
5 SSL的安全
5.1 介绍
5.2 SSL都提供了什么
ssl提供通道级别的安全  连接的两端知道所传输的数据是保密的 而且没有被篡改  对服务器端的认证是必需的  客户端认证可选  针对例外情况的安全通知功能其中包括错误警示和连接关闭
所有这些保护都依赖于某些对系统的假定 我们假定已经正确产生了密钥资料而且被安全的保管着 若没有晋升的遵循某些步骤就会使安全大打折扣
5.3 保护master_secret
 几乎协议的所有安全都依赖于master_secreted 保密
5.4 保护服务器的私用密钥
5.5 使用良好的随机性

5.6 检查证书链

5.7 算法的选择

5.8 小结


9 Ssl上的http
9.1 介绍
 http是第一个使用ssl的协议 https 和 http Upgrade
9.2 保护web的安全
 电子商务需要的安全性能   用户需要确信其客户端连接的是正确的服务器
现实的web环境还有几项功能还无法从到目前为止我们所提出的简单的客户/服务器模型中显露出来的  在我们考虑web安全问题的时候 这三种功能实际上有着特殊的关系  他们是   连接行为  代理   和 虚拟主机
9.3  http
http是一种简单的协议  交互的基本单位是请求/响应对  客户端打开一条到服务器的tcp连接并将请求发送出去。而服务器将相应发回 服务器使用表示长度的头信息 或仅仅通过关闭连接来指示相应的结尾
 三个部分  请求信息行  头信息  可选的信息体
 状态行 头信息  可选的信息体
9.4  html
9.5  url
9.6 http的连接行为

9.7 代理
缓存代理  防火墙代理
9.8 虚拟主机
9.9 协议选择
9.10 客户端认证
基于证书的客户端认证对web应用来说并不是一种优先选择的措施 web站点通常选择使用外部的身份认证措施
让服务器在引用中指明它期望客户端认证 这样就能够允许客户端在握手中予以提供
9.11 引用完整性
9.12 https
 rfc 2818

9.13 https概述
 独立端口(443)策略用于http nntp smtp
 客户端连接到服务器 磋商一条ssl连接  然后再ssl应用数据通道上传输它的http数据
9.14 url与引用完整性
9.15 连接关闭
9.16 代理

9.17 虚拟主机

9.18 客户端认证

9.19 Referer

9.20 替换攻击

9.21 升级

9.22 编程问题

9.23 代理connect

9.24 处理多个客户端

9.25 总结

10 Tls 扩展

提供了扩展hello message 的方法 

1〉 允许client 提供他所需要的serve的名字
2〉 允许client 和server 协商最大传输片断(对于有内存限制的client 和一些有网络带宽限制的访问有用)
3〉 可以让server和client 协商 client certificate urls 用于验证用户 同时可以节省客户端的内存
4〉 客户端可以向server 出示他的ca root ??? 这个功能不是很清晰
5〉 允许client 和server 使用缩短的mac 以节省带宽
6〉 允许协商server 在handshake阶段是否向client 发送client certificate status information

2.1. Extended Client Hello
      struct {
          ProtocolVersion client_version;
          Random random;
          SessionID session_id;
          CipherSuite cipher_suites<2..2^16-1>;
          CompressionMethod compression_methods<1..2^8-1>;
          Extension client_hello_extension_list<0..2^16-1>; 扩展属性链
      } ClientHello;
在tls协议里允许clienthell信息里面添加更多的信息  所以扩展的clienthello并没有违反原来的tls协议规范
2.2 Extend Server Hello
      struct {
          ProtocolVersion server_version;
          Random random;
          SessionID session_id;
          CipherSuite cipher_suite;
          CompressionMethod compression_method;
          Extension server_hello_extension_list<0..2^16-1>;
      } ServerHello; 只在收到了带扩展选项的clienthello时候才会发出 否则可能会破坏当前连接
2.3 Hello Extensions
      struct {
          ExtensionType extension_type;
          opaque extension_data<0..2^16-1>;
      } Extension;

      enum {
          server_name(0), max_fragment_length(1),
          client_certificate_url(2), trusted_ca_keys(3),
          truncated_hmac(4), status_request(5), (65535)
      } ExtensionType;

