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转载 Get the Mime Type from a File

原文:http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0487.htmlUsing javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMapactivation.jar is required, it can be downloaded from http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/gl

2013-05-29 08:39:48 2095

转载 怎样通过Parcelable来传递Collection

原文:http://www.oschina.net/code/explore/android-4.0.1/core/java/android/net/LinkProperties.java/** * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Versi

2013-05-25 10:38:02 1425

转载 win7下vmware虚拟网卡显示未识别网络的解决

原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/yoleung/articles/2485542.htmlVMware Network Adapter VMnet1和VMnet8 被防火墙认定为[未识别的网络-公用网络],阻隔,无法使用端口映射,虚拟机的80端口无法传入,数据包只能出不能入。且公用网络被限制不能修改为家庭或工作网络。解决方法:

2013-05-20 11:08:19 3146

转载 HashCode的作用

原文:http://hellsing42.iteye.com/blog/668946首先,想要明白hashCode的作用,你必须要先知道Java中的集合。  总的来说,Java中的集合(Collection)有两类,一类 是List,再有一类是Set。你知道它们的区别吗?前者集合内的元素是有序的,元素可以重复;后者元素无序,但元素不可重复。那么这里就有一个比较严重 的问题了:要想保证元素不

2013-05-20 08:27:43 958

原创 邮件群发的分别发送功能

在群发邮件的时候,想让群发地址中的每个人看起来都只是写给他一个人的,怎么办?这就需要使用邮件群发的分别发送功能。这里介绍几种方法:一、web邮箱发送目前发现qq邮箱和网易163邮箱支持这个功能。在qq邮箱里面,叫做“分别发送”;在网易163邮箱里面,叫做“群发单显”。以qq邮箱为例:第一步,将你的邮箱帐户绑定到qq邮箱。具体参考:“设置”-“其他邮箱” ht

2013-05-16 10:09:36 17631

转载 代码的抽象三原则

原文:http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/01/abstraction_principles.html作者: 阮一峰日期: 2013年1月31日软件开发是"抽象化"原则(Abstraction)的一种体现。所谓"抽象化",就是指从具体问题中,提取出具有共性的模式,再使用通用的解决方法加以处理。开发软

2013-05-15 17:23:28 787

转载 ubuntu exchange mail

原文:http://blog.csdn.net/ailinty/article/details/6640861http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/15538766sudo aptitude install likewise-open-gui使用图形连接:点击 Applications -> Internet -

2013-05-15 16:11:11 1399

转载 20 款最佳的移动应用体验设计和线框工具


2013-05-15 08:19:40 1597

转载 如何扩充虚拟机的系统硬盘空间大小

原文:http://blog.csdn.net/littletigerat/article/details/6566183如何扩充虚拟机的系统硬盘空间大小环境介绍:1.VMware Workstation 7.102.Ubuntu10.10问题:虚拟机提示存储空间不足。解决办法通过vmware-vdiskmanager工具来修改虚拟机的系统硬盘大小; 错

2013-05-13 14:36:28 1420

转载 gnome桌面终端程序 Guake


2013-05-09 21:32:48 2074

转载 在Ubuntu下安装Gnome 3

原文:http://www.ubuntusoft.com/in-the-ubuntu-install-gnome-3.html想预先看一下Gnome的情况,就看这里 Ubuntu 11.04下:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get dis

2013-05-07 11:37:48 1244

转载 Ubuntu 更新后删除多余的内核

原文:http://blog.163.com/wangan11@126/blog/static/17315245320109299124128/ubuntu 安装完成后,默认情况下会进行更新,安装自发行以来发布的所有更新。如果你选择了升级内核,完成后,老的内核依旧存在,在开机时的GRUB 菜单中会出现很多的条目。让人感觉很不爽!那么就删除多余的内核吧!方法一:

2013-05-02 08:45:31 1563

转载 下载并同步 Google Fonts 里的字体到你的电脑

原文:http://www.fonts.com/web-fonts/googleGoogle Fonts里可以找到超多的开源字体,任何人都可以使用,而且他们都存储在Google的服务器上,随时都方便网络开发者调用。目前最热门的Open Sans居然在上周一周里就有超过20亿次的浏览量!现在Google也提供字体下载了,儿不只是可以在线引用。利用Windows和OS

2013-05-02 08:12:42 2088





wait和sleep的区别 以及 实例演示



synchronized(this)与synchronized(class) 简单实例 分类: Android Java








HD文件管理器 v0.1.3----- 界面简约,功能强大

Android平台上具有完整功能的文件管理,漂亮的UI界面设计以及良好的用户体验。 支持android 1.5及以上平台 包括: * 将Linux平台上最流行的图标集之一 Faenza 作为文件管理器的图标集 * 针对30多种不同文件类型显示不同的图标 * 剪切,复制,粘帖功能 * 创建文件夹功能 * 显示或者隐藏文件 * 支持列表方式进行文件浏览 * 支持显示 APK 图标 * 支持手机上的快捷键 * 无广告 关键词: 文件管理器,文件管理 Google Market链接: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.hd.explorer


