
摘要:C语言是Dennis在70年代早期创建的,是他和Ken Thompson在开发Unix操作系统时的一部分工作成果。当C编译器可用之后,C就迅速地成为Unix上开发软件的首选语言。

今天,我们聚集于此,悼念Dennis Ritchie,缅怀他在软件方面开创的深远贡献。


过了一会儿,一些勇敢的学生举起手说“一百万”。又有其他学生说“不,我想应该更多一点,大概一千万”。接着我会提到,光微软的Windows XP操作系统就有四千五百万行源代码,我看到的文章说几年前SAP的商业应用程序环境的代码估计已经超过了二亿五千万行。


不过软件的社会影响力远不如它应得的,伟大的软件创造者的社会影响力就更远远不如了。可以做个小实验,Google名字“Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie”得到97000个结果,作为对比,“Justin Drew Bieber”Google得到的结果却有两千万。

为了了解Dennis对社会的巨大贡献和影响,可以先看看他在C和Unix上的工作。首先我们先追述一下历史,C语言是Dennis在70年代早期创建的,是他和Ken Thompson在开发Unix操作系统时的一部分工作成果。当C编译器可用之后,C就迅速地成为Unix上开发软件的首选语言。

短短几年内,C成了开发的通用语言,甚至在Unix操作系统之外也是如此。比如,微软实现Windows操作系统也是用C语言。事实上,现今世上许多紧要关键的软件系统都是用C写的。没有Dennis的发明,你打不了电话,坐不了飞机,开不了车。我收到来自于工作在NASA的Gerard Holzmann的笔记,其中的内容可作为C的伟大之处的显著证明。Gerard说:刚刚着陆在盖尔陨石坑的NASA好奇号火星车,有着令人惊叹的空中起重机下降操纵系统,它是由380000行ISO标准C控制的。Dennis的发明走出了贝尔实验室的Unix工作室,来到了火星的盖尔陨石坑,这期间过了40年。

另一个衡量Dennis在软件方面的影响力可以参看在C语言之后,有多少种重要的新编程语言是直接继承C或者受到了C的强烈影响。大约在Dennis发明C十年后,Bjarne Stoustrup加入了贝尔实验室,并在C语言中加入了面向对象和类,从而创建了C++。我想可以很确定的说大多数的软件系统中有很多都是用C或C++写的,或者说是同时使用了这两者。


从个人经历来说,我在编程语言及编译器的研究及教学兴趣受到了Dennis的重要影响。举个例子,1977年Brian KernighanPeter Weinberger和我开发了一种名为Awk的数据解析语言。Awk程序是一系列模式-动作语句组成。模式是正则表达式和数字的布尔组合,动作是C风格的语句。

另外两种领域专用语言在贝尔实验室的更早些时候就创建出来了,它们有着相同的模式-动作范式。在70年代中期,Michael LeskEric Schmidt开发了Lex语言,用来创建文本解析工具及编译器的词法分析前端。与此同时,Steve Johnson设计了Yacc语言,用来创建编译器的语法分析器及其他语言的翻译工具。Lex和Yacc都用了C风格的语句来描述动作语义,甚至之后几十年这两个工具依然是现代编译器课程的主要内容。


举个例子,上个学期这个编译器课程上出现了一门很有趣的语言,叫做W2W,就是穿什么(what to wear)。W2W用户要到根据衣橱服装生成的数据库中找衣服。她要写段W2W程序来描述她的穿衣风格。编译好的W2W程序读取第二天的天气预报,给出整套服装的建议 。由于专注在语言的设计层面,这门课在哥伦比亚很受欢迎,每学期都会有100多名学生来上课。


再说说操作系统。Unix系统是Dennis Ritchie和Ken Thompson一起编写的,它在操作系统中的影响力不亚于C语言在计算机语言社区中的影响力。引用1972年6月Dennis和Ken所说“...Unix的装机量达到10了,预期会更多。”今天有数以亿计的Unix系统在世界上工作,Unix也是每年数十亿美元的工业。今天用的主要非微软操作系统有Google的Android,Apple的OS X,无数版本的Linux和BSD,某种意义上说它们本质上都是Unix。公平的说,今天的全球信息网络基础设施,离开那些继承了Dennis和Ken发明的原始Unix的操作系统是不能运转的。



