官方文档译文 Release 2.2.5 译文:Part VII Replication ​29.1 Replica Set Fundamental Concepts


29.1 Replica Set Fundamental Concepts 复制的概述
A MongoDB replica set is a cluster of mongod(page 887) instances that replicate amongst one another and ensure automated failover. Most replica sets consist of two or more mongod(page 887) instances with at most one of these designated as the primary and the rest as secondary members. Clients direct all writes to the primary, while the secondary members replicate from the primary asynchronously.
Database replication with MongoDB adds redundancy, helps to ensure high availability, simplifies certain administrative tasks such as backups, and may increase read capacity. Most production deployments use replication.
If you’re familiar with other database systems, you may think about replica sets as a more sophisticated(复杂的) form of traditional master-slave replication.In master-slave replication, a master node accepts writes while one or more slave nodes replicate those write operations and thus maintain data sets identical to the master. For MongoDB deployments,the member that accepts write operations is the primary, and the replicating members are secondaries.
MongoDB’s replica sets provide automated failover. If aprimary fails, the remaining members will automatically try to elect a new primary.
A replica set can have up to 12 members, but only 7 members can have votes. For information regarding non-voting members, see non-voting members(page 286)
See also:
The Replication(page 275) index for a list of the documents in this manual that describe the operation and use of replica sets.

29.1.1 Member Configuration Properties 节点属性配置
You can configure replica set members in a variety of ways, as listed here. In most cases, members of a replica set have the default proprieties.
• Secondary-Only: These members have data but cannot become primary under any circumstance. See Secondary-Only Members(page 283).
• Hidden: These members are invisible to client applications. See Hidden Members(page 284).
• Delayed: These members apply operations from the primary’s oplog after a specified delay. You can think of a delayed member as a form of “rolling backup.” See Delayed Members(page 285).
• Arbiters: These members have no data and exist solely to participate in elections(page 278). See Arbiters(page 286).
• Non-Voting: These members do not vote in elections. Non-voting members are only used for larger sets with more than 7 members. See Non-Voting Members(page 286).
• Secondary-Only: 这类节点有数据,但任何情况下都不能成为主节点。
• Hidden: 这类节点对客户端应用程序是隐藏的。
• Delayed: 这类节点按指定的延时应用主节点的操作记录。可把此类节点当做“回滚备份”的一种形式。
• Arbiters: 仲裁者,这类节点没有数据,只参与投票选举。
• Non-Voting: 这类节点不参与投票,只用于大于7个节点的副本集中。
For more information about each member configuration, see the Member Configurations(page 283) section in the Replica Set Operation and Management(page 282) document.

 29.1.2 Failover 故障切换
Replica sets feature automated failover. If the primary goes offline or becomes unresponsive and a majority of the original set members can still connect to each other, the set will elect a new primary.
For a detailed explanation of failover, see the Failover(page 278) section in the Replica Set Operation and Management(page 282) document.
Elections 选举
When any failover occurs, an election takes place to decide which member should become primary.
Elections provide a mechanism for the members of a replica set to autonomously select a new primary without administrator intervention. The election allows replica sets to recover from failover situations very quickly and robustly.
Whenever the primary becomes unreachable, the secondary members trigger an election. The first member to receive votes from a majority of the set will become primary. The most important feature of replica set elections is that a majority of the original number of members in the replica set must be present for election to succeed. If you have a three-member replica set, the set can elect a primary when two or three members can connect to each other. If two members in the replica go offline, then the remaining member will remain a secondary.
Note: When the current primary steps down and triggers an election, the mongod(page 887) instances will close all client connections. This ensures that the clients maintain an accurate view of the replica set and helps prevent rollbacks.
For more information on elections and failover, see:
• The Failover(page 278) section in theReplica Set Operation and Management(page 282) document.
• The Election Internals(page 311) section in theReplica Set Internals and Behaviors(page 309) document.
