x86 linux 代码动态注入


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "ptrace.h"

 * ptrace_attach()
 * Use ptrace() to attach to a process. This requires calling waitpid() to
 * determine when the process is ready to be traced.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the process to attach to

void ptrace_attach(pid_t target)
	int waitpidstatus;

	if(ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, target, NULL, NULL) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH) failed\n");

	if(waitpid(target, &waitpidstatus, WUNTRACED) != target)
		fprintf(stderr, "waitpid(%d) failed\n", target);

 * ptrace_detach()
 * Detach from a process that is being ptrace()d. Unlike ptrace_cont(), this
 * completely ends our relationship with the target process.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the process to detach from. this process must already be
 *   ptrace()d by us in order for this to work.

void ptrace_detach(pid_t target)
	if(ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, target, NULL, NULL) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH) failed\n");

 * ptrace_getregs()
 * Use ptrace() to get a process' current register state.  Uses REG_TYPE
 * preprocessor macro in order to allow for both ARM and x86/x86_64
 * functionality.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process
 * - struct REG_TYPE* regs: a struct (either user_regs_struct or user_regs,
 *   depending on architecture) to store the resulting register data in

void ptrace_getregs(pid_t target, struct REG_TYPE* regs)
	if(ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, target, NULL, regs) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS) failed\n");

 * ptrace_cont()
 * Continue the execution of a process being traced using ptrace(). Note that
 * this is different from ptrace_detach(): we still retain control of the
 * target process after this call.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process

void ptrace_cont(pid_t target)
	struct timespec* sleeptime = malloc(sizeof(struct timespec));

	sleeptime->tv_sec = 0;
	sleeptime->tv_nsec = 5000000;

	if(ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, target, NULL, NULL) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_CONT) failed\n");

	nanosleep(sleeptime, NULL);

	// make sure the target process received SIGTRAP after stopping.

 * ptrace_setregs()
 * Use ptrace() to set the target's register state.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process
 * - struct REG_TYPE* regs: a struct (either user_regs_struct or user_regs,
 *   depending on architecture) containing the register state to be set in the
 *   target process

void ptrace_setregs(pid_t target, struct REG_TYPE* regs)
	if(ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, target, NULL, regs) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS) failed\n");

 * ptrace_getsiginfo()
 * Use ptrace() to determine what signal was most recently raised by the target
 * process. This is primarily used for to determine whether the target process
 * has segfaulted.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process
 * returns:
 * - a siginfo_t containing information about the most recent signal raised by
 *   the target process

siginfo_t ptrace_getsiginfo(pid_t target)
	siginfo_t targetsig;
	if(ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, target, NULL, &targetsig) == -1)
		fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO) failed\n");
	return targetsig;

 * ptrace_read()
 * Use ptrace() to read the contents of a target process' address space.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process
 * - unsigned long addr: the address to start reading from
 * - void *vptr: a pointer to a buffer to read data into
 * - int len: the amount of data to read from the target

void ptrace_read(int pid, unsigned long addr, void *vptr, int len)
	int bytesRead = 0;
	int i = 0;
	long word = 0;
	long *ptr = (long *) vptr;

	while (bytesRead < len)
		word = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, pid, addr + bytesRead, NULL);
		if(word == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT) failed\n");
		bytesRead += sizeof(word);
		ptr[i++] = word;

 * ptrace_write()
 * Use ptrace() to write to the target process' address space.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process
 * - unsigned long addr: the address to start writing to
 * - void *vptr: a pointer to a buffer containing the data to be written to the
 *   target's address space
 * - int len: the amount of data to write to the target

void ptrace_write(int pid, unsigned long addr, void *vptr, int len)
	int byteCount = 0;
	long word = 0;

	while (byteCount < len)
		memcpy(&word, vptr + byteCount, sizeof(word));
		word = ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid, addr + byteCount, word);
		if(word == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT) failed\n");
		byteCount += sizeof(word);

