1、 下载jar包
2、 需要添加如下jar包到lib目录下
ehcache-web-2.0.4.jar 主要针对页面缓存
3、 当前工程的src目录中加入配置文件
- CacheManager cacheManager = CacheManager.create();
- // 或者
- cacheManager = CacheManager.getInstance();
- // 或者
- cacheManager = CacheManager.create("/config/ehcache.xml");
- // 或者
- cacheManager = CacheManager.create("http://localhost:8080/test/ehcache.xml");
- cacheManager = CacheManager.newInstance("/config/ehcache.xml");
- // .......
- // 获取ehcache配置文件中的一个cache
- Cache sample = cacheManager.getCache("sample");
- // 获取页面缓存
- BlockingCache cache = new BlockingCache(cacheManager.getEhcache("SimplePageCachingFilter"));
- // 添加数据到缓存中
- Element element = new Element("key", "val");
- sample.put(element);
- // 获取缓存中的对象,注意添加到cache中对象要序列化 实现Serializable接口
- Element result = sample.get("key");
- // 删除缓存
- sample.remove("key");
- sample.removeAll();
- // 获取缓存管理器中的缓存配置名称
- for (String cacheName : cacheManager.getCacheNames()) {
- System.out.println(cacheName);
- }
- // 获取所有的缓存对象
- for (Object key : cache.getKeys()) {
- System.out.println(key);
- }
- // 得到缓存中的对象数
- cache.getSize();
- // 得到缓存对象占用内存的大小
- cache.getMemoryStoreSize();
- // 得到缓存读取的命中次数
- cache.getStatistics().getCacheHits();
- // 得到缓存读取的错失次数
- cache.getStatistics().getCacheMisses();
EHCache使用SimplePageCachingFilter类实现Filter缓存。该类继承自CachingFilter,有默认产生cache key的calculateKey()方法,该方法使用HTTP请求的URI和查询条件来组成key。也可以自己实现一个Filter,同样继承CachingFilter类,然后覆写calculateKey()方法,生成自定义的key。
1. Filter在进行Gzip压缩时,采用系统默认编码,对于使用GBK编码的中文网页来说,需要将操作系统的语言设置为:zh_CN.GBK,否则会出现乱码的问题。
2. 默认情况下CachingFilter会根据浏览器发送的请求头部所包含的Accept-Encoding参数值来判断是否进行Gzip压缩。虽然IE6/7浏览器是支持Gzip压缩的,但是在发送请求的时候却不带该参数。为了对IE6/7也能进行Gzip压缩,可以通过继承CachingFilter,实现自己的Filter,然后在具体的实现中覆写方法acceptsGzipEncoding。
protectedboolean acceptsGzipEncoding(HttpServletRequest request) {
boolean ie6 = headerContains(request,"User-Agent", "MSIE 6.0");
boolean ie7 = headerContains(request,"User-Agent", "MSIE 7.0");
return acceptsEncoding(request,"gzip") || ie6 || ie7;
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gbk"?>
- <ehcache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ehcache.xsd">
- <diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir"/>
- <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="30" timeToLiveSeconds="30" overflowToDisk="false"/>
- <!--
- 配置自定义缓存
- maxElementsInMemory:缓存中允许创建的最大对象数
- eternal:缓存中对象是否为永久的,如果是,超时设置将被忽略,对象从不过期。
- timeToIdleSeconds:缓存数据的钝化时间,也就是在一个元素消亡之前,
- 两次访问时间的最大时间间隔值,这只能在元素不是永久驻留时有效,
- 如果该值是 0 就意味着元素可以停顿无穷长的时间。
- timeToLiveSeconds:缓存数据的生存时间,也就是一个元素从构建到消亡的最大时间间隔值,
- 这只能在元素不是永久驻留时有效,如果该值是0就意味着元素可以停顿无穷长的时间。
- overflowToDisk:内存不足时,是否启用磁盘缓存。
- memoryStoreEvictionPolicy:缓存满了之后的淘汰算法。
- -->
- <cache name="SimplePageCachingFilter"
- maxElementsInMemory="10000"
- eternal="false"
- overflowToDisk="false"
- timeToIdleSeconds="900"
- timeToLiveSeconds="1800"
- memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU" />
- </ehcache>
- package com.hoo.ehcache.filter;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
- import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.LockTimeoutException;
- import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.AlreadyCommittedException;
- import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.AlreadyGzippedException;
- import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.filter.FilterNonReentrantException;
- import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.filter.SimplePageCachingFilter;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- /**
- * <b>function:</b> mobile 页面缓存过滤器
- * @author hoojo
- * @createDate 2012-7-4 上午09:34:30
- * @file PageEhCacheFilter.java
- * @package com.hoo.ehcache.filter
- * @project Ehcache
- * @blog http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo
- * @email hoojo_@126.com
- * @version 1.0
- */
- public class PageEhCacheFilter extends SimplePageCachingFilter {
- private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PageEhCacheFilter.class);
- private final static String FILTER_URL_PATTERNS = "patterns";
- private static String[] cacheURLs;
- private void init() throws CacheException {
- String patterns = filterConfig.getInitParameter(FILTER_URL_PATTERNS);
- cacheURLs = StringUtils.split(patterns, ",");
- }
- @Override
- protected void doFilter(final HttpServletRequest request,
- final HttpServletResponse response, final FilterChain chain)
- throws AlreadyGzippedException, AlreadyCommittedException,
