FastAPI 教程翻译 - 用户指南 31 - 后台任务

FastAPI 教程翻译 - 用户指南 31 - 后台任务

FastAPI Tutorial - User Guide - Background Tasks

You can define background tasks to be run after returning a response.


This is useful for operations that need to happen after a request, but that the client doesn’t really have to be waiting for the operation to complete before receiving his response.


This includes, for example:


  • Email notifications sent after performing an action:


    • As connecting to an email server and sending an email tends to be “slow” (several seconds), you can return the response right away and send the email notification in the background.


  • Processing data:


    • For example, let’s say you receive a file that must go through a slow process, you can return a response of “Accepted” (HTTP 202) and process it in the background.

      例如,假设您收到的文件必须经过缓慢的处理,您可以返回『已接受』(HTTP 202)响应,并在后台对其进行处理。

Using BackgroundTasks

使用 BackgroundTasks

First, import BackgroundTasks and define a parameter in your path operation function with a type declaration of BackgroundTasks:

首先,导入 BackgroundTasks 并在路径操作函数中定义一个带有 BackgroundTasks 类型声明的参数:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def write_notification(email: str, message=""):
    with open("log.txt", mode="w") as email_file:
        content = f"notification for {email}: {message}"
async def send_notification(email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(write_notification, email, message="some notification")
    return {"message": "Notification sent in the background"}

FastAPI will create the object of type BackgroundTasks for you and pass it as that parameter.

FastAPI 将为您创建 BackgroundTasks 类型的对象,并将其作为该参数传递。

Create a task function


Create a function to be run as the background task.


It is just a standard function that can receive parameters.


It can be an async def or normal def function, FastAPI will know how to handle it correctly.

它可以是一个 async def 或普通的 def 功能,FastAPI 会知道如何正确处理它。

In this case, the task function will write to a file (simulating sending an email).


And as the write operation doesn’t use async and await, we define the function with normal def:

由于写操作不使用 asyncawait,我们用普通的 def 定义了该函数:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def write_notification(email: str, message=""):
    with open("log.txt", mode="w") as email_file:
        content = f"notification for {email}: {message}"
async def send_notification(email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(write_notification, email, message="some notification")
    return {"message": "Notification sent in the background"}

Add the background task


Inside of your path operation function, pass your task function to the background tasks object with the method .add_task():

在您的路径操作函数内部,使用 .add_task() 方法将您的任务函数传递给后台对象:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def write_notification(email: str, message=""):
    with open("log.txt", mode="w") as email_file:
        content = f"notification for {email}: {message}"
async def send_notification(email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    background_tasks.add_task(write_notification, email, message="some notification")
    return {"message": "Notification sent in the background"}

.add_task() receives as arguments:

.add_task() 接收作为参数:

  • A task function to be run in the background (write_notification).


  • Any sequence of arguments that should be passed to the task function in order (email).


  • Any keyword arguments that should be passed to the task function (message="some notification").

    应该传递给任务功能的任何关键字参数(message="some notification")。

Dependency Injection


Using BackgroundTasks also works with the dependency injection system, you can declare a parameter of type BackgroundTasks at multiple levels: in a path operation function, in a dependency (dependable), in a sub-dependency, etc.

使用 BackgroundTasks 还可以与依赖项注入系统一起使用,您可以在多个级别上声明 BackgroundTasks 类型的参数:在路径操作函数中,在依赖项中(被依赖项),在子依赖项中,等等。

FastAPI knows what to do in each case and how to re-use the same object, so that all the background tasks are merged together and are run in the background afterwards:

FastAPI 知道每种情况下的操作以及如何重用同一对象,以便所有后台任务合并在一起并在后台运行:

from fastapi import BackgroundTasks, Depends, FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def write_log(message: str):
    with open("log.txt", mode="a") as log:

def get_query(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, q: str = None):
    if q:
        message = f"found query: {q}\n"
        background_tasks.add_task(write_log, message)
    return q"/send-notification/{email}")
async def send_notification(
    email: str, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks, q: str = Depends(get_query)
    message = f"message to {email}\n"
    background_tasks.add_task(write_log, message)
    return {"message": "Message sent"}

In this example, the messages will be written to the log.txt file after the response is sent.

