to determine whether the database allocates tempfile space in this way on your system. -请参考操作系统文档,判断在你的操作系统上,数据库分配临时文件空间是否采用了这样的方式。
    Creating a Bigfile Temporary Tablespace-创建大文件临时表空间

    Just as for regular tablespaces, you can create single-file (bigfile) temporary tablespaces. -正如其他正常的表空间一样,你可以建立单文件(大文件)临时表空间。 Use the CREATE BIGFILE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement to create a single-tempfile tablespace. -使用CREATE BIGFILE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE语句来建立单一临时文件表空间。 See the sections "Creating a Bigfile Tablespace" and "Altering a Bigfile Tablespace" for information about bigfile tablespaces, but consider that you are creating temporary tablespaces that use tempfiles instead of datafiles. -以下章节"Creating a Bigfile Tablespace""Altering a Bigfile Tablespace" 是关于大文件表空间的信息。但要考虑建立临时表空间时把数据文件替换为临时文件。

    Altering a Locally Managed Temporary Tablespace -修改本地化管理临时表空间。


    You cannot use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, with the TEMPORARY keyword, to change a locally managed permanent tablespace into a locally managed temporary tablespace. -不能使用带有TEMPORARY关键字的ALTER TABLESPACE语句,来把本地管理永久表空间变更为本地管理临时表空间。 You must use the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement to create a locally managed temporary tablespace. -必须使用CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE语句来建立本地管理临时表空间。

    Except for adding a tempfile, taking a tempfile offline, or bringing a tempfile online, as illustrated in the following examples, you cannot use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement for a locally managed temporary tablespace. -添加临时文件,让一个临时文件脱机或者在线,如下列插图所示的例子,其他时候不能对本地管理临时表空间使用ALTER TABLESPACE语句。



    You cannot take a temporary tablespace offline. Instead, you take its tempfile offline. The view V$TEMPFILE displays online status for a tempfile. -能让临时表空间脱机。作为替代,你可以让临时文件脱机。视图V$TEMPFILE显示临时文件的在线状态。

    However, the ALTER DATABASE statement can be used to alter tempfiles. -然而,ALTER DATABASE语句可以用来修改临时文件。

    The following statements take offline and bring online tempfiles. They behave identically to the last two ALTER TABLESPACE statements in the previous example. -以下语句用来脱机和联机临时文件。它们的执行效果和前面例子中ALTER TABLESPACE语句的效果一样。

    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp02.dbf' OFFLINE;
    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp02.dbf' ONLINE;

    The following statement resizes a temporary file: -以下语变更临时文件的尺寸:

    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp02.dbf' RESIZE 18M;

    The following statement drops a temporary file and deletes the operating system file: -以下语删除临时文件和删除操作系统文件:

    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp02.dbf' DROP    INCLUDING DATAFILES;

    The tablespace to which this tempfile belonged remains. -删除临时表空间后,临时文件属于残留文件。 A message is written to the alert log for the datafile that was deleted. -当数据文件删除时,一条消息会被写入告警日志文件。 If an operating system error prevents the deletion of the file, the statement still succeeds, but a message describing the error is written to the alert log. -如果操作系统错误阻止了文件删除,语句仍然执行成功,但会有描述错误的消息被写入告警日志。

    It is also possible to use the ALTER DATABASE statement to enable or disable the automatic extension of an existing tempfile, and to rename (RENAME FILE) a tempfile. See Oracle Database SQL Reference for the required syntax. -用ALTER DATABASE语句来设置临时文件是否自动扩展,文件名变更(RENAME FILE)。参阅 Oracle Database SQL Reference 文档,查找需要的语法。


    To rename a tempfile, you take the tempfile offline, use operating system commands to rename or relocate the tempfile, and then use the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command to update the database controlfiles.

    -临时文件的更名操作:脱机临时文件。使用操作系统命令来更名或变更临时文件位置。并且使用ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE命令来更新数据库控制文件。

    Multiple Temporary Tablespaces: Using Tablespace Groups -多重临时表空间:使用临时表空间组

    A tablespace group enables a user to consume temporary space from multiple tablespaces. -临时表空间组能够让用户使用多个临时表空间。 A tablespace group has the following characteristics: -临时表空间组有以下特征:

    • It contains at least one tablespace. There is no explicit limit on the maximum number of tablespaces that are contained in a group.


    • It shares the namespace of tablespaces, so its name cannot be the same as any tablespace.


    • You can specify a tablespace group name wherever a tablespace name would appear when you assign a default temporary tablespace for the database or a temporary tablespace for a user.


