Advanced Windows Debugging - Stack Corruption

Reference: Advanced Windows Debugging by MARIO HEWARDT, DANIEL PRAVAT


If you guys have done a lot of unmanaged programming using C/C++, you should’ve suffered a lot from memory corruption. As indicated in the above referenced book written by MSFT technical fellows, a memory corruption is one of the most intractable forms of programming error for two reasons. First, the source of the corruption and the manifestation might be far apart, making it difficult to correlate cause and effect. Second, symptoms appear under unusual conditions, making it hard to consistently reproduce the error.

Fundamentally, memory corruption occurs when one or both of the following are true.

1. The executing thread writes to a block of memory that it does not own.

2. The executing thread writes to a block of memory that it does own, but corrupts the state of that memory block.


Today, I am going to show you a demonstration of troubleshooting the 1st scenario with a sample. I am not going through every details just want to share my thinking of this problem.


Suppose that we have written an application which will do some stuff like making SQL connections and it unfortunately crashed intermittently. We don’t have the source code on hands and are just able to get the following call stack from the crash dump captured using adplus:


0:000> kv

ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child             

WARNING: Frame IP not in any known module. Following frames may be wrong.

0012ff80 6e6f4374 7463656e 536e6f69 6e697274 0x6e616369

0012ffc0 77e6f23b 00000000 00000000 7ffd4000 0x6e6f4374

0012fff0 00000000 0040130b 00000000 78746341 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x23 (FPO: [Non-Fpo]) (CONV: stdcall) [d:/nt/base/win32/client/support.c @ 838]


0:000> r

eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=781425fb edx=00250000 esi=00000001 edi=00403380

eip=6e616369 esp=0012ff84 ebp=0012ffc0 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc

cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010202

6e616369 ??               ???


We don’t know what’s happened and what we notice is the EIP seems to be incorrect. What shall we do? At this time, we happened to find the symbol file for this application during last release and the crash seems to be somewhere in “SOC__!HelperFunction”. The next thing we can figure out is using WinDBG to attach to the process and doing live debugging and set break point on this HelperFunction and see if we can find any clues. We set the break point using bp and bl shows it succeeded.


0:000> bp SOC__!HelperFunction

0:000> bl

 1 e 00401052     0001 (0001)  0:**** SOC__!HelperFunction+0x12


We can use uf to check the assembly code as we don’t have source code on hands.


0:000> uf SOC__!HelperFunction

SOC__!HelperFunction [z:/work/books/iisdebug/training/proj/soc++/soc++/soc++.cpp @ 26]:

   26 00401040 83ec24           sub     esp,0x24

   26 00401043 a100304000       mov     eax,[SOC__!__security_cookie (00403000)]

   26 00401048 33c4             xor     eax,esp

   26 0040104a 89442420         mov     [esp+0x20],eax

   26 0040104e 8b442428         mov     eax,[esp+0x28]

   29 00401052 8d1424           lea     edx,[esp]

   29 00401055 2bd0             sub     edx,eax


SOC__!HelperFunction+0x17 [z:/work/books/iisdebug/training/proj/soc++/soc++/soc++.cpp @ 29]:

   29 00401057 8a08             mov     cl,[eax]

   29 00401059 880c02           mov     [edx+eax],cl

   29 0040105c 83c001           add     eax,0x1

   29 0040105f 84c9             test    cl,cl

   29 00401061 75f4             jnz     SOC__!HelperFunction+0x17 (00401057)


SOC__!HelperFunction+0x23 [z:/work/books/iisdebug/training/proj/soc++/soc++/soc++.cpp @ 35]:

   35 00401063 8d0424           lea     eax,[esp]

   35 00401066 50               push    eax

   35 00401067 684c214000       push    0x40214c

   35 0040106c ff15a0204000     call    dword ptr [SOC__!_imp__printf (004020a0)]

   36 00401072 8b4c2428         mov     ecx,[esp+0x28]

