None_local_block in TensorFlow

None_local_block in TensorFlow

this block are not offcially implement of non_local_block in paper

Non-local Neural Networks

this code just suit for 2D images data, you can change this code easilly to suit for 3D or 4D data

Whole code you can visit


def non_local_block(input_tensor, computation_compression=2, mode='dot'):
    if mode not in ['gaussian', 'embedded', 'dot', 'concatenate']:
        raise ValueError('`mode` must be one of `gaussian`, `embedded`, `dot`,`concatenate`')

    input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    batchsize, dim1, dim2, channels = input_shape

    if mode == 'gaussian':  # Gaussian instantiation
        x1 = tf.reshape(input_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels])
        x2 = tf.reshape(input_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels])

        f = tf.matmul(x1, x2, transpose_b=True)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2 * dim1 * dim2])

        f = tf.nn.softmax(f, axis=-1)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, dim1 * dim2])

        print("gaussian=", f)
    elif mode == 'dot':
        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)  # add BN relu layer before conv will speed up training
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        f = tf.matmul(theta, phi, transpose_b=True)

        # scale the values to make it size invarian t
        f = f / (dim1 * dim2 * channels)

        print("dot f=", f)

    elif mode == 'concatenate':  # this operation cost too much memory, so make sure you input a small resolution  feature map like(14X14 7X7)

        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        theta_splits = tf.split(theta, dim1 * dim2, 1)
        phi_splits = tf.split(phi, dim1 * dim2, 1)

        theta_split_shape = tf.shape(theta[0])
        print("theta_split_shape", theta_split_shape)

        initial = tf.constant(1.0 / channels, shape=[channels, 1])

        print('initial', initial)
        W_concat = tf.Variable(initial)

        print("W_concat", W_concat)

        f_matrix = []
        for i in range(dim1 * dim2):
            for j in range(dim1 * dim2):
                print(i, '  ', j)
                tmp = tf.concat([theta_splits[i], phi_splits[j]], 2)
                tmp = tf.reshape(tmp, shape=[-1, channels])
                # print(tmp)
                tmp = tf.matmul(tmp, W_concat)

        f_matrix_tensor = tf.stack(f_matrix, axis=2)
        print('f_matrix_tensor', f_matrix_tensor)

        f = tf.reshape(f_matrix_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, dim1 * dim2])

        f = f / (dim1 * dim2 * channels)

        print("concatenate f=", f)

    else:  # Embedded Gaussian instantiation
        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])<p>

        if computation_compression > 1:
            phi = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(phi, pool_size=2, strides=computation_compression, padding='SAME')
            print('phi', phi)

        f = tf.matmul(theta, phi, transpose_b=True)

        phi_shape = phi.get_shape().as_list()
        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2 * phi_shape[1]])

        f = tf.nn.def non_local_block(input_tensor, computation_compression=2, mode='dot'):
    if mode not in ['gaussian', 'embedded', 'dot', 'concatenate']:
        raise ValueError('`mode` must be one of `gaussian`, `embedded`, `dot`,`concatenate`')

    input_shape = input_tensor.get_shape().as_list()
    batchsize, dim1, dim2, channels = input_shape

    if mode == 'gaussian':  # Gaussian instantiation
        x1 = tf.reshape(input_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels])
        x2 = tf.reshape(input_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels])

        f = tf.matmul(x1, x2, transpose_b=True)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2 * dim1 * dim2])

        f = tf.nn.softmax(f, axis=-1)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, dim1 * dim2])

        print("gaussian=", f)
    elif mode == 'dot':
        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)  # add BN relu layer before conv will speed up training
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        f = tf.matmul(theta, phi, transpose_b=True)

        # scale the values to make it size invarian t
        f = f / (dim1 * dim2 * channels)

        print("dot f=", f)

    elif mode == 'concatenate':  # this operation cost too much memory, so make sure you input a small resolution  feature map like(14X14 7X7)

        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])
        theta_splits = tf.split(theta, dim1 * dim2, 1)
        phi_splits = tf.split(phi, dim1 * dim2, 1)

        theta_split_shape = tf.shape(theta[0])
        print("theta_split_shape", theta_split_shape)

        initial = tf.constant(1.0 / channels, shape=[channels, 1])

        print('initial', initial)
        W_concat = tf.Variable(initial)

        print("W_concat", W_concat)

        f_matrix = []
        for i in range(dim1 * dim2):
            for j in range(dim1 * dim2):
                print(i, '  ', j)
                tmp = tf.concat([theta_splits[i], phi_splits[j]], 2)
                tmp = tf.reshape(tmp, shape=[-1, channels])
                # print(tmp)
                tmp = tf.matmul(tmp, W_concat)

        f_matrix_tensor = tf.stack(f_matrix, axis=2)
        print('f_matrix_tensor', f_matrix_tensor)

        f = tf.reshape(f_matrix_tensor, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, dim1 * dim2])

        f = f / (dim1 * dim2 * channels)

        print("concatenate f=", f)<p>

    else:  # Embedded Gaussian instantiation
        theta = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        theta = tf.reshape(theta, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        phi = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
        phi = tf.reshape(phi, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

        if computation_compression > 1:
            phi = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(phi, pool_size=2, strides=computation_compression, padding='SAME')
            print('phi', phi)

        f = tf.matmul(theta, phi, transpose_b=True)

        phi_shape = phi.get_shape().as_list()
        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2 * phi_shape[1]])

        f = tf.nn.softmax(f, axis=-1)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, phi_shape[1]])

        print("Embedded f=", f)

    g = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
    g = tf.reshape(g, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

    if computation_compression > 1 and mode == 'embedded':
        g = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(g, pool_size=2, strides=computation_compression, padding='SAME')
        print('g', g)

    y = tf.matmul(f, g)

    print('y=', y)

    y = tf.reshape(y, shape=[-1, dim1, dim2, channels // 2])

    y = conv2d(y, channels // 2, channels, kernel_size=3)
    print('y=', y)

    residual = input_tensor + y

    return residualsoftmax(f, axis=-1)

        f = tf.reshape(f, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, phi_shape[1]])

        print("Embedded f=", f)

    g = conv2d(input_tensor, channels, channels // 2, 1)
    g = tf.reshape(g, shape=[-1, dim1 * dim2, channels // 2])

    if computation_compression > 1 and mode == 'embedded':
        g = tf.layers.max_pooling1d(g, pool_size=2, strides=computation_compression, padding='SAME')
        print('g', g)

    y = tf.matmul(f, g)

    print('y=', y)

    y = tf.reshape(y, shape=[-1, dim1, dim2, channels // 2])

    y = conv2d(y, channels // 2, channels, kernel_size=3)
    print('y=', y)

    residual = input_tensor + y

    return residual
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