2.4 对于Handshake protocol 的扩展

      enum {
          hello_request(0), client_hello(1), server_hello(2),
          certificate(11), server_key_exchange (12),
          certificate_request(13), server_hello_done(14),
          certificate_verify(15), client_key_exchange(16),
          finished(20), certificate_url(21), certificate_status(22),
      } HandshakeType;
Certificate_url / Certificate_status 新添的两种属性
      struct {
          HandshakeType msg_type;    /* handshake type */
          uint24 length;             /* bytes in message */
          select (HandshakeType) {
              case hello_request:       HelloRequest;
              case client_hello:        ClientHello;
              case server_hello:        ServerHello;
              case certificate:         Certificate;
              case server_key_exchange: ServerKeyExchange;
              case certificate_request: CertificateRequest;
              case server_hello_done:   ServerHelloDone;
              case certificate_verify:  CertificateVerify;
              case client_key_exchange: ClientKeyExchange;
              case finished:            Finished;
              case certificate_url:     CertificateURL;
              case certificate_status:  CertificateStatus;
          } body;
      } Handshake;

3  第三节最重要  对每一个扩展属性都要仔细解释
3.1. Server Name Indication
3.2. Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation
3.3. Client Certificate URLs
3.4. Trusted CA Indication
3.5. Truncated HMAC
3.6. Certificate Status Request


11 TLS 上面向连接的媒体传输

1. Overview
1.1 SDP Operational Modes
一 server publish a SDP session description describing a multimedia session it is making
   available.   SAP 周期的向一个知名的组播组组播SDP session (单播也可以)
二 也可以采用 offer answer 模式  这种方式 允许双方的协商 (SIP)
1.2 Threat Model
描述攻击者怎样威胁multimedia session  以及 怎样用tls防范
a> 窃听    几乎所有tls操作都可以防范此类攻击  保持数据保密性
b> 在连接中的数据  ??
c> 修改和重定向 session descriptions ??
1.3 The Need For Self-Signed Certificates
  SDP session descriptions are created by any endpoint that needs to
   participate in a multimedia session.
 单方面请求的 ??
 certificate fingerprint  当作 SDP session的一个属性 用作双方认证
 此时lf-signed Certificate 不能确定是安全的
1.4 Example SDP Description For TLS Connection
   m=image 54111 TCP/TLS t38
   c=IN IP4
   a=fingerprint:SHA-1 /

   Figure 1: Example SDP Description Offering a TLS Media Stream

  an SDP offer which signals the availability of a T.38 fax session over TLS.
2 .  Protocol Identifiers
m=image 54111 TCP/TLS t38

3 . Fingerprint Attribute
   In order to associate media streams with connections, and to prevent
   unauthorized barge-in attacks on the media streams, endpoints MUST
   provide a certificate fingerprint.  If the X.509 certificate
   presented for the TLS connection matches the fingerprint presented in
   the SDP, the endpoint can be confident that the author of the SDP is
   indeed the initiator of the connection.
 A certificate fingerprint is a secure one-way hash of the DER
   (distinguished encoding rules) form of the certificate.  (Certificate
   fingerprints are widely supported by tools which manipulate X.509
   certificates; for instance, the command "openssl x509 -fingerprint"
   causes the command-line tool of the openssl package to print a
   certificate fingerprint, and the certificate managers for Mozilla and
   Internet Explorer display them when viewing the details of a

   A fingerprint is represented in SDP as an attribute (an 'a' line).
   It consists of the name of the hash function used, followed by the
   hash value itself.  The hash value is represented as a sequence of
   upper-case hexadecimal bytes, separated by colons.  The number of
   bytes is defined by the hash function.  (This is the syntax used by
   openssl and by the browsers' certificate managers.  It is different
   from the syntax used to represent hash values in, e.g., HTTP digest
   authentication [18], which uses unseparated lower-case hexadecimal
   bytes.  It was felt that consistency with other applications of
   fingerprints was more important.)

   The formal syntax of the fingerprint attribute is given in Augmented
   Backus-Naur Form [10] in Figure 2.  This syntax extends the BNF
   syntax of SDP [1].
   attribute              =/ fingerprint-attribute

   fingerprint-attribute  =  "fingerprint" ":" hash-func SP fingerprint

   hash-func              =  "sha-1" / "sha-224" / "sha-256" /
                             "sha-384" / "sha-512" /
                             "md5" / "md2" / token
                             ; Additional hash functions can only come
                             ; from updates to RFC 3279

   fingerprint            =  2UHEX *(":" 2UHEX)
                             ; Each byte in upper-case hex, separated
                             ; by colons.

