第十六天(Theming Sencha Touch)


Theming Sencha Touch



Sencha Touch theming works the same as in ExtJS. For more information, see the ExtJS Theming Guide.

st中的主题语ExtJS 的一样。更多信息请查看ExtJS Theming向导篇。

Touch 2.2 introduced these new features and changes:


Platforms   平台

Sencha Touch 2.2 introduces the capability of defining platforms, which gives you the ability to load specific resources in your application based on the platform on which your app runs.


In the following example from an application's app.json file, the application loads the sencha-touch.css file when the app runs on Chrome, Safari, iOS, Android, or Firefox:


"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
        "platform": ["chrome", "safari", "ios", "android", "firefox"]

You can specify multiple platforms and use it to load JS resources. In this example, the vendorfiles.js resource loads when the platform is Chrome, Safari, or iOS:


"js": [
        "path": "vendorfiles.js",
        "platform": ["chrome", "safari", "ios"]

Each loads only if the platform of the device running the app matches a platform you specify for the resource.


You can test this functionality by using the platform parameter in a URL:



You can also detect which platform the device is running on from within your application by using platformConfig.


The list of available platforms are:


  • android
  • blackberry
  • chrome
  • desktop
  • firefox
  • ie10
  • ios
  • phone
  • safari
  • tablet

Themes  主题

Themes are a set of CSS styles you can set to change an application's appearance for a device or platform. You can reference the styles as resources in your app.json file for your application.


Sencha Touch provides a base theme that you can customize, a Sencha Touch theme, an IE10 theme for Windows Phone and Surface, and a BlackBerry 10 theme. To code a theme, use Compass and Sass, which are provided when you install Sencha Cmd.

st提供了一个基础的主题让你能够定制。一个st主题、针对Windows Phone和Surface的IE10主题、Blackberry10的主题。使用安装sencha cmd时提供的Compass和Sass来编写主题。

In this example, the Apple theme loads only when the platform is iOS. When the iOS platform loads, your app knows that the current theme is Apple:


"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
        "platform": ["ios"],
        "Theme": "Apple"

Within your application, you can access a theme name by using Ext.theme.name.


If you do not define a theme, the theme name is Default.


You can test themes by using the theme parameter in the URL when running your app:



Important The framework uses the Windows and Blackberry themes to change the functionality of the framework if that theme is in use. If you want to replicate that functionality, and you intend to use either the Windows or Blackberry themes, you should also use those names.


platformConfig  平台配置

The platformConfig feature lets you define config values based on the current platform, or theme, on which your application is running.


This example defines a new class Example.view.Login that uses a simple login form. The value for the FieldSet title is specfied as Login, however by using platformConfig, you can set the value of the title based on the platform - in this case, ie10.

下面的例子定义了一个使用简单的login form作为视图的新类:Example.view.Login。FieldSet的title被指定为Login,然而通过platformConfig,你可以依据平台来设置title值——本例中是ie10.

    Ext.define('Example.view.Login', {
            extend: 'Ext.panel.FieldSet',

            config: {
                    title: 'Login'

            platformConfig: [{
                    platform: 'ie10',
                    title: 'Microsoft Login'

A more complex example could display your view differently or change the items in your view based on the platform you are running.


The config system in Sencha Touch is incredibly powerful. It allows you to develop applications with lots of functionality, very quickly. For more information about the config system, read the Class System guide.

st中的config系统是极为强大的。它允许你快速的开发很多功能。查阅Class System 获取关于config系统的更多信息。

Base Theme  基础主题

The base theme is the required styling to lay out components of Sencha Touch. There are no colors or custom styling like gradients and margins and padding. It is simply the starting point of actual themes.


In previous Touch versions, if you wanted to create highly customized themes, you had to override a lot of the styling of the Default theme by using lots of hacks like !important.


Developing themes for Sencha Touch was made simple with the use of Sass, Compass and their features. This lets you dynamically change colors and measurements using variables, and create new UIs by using mixins. This rapidly speeds up development of custom themes based on the default Sencha Touch theme.