Member Priority 节点优先级
In a replica set, every member has a “priority,” that helps determine eligibility for election(page 278) to primary. By default, all members have a priority of 1, unless you modify the priority(page 983) value. All members have a single vote in elections.
Warning:Always configure the priority(page 983) value to control which members will become primary.
Do not configure votes(page 983) except to permit more than 7 secondary members.
For more information on member priorities, see theAdjusting Priority(page 288) section in theReplica Set Operation and Management(page 282) document.

29.1.3 Consistenct 一致性
This section provides an overview of the concepts that underpin database consistency and the MongoDB mechanisms to ensure that users have access to consistent data.
In MongoDB, all read operations issued to the primary of a replica set are consistent with the last write operation.
If clients configure the read preference to permit secondary reads, read operations cannot return from secondary members that have not replicated more recent updates or operations. In these situations the query results may reflect a previous state.
This behavior is sometimes characterized as eventual consistency because the secondary member’s state will eventually reflect the primary’s state and MongoDB cannot guarantee strict consistency for read operations from secondary members.
There is no way to guarantee consistency for reads from secondary members, except by configuring the client and driver to ensure that write operations succeed on all members before completing successfully.
Rollbacks 回滚
In some failover situations primaries will have accepted write operations that have not replicated to the secondaries after a failover occurs. This case is rare and typically occurs as a result of a network partition with replication lag. When this member (the former primary) rejoins the replica set and attempts to continue replication as a secondary the former primary must revert these operations or “roll back” these operations to maintain database consistency across the replica set.
MongoDB writes the rollback data to a BSON file in the database’s dbpath(page 939) directory. Use bsondump (page 912) to read the contents of these rollback files and then manually apply the changes to the new primary. There is no way for MongoDB to appropriately and fairly handle rollback situations automatically. Therefore you must intervene manually to apply rollback data. Even after the member completes the rollback and returns to secondary status, administrators will need to apply or decide to ignore the rollback data. MongoDB writes rollback data to a rollback/ folder within the dbpath(page 939) directory to files with filenames in the following form:
For example:
The best strategy for avoiding all rollbacks is to ensure write propagation(page 301) to all or some of the members in the set. Using these kinds of policies prevents situations that might create rollbacks.
Warning: A mongod(page 887) instance will not rollback more than 300 megabytes of data. If your systemneeds to rollback more than 300 MB, you will need to manually intervene to recover this data. If this is the case,you will find the following line in your mongod(page 887) log:
[replica set sync] replSet syncThread: 13410 replSet too much data to roll back
In these situations you will need to manually intervene to either save data or to force the member to performan initial sync from a “current” member of the set by deleting the content of the existing dbpath(page 939)directory.
[replica set sync] replSet syncThread: 13410 replSet too much data to roll back
For more information on failover, see:
• The Failover and Recovery(page 295) section in this document.
• The Failover(page 278) section in the Replica Set Operation and Management(page 282) document.
Application Concerns 应用程序关注点
Client applications are indifferent to the configuration and operation of replica sets. While specific configurationdepends to some extent on the client drivers(page 427), there is often minimal or no difference between applicationsusing replica sets or standalone instances.
There are two major concepts that are important to consider when working with replica sets:
1. Write Concern(page 122).
Write concern sends a MongoDB client a response from the server to confirm successful write operations. Inreplica sets you can configure replica acknowledged(page 122) write concern to ensure that secondary membersof the set have replicated operations before the write returns.
2. Read Preference(page 303)
By default, read operations issued against a replica set return results from the primary. Users may configureread preference on a per-connection basis to prefer that read operations return on the secondary members.
1. 写关注
写关注从服务器发送一个回应给客户端确保写操作成功。在副本集中,你可以配置replica acknowledged write concern(副本公认写关注) 以确保从节点在写操作返回时已经复制了操作。
2. 读偏好
Read preferenceandwrite concernhave particularconsistency(page 279) implications.
For a more detailed discussion of application concerns, seeReplica Set Considerations and Behaviors for Applicationsand Development(page 301).