HD文件管理器 v0.1.2----- 界面简约,功能强大

Android平台上具有完整功能的文件管理,漂亮的UI界面设计以及良好的用户体验。 支持android 1.5及以上平台 包括: * 将Linux平台上最流行的图标集之一 Faenza 作为文件管理器的图标集 * 针对30多种不同文件类型显示不同的图标 * 剪切,复制,粘帖功能 * 创建文件夹功能 * 显示或者隐藏文件 * 支持列表方式进行文件浏览 * 支持显示 APK 图标 * 支持手机上的快捷键 * 无广告 关键词: 文件管理器,文件管理 Google Market链接: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.hd.explorer


android 浅复制和深复制-Java Generic Deep Copy 篇

android 浅复制和深复制-Java Generic Deep Copy 篇


HD文件管理器(android 1.5+)

HD文件管理器 是一款界面简约,功能强大的文件浏览器,采用了Linux平台上最受欢迎的图标集faenza。 支持android 1.5及以上平台,欢迎使用。 期待你的反馈建议。 Full featured file manager, Nice UI design and user friendly functions! Full featured file manager on Android, Nice UI design and user friendly functions! Includes: * Faenza icons for 30+ different file types, toolbar and menu items,which is one of the most popular icon themes for linux. * Cut, copy, paste * Create folders * Hide or show hidden files * List view for file browsing * Thumbnail for apk files * Support file shortcut on Home screen for easily access Keywords: file manager file explorer file browser explorer



下面是一个在Android中使用定时器Timer和TimerTask的启动,停止,暂停,继续等操作的demo。 需要注意的问题主要有两点:


android 浅复制和深复制实例

android 浅复制和深复制实例


XDA成员开发出Carrier IQ检测程序(Android)

Logging Test App v7 Attached to this post is my app that should interface with these logging services. Lets start by saying I HATE JAVA. Im an IT guy so i know my way around a few languages but im not the best so deal with uglyness. It is a work in progress and I will be adding more later. This app has started to turn into a full security suite. It can be used to verify what logging is being done on your phone and where data is going to. It will assist you in manually removing parts you do not running (see post#1), or you can go pro for automatic everything (and support me) You may use this version of the app anywhere and redistribute it. I have only tested on e3d, but it should work everywhere. I have heard it working on thunderbolt and e4g so far. Just make sure to give me credit if you bundle this in somewhere and do not modify it. Also please do not distribute the market key-- Its only $1. Loggers/Services: Check CIQ files (Root Only)- Sees if CIQ exists in your system Check Google Usage Logs(Root Only)- Checks for logs in /data/system/usagestats Check HTC Usage Logs (Root Only)- Checks for logs in /data/system/appusagestats Check Devlog (Root Only) - Checks /devlog partition, written out by htc_ebdlogd Check Dropbox Logs(Root Only)- Checks for logs in /data/system/dropbox Check UserBehavior DB(Root Only)- Reads user Behavior monitoring database AppUsage UI - See app usage logs in UI CIQ APP UI - Attempts to open all known CIQ Activities Start HTCLoggers - Start HTC Logging Activitie Services: You first must run a list to get a dump of all active services. Anything running on your phone will return to the spinner. Select a service and press the button again to get a dump of the service. Ports & Agents: HTC Checkin DB (Root Only)- Shows what info you are sending to htc when checking in automatically Google Checkin DB (Root Only)- Shows what triggers Google checking in automatically HTC Report Agent - Shows what triggers HTC Reporting. Common Commands- Network Diagnostic tools to see IP address/routes/outbound connections/automatically control port dialog (see below) Port Control- Lets you input manual commands (or use above spinner) to local ports on your machines. Unix Domain Sockets will be enabled next Internet Security: Read Cookies (Root Only)- Reads Sticky "Location Cookies" - clearing all data in browser does not wipe these Wipe Cookies (Root Only)- Wipes Location Cookies. (pro not required) Flash Settings Set local storage to "Only from sites I visit" and disable "Peer-Assisted Networking" Convert to HTTPs (Root Only)- Updates stock top 500 db with https where possible. See pro options Change Firefox Search to HTTPS (Root Only)- Changes default search to use HTTPs Check/Set IPv6 Privacy(Root Only) - Sets if your MAC address is used as part of your IPv6 address. Dialog explains more Pro Options: Starting with version 3, i will be supporting cleanup/removal from many devices. The checking part of the app will always be free here but because of the time it took me to universally code the removal and because we already have documented 100000 ways to do it yourself (see post 1) I have decided to put the key to unlock removal features on any device on the market. It should be listed under package com.treve.loggingkey Its called Logging TestApp Pro Key. Just install the apk linked here first, get the key from market (99 cents, hardly much to support dev in progress) and install, then go back to original app and enjoy pro. You will now have access to the menu items to patch logging on the device. Version 5 of pro adds in an option to convert webdb to https. What this does is goes through the default websites and resets the address to the https site. What I hope to end up getting is something like the EFF's HTTPS Everywhere until then this is the "ghetto way" To use https convert option: Set homepage to https://www.google.com/m Kill browser with a taskilller, open logging test app press menu, go to convert to https open browser and start typing in some letters like facebook or wiki or google or bank you should see https infront of them. It has been tested on evo4g, evo3d, and thunderbolt so far. I will be supporting more devices if a device you have does not work let me know. Screenshots/How to read output To tell if you are spyware/logging free, none of these buttons should do much of anything. For example: if you check usage stats/dropbox/devlog, you should see no files or 0k for anything listed. if you start the usage service intent, you should see no apps listed. All other intents should not start. You should not be able to connect to port 65511. Screenshots of a "fail condition" Shows on stock rom regardless of tell HTC or location setting logging is enabled and running, proving HTCs statement wrong, wasting resources, io, memory, bandwidth the works - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=114 Screenshots of a "pass condition". Shows all logs not writing and intents disabled (only possible after modifications, i cannot find a stock setting that will do this. see post1) - http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=116 Let me know how this works out, more goodies will keep on flowing It does use permission internet, its required to open sockets.