- FilterNonReentrantException, LockTimeoutException, Exception {
- if (cacheURLs == null) {
- init();
- }
- String url = request.getRequestURI();
- boolean flag = false;
- if (cacheURLs != null && cacheURLs.length > 0) {
- for (String cacheURL : cacheURLs) {
- if (url.contains(cacheURL.trim())) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 如果包含我们要缓存的url 就缓存该页面,否则执行正常的页面转向
- if (flag) {
- String query = request.getQueryString();
- if (query != null) {
- query = "?" + query;
- }
- log.info("当前请求被缓存:" + url + query);
- super.doFilter(request, response, chain);
- } else {
- chain.doFilter(request, response);
- }
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private boolean headerContains(final HttpServletRequest request, final String header, final String value) {
- logRequestHeaders(request);
- final Enumeration accepted = request.getHeaders(header);
- while (accepted.hasMoreElements()) {
- final String headerValue = (String) accepted.nextElement();
- if (headerValue.indexOf(value) != -1) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @see net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.filter.Filter#acceptsGzipEncoding(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
- * <b>function:</b> 兼容ie6/7 gzip压缩
- * @author hoojo
- * @createDate 2012-7-4 上午11:07:11
- */
- @Override
- protected boolean acceptsGzipEncoding(HttpServletRequest request) {
- boolean ie6 = headerContains(request, "User-Agent", "MSIE 6.0");
- boolean ie7 = headerContains(request, "User-Agent", "MSIE 7.0");
- return acceptsEncoding(request, "gzip") || ie6 || ie7;
- }
- }
- <!-- 缓存、gzip压缩核心过滤器 -->
- <filter>
- <filter-name>PageEhCacheFilter</filter-name>
- <filter-class>com.hoo.ehcache.filter.PageEhCacheFilter</filter-class>
- <init-param>
- <param-name>patterns</param-name>
- <!-- 配置你需要缓存的url -->
- <param-value>/cache.jsp, product.action, market.action </param-value>
- </init-param>
- </filter>
- <filter-mapping>
- <filter-name>PageEhCacheFilter</filter-name>
- <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern>
- </filter-mapping>
- <filter-mapping>
- <filter-name>PageEhCacheFilter</filter-name>
- <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
- </filter-mapping>
当第一次请求这些页面后,这些页面就会被添加到缓存中,以后请求这些页面将会从缓存中获取。你可以在cache.jsp页面中用小脚本来测试该页面是否被缓存。<%=new Date()%>如果时间是变动的,则表示该页面没有被缓存或是缓存已经过期,否则则是在缓存状态了。
- package com.hoo.common.ehcache;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
- import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
- import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
- import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;
- import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
- /**
- * <b>function:</b> 缓存方法拦截器核心代码
- * @author hoojo
- * @createDate 2012-7-2 下午06:05:34
- * @file MethodCacheInterceptor.java
- * @package com.hoo.common.ehcache
- * @project Ehcache
- * @blog http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo
- * @email hoojo_@126.com
- * @version 1.0
- */
- public class MethodCacheInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor, InitializingBean {
- private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MethodCacheInterceptor.class);
- private Cache cache;
- public void setCache(Cache cache) {
- this.cache = cache;
- }
- public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
- log.info(cache + " A cache is required. Use setCache(Cache) to provide one.");
- }
- public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
- String targetName = invocation.getThis().getClass().getName();
- String methodName = invocation.getMethod().getName();
- Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments();
- Object result;
- String cacheKey = getCacheKey(targetName, methodName, arguments);
- Element element = null;
- synchronized (this) {
- element = cache.get(cacheKey);
- if (element == null) {
- log.info(cacheKey + "加入到缓存: " + cache.getName());
- // 调用实际的方法
- result = invocation.proceed();
- element = new Element(cacheKey, (Serializable) result);
- cache.put(element);
- } else {
- log.info(cacheKey + "使用缓存: " + cache.getName());
- }
- }
- return element.getValue();
- }
- /**
- * <b>function:</b> 返回具体的方法全路径名称 参数
- * @author hoojo
- * @createDate 2012-7-2 下午06:12:39
- * @param targetName 全路径
- * @param methodName 方法名称
- * @param arguments 参数
- * @return 完整方法名称
- */
- private String getCacheKey(String targetName, String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(targetName).append(".").append(methodName);