29.1.4 Administration and Operations 管理与运营
This section provides a brief overview of concerns relevant to administrators of replica set deployments.
For more information on replica set administration, operations, and architecture, see:
• Replica Set Operation and Management(page 282)
• Replica Set Architectures and Deployment Patterns(page 297)
The oplog(operations log) is a special capped collection that keeps a rolling record of all operations that modify that data stored in your databases. MongoDB applies database operations on the primary and then records the operations on the primary’s oplog. The secondary members then replicate this log and apply the operations to them selves in an asynchronous process. All replica set members contain a copy of the oplog, allowing them to maintain the current state of the database. Operations in the oplog are idempotent.
By default, the size of the oplog is as follows:
• For 64-bit Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Windows systems, MongoDB will allocate 5% of the available free disk space to the oplog.
If this amount is smaller than a gigabyte, then MongoDB will allocate 1 gigabyte of space.
• For 64-bit OS X systems, MongoDB allocates 183 megabytes of space to the oplog.
• For 32-bit systems, MongoDB allocates about 48 megabytes of space to the oplog.
• 64位的Linux、Solaris、FreeBSD、Windows系统,MongoDB为oplog分配5%的可用磁盘空间。
  如果少于 1GB ,则分配 1GB 。
• 64位OS X系统(Mac),MongoDB为oplog分配 183MB 。
• 32位系统中,MongoDB为oplog分配 48MB 。
Before oplog creation, you can specify the size of your oplog with the oplogSize(page 944) option. After you start a replica set member for the first time, you can only change the size of the oplog by using the Change the Size of the Oplog(page 332)tutorial.
创建oplog之前,你可以通过oplogSize选项指定oplog的大小。第一次使用的副本集节点,可通过Change the Size of the Oplog教程改变oplog的大小。
In most cases, the default oplog size is sufficient. For example, if an oplog that is 5% of free disk space fills up in 24 hours of operations, then secondaries can stop copying entries from the oplog for up to 24 hours without becoming stale. However, most replica sets have much lower operation volumes, and their oplogs can hold a much larger number of operations.
大多数情况下,默认的oplog大小以及足够的了。例如:如果oplog 5% 的可用磁盘空间被24小时的操作日志填满,从节点在不超时的情况下超过24小时停止从oplog复制条目。然而,大多数副本集的操作量很少,但oplog能保持大量操作。
The following factors affect how MongoDB uses space in the oplog:
• Update operations that affect multiple documents at once.
The oplog must translate multi-updates into individual operations, in order to maintain idempotency. This can use a great deal of oplog space without a corresponding increase in disk utilization.
• If you delete roughly the same amount of data as you insert.
In this situation the database will not grow significantly in disk utilization, but the size of the operation log canbe quite large.
• If a significant portion of your workload entails in-place updates.
In-place updates create a large number of operations but do not change the quantity data on disk.
• 一次性执行影响多个文档的更新操作
• 如果删除与插入一样多的数据量
• 如果一部分特别的工作必需就地更新
If you can predict your replica set’s workload to resemble one of the above patterns, then you may want to considercreating an oplog that is larger than the default. Conversely, if the predominance of activity of your MongoDB-basedapplication are reads and you are writing a small amount of data, you may find that you need a much smaller oplog.
To view oplog status, including the size and the time range of operations, issue thedb.printReplicationInfo()(page 842) method. For more information on oplog status, see Check theSize of the Oplog(page 295).
For additional information about oplog behavior, see Oplog Internals(page 310) and Syncing(page 312).
Replica Set Deployment
Without replication, a standalone MongoDB instance represents a single point of failure and any disruption of theMongoDB system will render the database unusable and potentially unrecoverable. Replication increase the reliabilityof the database instance, and replica sets are capable of distributing reads to secondary members depending on readpreference. For database work loads dominated by read operations, (i.e. “read heavy”) replica sets can greatly increase the capability of the database system.