Advantages of the new base theme:


  • No layouts for Sencha Touch components. These are already handled for you in the base. All you have to do is style a component for how you want it.  不需要为st组件指定布局。这些已经在基础主题里面替你处理了。你所需要做的是根据你的需要定义组件的样式。
  • No overriding default styles, because there are none. The base theme only lays out components, which means it is actually usable. You need to build on the base theme to style it, but there is no longer any need to use hacks to remove the existing styling. Which in turn, reduces the file style of your CSS because you no longer have all that default styling.  不需要重写默认的样式,因为没有。基础主题只控制组件的布局,意味着它确实可用。你需要基于基础主题定制它的样式,但是不需要任何代码去移除已经存在的样式。相应的,减小了css文件的体积,因为你没有默认的样式。
  • Faster CSS compiles. Along with reduced size, themes provide faster compile times. Sencha Touch uses Compass to compile stylesheets from Sass to CSS. In older Sencha Touch versions, Compass could take multiple seconds to compile because it had to compile the default theme along with all your custom styling. Now that the base is separate, you only have to compile your custom styling - which means compiling themes has dropped to fractions of seconds. This makes writing stylesheets much quicker.   更快的css编译速度。随着css文件体积的减小,主题提供了更快的编译速度。st使用Comapss将样式从Sass编译为css。在老的st版本中,Compass需要花几秒编译,因为它需要将默认的主题与你自定义的样式一起编译。现在,基础主题被分开了,你只需要编译自定义的样式——这使编译的时间大大缩短。这使编写样式更快了。

Upgrading Themes From Sencha Touch 2.1 to 2.2


There are a lot of changes from Sencha Touch 2.1 to 2.2, but the upgrade path is rather simple.


The most important change to be aware of is the move away from using mixins for each component. We found that using mixins for each component was quite slow when compiling your Sass, so we decided to simply move to using @import to just include each component.


In Touch 2.1, your stylesheet looked like this:


@import 'sencha-touch/default/all';

@include sencha-panel;
@include sencha-buttons;
// and other components…

In Touch 2.2, it looks like this:


@import 'sencha-touch/default';

@import 'sencha-touch/default/Panel';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/Button';
// and other components

Instead of using @include to include a component mixin, use @import to import the component.


To include all default components in Sencha Touch 2.2, use:


@import 'sencha-touch/default';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/all';

The same goes for when you are using other themes.


Windows:      Windows主题:

@import 'sencha-touch/windows';
@import 'sencha-touch/windows/all';

BlackBerry:   BlackBerry主题:

@import 'sencha-touch/bb10';
@import 'sencha-touch/bb10/all';

To include only the base theme:


@import 'sencha-touch/base';
@import 'sencha-touch/base/all';

The base theme does not have styling like the Default, Windows, and BlackBerry themes.


List Component Change   列表组件的改变

The List component has been optimized to ensure performance is best in every scenario. Lists now have these modes:


  • Normal items  正常的items项
  • Infinite    自定义项
  • Simple items  简单的items项
  • Items with different heights   有不同高度的items项

Unfortunately this means that the DOM structure of list items can change depending on the mode the list is running. Therefore if you have custom styling on lists or list items, change the selectors to match the new selectors used in 2.2.

遗憾的是,这意味着list的item项的dom结构是依据list 所依赖的mode来改变的。因此,如果你对list或list的item有自定义样式,需要将选择器改至2.2中所使用的选择器。

Using an Existing Theme   使用已经存在的主题

Using one of the default themes in your Sencha Touch 2.2 application is simple. Just include the appropriate theme stylesheet into your app.json file:


"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/wp.css",
        "update": "delta"

This example includes only the Windows theme in the wp.css file. Ensure that the path points to the correct stylesheet within the SDK folder.


If you want to load different themes depending on the platform, include them in your app.json file:


"css": [
        "path": "resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
        "platform": ["chrome", "safari", "ios", "android", "firefox"],
        "theme": "Default",
        "update": "delta"
        "path": "resources/css/wp.css",
        "platform": ["ie10"],
        "theme": "Windows",
        "update": "delta"
        "path": "resources/css/bb10.css",
        "platform": ["blackberry"],
        "theme": "Blackberry",
        "update": "delta"

In this example, the Windows theme loads on the "ie10" platform and the BlackBerry theme loads on "blackberry". All other devices uses the Default Sencha Touch theme.