所以Unix和C的成功让其他系统的研究者感到沮丧和嫉妒也就不奇怪了。1989年Richard Gabriel写了一篇有着矛盾修辞题目的文章“坏就是好”,来解释为什么强调简单和弹性设计的Unix/C在市场上胜过了强调一致和完整性设计的MIT。Gabriel的“坏就是好”说明有时称为“新泽西风格”。在新泽西,我们更愿意说“小即美妙”。

当我在1967年首次加入贝尔实验室时,Richard Hamming,海明码的发明者,在第一个星期就来到我的办公室,跟我说”阿尔,要想成为伟大的科学家,不仅要做出好的成果,还要教会其他人用你的成果。“我想早期的优质可用的指南和手册也是Unix和C成功的关键理由。在Doug McIlroy的坚持下,早期的Unix系统拥有的在线手册让Unix很容易学习和使用。

接下来说说K&R。在顶尖的创造性软件开发者当中,Dennis是个优秀的科技作家,他能够将复杂的软件概念以简单清晰,生动的方式呈现给初学者。他和Brian Kernighan合著的书《The C Programming Language》我觉得不仅是学习编程语言也是学习编程的最好教科书。此书常简称为K&R。除了初步定义了C语言,它还教授初学者如何编写优雅可用的C程序,做到这些仅仅用了不到300页的篇幅。













C, the Enduring Legacy of Dennis Ritchie 
A tribute to the late Dennis Ritchie delivered at Dennis Ritchie Day at 
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, September 7, 2012 

We have gathered here today to pay tribute to the memory of Dennis Ritchie and to the farreaching contributions that he has made to society with his software. 
Almost everyone has heard the word “software,” but relatively few people understand what 
software really is, what it does, and how much of it there is. In my introductory computer science 
courses at Columbia, I begin by asking students the question, How much software is used by the 
world today? Take all of the software systems used by industry, governments, academia, and 
society at large. Don’t count duplicate systems more than once. How many source lines of code 
do you think were written to create all these systems?
After a while, some brave student puts up his hand and says “one million.” Then another student 
says, “No, I think it’s a bit more than that – maybe ten million.” Then I mention that the Microsoft 
Windows XP operating system alone is over 45 million source lines of code, and that I saw an 
article a few years ago that estimated the SAP business application environment has over 250 
million lines of code. 
After a few more examples of large software systems, I finally say that no one has a precise 
answer to this question, but I would estimate the world depends on at least one trillion lines of 
source code. My reasoning goes something like this: assume that there are about 5 million 
programmers in the world and that the productivity of an average industrial programmer is 
somewhere between 2,500 and 5,000 lines of tested, documented code per year. So every year, 
tens of billions of new lines of code are created. Since programmers have been writing software 
for many decades, we can easily get to a total of many hundreds of billions of lines of source 
code. And since we have great difficulty jettisoning old software, the legacy base just keeps 
getting bigger and bigger. 
Not only is society at large not aware of what software is and how much of it there is, society is 
even more unaware of its great software creators. As an experiment, I googled the name “Dennis 
MacAlistair Ritchie” and got 97,000 hits. For comparison, I googled “Justin Drew Bieber” and got 
over 20 million hits. 
To get a glimpse of the enormity of the impact that Dennis’s contributions have made to society, I 
will just focus on his work on C and Unix. First, let’s recap a little bit of history. The language C 
was created by Dennis in the early 1970s as part of his work with Ken Thompson on developing 
the Unix operating system. Once C compilers became available, C rapidly became the language 
of choice for creating software on Unix. 
Within a few years C developed a life of its own as a general purpose language even outside of 
the Unix system. For example, Microsoft implemented its Windows operating system using C. In 
fact, many mission-critical software systems in the world today are written in C. You can’t make a 
telephone call, fly in an airplane, or drive a car today without using Dennis’s inventions. One of 
the most striking testaments to the enduring legacy of C was contained in a note I just received 
from Gerard Holzmann who now works at NASA. Gerard said that NASA’s Curiosity Rover that 
just landed in the Gale Crater on Mars with its spectacular sky-crane descent maneuver is 
controlled by 3.8 million lines of ISO-standard C code. So it took just 40 years for Dennis’s 
invention to go from the Unix room at Bell Labs to the Gale Crater on Mars. 
Another measure of Dennis’s impact on software is the number of important new programming 
languages created after C that are derivatives of C or that have been strongly influenced by C.