   36 00401076 83c408           add     esp,0x8

   36 00401079 33cc             xor     ecx,esp

   36 0040107b e804000000       call    SOC__!__security_check_cookie (00401084)

   36 00401080 83c424           add     esp,0x24

   36 00401083 c3               ret


After checking the assembly code carefully, we got to see it seems to be in a loop moving [eax] to [edx+eax]. And next once the bp is hit, we can go step by step and use dds to dump the stack:


0:000> g

Breakpoint 1 hit

eax=003a2831 ebx=00000000 ecx=781c37e4 edx=00000000 esi=003a27e8 edi=0040337c

eip=00401052 esp=0012ff50 ebp=0012ffc0 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc

cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000202


00401052 8d1424           lea     edx,[esp]         ss:0023:0012ff50=00000003


0012ff30  0012ffb0

0012ff34  78138cd9 MSVCR80!_except_handler4

0012ff38  5cef4f46

0012ff3c  fffffffe

0012ff40  781425fb MSVCR80!printf+0x9b [f:/sp/vctools/crt_bld/self_x86/crt/src/printf.c @ 73]

0012ff44  00401072 SOC__!HelperFunction+0x32 [z:/work/books/iisdebug/training/proj/soc++/soc++/soc++.cpp @ 36]

0012ff48  0040214c SOC__!`string'

0012ff4c  0012ff50

0012ff50  73696854

0012ff54  794d7349

0012ff58  79726556

0012ff5c  72747845

0012ff60  6c656d65

0012ff64  70755379

0012ff68  614d7265

0012ff6c  66696e67

0012ff70  6e616369

0012ff74  6e6f4374

0012ff78  7463656e

0012ff7c  536e6f69

0012ff80  6e697274

0012ff84  726f4667

0012ff88  6144794d

0012ff8c  6f536174

0012ff90  65637275

0012ff94  00000000

0012ff98  00000000

0012ff9c  7ffdf000

0012ffa0  00000000

0012ffa4  00000000


We seem to be able to see a well-informed string 6e616369 which is exactly the value of EIP. Well, let go ahead and check further on what is stored starting from ESP.


0:000> dc 0012ff50 

0012ff50  73696854 794d7349 79726556 72747845  ThisIsMyVeryExtr

0012ff60  6c656d65 70755379 614d7265 66696e67  emelySuperMagnif

0012ff70  6e616369 6e6f4374 7463656e 536e6f69  icantConnectionS

0012ff80  6e697274 726f4667 6144794d 6f536174  tringForMyDataSo

0012ff90  65637275 00000000 00000000 7ffdf000  urce............

0012ffa0  00000000 00000000 0012ff90 74fd542c  ............,T.t

0012ffb0  0012ffe0 00401741 24223a8a 00000000  ....A.@..:"$....

0012ffc0  0012fff0 77e6f23b 00000000 00000000  ....;..w........


Here we go! It shows “ican” overwrites the return address of HelperFunction in the stack and in turn make the EIP incorrect! It’s a very normal cause of incorrect EIP, especially when you have some sort of string copy operations.


However, if we have the source code, we can get to know what has happened more clearly.


Code example:

#define MAX_CONN_LEN 30


void HelperFunction(char* pszConnectionString);


int main(int argc, char* argv[])




                if (argc==2)



                                printf ("Connection to %s established/n",argv[1]);




                                printf ("Please specify connection string on the command line/n");


                return 0;



void HelperFunction(char* pszConnectionString)


                char pszCopy[MAX_CONN_LEN];


                strcpy(pszCopy, pszConnectionString);


                // ...

                // Establish connection

                // ...


                printf ("****%s****", pszCopy);



It’s a little sample which demonstrates the basic debugging tips of troubleshooting a stack corruption. It’s simple but really helpful in some cases. Hopefully, this will bring to you guys some ideas when you face any similar issue. J





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