在此示例中,消息将在发送响应之被写入 log.txt 文件中。

If there was a query in the request, it will be written to the log in a background task.


And then another background task generated at the path operation function will write a message using the email path parameter.

然后,在路径操作函数处生成的另一个后台任务将使用 email 路径参数写入一条消息。

Technical Details


The class BackgroundTasks comes directly from starlette.background.

BackgroundTasks 直接来自 starlette.background

It is imported/included directly into FastAPI so that you can import it from fastapi and avoid accidentally importing the alternative BackgroundTask (without the s at the end) from starlette.background.

它直接导入 / 包含在 FastAPI 中,因此您可以从 fastapi 导入它,避免从 starlette.background 意外导入替代的 BackgroundTask(末尾没有s)。

By only using BackgroundTasks (and not BackgroundTask), it’s then possible to use it as a path operation function parameter and have FastAPI handle the rest for you, just like when using the Request object directly.

仅使用 BackgroundTasks(而不是 BackgroundTask),就可以将其用作路径操作函数参数,并让 FastAPI 为您处理其余部分,就像使用 Request 对象时一样直接。

It’s still possible to use BackgroundTask alone in FastAPI, but you have to create the object in your code and return a Starlette Response including it.

在 FastAPI 中仍然可以单独使用 BackgroundTask,但是您必须在代码中创建对象并返回包含它的 Starlette Response

You can see more details in Starlette’s official docs for Background Tasks.

您可以在 Starlette的后台任务官方文档 中查看更多详细信息。



If you need to perform heavy background computation and you don’t necessarily need it to be run by the same process (for example, you don’t need to share memory, variables, etc), you might benefit from using other bigger tools like Celery.

如果您需要执行大量的后台计算,而不必一定要在同一进程中运行它(例如,您不需要共享内存,变量等),则可能会受益于使用其他更大的工具,例如 Celery

They tend to require more complex configurations, a message/job queue manager, like RabbitMQ or Redis, but they allow you to run background tasks in multiple processes, and especially, in multiple servers.

它们往往需要更复杂的配置,例如 RabbitMQ 或 Redis 之类的消息/作业队列管理器,但是它们允许您在多个进程(尤其是多个服务器)中运行后台任务。

To see an example, check the Project Generators, they all include Celery already configured.

要查看示例,请查看 Project Generators,它们都包含已经配置的 Celery。

But if you need to access variables and objects from the same FastAPI app, or you need to perform small background tasks (like sending an email notification), you can simply just use BackgroundTasks.

但是,如果您需要从同一个 FastAPI 应用程序访问变量和对象,或者需要执行一些小的后台任务(例如发送电子邮件通知),则只需使用 BackgroundTasks 即可。



Import and use BackgroundTasks with parameters in path operation functions and dependencies to add background tasks.

导入并使用 BackgroundTasks 及其在路径操作函数中的参数以及相关性来添加后台任务。

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fastapi-mysql-generator 是一个用于快速生成FastAPI和MySQL的框架的工具。FastAPI是一个现代、快速(高性能)的web框架,而MySQL是一个流行的关系型数据库。 使用 fastapi-mysql-generator,可以从一个简单的命令行界面中生成 FastAPI 应用程序,并与 MySQL 数据库集成。这个工具可以自动创建数据库表和模型(Model),并提供一组 API 端点,用于执行常见的 CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)操作。 fastapi-mysql-generator 的主要优势之一是它的简单易用性。无论是初学者还是有经验的开发人员,都可以快速上手并生成一个完整的基于FastAPI和MySQL的应用程序。只需要几个简单的步骤,就可以生成项目的基本结构和代码。同时,fastapi-mysql-generator 还提供了一些配置选项,可以根据需求进行自定义设置,以满足特定的应用程序需求。 这个工具还提供了一些有用的特性,以增强开发的效率和便利性。例如,它可以自动生成 API 文档,包括请求和响应模型的文档说明。此外,fastapi-mysql-generator 还支持身份验证和授权功能,以确保 API 路由的安全性。 总而言之,fastapi-mysql-generator 是一个快速生成 FastAPI 和 MySQL 应用程序的方便工具。它简化了应用程序的开发过程,并提供了一些有用的特性,以提高开发效率和便利性。无论是初学者还是有经验的开发人员,都可以受益于这个工具的使用。


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