 * checktargetsig()
 * Check what signal was most recently returned by the target process being
 * ptrace()d. We expect a SIGTRAP from the target process, so raise an error
 * and exit if we do not receive that signal. The most likely non-SIGTRAP
 * signal for us to receive would be SIGSEGV.
 * args:
 * - int pid: pid of the target process

void checktargetsig(int pid)
	// check the signal that the child stopped with.
	siginfo_t targetsig = ptrace_getsiginfo(pid);

	// if it wasn't SIGTRAP, then something bad happened (most likely a
	// segfault).
	if(targetsig.si_signo != SIGTRAP)
		fprintf(stderr, "instead of expected SIGTRAP, target stopped with signal %d: %s\n", targetsig.si_signo, strsignal(targetsig.si_signo));
		fprintf(stderr, "sending process %d a SIGSTOP signal for debugging purposes\n", pid);
		ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, NULL, SIGSTOP);

 * restoreStateAndDetach()
 * Once we're done debugging a target process, restore the process' backed-up
 * data and register state and let it go on its merry way.
 * args:
 * - pid_t target: pid of the target process
 * - unsigned long addr: address within the target's address space to write
 *   backed-up data to
 * - void* backup: a buffer pointing to the backed-up data
 * - int datasize: the amount of backed-up data to write
 * - struct REG_TYPE oldregs: backed-up register state to restore

void restoreStateAndDetach(pid_t target, unsigned long addr, void* backup, int datasize, struct REG_TYPE oldregs)
	ptrace_write(target, addr, backup, datasize);
	ptrace_setregs(target, &oldregs);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

#include "utils.h"

 * findProcessByName()
 * Given the name of a process, try to find its PID by searching through /proc
 * and reading /proc/[pid]/exe until we find a process whose name matches the
 * given process.
 * args:
 * - char* processName: name of the process whose pid to find
 * returns:
 * - a pid_t containing the pid of the process (or -1 if not found)

pid_t findProcessByName(char* processName)
	if(processName == NULL)
		return -1;

	struct dirent *procDirs;

	DIR *directory = opendir("/proc/");

	if (directory)
		while ((procDirs = readdir(directory)) != NULL)
			if (procDirs->d_type != DT_DIR)

			pid_t pid = atoi(procDirs->d_name);

			int exePathLen = 10 + strlen(procDirs->d_name) + 1;
			char* exePath = malloc(exePathLen * sizeof(char));

			if(exePath == NULL)

			sprintf(exePath, "/proc/%s/exe", procDirs->d_name);
			exePath[exePathLen-1] = '\0';

			char* exeBuf = malloc(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char));
			if(exeBuf == NULL)
			ssize_t len = readlink(exePath, exeBuf, PATH_MAX - 1);

			if(len == -1)

			exeBuf[len] = '\0';

			char* exeName = NULL;
			char* exeToken = strtok(exeBuf, "/");
				exeName = exeToken;
				exeToken = strtok(NULL, "/");

			if(strcmp(exeName, processName) == 0)
				return pid;



	return -1;

 * freespaceaddr()
 * Search the target process' /proc/pid/maps entry and find an executable
 * region of memory that we can use to run code in.
 * args:
 * - pid_t pid: pid of process to inspect
 * returns:
 * - a long containing the address of an executable region of memory inside the
 *   specified process' address space.

long freespaceaddr(pid_t pid)
	FILE *fp;
	char filename[30];
	char line[850];
	long addr;
	char str[20];
	char perms[5];
	sprintf(filename, "/proc/%d/maps", pid);
	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if(fp == NULL)
	while(fgets(line, 850, fp) != NULL)
		sscanf(line, "%lx-%*lx %s %*s %s %*d", &addr, perms, str);

		if(strstr(perms, "x") != NULL)
	return addr;