   UHEX                   =  DIGIT / %x41-46 ; A-F uppercase

   Figure 2: Augmented Backus-Naur Syntax for the Fingerprint Attribute

   A certificate fingerprint MUST be computed using the same one-way
   hash function as is used in the certificate's signature algorithm.
   (This guarantees that the fingerprint will be usable by the other
   endpoint, so long as the certificate itself is.)  Following RFC 3279
   [7] as updated by RFC 4055 [9], therefore, the defined hash functions
   are 'SHA-1' [11] [19], 'SHA-224' [11], 'SHA-256' [11], 'SHA-384'
   [11], 'SHA-512' [11], 'MD5' [12], and 'MD2' [13], with 'SHA-1'
   preferred.  Additional hash functions can be defined only by
   standards-track RFCs which update or obsolete RFC 3279 [7].  Self-
   signed certificates (for which legacy certificates are not a
   consideration) MUST use one of the FIPS 180 algorithms (SHA-1, SHA-
   224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512) as their signature algorithm, and
   thus also MUST use it to calculate certificate fingerprints.

   The fingerprint attribute may be either a session-level or a media-
   level SDP attribute.  If it is a session-level attribute, it applies
   to all TLS sessions for which no media-level fingerprint attribute is

4. Endpoint Identification
4.1 Certificate Choice
   X.509 certificates certify identities.  The certificate provided for
   a TLS connection needs to certify an appropriate identity for the
   connection.  Identity matching is performed using the matching rules
   specified by RFC 3280 [8].  If more than one identity of a given type
   is present in the certificate (e.g., more than one dNSName name), a
   match in any one of the set is considered acceptable.
   The certificate presented by an endpoint MUST correspond to one of
   the following identities:

   o  If the connection address for the media description is specified
      as an IP address, the endpoint MAY use a certificate with an
      iPAddress subjectAltName which exactly matches the IP in the
      connection-address in the session description's 'c' line.
   o  If the connection address for the media description is specified
      as a fully-qualified domain name, the endpoint MAY use a
      certificate with a dNSName subjectAltName matching the specified
      'c' line connection-address exactly.  (Wildcard patterns MUST NOT
      be used.)
   o  If the SDP session description describing the session was
      transmitted over a protocol (such as SIP [16]) for which the
      identities of session participants are defined by uniform resource
      identifiers (URIs), the endpoint MAY use a certificate with a
      uniformResourceIdentifier subjectAltName.  The details of what
      URIs are appropriate are dependent on the transmitting protocol.
      (For more details on this, see Section 7.)

   If the SDP session description describing the session was transmitted
   over an end-to-end secure protocol which uses X.509 certificates, and
   the certificates sent fulfill the requirements above (as they
   normally would be expected to), the endpoint MAY use the same
   certificate to certify the media connection.  For example, an SDP
   description sent over HTTP/TLS [20] or secured by S/MIME [17] MAY use
   the same certificate to secure the media connection.  (Note, however,
   that the sips protocol [16] (SIP over TLS) provides only hop-by-hop
   security, so its TLS certificates do not satisfy this criterion.)  To
   support the use of certificate caches, as described in Section 7,
   endpoints SHOULD consistently provide the same certificate for each
   identity they support.

4.2 Certificate Presentation
In all cases, an endpoint acting as the TLS server, i.e., one taking
   the 'setup:passive' role, in the terminology of connection-oriented
   media, MUST present a certificate during TLS initiation, following
   the rules presented in Section 6.1.  If the certificate does not
   match the original fingerprint, or, if there is no fingerprint, the
   certificate identity is incorrect, the client endpoint MUST either
   notify the user, if possible, or terminate the media connection with
   a bad certificate error.

   If the SDP offer/answer model [5] is being used, the client (the
   endpoint with the 'setup:active' role) MUST also present a
   certificate following the rules of Section 6.1.  The server MUST
   request a certificate, and if the client does not provide one, if the
   certificate does not match the provided fingerprint, or, if there was
   no fingerprint, the certificate identity is incorrect, the server
   endpoint MUST either notify the user or terminate the media
   connection with a bad certificate error.