    You do not explicitly create a tablespace group. -不能显式的建立表空间组。 Rather, it is created implicitly when you assign the first temporary tablespace to the group. -当然了。表空间组隐式的被创建,当你分配第一个临时表空间给一个组的时候。 The group is deleted when the last temporary tablespace it contains is removed from it. -当组中最后一个临时表空间被删除的时候,表空间组也会被删除。

    Using a tablespace group, rather than a single temporary tablespace, can alleviate problems caused where one tablespace is inadequate to hold the results of a sort, particularly on a table that has many partitions. -使用表空间组好过单一的临时表空间。它可以缓解问题,此问题是由一个表空间不适当的持有排序结果,特别是分区表。 A tablespace group enables parallel execution servers in a single parallel operation to use multiple temporary tablespaces. -当单一并行操作使用多重表空间时,表空间组允许服务器并行执行。

    The view DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS lists tablespace groups and their member tablespaces.


    See Also: --另请参阅:

    Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about assigning a temporary tablespace or tablespace group to a user -分配临时表空间或表空间组给一个用户。
    Creating a Tablespace Group-创建临时表空间组

    You create a tablespace group implicitly when you include the TABLESPACE GROUP clause in the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement and the specified tablespace group does not currently exist. -你可以隐式建立表空间组。在CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE中采用TABLESPACE GROUP子句,并且指定数据库中一个当前不存在的表空间名字。

    For example, if neither group1 nor group2 exists, then the following statements create those groups, each of which has only the specified tablespace as a member: -举个例子,如果group1group2都不存在,那么下列语句创建组,每个语句只是指定了表空间作为成员:

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE lmtemp2 TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp201.dbf'     SIZE 50M TABLESPACE GROUP group1;ALTER TABLESPACE lmtemp TABLESPACE GROUP group2;
    Changing Members of a Tablespace Group-变更表空间组的成员

    You can add a tablespace to an existing tablespace group by specifying the existing group name in the TABLESPACE GROUP clause of the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement. -添加表空间到一个已经存在的表空间组。可以在CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACEALTER TABLESPACE语句中 添加TABLESPACE GROUP子句,并指定组名。

    The following statement adds a tablespace to an existing group. It creates and adds tablespace lmtemp3 to group1, so that group1 contains tablespaces lmtemp2 and lmtemp3. -下面语句添加一个表空间到一个组中。它创建一个表空间lmtemp3group1组中, 因此group1包含了表空间lmtemp2lmtemp3

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE lmtemp3 TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/data/lmtemp301.dbf'     SIZE 25M     TABLESPACE GROUP group1;

    The following statement also adds a tablespace to an existing group, but in this case because tablespace lmtemp2 already belongs to group1, it is in effect moved from group1 to group2: -下面语句同样添加一个表空间到一个组中,但在这样情形下表空间lmtemp2已经属于组group1, 它的影响相当于把表空间lmtemp2从组group1移动到组group2


    Now group2 contains both lmtemp and lmtemp2, while group1 consists of only tmtemp3. -现在组group2包含lmtemplmtemp2,然而group1只由tmtemp3组成。

    You can remove a tablespace from a group as shown in the following statement: -可以去除组中的表空间通过以下语句:


    Tablespace lmtemp3 no longer belongs to any group. Further, since there are no longer any members of group1, this results in the implicit deletion of group1. -表空间lmtemp3不再属于任何组。更深一层,当group1组不再有任何成员,那就意味着group1被隐式删除了。

    Assigning a Tablespace Group as the Default Temporary Tablespace-分配表空间组作为缺省临时表空间

    Use the ALTER DATABASE...DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement to assign a tablespace group as the default temporary tablespace for the database. For example: -使用ALTER DATABASE...DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE 语句分配表空间组作为缺省临时表空间.例如: 下面的sample 是 多余的


    Any user who has not explicitly been assigned a temporary tablespace will now use tablespaces lmtemp and lmtemp2. -任何没有被明确指定临时表空间的用户将会使用临时表空间lmtemp and lmtemp2

    If a tablespace group is specified as the default temporary tablespace, you cannot drop any of its member tablespaces. -如果表空间组被指定为缺省的临时表空间,就不能删除它的成员表空间。 You must first remove the tablespace from the tablespace group. -必须先从表空间组中移出表空间。 Likewise, you cannot drop a single temporary tablespace as long as it is the default temporary tablespace. -同样的,当单一的临时表空间做为缺省临时表空间时,也不能删除它。

    Specifying Nonstandard Block Sizes for Tablespaces -指定非标准数据块大小的表空间

    You can create tablespaces with block sizes different from the standard database block size, which is specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter. -可是指定表空间采用和标准块不一样的数据块,标准块的大小由DB_BLOCK_SIZE的初始化参数所决定。 This feature lets you transport tablespaces with unlike block sizes between databases. -这个特性可以让你在不同的数据块的数据库之间传输表空间。