 * getlibcaddr()
 * Gets the base address of libc.so inside a process by reading /proc/pid/maps.
 * args:
 * - pid_t pid: the pid of the process whose libc.so base address we should
 *   find
 * returns:
 * - a long containing the base address of libc.so inside that process

long getlibcaddr(pid_t pid)
	FILE *fp;
	char filename[30];
	char line[850];
	long addr;
	char perms[5];
	char* modulePath;
	sprintf(filename, "/proc/%d/maps", pid);
	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if(fp == NULL)
	while(fgets(line, 850, fp) != NULL)
		sscanf(line, "%lx-%*lx %*s %*s %*s %*d", &addr);
		if(strstr(line, "libc-") != NULL)
	return addr;

 * checkloaded()
 * Given a process ID and the name of a shared library, check whether that
 * process has loaded the shared library by reading entries in its
 * /proc/[pid]/maps file.
 * args:
 * - pid_t pid: the pid of the process to check
 * - char* libname: the library to search /proc/[pid]/maps for
 * returns:
 * - an int indicating whether or not the library has been loaded into the
 *   process (1 = yes, 0 = no)

int checkloaded(pid_t pid, char* libname)
	FILE *fp;
	char filename[30];
	char line[850];
	long addr;
	char perms[5];
	char* modulePath;
	sprintf(filename, "/proc/%d/maps", pid);
	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if(fp == NULL)
	while(fgets(line, 850, fp) != NULL)
		sscanf(line, "%lx-%*lx %*s %*s %*s %*d", &addr);
		if(strstr(line, libname) != NULL)
			return 1;
	return 0;

 * getFunctionAddress()
 * Find the address of a function within our own loaded copy of libc.so.
 * args:
 * - char* funcName: name of the function whose address we want to find
 * returns:
 * - a long containing the address of that function

long getFunctionAddress(char* funcName)
	void* self = dlopen("libc.so.6", RTLD_LAZY);
	void* funcAddr = dlsym(self, funcName);
	return (long)funcAddr;

 * findRet()
 * Starting at an address somewhere after the end of a function, search for the
 * "ret" instruction that ends it. We do this by searching for a 0xc3 byte, and
 * assuming that it represents that function's "ret" instruction. This should
 * be a safe assumption. Function addresses are word-aligned, and so there's
 * usually extra space at the end of a function. This space is always padded
 * with "nop"s, so we'll end up just searching through a series of "nop"s
 * before finding our "ret". In other words, it's unlikely that we'll run into
 * a 0xc3 byte that corresponds to anything other than an actual "ret"
 * instruction.
 * Note that this function only applies to x86 and x86_64, and not ARM.
 * args:
 * - void* endAddr: the ending address of the function whose final "ret"
 *   instruction we want to find
 * returns:
 * - an unsigned char* pointing to the address of the final "ret" instruction
 *   of the specified function

unsigned char* findRet(void* endAddr)
	unsigned char* retInstAddr = endAddr;
	while(*retInstAddr != INTEL_RET_INSTRUCTION)
	return retInstAddr;

 * usage()
 * Print program usage and exit.
 * args:
 * - char* name: the name of the executable we're running out of

void usage(char* name)
	printf("usage: %s [-n process-name] [-p pid] [library-to-inject]\n", name);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <wait.h>

#include "utils.h"
#include "ptrace.h"

 * injectSharedLibrary()
 * This is the code that will actually be injected into the target process.
 * This code is responsible for loading the shared library into the target
 * process' address space.  First, it calls malloc() to allocate a buffer to
 * hold the filename of the library to be loaded. Then, it calls
 * __libc_dlopen_mode(), libc's implementation of dlopen(), to load the desired
 * shared library. Finally, it calls free() to free the buffer containing the
 * library name. Each time it needs to give control back to the injector
 * process, it breaks back in by executing an "int $3" instruction. See the
 * comments below for more details on how this works.

void injectSharedLibrary(long mallocaddr, long freeaddr, long dlopenaddr)
	// here are the assumptions I'm making about what data will be located
	// where at the time the target executes this code:
	//   ebx = address of malloc() in target process
	//   edi = address of __libc_dlopen_mode() in target process
	//   esi = address of free() in target process
	//   ecx = size of the path to the shared library we want to load