The minimum requirements for a replica set include two members with data, for a primary and a secondary, and anarbiter(page 286). In most circumstances, however, you will want to deploy three data members.
For those deployments that rely heavily on distributing reads to secondary instances, add additional members to theset as load increases. As your deployment grows, consider adding or moving replica set members to secondarydata centers or to geographically distinct locations for additional redundancy. While many architectures are possible,always ensure that the quorum of members required to elect a primary remains in your main facility.
Depending on your operational requirements, you may consider adding members configured for a specific purposeincluding, a delayed member to help provide protection against human errors and change control, a hidden member toprovide an isolated member for reporting and monitoring, and/or a secondary only member(page 283) for dedicatedbackups.
The process of establishing a new replica set member can be resource intensive on existing members. As a result,deploy new members to existing replica sets significantly before current demand saturates the existing members.
Note: Journaling, provides single-instance write durability. The journaling greatly improves the reliability anddurability of a database. Unless MongoDB runs with journaling, when a MongoDB instance terminates ungracefully,the database can end in a corrupt and unrecoverable state.
You should assume that a database, running without journaling, that suffers a crash or unclean shutdown is in corrupt or inconsistent state.
Use journaling, however, do not forego proper replication because of journaling.
64-bit versions of MongoDB after version 2.0 have journaling enabled by default.
Security 安全
In most cases, replica set administrators do not have to keep additional considerations in mind beyond the normalsecurity precautions that all MongoDB administrators must take. However, ensure that:
• Your network configuration will allow every member of the replica set to contact every other member of thereplica set.
• If you use MongoDB’s authentication system to limit access to your infrastructure, ensure that you configure akeyFile(page 938) on all members to permit authentication.
For more information, see theSecurity Considerations for Replica Sets(page 292) section in theReplica Set Operationand Management(page 282) document.
Architectures 架构
The architecture and design of the replica set deployment can have a great impact on the set’s capacity and capability. This section provides a general overview of the architectural possibilities for replica set deployments. However, for most production deployments a conventional 3-member replica set with priority(page 983) values of 1are sufficient.
While the additional flexibility discussed is below helpful for managing a variety of operational complexities, it always makes sense to let those complex requirements dictate complex architectures, rather than add unnecessary complexity to your deployment.
Consider the following factors when developing an architecture for your replica set:
• Ensure that the members of the replica set will always be able to elect aprimary. Run an odd number of members or run an arbiter on one of your application servers if you have an even number of members.
• With geographically distributed members, know where the “quorum” of members will be in the case of any network partitions. Attempt to ensure that the set can elect a primary among the members in the primary data center.
• Consider including a hidden(page 284) or delayed member(page 285) in your replica set to support dedicated functionality, like backups, reporting, and testing.
• Consider keeping one or two members of the set in an off-site data center, but make sure to configure the priority (page 278) to prevent it from becoming primary.
• Create custom write concerns with replica set tags(page 986) to ensure that applications can control the thresh old for a successful write operation. Use these write concerns to ensure that operations propagate to specific data centers or to machines of different functions before returning successfully.
• 确保副本集的成员总是能选举出主节点。在你的应用服务器运行偶数个成员或运行一个仲裁者节点(如果你有偶数个节点)。
• 分散在各地的不同节点,在任何网络分区情况下都知晓"quorum"(法定成员)在哪里。尝试确保副本集在主数据中心中能选举出主节点。
• 考虑在你的副本集中加入一个隐藏节点或延迟节点以支持专用功能,如备份、报告和测试。
• 考虑在异地数据中心保持有一个或两个节点,但确保有配置防止他们成为主节点的优先级配置。
• 使用副本集标签创建客户写关注以确保应用能控制成功的写操作的阈值。使用这些写关注以确保在正常返回之前,那些操作传递到指定的数据中心或不同功能的机器。
For more information regarding replica set configuration and deployments seeReplica Set Architectures and Deploy ment Patterns(page 297).
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