jxl 教程

@author YHC

Java Excel API Tutorial


展示在本教程中的内容准备简要概述jxl使用读写Excel中数据,这个教程不是最详细的,如果没有在这里提及的内容,并不代表是该工具没有的功能,读者应该去查看API文档和示例代码(特别是Write.java 和ReadWrite.java)以便获得更多详细的功能和该工具的局限性.

读取 Excel 

jxl可以本地文件系统和一些输入流读取Excel . 当从文件或输入流读取Excel时首先是创建Workbook. 以下代码片段示例从本地系统文件创建一个workbook. 

import java.io.File; 
import java.util.Date; 
import jxl.*; 


Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("myfile.xls"));
(注意:当从ServletInputStream 创建Excel时你必须在创建Workbook对象之前移除HTTP头信息.) 

 当你需要访问工作簿时, 你可以使用这个去访问个别的工作簿.这些的下标都是从0开始 第一个工作簿是0, 第二个工作簿是1,等等.... (你也可以使用API通过名称去得到工作簿(Sheet)对象). 

Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
当你有一个工作簿时,你然后可以开始访问单元格.你可以检索单元格内容,当内容是String类型时你可以使用简便的放法getContents() . 在下面示例代码, A1是一个text类型单元格, B2是一个数值类型和 C2 是一个date类型的单元格. 这些单元格的内容可以如下方式访问

Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0); 
Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1); 
Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1); 

String stringa1 = a1.getContents(); 
String stringb2 = b2.getContents(); 
String stringc2 = c2.getContents(); 

// 针对字符串的操作....
  在demo示例程序中CSV.java 和 XML.java 使用简便方法 getContents() 方便输出Excel内容. 

 然而在需要在访问单元格内容时需要精确的类型时 例如. 如同一个数值(numerical)或者一个日期值(date), 然后检索单元格必须转换为正确的类型和和调用适当的方法.以下示例代码片段jxl从一个Excel中检索一个真是的java double类型的数据和java.util.Date对象. 出于完备性Label也可以转换为其正确的类型 ,虽然在实践中没有什么不同. 这个示例也阐明如何验证单元格(cell)是你期待的类型,这个在你验证Excel中的单元格(cell)是否在正确的位置时非常实用, . 

String stringa1 = null; 
double numberb2 = 0; 
Date datec2 = null; 

Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0); 
Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1,1); 
Cell c2 = sheet.getCell(2,1); 

if (a1.getType() == CellType.LABEL) 

  LabelCell lc = (LabelCell) a1; 
  stringa1 = lc.getString(); 

if (b2.getType() == CellType.NUMBER) 

  NumberCell nc = (NumberCell) b2; 
  numberb2 = nc.getValue(); 

if (c2.getType() == CellType.DATE) 

  DateCell dc = (DateCell) c2; 
  datec2 = dc.getDate(); 

// 对日期数据和double类型数据操作 ....
  当你完成处理所有单元格时,使用close()方法.释放任何分配使用内存 ,当读取Excel时特别重要,尤其是读取较大Excel

// 最后 - 关闭workbook和释放内存




这段描述如何写出简单的电子表格数据 没有任何的格式化信息,比如 字体(Font) 或者 小数位. 

类似于读取Excel,首先使用工厂方法在Workbook类创建一个 writable workbook . 

import java.io.File; 
import java.util.Date; 
import jxl.*; 
import jxl.write.*; 


WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("output.xls"));
这将创建workbook对象.生成的文件将位于当前工作空间文件夹和名称为"output.xls".API也能使用直接发送workbook到一个输出流 例如.从一个web服务器到用户浏览器.如果HTTP头信息设置是正确的,然后这个将执行Excel和显示生成的Excel

接下来就是为workbook创建sheet. 重申一下, 这是一个工厂方法, 需要传入sheet名称和位置然后将占据在工作薄中.以下代码片段创建一个sheet 名称为"First Sheet" 在第一个. 

WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("First Sheet", 0);
现在剩余的就是添加单元格到工作表中了. 这个简单的示例添加单元格到sheet.以下代码片段放置一个label到单元格 A3, 和数字 3.14159 到单元格 D5. 

Label label = new Label(0, 2, "A label record"); 

Number number = new Number(3, 4, 3.1459); 

这里有许多地方需要注意. 首先, 在sheet中的单元格位置需要指定作为构造函数的一部分. 一旦创建, 不能改变单元格的位置, 虽然单元格的内容可以更改. 