About a decade after Dennis invented C, Bjarne Stroustrup joined Bell Labs and created the C++ 
language by adding classes and object orientation to C. I think it is safe to say that many of the 
most widely used software systems in the world today are written in C or C++, or a combination of 
these two languages. 
But C++ was not the only programming language that was influenced by C. The other very 
popular languages of today – C#, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, and PHP – were also strongly 
shaped by C. In fact, I would venture to say that almost all of the major software systems used 
by people in the world today have been written in C or languages influenced by C. 
I might add that my own research and teaching interests in programming languages and 
compilers have been heavily influenced by Dennis. As one example, in 1977 Brian Kernighan, 
Peter Weinberger, and I developed a data-processing language that got to be known as Awk. 
Awk programs are sequences of pattern-action statements – the patterns are boolean 
combinations of regular expressions and numbers, and the actions are C-like statements. 
Two other domain-specific languages had been created earlier at Bell Labs with a similar patternaction paradigm. In the mid 1970s, Michael Lesk and Eric Schmidt had developed the Lex 
language for creating tools to analyze text and for building lexical analyzers for the front ends of 
compilers. At about the same time Steve Johnson devised the Yacc language for creating 
parsers for compilers and other language translators. Both Lex and Yacc use C statements to 
specify semantic actions, and even after several decades these two tools are still the mainstay of 
today’s compilers courses. 
In my own programming languages and compilers course at Columbia I have students work in 
teams of five where each team has to design and implement a new innovative programming 
language. The teams produce interpreters for their languages using Lex and Yacc. Since it is 
easy to produce a working compiler with these tools, the students can focus on the creative 
aspects of language design, rather spending their time implementing a more mundane language 
without compiler tools. 
An example of one of the more interesting languages produced in my compilers course last 
semester is a language called W2W, for what to wear. A W2W programmer enters into a 
database the clothes she has in her closet. She then writes a W2W program describing her 
fashion style. The compiled W2W program reads the weather report for the next day and 
suggests outfits for the person to wear. Because the focus of the course is on language design, 
this course has become very popular at Columbia, attracting over 100 students each semester. 
At the end of the course, students need to write a project report that includes a section entitled 
“Lessons Learned.” One of the most telling comments ever included in this section was made by 
a student who wrote “During this course we realized how naive and overambitious we were, and 
we gained a newfound respect for the work and good decisions that went into languages like C 
which we’ve taken for granted for years.” 
Let’s turn our attention now to operating systems. The Unix system that was codeveloped by 
Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson has been as influential in the operating systems world as C 
has been in the programming languages community. In June 1972 Dennis and Ken were quoted 
as saying, “... the number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected.” Today 
there are hundreds of millions of Unix systems in use around the world and Unix is a multibilliondollar-a-year industry. The major non-Microsoft operating systems in use today such as Google’s 
Android, Apple’s OS X, and the countless versions of Linux and BSD, all have some kind of Unix 
at their cores. It is fair to say that today’s global information networking infrastructure would not 
work without the systems that have been derived from Dennis and Ken’s original Unix. 
One might ask why did Unix and C have so much influence. It is not because there weren’t any 
competing systems or languages at that time. In fact, the first version of Unix was created by Ken 