   Note that when the offer/answer model is being used, it is possible
   for a media connection to outrace the answer back to the offerer.
   Thus, if the offerer has offered a 'setup:passive' or 'setup:actpass'
   role, it MUST (as specified in the Connection-Oriented Media
   specification [2]) begin listening for an incoming connection as soon
   as it sends its offer.  However, because its peer's media connection
   may outrace its answer, it MUST NOT definitively accept the peer's
   certificate until it has received and processed the SDP answer.

   If offer/answer is not being used (e.g., if the SDP was sent over the
   Session Announcement Protocol [15]), the TLS server typically has no
   external knowledge of what the TLS client's identity ought to be.  In
   this case, no client certificate need be presented, and no
   certificate validation can be performed, unless the server has
   knowledge of valid clients through some external means.




12  tls的预共享密码加密套件
Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
12.1 Introduction
tls通常用public key certificates 或者 Kerberos 认证 本章介绍tls如何运用psk (在两个通信实体间事先共享的密钥)建立tls连接
a> 避免了交换证书的操作节省资源
b> 从密钥管理的角度考虑 更方便与证书操作相比

      CipherSuite                        Key Exchange  Cipher       Hash

      TLS_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA           PSK           RC4_128       SHA
      TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA       PSK           AES_128_CBC   SHA
      TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA       PSK           AES_256_CBC   SHA
      TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA       DHE_PSK       RC4_128       SHA
      TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA       RSA_PSK       RC4_128       SHA

12.1.1 Applicability Statement
另一种可考虑的方案 是利用自签名的证书同时带有公钥的水印
也可以用srp secure remote password 套件用于认证
srp被设计为与密码协同工作  同时阻止密码攻击 但是比psk造价昂贵
12.1.2 Conventions Used in This Document
must may ….
12.2 PSK Key Exchange Algorithm
本节定义了psk密钥交换算法 和相应的加密套件  这些套件只用对称密钥算法(use only symmetric key algorithms)

The elements in parenthesis are not included
   when the PSK key exchange algorithm is used, and "*" indicates a
   situation-dependent message that is not always sent.

      Client                                               Server
      ------                                               ------

      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

   The client indicates its willingness to use pre-shared key
   authentication by including one or more PSK ciphersuites in the
   ClientHello message.  If the TLS server also wants to use pre-shared
   keys, it selects one of the PSK ciphersuites, places the selected
   ciphersuite in the ServerHello message, and includes an appropriate
   ServerKeyExchange message (see below).  The Certificate and
   CertificateRequest payloads are omitted from the response.
   Both clients and servers may have pre-shared keys with several
   different parties.  The client indicates which key to use by
   including a "PSK identity" in the ClientKeyExchange message (note
   that unlike in [SHAREDKEYS], the session_id field in ClientHello
   message keeps its usual meaning).  To help the client in selecting
   which identity to use, the server can provide a "PSK identity hint"
   in the ServerKeyExchange message.  If no hint is provided, the
   ServerKeyExchange message is omitted.  See Section 5 for a more
   detailed description of these fields.

   The format of the ServerKeyExchange and ClientKeyExchange messages is
   shown below.

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case psk:  /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity_hint<0..2^16-1>;
      } ServerKeyExchange;

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case psk:   /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity<0..2^16-1>;
          } exchange_keys;
      } ClientKeyExchange;

   The premaster secret is formed as follows: if the PSK is N octets
   long, concatenate a uint16 with the value N, N zero octets, a second
   uint16 with the value N, and the PSK itself.

      Note 1: All the ciphersuites in this document share the same
      general structure for the premaster secret, namely,

         struct {
             opaque other_secret<0..2^16-1>;
             opaque psk<0..2^16-1>;

      Here "other_secret" either is zeroes (plain PSK case) or comes
      from the Diffie-Hellman or RSA exchange (DHE_PSK and RSA_PSK,
      respectively).  See Sections 3 and 4 for a more detailed

      Note 2: Using zeroes for "other_secret" effectively means that
      only the HMAC-SHA1 part (but not the HMAC-MD5 part) of the TLS PRF
      is used when constructing the master secret.  This was considered
      more elegant from an analytical viewpoint than, for instance,
      using the same key for both the HMAC-MD5 and HMAC-SHA1 parts.  See
      [KRAWCZYK] for a more detailed rationale.