另外一个需要注意的地方,单元格的位置指定为(列,行),他们的下标是从0开始的整数- A1 通过 (0,0)代表, B1 通过 (1,0), A2 通过 (0,1) 和..... 

一旦你完成添加sheet和单元格到workbook中,你要调用write()方法在workbook,然后关闭文件. 最后步骤生成输出文件(output.xls ) 可以通过读取Excel. 如果你调用close()方法而没有在其之前调用write(),一个完整的空文件将生成. 



在之前的示例介绍中基本的使用API生成Excel电子表格的使用. 然而, 依照标准的Excel将呈现数据为默认的字体,和显示数字保留3位小数. 为了提供格式化信息到Excel,我们必须使用重载的构造方法,需要提供一个额外的对象包含单元格格式化信息 (字体 和样式). 

以下示例代码片段 创建一个 label cell 给定一个arial 10 像素 字体样式.

// 创建cell格式字体为 Arial 10 像素字体
WritableFont arial10font = new WritableFont(WritableFont.ARIAL, 10); 
WritableCellFormat arial10format = new WritableCellFormat (arial10font); 

// 创建 label, 指定内容和格式
Label label2 = new Label(1,0, "Arial 10 point label", arial10format); 
     单元格样式是可以共享的,以便多个单元格使用相同的格式化对象 例如. 

Label label3 = new Label(2, 0, "Another Arial 10 point label", arial10format); 

因为单元格样式对象是共享的, 不能改变单元格格式化对象内容. (如果这是允许的, 然后改变对象内容可能会有不可预见的后果在其余的工作簿). 以便于改变一个特定的单元格的显示方式,API允许你分配一个新的样式到一个单元格上. 

WritableFont对象的构造方法有很多重载,通过示例, 以下代码片段创建一个 label 里面字体为TIMES 字号是16, 加粗和分配其位置为 D1.
//创建一个单元格 字体为TIMES 字号是16 加粗
WritableFont times16font = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 16, WritableFont.BOLD, true); 
WritableCellFormat times16format = new WritableCellFormat (times16font); 

// 创建 label, 指定内容和格式 specifying content and format 
Label label4 = new Label(3,0, "Times 16 bold italic label", times16format); 




多种预先定义的数字格式化都是静态的. 这些可用于格式化数字信息,如下:

WritableCellFormat integerFormat = new WritableCellFormat (NumberFormats.INTEGER); 
Number number2 = new Number(0, 4, 3.141519, integerFormat); 

WritableCellFormat floatFormat = new WritableCellFormat (NumberFormats.FLOAT); 
Number number3 = new Number(1, 4, 3.141519, floatFormat); 


可以允许用户定义自己的数字格式化类型, 通过传入一个格式化数字的字符串. 这个传入的string应该是同样的格式因为他是通过使用java.text.DecimalFormat类实现. 格式化一个数字显示5个小数点在A5中,以下代码片段可以使用 :
NumberFormat fivedps = new NumberFormat("#.#####"); 
WritableCellFormat fivedpsFormat = new WritableCellFormat(fivedps); 
Number number4 = new Number(2, 4, 3.141519, fivedpsFormat); 


当然,也可以定义字体信息 例如:我们可以写我们之前定义的字体 显示相同的值 字号为16 的粗体 .

WritableCellFormat fivedpsFontFormat = new WritableCellFormat (times16font, fivedps); 
Number number5 = new Number(3, 4, 3.141519, fivedpsFontFormat); 


日期的处理和数字是一样的, 提供一个格式字符串兼容于java.text.SimpleDateFormat 类. 此外,一些预定义的日期格式都定义在 jxl.write.DateFormat类中


// 从Calendar对象得到当前日期和时间 
Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); 
DateFormat customDateFormat = new DateFormat ("dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss"); 
WritableCellFormat dateFormat = new WritableCellFormat (customDateFormat); 
DateTime dateCell = new DateTime(0, 6, now, dateFormat); 

对于更对的写出Excel示例,请见示例程序Write.java,此外以上描述的函数功能,这个示例测试出不同类型的单元格,格式化信息和字体设置选项,以及显示单元格不同的背景和前景,底纹和边框 .




import java.io.File; 
import java.util.Date; 
import jxl.*; 
import jxl.write.*; 


Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("myfile.xls"));
这里创建了一个可读的Excel. 获得这个Excel可写的版本, 必须使用复制, 如下:
WritableWorkbook copy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("output.xls"), workbook);

API函数这种方式是出于读取的效率(由于这里主要是使用的API).为了改善性能, 涉及数据输出,当Excel是可读时,输出信息是没有解释的(例如  所有格式化信息,比如字体),当审查原始数据是这是没有必要的.然而,如果我们需要修改这个Excel那么一个处理各种写出的接口是必要的,这可使用以上的复制方法获得.这个复制的信息已经读取,以及执行额外的处理解释字段,这都需要编写Excel. 这个优化的读取策略的缺点是我们需要持有两个Excel在内存,而不是一个.这样我们需要加倍的内存,对于复制和修改很大Excel的情况,将会消耗很多内存. 

WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet(1); 
WritableCell cell = sheet2.getWritableCell(1, 2); 

if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL) 

  Label l = (Label) cell; 
  l.setString("modified cell"); 

这里不需要调用sheet的add()方法, 因为单元格已经出现在sheet上,数字内容和日期内容的单元格可以使用相同的方法修改,通过使用对应的setValue()方法 和setDate() 方法.

虽然单元格的格式是不可变的,可以通过分配一个不同的格式化对象给单元格可是单元格内容呈现不同样式. 以下示例代码片段改变格式化数字单元格(位置是C5)所以他的内容将显示为5个小数点.
WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet(1); 
WritableCell cell = sheet2.getWritableCell(2, 4); 

NumberFormat fivedps = new NumberFormat("#.#####"); 
WritableCellFormat cellFormat = new WritableCellFormat(fivedps); 
因为复制的Excel是一个普通的可写的Excel,新的单元格可以添加到Sheet(工作表) 如下:
Label label = new Label(0, 2, "New label record"); 

Number number = new Number(3, 4, 3.1459); 
像之前一样, 一旦修改完成,workbook对象必须写出和关闭.
示例程序包含在源文件ReadWrite.java中,可以学习到更多详细示例,如何对Excel进行修改.这个示例程序复制Excel通过传入命令,如果是示例Excel(jxlrwtest.xls)被复制 ,位于当前文件夹,然后进行某些修改.不要修改示例Excel ,否则示例程序将不能工作.


jxl提供大量的示例和测试程序包含在jxl.demo.包 .这些可以从命令行进行访问 ,如下

java -jar jxl.jar -csv spreadsheet.xls
java -jar jxl.jar -xml spreadsheet.xls


      java -jar jxl.jar -xml -format spreadsheet.xls

同上 ,但是引入了格式化信息(字体,数字格式化 等等...) 到生成的xml中.
java -jar jxl.jar -formulas spreadsheet.xls
java -jar jxl.jar -write test.xls
java -jar jxl.jar -rw in.xls out.xls

读取 in.xls, 复制in.xls和生成一个文件名叫out.xls. 如果传入的Excel是一个特殊的示例Excel名叫jxlrwtest.xls ,然后这个示例将改变特殊的单元格到复制的EXCEL out.xls中.


Frequently Asked Questions

java.lang.OutOfMemory Exception

By default a JVM places an upper limit on the amount of memory available to the current process in order to prevent runaway processes gobbling system resources and making the machine grind to a halt. When reading or writing large spreadsheets, the JVM may require more memory than has been allocated to the JVM by default - this normally manifests itself as a java.lang.OutOfMemory exception. 

For command line processes, you can allocate more memory to the JVM using the -Xms and -Xmx options eg. to allocate an initial heap allocation of 10 mB, with 100 mB as the upper bound you can use

java -Xms10m -Xmx100m -classpath jxl.jar spreadsheet.xls
In order to allocate more memory in this manner to servlets/JSPs, consult the help documentation for the Web Application Server.


The distribution of JExcelApi comes with a build.xml file. This may be used by the build tool, ant, in order to build the software. If ant is not already installed on your machine, it may obtained here

To build API using ant simply change to the subdirectory called build, from the command line, type

This will detect any source files which have recent changes, compile them and create the jar file in the parent directory. 