    Use the BLOCKSIZE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to create a tablespace with a block size different from the database standard block size. -在CREATE TABLESPACE语句里使用BLOCKSIZE字句来建立和数据库标准数据块不同尺寸的表空间。 In order for the BLOCKSIZE clause to succeed, you must have already set the DB_CACHE_SIZE and at least one DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter. -为了BLOCKSIZE字句可以执行成功,必须优先设置DB_CACHE_SIZE和至少一个DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE 初始化参数值。 Further, and the integer you specify in the BLOCKSIZE clause must correspond with the setting of one DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE parameter setting. -更进一步,指定BLOCKSIZE子句的整数值必须符合一个DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE参数的设定值。 Although redundant, specifying a BLOCKSIZE equal to the standard block size, as specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter, is allowed. -尽管冗余,指定BLOCKSIZE和初始化参数指定的DB_BLOCK_SIZE标准块一致,也是被允许的。

    The following statement creates tablespace lmtbsb, but specifies a block size that differs from the standard database block size (as specified by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter): -以下语句建立表空间lmtbsb,但指定和标准块不同的块尺寸(标准块尺寸由初始化参数DB_BLOCK_SIZE指定)。


    See Also:-另请参阅:

    Controlling the Writing of Redo Records -控制重做日志的书写

    For some database operations, you can control whether the database generates redo records. -有些数据库操作,你可以控制是否让数据库产生重做日志。 Without redo, no media recovery is possible. -没有重做日志,就没有介质恢复。 However, suppressing redo generation can improve performance, and may be appropriate for easily recoverable operations. -然而,禁止重做产生可以提高性能,适用于可以简单恢复的操作。 An example of such an operation is a CREATE TABLE...AS SELECT statement, which can be repeated in case of database or instance failure. -例如CREATE TABLE...AS SELECT语句这样的操作,在数据库或实例故障时,可以重复执行(在另外正常的数据库上)。

    Specify the NOLOGGING clause in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement if you wish to suppress redo when these operations are performed for objects within the tablespace. -在CREATE TABLESPACE语句里面指定NOLOGGING子句,如果希望表空间里面包含的对象做操作时,禁止重做日志的生成。 If you do not include this clause, or if you specify LOGGING instead, then the database generates redo when changes are made to objects in the tablespace. -如果你不包含这个子句,或者如果用LOGGING来替换,那么当这个表空间里面的对象发生变更时,数据库产生重做日志。 Redo is never generated for temporary segments or in temporary tablespaces, regardless of the logging attribute. -重做日志在临时段和临时表空间上不会产生,不用管它们的日志属性。

    The logging attribute specified at the tablespace level is the default attribute for objects created within the tablespace. -在表空间级别指定的日志属性,是在这个表空间上创建对象的缺省属性。 You can override this default logging attribute by specifying LOGGING or NOLOGGING at the schema object level --for example, in a CREATE TABLE statement. -通过在模式对象级别指定LOGGING or NOLOGGING子句,可以覆盖这个缺省日志属性。--例如在CREATE TABLE语句里。

    If you have a standby database, NOLOGGING mode causes problems with the availability and accuracy of the standby database. -如果有备用数据库。NOLOGGING模式会引起备用数据库的可用性和精确性问题。 To overcome this problem, you can specify FORCE LOGGING mode. -克服这样的问题,你可以指定FORCE LOGGING模式。 When you include the FORCE LOGGING clause in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, you force the generation of redo records for all operations that make changes to objects in a tablespace. -当在CREATE TABLESPACE语句里面指定FORCE LOGGING子句, 对表空间内所有对象的变更,强制产生重做记录。 This overrides any specification made at the object level. -这样会覆盖任何对象级别指定的模式。

    If you transport a tablespace that is in FORCE LOGGING mode to another database, the new tablespace will not maintain the FORCE LOGGING mode. -如果你传输了的FORCE LOGGING模式的表空间到另外一个数据库,那么在新数据库内的表空间没有设定FORCE LOGGING模式。 表空间日志模式的设定被记录在系统表空间里面。

    See Also:-另请参阅:

    • Oracle Database SQL Reference for information about operations that can be done in NOLOGGING mode -设置NOLOGGING模式的操作。

    • "Specifying FORCE LOGGING Mode" for more information about FORCE LOGGING mode and for information about the effects of the FORCE LOGGING clause used with the CREATE DATABASE statement -在CREATE DATABASE语句中指定FORCE LOGGING子句,带来的影响。

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