in 1969 as a consequence of him being asked to stop working on the Multics operating system 
that was being developed jointly by Bell Labs, GE, and MIT in the 1960s. At the time C was 
growing up, the DOD launched a major initiative to create a general purpose programming 
language christened ADA for all of its software developers to use. ADA flowered for a while and is 
still in use today but did not end up being as hardy or as ubiquitous as C. 
So why did Unix and C become so successful? This question has been studied a lot and I think 
there are many reasons for their success. One important reason is the enlightened management 
style that existed in Bell Labs Research that allowed scientists to pursue promising long-term 
research efforts with little micromanagement. Another reason, and in my opinion the single most 
significant reason, is the good taste that Dennis and Ken had for software. When software people 
encountered or read about Unix and C for the first time, they had an “aha” experience – they said 
“yes, that’s exactly how an operating system and a systems programming language should be 
done.” And since the initial implementations were small and readily available, they immediately 
started using Unix and C, and teaching their colleagues and students how to use Unix and C. A 
third reason is that Unix was born in the forge of the Unix room where a small number of 
extremely talented researchers worked together with Dennis and Ken, and contributed ideas and 
critiques and most importantly used the Unix system itself to create software as it was being 
It is not surprising that the popularity and success of Unix and C frustrated some other systems 
researchers and attracted some envy. In 1989 Richard Gabriel wrote an essay with the 
oxymoronic title “Worse is Better” trying to explain why the Unix/C approach with its emphasis on 
simplicity and flexibility was trumping in the marketplace the MIT approach with its emphasis on 
consistency and completeness. Gabriel’s “Worse is Better” oxymoron was sometimes called “NJ 
style.” In NJ we preferred to say “Small is beautiful.” 
When I first joined Bell Labs in 1967, Richard Hamming, the inventor of Hamming codes, came 
into my office in the first week I was there and said, “Al, in order to be a great scientist you not 
only have to do good work, you also have to teach others how to use your work.” I think the early 
availability of good tutorials and manuals is another key reason why Unix and C became so 
successful. At the insistence of Doug McIlroy, the early Unix systems had on-line manual pages 
making the system much easier to learn and use. 
And then there is K&R. On top of being a creative software developer, Dennis was a superb 
technical writer who could explain complex software ideas simply, clearly, and often eloquently to 
beginners. His book “The C Programming Language” written with Brian Kernighan is in my 
opinion the finest textbook not only on a programming language but also on programming in 
general. It is known in the field simply as K&R. In addition to being the initial definition of the C 
programming language, it taught beginners how to write elegant, useful C programs -- all in under 
300 pages. 
My programming languages and compilers course that I mentioned earlier has benefitted greatly 
from K&R. As part of the language implementation effort, I ask each team of students to write a 
tutorial for their language based on Chapter 1 of K&R and a language reference manual 
patterned after Appendix A. Once I started insisting that the teams create tutorials and language 
reference manuals before they start implementing their languages, never has a team failed to 
deliver a working compiler by the end of the semester. 
Dennis and Ken’s far-reaching contributions to programming languages and operating systems 
have been rewarded with the highest honors a computer scientist can earn. In 1983 Dennis and 
Ken won the ACM Turing Award, the most prestigious award for technical achievement in 
computer science. In 1990 they were awarded the National Medal of Technology by President Bill 
Clinton, and in 2011 the Japan Prize for Information and Communications.

I asked a fellow faculty member at Columbia if he could think of any new computer science 
development that could potentially have the same impact as Unix and C have had on computing. 
He said no, the only new thing he could think of that would have the same widespread impact 
would be a comet hitting the earth. 
I would like to conclude my tribute to Dennis by saying a few words about Dennis the man. I 
found Dennis to be a very private, humble individual. But whenever I talked with him, he was 
always a peach of a person: caring, broad in his interests, and gracious in his behavior. 
When Bell Labs opened a research lab in Beijing, China in the year 2000, Dennis and I went on a 
speaking tour to a few Chinese universities. At Peking University in Beijing, Dennis gave a talk on 
Unix and C to an overflow audience of enthusiastic students who treated him like a rock star. At 
the end of his talk, a perhaps over-enthusiastic student asked Dennis: Well a long time ago, you 
did Unix and C. What have you done since then? Without malice, Dennis replied: You know, this 
is the first time I’ve been asked that question. I’ll have to think about the answer.
Dennis was not averse to expressing his opinions forcefully and candidly. In 1994 a book called 
the Unix-Haters Handbook was written that screeched Gabriel’s Worse is Better philosophy. 
Dennis wrote an anti-forward for this book which was actually included in the back of the book. 
Dennis’s epilogue ends: Here is my metaphor: your book is a pudding stuffed with apposite 
observations, many well-conceived. Like excrement, it contains enough undigested nuggets of 
nutrition to sustain life for some. But it is not a tasty pie: it reeks too much of contempt and of 
envy. Bon appetit!
Dennis also had a deliciously wry sense of humor. He was once asked: In your experience, how 
long does it take for a novice programmer to become a reasonably proficient C developer capable 
of writing nontrivial production code? 
Dennis replied: I don’t know. I never had to learn C.
To the software world, Dennis was a genius. To those who were privileged to know him, he was 
a mensch. 
Dennis, we all miss you. 
Alfred V. Aho 
Lawrence Gussman Professor 
Department of Computer Science 
Columbia University

英文来自:C,the Enduring Legacy of Dennis Ritchie





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