	// for some reason it's adding 1 to esi, so subtract 1 from it
	asm("dec %esi");

	// call malloc() from within the target process
		// choose the amount of memory to allocate with malloc() based on the size
		// of the path to the shared library passed via ecx
		"push %ecx \n"
		// call malloc
		"call *%ebx \n"
		// copy malloc's return value (i.e. the address of the allocated buffer) into ebx
		"mov %eax, %ebx \n"
		// break back in so that the injector can get the return value
		"int $3"

	// call __libc_dlopen_mode() to load the shared library
		// 2nd argument to __libc_dlopen_mode(): flag = RTLD_LAZY
		"push $1 \n"
		// 1st argument to __libc_dlopen_mode(): filename = the buffer we allocated earlier
		"push %ebx \n"
		// call __libc_dlopen_mode()
		"call *%edi \n"
		// break back in so that the injector can check the return value
		"int $3"

	// call free() on the previously malloc'd buffer
		// 1st argument to free(): ptr = the buffer we allocated earlier
		"push %ebx \n"
		// call free()
		"call *%esi"

	// we already overwrote the RET instruction at the end of this function
	// with an INT 3, so at this point the injector will regain control of
	// the target's execution.

 * injectSharedLibrary_end()
 * This function's only purpose is to be contiguous to injectSharedLibrary(),
 * so that we can use its address to more precisely figure out how long
 * injectSharedLibrary() is.

void injectSharedLibrary_end()

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if(argc < 4)
		return 1;

	char* command = argv[1];
	char* commandArg = argv[2];
	char* libname = argv[3];
	char* libPath = realpath(libname, NULL);

	char* processName = NULL;
	pid_t target = 0;

		fprintf(stderr, "can't find file \"%s\"\n", libname);
		return 1;

	if(!strcmp(command, "-n"))
		processName = commandArg;
		target = findProcessByName(processName);
		if(target == -1)
			fprintf(stderr, "doesn't look like a process named \"%s\" is running right now\n", processName);
			return 1;

		printf("targeting process \"%s\" with pid %d\n", processName, target);
	else if(!strcmp(command, "-p"))
		target = atoi(commandArg);
		printf("targeting process with pid %d\n", target);
		return 1;

	int libPathLength = strlen(libPath) + 1;

	int mypid = getpid();
	long mylibcaddr = getlibcaddr(mypid);

	// find the addresses of the syscalls that we'd like to use inside the
	// target, as loaded inside THIS process (i.e. NOT the target process)
	long mallocAddr = getFunctionAddress("malloc");
	long freeAddr = getFunctionAddress("free");
	long dlopenAddr = getFunctionAddress("__libc_dlopen_mode");

	// use the base address of libc to calculate offsets for the syscalls
	// we want to use
	long mallocOffset = mallocAddr - mylibcaddr;
	long freeOffset = freeAddr - mylibcaddr;
	long dlopenOffset = dlopenAddr - mylibcaddr;

	// get the target process' libc address and use it to find the
	// addresses of the syscalls we want to use inside the target process
	long targetLibcAddr = getlibcaddr(target);
	long targetMallocAddr = targetLibcAddr + mallocOffset;
	long targetFreeAddr = targetLibcAddr + freeOffset;
	long targetDlopenAddr = targetLibcAddr + dlopenOffset;

	struct user_regs_struct oldregs, regs;
	memset(&oldregs, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));
	memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));


	ptrace_getregs(target, &oldregs);
	memcpy(&regs, &oldregs, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));

	// find a good address to copy code to
	long addr = freespaceaddr(target) + sizeof(long);

	// now that we have an address to copy code to, set the target's eip to it.
	regs.eip = addr;

	// pass arguments to my function injectSharedLibrary() by loading them
	// into the right registers. see comments in injectSharedLibrary() for
	// more details.
	regs.ebx = targetMallocAddr;
	regs.edi = targetDlopenAddr;
	regs.esi = targetFreeAddr;
	regs.ecx = libPathLength;
	ptrace_setregs(target, &regs);