   The TLS handshake is authenticated using the Finished messages as

   If the server does not recognize the PSK identity, it MAY respond
   with an "unknown_psk_identity" alert message.  Alternatively, if the
   server wishes to hide the fact that the PSK identity was not known,
   it MAY continue the protocol as if the PSK identity existed but the
   key was incorrect: that is, respond with a "decrypt_error" alert.

12.3 DHE_PSK Key Exchange Algorithm
This section defines additional ciphersuites that use a PSK to
   authenticate a Diffie-Hellman exchange.  These ciphersuites give some
   additional protection against dictionary attacks and also provide
   Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS).  See Section 7 for discussion of
   related security considerations.

   When these ciphersuites are used, the ServerKeyExchange and
   ClientKeyExchange messages also include the Diffie-Hellman
   parameters.  The PSK identity and identity hint fields have the same
   meaning as in the previous section (note that the ServerKeyExchange
   message is always sent, even if no PSK identity hint is provided).

   The format of the ServerKeyExchange and ClientKeyExchange messages is
   shown below.

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case diffie_hellman_psk:  /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity_hint<0..2^16-1>;
                  ServerDHParams params;
      } ServerKeyExchange;

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case diffie_hellman_psk:   /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity<0..2^16-1>;
                  ClientDiffieHellmanPublic public;
          } exchange_keys;
      } ClientKeyExchange;

   The premaster secret is formed as follows.  First, perform the
   Diffie-Hellman computation in the same way as for other
   Diffie-Hellman-based ciphersuites in [TLS].  Let Z be the value
   produced by this computation (with leading zero bytes stripped as in
   other Diffie-Hellman-based ciphersuites).  Concatenate a uint16
   containing the length of Z (in octets), Z itself, a uint16 containing
   the length of the PSK (in octets), and the PSK itself.

   This corresponds to the general structure for the premaster secrets
   (see Note 1 in Section 2) in this document, with "other_secret"
   containing Z.

12.4 RSA_PSK Key Exchange Algorithm
The ciphersuites in this section use RSA and certificates to
   authenticate the server, in addition to using a PSK.

   As in normal RSA ciphersuites, the server must send a Certificate
   message.  The format of the ServerKeyExchange and ClientKeyExchange
   messages is shown below.  If no PSK identity hint is provided, the
   ServerKeyExchange message is omitted.

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case rsa_psk:  /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity_hint<0..2^16-1>;
      } ServerKeyExchange;

      struct {
          select (KeyExchangeAlgorithm) {
              /* other cases for rsa, diffie_hellman, etc. */
              case rsa_psk:   /* NEW */
                  opaque psk_identity<0..2^16-1>;
          } exchange_keys;
      } ClientKeyExchange;

   The EncryptedPreMasterSecret field sent from the client to the server
   contains a 2-byte version number and a 46-byte random value,
   encrypted using the server's RSA public key as described in Section of [TLS].  The actual premaster secret is formed by both
   parties as follows: concatenate a uint16 with the value 48, the
   2-byte version number and the 46-byte random value, a uint16
   containing the length of the PSK (in octets), and the PSK itself.
   (The premaster secret is thus 52 octets longer than the PSK.)

   This corresponds to the general structure for the premaster secrets
   (see Note 1 in Section 2) in this document, with "other_secret"
   containing both the 2-byte version number and the 46-byte random

   Neither the normal RSA ciphersuites nor these RSA_PSK ciphersuites
   themselves specify what the certificates contain (in addition to the
   RSA public key), or how the certificates are to be validated.  In
   particular, it is possible to use the RSA_PSK ciphersuites with
   unvalidated self-signed certificates to provide somewhat similar
   protection against dictionary attacks, as the DHE_PSK ciphersuites
   define in Section 3.

12.5 Conformance Requirements
12.5.1 PSK Identity Encoding

12.5.2 Identity Hint


12.5.3 Requirements for TLS Implementations


12.5.4 Requirements for Management Interfaces


12.6 Security Considerations
12.6.1 Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)

12.6.2 Brute-Force and Dictionary Attacks

12.6.3 Identity Privacy

12.6.4 Implementation Notes


openssl 代码分析






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