Extending an Existing Theme  扩展已存在的主题

Extending one of the default themes in Sencha Touch 2.2 is also simple.


To extend a custom theme: 


  1. Open your resources/sass/app.scss stylesheet which is automatically generated when creating an application using Sencha Cmd.   使用Sencha Cmd创建项目的时候会自动在resources/sass/app.scss文件,打开该文件
  2. Include the Sencha Touch theme you want. This example uses the default theme:  引入你想要的st主题。该例中使用default主题:

     @import 'sencha-touch/default';
     @import 'sencha-touch/default/all';

    Or the Windows theme:   或者Windows主题:

     @import 'sencha-touch/windows';
     @import 'sencha-touch/windows/all';
  3. Add your custom Sass styles.    添加你的自定义Sass样式

  4. Compile and launch your application:  编译并启动应用:

     compass compile resources/sass

Creating a New Theme  创建新的主题

Creating a new theme is very similiar to extending a default theme, except that you only want to include the base theme.


To create a theme: 


  1. Open your resources/sass/app.scss stylesheet which is automatically generated when creating an application using Sencha Cmd.   打开使用Sencha Cmd创建应用时自动生成的resources/sass/app.scss样式文件
  2. Include the Sencha Touch base theme:  引入st基础主题:

     @import 'sencha-touch/base';  
     @import 'sencha-touch/base/all';

Now you can write the custom Sass required to theme your app.


Custom Theme Tips  自定义主题提示

  • Sencha Touch components always have a baseCls that matches the name of the component. Some example of this are:


    • Ext.List -> .x-list
    • Ext.field.Text -> .x-field-text
    • Ext.field.Numer -> .x-field-number
    • Ext.panel.Form -> .x-form-panel
  • If you are not familiar with the DOM structure of Sencha Touch applications, use the Web Inspector of your browser to inspect the DOM to determine what elements you need to style.   如果你对st应用的dom结构不熟,使用浏览器的Web监视器来查看dom,以决定哪些元素你需要定义样式。

  • You can also use the Web Inspector to detect what the base theme uses as selectors:  你也可以使用浏览器监视器来观察作为选择器的基础主题:

  • Navigate to a list example with just the base theme  导向到一个基础主题的列表例子

  • Select a list item and open it in the Web Inspector   选择一个列表项并在监视器中打开

  • Navigate the DOM until you see the selected class 'x-item-selected' (it may even be the select DOM element)   跟踪dom结构,直到你看到‘x-item-selected’(它可能依旧是dom元素)

  • Use the styles panel to see and copy the selector used in the base theme.  用style面板查看并复制基础主题所使用的选择器。

  • Paste the selector into your app.scss file and style as needed:   将需要的选择器样式粘贴在你的app.scss文件中

    .x-list .x-list-item.x-item-selected .x-dock-horizontal, .x-list .x-list-item.x-item-selected.x-list-item-tpl {

     color: red;


Icon Fonts    图标字体

One element of themes in Sencha Touch 2.2 is the new use of icons as fonts. Previously, scaling icons required a great deal of overhead where the application had to draw the picture for the icon and then redraw, rescale, and change it as the app appeared on different browsers and devices.


New in Touch 2.2, icons are now handled as fonts, which enables very fast scaling without the need to redraw the picture. Icons appear on buttons and tabs. 


To convert your existing icons to fonts, you can use Pictos Server, Pictonic, icomoon.io, or http://fontstruct.com/ — some of these are free or available with trial subscriptions.

为了将已经存在图标转换为字体,你可以使用Pictos Server、Pictonic、icomoon.io或者http://fonstruct.com/——其中一些事免费使用的或者有一段时间的试用期。

For more information on setting Icon fonts, see Changes to Sencha Touch 2.2 Theming Part 1: Using Iconography from Figleaf.com.