	// figure out the size of injectSharedLibrary() so we know how big of a buffer to allocate. 
	size_t injectSharedLibrary_size = (intptr_t)injectSharedLibrary_end - (intptr_t)injectSharedLibrary;

	// also figure out where the RET instruction at the end of
	// injectSharedLibrary() lies so that we can overwrite it with an INT 3
	// in order to break back into the target process. gcc and clang both
	// force function addresses to be word-aligned, which means that
	// functions are padded at the end after the RET instruction that ends
	// the function. as a result, even though in theory we've found the
	// length of the function, it is very likely padded with NOPs, so we
	// still need to do a bit of searching to find the RET.
	intptr_t injectSharedLibrary_ret = (intptr_t)findRet(injectSharedLibrary_end) - (intptr_t)injectSharedLibrary;

	// back up whatever data used to be at the address we want to modify.
	char* backup = malloc(injectSharedLibrary_size * sizeof(char));
	ptrace_read(target, addr, backup, injectSharedLibrary_size);

	// set up the buffer containing the code to inject into the target process.
	char* newcode = malloc(injectSharedLibrary_size * sizeof(char));
	memset(newcode, 0, injectSharedLibrary_size * sizeof(char));

	// copy the code of injectSharedLibrary() to a buffer.
	memcpy(newcode, injectSharedLibrary, injectSharedLibrary_size - 1);
	// overwrite the RET instruction with an INT 3.
	newcode[injectSharedLibrary_ret] = INTEL_INT3_INSTRUCTION;

	// copy injectSharedLibrary()'s code to the target address inside the
	// target process' address space.
	ptrace_write(target, addr, newcode, injectSharedLibrary_size);

	// now that the new code is in place, let the target run our injected code.

	// at this point, the target should have run malloc(). check its return
	// value to see if it succeeded, and bail out cleanly if it didn't.
	struct user_regs_struct malloc_regs;
	memset(&malloc_regs, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));
	ptrace_getregs(target, &malloc_regs);
	unsigned long targetBuf = malloc_regs.eax;
	if(targetBuf == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed to allocate memory\n");
		restoreStateAndDetach(target, addr, backup, injectSharedLibrary_size, oldregs);
		return 1;

	// if we get here, then malloc likely succeeded, so now we need to copy
	// the path to the shared library we want to inject into the buffer
	// that the target process just malloc'd. this is needed so that it can
	// be passed as an argument to __libc_dlopen_mode later on.

	// read the current value of eax, which contains malloc's return value,
	// and copy the name of our shared library to that address inside the
	// target process.
	ptrace_write(target, targetBuf, libPath, libPathLength);

	// now call __libc_dlopen_mode() to attempt to load the shared library.

	// check out what the registers look like after calling
	// __libc_dlopen_mode.
	struct user_regs_struct dlopen_regs;
	memset(&dlopen_regs, 0, sizeof(struct user_regs_struct));
	ptrace_getregs(target, &dlopen_regs);
	unsigned long long libAddr = dlopen_regs.eax;

	// if eax is 0 here, then dlopen failed, and we should bail out cleanly.
	if(libAddr == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "__libc_dlopen_mode() failed to load %s\n", libname);
		restoreStateAndDetach(target, addr, backup, injectSharedLibrary_size, oldregs);
		return 1;

	// now check /proc/pid/maps to see whether injection was successful.
	if(checkloaded(target, libname))
		printf("\"%s\" successfully injected\n", libname);
		fprintf(stderr, "could not inject \"%s\"\n", libname);

	// as a courtesy, free the buffer that we allocated inside the target
	// process. we don't really care whether this succeeds, so don't
	// bother checking the return value.

	// at this point, if everything went according to plan, we've loaded
	// the shared library inside the target process, so we're done. restore
	// the old state and detach from the target.
	restoreStateAndDetach(target, addr, backup, injectSharedLibrary_size, oldregs);

	return 0;





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