The build.xml specifies a number of targets. To totally rebuild the whole application, including the javadoc documentation, then obtain a command line prompt within the build directory and type
ant jxlall
As an alternative to using ant, JExcelApi may be built using the standard java tools. From the command line in the build subdirectory issue the following sequence of commands (modifying file separators and classpath separators as required for the target operating system):
javac -d out -classpath out:../src ../src/jxl/demo/*.java 
jar cmf jxl.mf ../jxl.jar -C out common jxl

Uploading spreadsheets via the browser

Below is some indicative code which may be used for uploading spreadsheets from a client browser to servlet. 

In the HTML page which is displayed to the user requesting the upload, declare a form of multipart form data:

<form action="/test/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <input size="70" type="file" name="spreadsheet" />
  <br /><br /><br />
  <input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
The servlet which processes this code should access the input stream directly. Because of the encoding method, it is not possible to use the request.getParameter() methods. 

Accessing the input stream directly means that the HTTP information is present. The first thing to do is strip off this redundant information before passing the input stream directly to the API, thus:
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException, ServletException
     ServletInputStream is = request.getInputStream();
     byte[] junk = new byte[1024];
     int bytesRead = 0;

     // the first four lines are request junk
     bytesRead = is.readLine(junk, 0, junk.length);
     bytesRead = is.readLine(junk, 0, junk.length);
     bytesRead = is.readLine(junk, 0, junk.length);
     bytesRead = is.readLine(junk, 0, junk.length);

     Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(is);

     // Do stuff with the workbook
   catch (JXLException e)

Support for charts, macros and images

JExcelApi has limited support for charts: when copying a spreadsheet containing a chart, the chart is written out to the generated spreadsheet (as long as the sheet containing the chart contains other data as well as the chart).

All macro and information is ignored. Consequently when copying and writing out the macros that were in the original will not be present in the generated version.

All image information is preserved when copying spreadsheets. When adding an image to a spreadsheet only images in PNG format are supported

Date display

When displaying dates, the java.util package automatically adjusts for the local timezone. This can cause problems when displaying dates within an application, as the dates look as if they are exactly one day previous to that which is stored in the Excel spreadsheet, although this is not in fact the case.

Excel stores dates as a numerical value, and the conversion process for transforming this into a java.util.Date consists of converting the Excel number into a UTC value and then using the UTC number to create the java Date. Say the number in Excel represents 20 August 2003, then the UTC equivalent of this number is used to create a java.util.Date object.

The problem occurs if you are operating in a timezone other than GMT. As soon as you try and perform any user IO on that java Date object (eg. System.out.print(date)) the JVM will perform timezone adjustment calculations. If you are located in EST zone (which is GMT - 5 hours) java will subtract 5 hours from the date - so the Date object instead of being 00:00 20/08/2003 becomes 19:00 19/08/2003. Because java recognizes you only want a date and not a date time, it truncates the hours/minutes/seconds and presents 19/08/2003 - so it appears that the day is one day less than was stored in Excel, whereas it is really only a few hours (the timezone offset) less. Needless to say, this is a very annoying feature.

The easiest way to work around this (and the method used internally by the getContents() method of a jxl.DateCell) is to force the timezone of the date format as follows:

TimeZone gmtZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");

DateCell dateCell = .... 
String dateString = format.format(dateCell.getDate());

Cell Formats Across Multiple Workbooks

Sometimes a single process may generate multiple workbooks. When doing this is it tempting to create the various cell formats once (eg. as member data or as static constants) and apply them to cells in both workbooks. This works fine for the first workbook, but for subsequent workbooks this can cause unexpected cell formatting. The reason for this is that when a format is first added to a workbook, JExcelApi assigns an internal cross-reference number to that cell, and all other cells which share this format simply store the cross reference number. However, when you add the same cell format to a different workbook, JExcelApi recognizes that the format has been added to a workbook, and simply refers to the format by the index number, rather than by initializing it properly. When Excel then tries to read this workbook, it sees an index number, but is unable to read the cell format (or reads a different one) as the cell can be formatted in an unpredictable manner.

The long and the short of it is that if it is necessary to re-use formats across multiple workbooks, then the WritableCellFormat objects must be re-created and initialised along with the each Workbook instance, and NOT re-used from a previous workbook.

Cross Sheet Formulas

JExcelApi supports formulas across sheets. However, please make sure all the sheets have been added to the workbook (even if they are blank) before attempting to create cross sheet formulas. This is because if you create a cross sheet formula referencing a sheet and then subsequently and or remove sheets from the workbook, the sheet reference in the formula when it was parsed won't necessarily reference the correct sheet, and could even cause Excel to crash

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