- if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.length != 0)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- sb.append(".").append(arguments[i]);
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- }
这里的方法拦截器主要是对你要拦截的类的方法进行拦截,然后判断该方法的类路径+方法名称+参数值组合的cache key在缓存cache中是否存在。如果存在就从缓存中取出该对象,转换成我们要的返回类型。没有的话就把该方法返回的对象添加到缓存中即可。值得主意的是当前方法的参数和返回值的对象类型需要序列化。
- <context:component-scan base-package="com.hoo.common.interceptor"/>
- <!-- 配置eh缓存管理器 -->
- <bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean"/>
- <!-- 配置一个简单的缓存工厂bean对象 -->
- <bean id="simpleCache" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheFactoryBean">
- <property name="cacheManager" ref="cacheManager" />
- <!-- 使用缓存 关联ehcache.xml中的缓存配置 -->
- <property name="cacheName" value="mobileCache" />
- </bean>
- <!-- 配置一个缓存拦截器对象,处理具体的缓存业务 -->
- <bean id="methodCacheInterceptor" class="com. hoo.common.interceptor.MethodCacheInterceptor">
- <property name="cache" ref="simpleCache"/>
- </bean>
- <!-- 参与缓存的切入点对象 (切入点对象,确定何时何地调用拦截器) -->
- <bean id="methodCachePointCut" class="org.springframework.aop.support.RegexpMethodPointcutAdvisor">
- <!-- 配置缓存aop切面 -->
- <property name="advice" ref="methodCacheInterceptor" />
- <!-- 配置哪些方法参与缓存策略 -->
- <!--
- .表示符合任何单一字元
- ### +表示符合前一个字元一次或多次
- ### *表示符合前一个字元零次或多次
- ### \Escape任何Regular expression使用到的符号
- -->
- <!-- .*表示前面的前缀(包括包名) 表示print方法-->
- <property name="patterns">
- <list>
- <value>com.hoo.rest.*RestService*\.*get.*</value>
- <value>com.hoo.rest.*RestService*\.*search.*</value>
- </list>
- </property>
- </bean>
- <cache name="mobileCache"
- maxElementsInMemory="10000"
- eternal="false"
- overflowToDisk="true"
- timeToIdleSeconds="1800"
- timeToLiveSeconds="3600"
表1. <ehcache:annotation-driven/> 设置
Attribute | Default | Description |
cache-manager | cacheManager | The bean name of the CacheManager that is to be used to drive caching. This attribute is not required, and only needs to be specified explicitly if the bean name of the desired CacheManager is not 'cacheManager'. |
create-missing-caches | false | Should cache names from @Cacheable annotations that don't exist in the CacheManager be created based on the default cache or should an exception be thrown? |
default-cache-key-generator | Not Set | Default CacheKeyGenerator implementation to use. If not specified HashCodeCacheKeyGenerator will be used as the default. |
self-populating-cache-scope | shared | Are the SelfPopulatingCache wrappers scoped to the method or are they shared among all methods using each self populating cache. |
proxy-target-class | false | Applies to proxy mode only. Controls what type of caching proxies are created for classes annotated with the@Cacheable annotation. If the proxy-target-class attribute is set to true, then class-based proxies are created. If proxy-target-class is false or if the attribute is omitted, then standard JDK interface-based proxies are created. (See Spring Reference Section 7.6, “Proxying mechanisms” for a detailed examination of the different proxy types.) |
order | Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE | Defines the order of the caching advice that is applied to beans annotated with @Cacheable. (For more information about the rules related to ordering of AOP advice, see Spring Reference Section, “Advice ordering”.) No specified ordering means that the AOP subsystem determines the order of the advice. |
Property | Type | Description |
cacheName | String | Required name of the cache to use |
selfPopulating | boolean | Optional if the method should have self-populating semantics. This results in calls to the annotated method to be made within a EhCache CacheEntryFactory. This is useful for expensive shared resources that should be retrieved a minimal number of times. |
keyGenerator | @KeyGenerator | Optional inline configuration of a CacheKeyGenerator to use for generating cache keys for this method. |
keyGeneratorName | String | Optional bean name of a CacheKeyGenerator to use for generating cache keys for this method. |
exceptionCacheName | String | Optional name of the cache to use for caching exceptions. If not specified exceptions result in nothing being cached. If specified the thrown exception is stored in the cache for the generated key and re-thrown for subsequent method calls as long as it remains in the exception cache. |