JNI完全手册.doc 经典资料,物有所值。 一般人我不告诉他。


Android 各种样式的ProgressBar演示

Android 各种样式的ProgressBar演示



putty_0.61中文版 putty_0.61中文版 putty_0.61中文版 putty_0.61中文版


Source Insight 3.5安装包以及注册机

 Source Insight是一个面向项目开发的程序编辑器和代码浏览器,它拥有内置的对C/C++, C#和Java等程序的分析。Source Insight能分析你的源代码并在你工作的同时动态维护它自己的符号数据库,并自动为你显示有用的上下文信息。 Source Insight不仅仅是一个强大的程序编辑器,它还能显示reference trees,class inheritance diagrams和call trees。Source Insight提供了最快速的对源代码的导航和任何程序编辑器的源信息。 Source Insight提供了快速和革新的访问源代码和源信息的能力。与众多其它编辑器产品不同,Source Insight能在你编辑的同时分析你的源代码,为你提供实用的信息并立即进行分析。


Araxis Merge Professional可视化代码合并工具及注册机

Araxis Merge 是一个可视化的文件比较、合并和同步的软件,能够方便的被软件工程师和 web 站点开发者使用快速精确地比较、了解和联合不同版本的源文件;进行版本和质量控制,创建 HTML 或是 XML 报告。 该软件带来的好处: 对于专业人员 立即识别每个改动,可以从其它应用程序(比如 Microsoft Word)在编辑的不同合同草案中拷贝原文并直接粘贴到某个比较窗口中。 对软件工程师和网页开发者 快速精确地比较、了解和联合不同版本的源文件。无论比较单个文件还是调整源代码的整个分支,该软件都可以精确快速地执行。使用 three-way comparison 可集成您自己和他人所作的变动。使用 FTP plugin 可以实现站点的同步。 对版本和质量控制管理人员 通过比较不同的源代码分支来确定,了解对特定版本的每个文件所作的每个改动。比较不同的产品版本检查是否只改动了应该改动的文件。创建为审计目的而改动的 HTML 或 XML 报告。 对代码校验者(code reviewers)和审计者 确定两个或三个源代码层次之间所作的改动。创建单独的 HTML 或 XML 的裁决报告。在文件或文件夹比较中填加标签和评论,然后保存为单个文件存档,email 到其他队伍成员以便校验(review)。 对其它用户 无论您要用文本文件的多重版本还是需要同步多重文件夹树(比如,在桌面和笔记本电脑之间),Merge 都可以帮助您节省时间,减少错误,提高工作效率。


VC助手最新版本支持vc6.0 vc2005 vc2008

VC助手最新版本支持vc6.0 vc2005 vc2008 VC助手最新版本支持vc6.0 vc2005 vc2008


Android 2.2 开发环境配置详解

Android 2.2 开发环境配置详解 Android 2.2 开发环境配置详解 Android 2.2 开发环境配置详解 Android 2.2 开发环境配置详解



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


取消 删除