关于设置图标字体的更多信息,查看Figleaf.com上的 Changes to Sencha Touch 2.2 Theming Part 1: Using Iconography获取更多信息。

Using the Pictos Font   使用Pictos Font

The Pictos font provides a large collection of free icons. You can find a full list of characters available for the Pictos font at http://www.pictos.cc. Sencha Touch provides free access to the Pictos Font Pack.

Pictos font提供了大量的免费图标。你可以在http://www.pictos.cc上找到大量的可用Pictos font。st可以直接访问Pictos Font Pack.

When you build your application using Sencha Cmd, the font libraries are copied to your application file.

当你使用Sencha Cmd构建你的应用是,font库会被复制到你的应用文件中。

Just like Sencha Touch 1 and 2, Sencha Touch 2.2 maps icon names to actual icons so you can use them within your application:


    xtype: 'button',
    iconCls: 'home',
    title: 'Home'

For a full list of iconCls functions that are available, refer to the Ext.Button class documentation.


Alternatively, you can use the Compass icon mixin to map a specific character of the icon font to an iconCls which you can use in your app:

此外,你可以使用Compass icon对一个特定的字符与一个iconCls进行映射,你可以在你的app中使用:

@include icon('home', 'H');

Using Other Icon Fonts  使用其它Icon Fonts

The Pictos font is not the only font you can use in your application. If you know of another font or you have custom converted your icons to fonts, it is very easy to use that font with the icon mixin.

你所能使用的并不仅仅只是Pictos font。如果你知道其它font或者你有转为字体的自定义图标,用icon mixin是很容易使用该字体的。

Just like with the Pictos font, you need to specify the iconCls and character to be used for the icon. Additionally, you need to specify the name of the icon font, which needs to match the font family of the icon font you have, plus you need to make sure the font has been included in your CSS using the icon-font mixin.

与Pictos font类似,你需要为图标指定iconCls和引用字符串。此外,你需要指定图标字体的name,该name字段必须与你所有的图标字体相匹配,此外,你必须保证字体已经通过icon-font添加到了css中。

This example specifies the Home icon in the custom MyFont:


@include icon('home', 'H', 'MyFont');

The following example shows how to include the Pictos font using the icon-font mixin:

下面的例子展示了使用icon-font引入Pictos font:

@include icon-font('Pictos', inline-font-files('pictos/pictos-web.woff', woff, 'pictos/pictos-web.ttf', truetype,'pictos/pictos-web.svg', svg));

The first parameter is the name of the font face, which must match the name you use as the CSS font-family. The second parameter uses the inline-font-files Compass function to base64-encode the font file inline into the CSS file with paths to the WOFF, TTF, and SVG versions of the font files.

第一个参数时字体的名字,该名字必须与css中的字体名字一致。第二个参数使用inline-font-files Compass方法将字体文件已base64编码加入css文件,css文件分别放于是WOFF、TTF、SVG不同版本的字体文件下。

A good list of other icon fonts (some paid and some free) is available at http://css-tricks.com/flat-icons-icon-fonts/


Sencha Touch 1 and 2 used -webkit-mask to display and style fonts. Unfortuantely, although webkit-mask functionality works on most WebKit browsers, it does not work on non-WebKit browsers like Internet Explorer. Sencha Touch 2.2 fully supports IE10, so webkit-mask is no longer an option.

st 1和st2 使用-webkit-maask展示和塑造字体。然而,尽管webkit-maask在很多WebKit内核的浏览器上运行的很好,它在非WebKit内核的浏览器上如IE上并不能正常工作。st2.2支持IE10,因此webkit-mask不再需要。

Creating a custom font   自定义字体

There are many tools available online to create your own icon font. A good example of this is icomoon.


Advantages of creating your own icon font:


  • You can pick the icons you want to use in your application.   你可以挑选你想用的图标
  • Because you are choosing your own icons, you can reduce the file size of the font, which in turn reduces the size of your stylesheet.     因为是你在选择图标,那么你可以减少字体文件的体积,相应的也可以减少样式文件的体积。





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