DVD-Video Menus工作原理2

How Menus Work - Part 2

Timing and Force Action

A Menu doesn't just appear and stay on screen forever, unless you want it to. There are several controllable phases to presenting a menu. In order, these are:
  • Render the underlying video
  • Render the subpicture overlay
  • Enable highlighting and user interaction
  • Disable user interaction and optionally take a default action
  • End the highlighting, subpicture overlay, and video presentation.
And even though we are specifically talking about menus in these two articles, all of this information applies to button-over-video.
Render the Video
This will happen first, and automatically. The only important thing about the audio/video is that it be long enough for the entire menu program. If need be the audio/video can be looped.
Render the Subpicture
Believe it or not, this can be done at the same time as the video, or later. If care is not taken, the subpicture can be rendered before the video. This is usually not desirable visually. The controlling factor is in the subpicture itself,
SP_DCSQ_STM, the delay. For menus and button over video the command to render the subpicture should be FSTA_DSP, force subpicture start.
Enable Highlighting and User Interaction
In the
PCI are several timing values that are solely for menus. The first is hli_s_ptm (packet offset 0x062), the highlight start time. This is normally zero, so that highlighting and user interaction are enabled immediately, but it can be set to a presentation time later than the video presentation time stamp (PTS) to delay showing the selected button and allowing user interaction.
Disable User Interaction and Optionally Take a Default Action
Two values in the
PCI that affect this. First is btn_sl_e_ptm (packet offset 0x06a), button select end time, which controls when this happens. If left at zero user interaction remains active as long as the menu is displayed. This again is a presentation time, and must be later than hli_s_ptm, if specified, and the video presentation time stamp.
The other value is foac_btnn (packet offset 0x075), force action button. If this is non-zero it specifies a button number that will get pressed for the user at button select end time. In this way you can provide a time-out, taking a default path if the user is too slow. For multiple display mode menus this is the base button number, the number used in the first set of 12 or 18 buttons.
End Highlighting
The value controlling this in the
PCI is hli_e_ptm (packet offset 0x066), highlight end time. Normally this will be zero for a menu, allowing highlighting to continue as long as the menu is displayed. It becomes important for button-over-video to prevent the highlighting from continuing on until the next button is presented. But you could use it in a normal menu. Once again, it is a presentation time, and must be later than the other times listed above.
End Subpicture Rendering
Another important aspect of button-over-video, it can be used in normal menus as well. This is also controlled by the subpicture commands. The normal sequence of events is to have 2 SP_DCSQ (command sequences) in the subpicture, each with its own delay. The first controls the delayed rendering, and uses the FSTA_DSP command, the second controls how long the subpicture is displayed, and uses the STP_DSP command.
End Audio/Video Rendering
Of course you don't do this for button-over-video. But for normal menus the video has a certain duration, it may be a short as one frame. The duration can be extended by looping or freezing (still) at the end. The two most common forms are a still (single I frame extended by way of cell still time) or motion video that loops.
The Navigation Timer - Another way out
Note: This applies only to menus in the title set (VTS), not to "normal" menus in VMG or VTSM.
The navigation timer can be used to go to another menu or video segment that is not selectable by any button. This gives you another way to take action if the user doesn't press any buttons. Using the navigation timer requires another PGC in the same title domain as the current one as a target. You cannot directly leave the domain via the navigation timer, but, of course, the target PGC can execute any legal command to jump you to another title within the same titleset or a dummy PGC in the VMG domain.
To use the navigation timer as a time-out action place the SetNVTMR
command in the pre-commands for the menu PGC. The value set into the timer is the number of seconds to wait before automatically going to the specified PGC. The timer should be cancelled if a button is pressed by setting the value to zero (the PGCn in this case doesn't matter).
The SetNVTMR has direct and indirect (uses the value from another register) forms. In hex it looks like:
42 00 00 rr pp pp 00 00 - SetVNTMR to register rr, PGCn pppp
52 00 vv vv pp pp 00 00 - SetNVTMR to vvvv, PGCn pppp
note: values (such as vvvv and pppp) in DVDs are stored with the most significant byte first (lowest byte address). This is the opposite of the byte order used by the x86 (Intel) architecture.
The register rr may be any GPRM (0x00 - 0x0f) or SPRM (0x80 - 0x97).  
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本火锅店点餐系统采用Java语言和Vue技术,框架采用SSM,搭配Mysql数据库,运行在Idea里,采用小程序模式。本火锅店点餐系统提供管理员、用户两种角色的服务。总的功能包括菜品的查询、菜品的购买、餐桌预定和订单管理。本系统可以帮助管理员更新菜品信息和管理订单信息,帮助用户实现在线的点餐方式,并可以实现餐桌预定。本系统采用成熟技术开发可以完成点餐管理的相关工作。 本系统的功能围绕用户、管理员两种权限设计。根据不同权限的不同需求设计出更符合用户要求的功能。本系统中管理员主要负责审核管理用户,发布分享新的菜品,审核用户的订餐信息和餐桌预定信息等,用户可以对需要的菜品进行购买、预定餐桌等。用户可以管理个人资料、查询菜品、在线点餐和预定餐桌、管理订单等,用户的个人资料是由管理员添加用户资料时产生,用户的订单内容由用户在购买菜品时产生,用户预定信息由用户在预定餐桌操作时产生。 本系统的功能设计为管理员、用户两部分。管理员为菜品管理、菜品分类管理、用户管理、订单管理等,用户的功能为查询菜品,在线点餐、预定餐桌、管理个人信息等。 管理员负责用户信息的删除和管理,用户的姓名和手机号都可以由管理员在此功能里看到。管理员可以对菜品的信息进行管理、审核。本功能可以实现菜品的定时更新和审核管理。本功能包括查询餐桌,也可以发布新的餐桌信息。管理员可以查询已预定的餐桌,并进行审核。管理员可以管理公告和系统的轮播图,可以安排活动。管理员可以对个人的资料进行修改和管理,管理员还可以在本功能里修改密码。管理员可以查询用户的订单,并完成菜品的安排。 当用户登录进系统后可以修改自己的资料,可以使自己信息的保持正确性。还可以修改密码。用户可以浏览所有的菜品,可以查看详细的菜品内容,也可以进行菜品的点餐。在本功能里用户可以进行点餐。用户可以浏览没有预定出去的餐桌,选择合适的餐桌可以进行预定。用户可以管理购物车里的菜品。用户可以管理自己的订单,在订单管理界面里也可以进行查询操作。


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