NS2:tcl 脚本运行时的流程,调用的类和函数

一般的方法都是在 C++ 中定义的 , OTcl 一般通过 unknown{}, cmd{}, 调用 C++  comand{}, 然后在调用到 C++ 的方法而直接在 Otcl 中定义方法的情况比较少见 , 但也不是没有。

 tcl 脚本运行时的流程:

set val(proc) Propagation/TwoRayGround

set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy

set val(mac) Mac/802_11

set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue

set val(ll) LL

set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna

set val(ifqlen) 50

set val(rp) DSDV

1、set ns_ [new Simulator]



#  Class Simulator 方法 Simulator instproc init args

#没有找到解释层次的Simulator,只在ns-lib.tcl(Aqua-Sim-1.0\ns-2.30\tcl\lib)Line128看到”#Class Simulator”

##Class Simulator


#Simulator instproc init args {}



# class Simulator,class SimulatorClass方法Simulator()

#class Simulator : public TclObject {}

#static class SimulatorClass : public TclClass {


#       SimulatorClass() : TclClass("Simulator") {}

#       TclObject* create(int argc, const char*const* argv) {

#                return (new Simulator);

#       }


#} simulator_class;


#      Simulator() : nodelist_(NULL), rtobject_(NULL), nn_(0), /

#       size_(0) {}


2、set topo [new Topography]




#class Topography,class TopographyClass方法Topography()

#class Topography : public TclObject {}


#static class TopographyClass : public TclClass {


#        TopographyClass() : TclClass("Topography") {}

#        TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

#                return (new Topography);

#        }

#} class_topography;

# Topography() { maxX = maxY = grid_resolution = 0.0; grid = 0; }

3、$topo load_flatgrid 700 700     


# topography.cc



#Topography::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       …

#       else if(argc == 4) {

#                if(strcmp(argv[1], "load_flatgrid") == 0) {

#                          if(load_flatgrid(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3])))

#                                   return TCL_ERROR;

#                          return TCL_OK;

#                }

#       }

#       else if(argc == 5) {

#                if(strcmp(argv[1], "load_flatgrid") == 0) {

#                          if(load_flatgrid(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4])))

#                                   return TCL_ERROR;

#                          return TCL_OK;

#                }

#       }

#       return TclObject::command(argc, argv);




#方法load_flatgrid ()


#Topography::load_flatgrid(int x, int y, int res)


#       /* No Reason to malloc a grid */


#       grid_resolution = res;      // default is 1 meter

#       maxX = (double) x;

#       maxY = (double) y;


#       return 0;


4、set f [open 2-2.tr w]




#Simulator instproc trace-all file {

#       $self instvar traceAllFile_

#       set traceAllFile_ $file



5、$ns_ trace-all $f




#Simulator instproc eventtrace-all {{file ""}} {

#       $self instvar eventTraceAll_ eventtraceAllFile_ traceAllFile_

#       set eventTraceAll_ 1

#       if {$file != ""} {

#                set eventtraceAllFile_ $file

#       } else {

#                set eventtraceAllFile_ $traceAllFile_

#       }




6、$ns_ eventtrace-all

    set nf [open 2-2.nam w]

    $ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $nf




#Simulator instproc namtrace-all-wireless {file optx opty} {

#        $self instvar namtraceAllFile_


#       # indicate that we need a W event written to the trace

#       $self set namNeedsW_ 1

#       if { $optx != "" && $opty != "" } {

#                $self set namWx_ $optx

#                $self set namWy_ $opty

#       }


#       $self namtrace-all $file


#Simulator instproc namtrace-all file   {

#       $self instvar namtraceAllFile_

#       if {$file != ""} {

#                set namtraceAllFile_ $file

#       } else {

#                unset namtraceAllFile_

#       }



7、create-god 2



#类Class God方法create-god{}

##Class God

#proc create-god { nodes } {

#       #global ns_ god_ tracefd

#       set god [God info instances]

#       if { $god == "" } {

#                set god [new God]

#       }

#       $god num_nodes $nodes

#       return $god




#class God,class GodClass

#数值2通过com.tcl中的num_nodes传给god.cc中的int num_nodes

# class God : public BiConnector {}

# static class GodClass : public TclClass {


#        GodClass() : TclClass("God") {}

#        TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

#                return (new God);

#        }

#} class_God;

8、    $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp)/

         -llType $val(ll)/

         -macType $val(mac)/

         -ifqType $val(ifq)/

         -ifqLen $val(ifqlen)/

         -antType $val(ant)/

         -propType $val(prop)/

         -phyType $val(netif)/

         -channelType Channel/WirelessChannel/

         -topoInstance $topo/

         -agentTrace ON/

         -routerTrace OFF/

         -macTrace ON/

         -movementTrace OFF




#Simulator instproc node-config args {

#                …

#        set args [eval $self init-vars $args]

#                ...



9、set node_(0) [$ns_ node]

     set node_(1) [$ns_ node]


#ns-lib.tcl; ns-mobilenode.tcl

#方法node; create-wireless-node; create-node-instance Node/MobileNode方法init

# Simulator instproc node args {

#       …     

#       # wireless-ready node

#       if { [info exists routingAgent_] && ($routingAgent_ != "") } {

#                set node [eval $self create-wireless-node $args]

#                …

#                return $node

#       }

#       …     


# Simulator instproc create-wireless-node args{

#       …

#       set node [eval $self create-node-instance $args]

#       …



# Simulator instproc create-node-instance args {

#       …

#       else {

#                set nodeclass Node/MobileNode

#       }

#       return [eval new $nodeclass $args]


#Node/MobileNode instproc init args {

#       …

#       eval $self next $args

#       …




#class MobileNode,class MobileNodeClass方法MobileNode(void)

# class MobileNode : public Node {}


# static class MobileNodeClass : public TclClass {


#        MobileNodeClass() : TclClass("Node/MobileNode") {}

#        TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

#                return (new MobileNode);

#        }

#} class_mobilenode;

# MobileNode::MobileNode(void) : pos_handle_(this){}

10、$node_(0) label "Node 0"

$node_(0) set X_ 10.0

$node_(0) set Y_ 10.0

$node_(0) set Z_ 0.0


$node_(1) label "Node 1"

$node_(1) set X_ 600.0

$node_(1) set Y_ 600.0

$node_(1) set Z_ 0.0






#Node::label(const char* name, int anchor) {

#       delete []label_;

#       label_ = new char[strlen(name) + 1];

#       strcpy(label_, name);

#       anchor_ = anchor;


11、set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]



#class UdpAgent,class UdpAgentClass方法UdpAgent(){}

# class UdpAgent : public Agent {}

#static class UdpAgentClass : public TclClass {


#       UdpAgentClass() : TclClass("Agent/UDP") {}

#       TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

#                return (new UdpAgent());

#       }

#} class_udp_agent;

#UdpAgent::UdpAgent() : Agent(PT_UDP), seqno_(-1)


#       bind("packetSize_", &size_);


12、set null1 [new Agent/Null]



#Class Agent/Null,方法Agent/Null instproc init args{}

# Class Agent/Null -superclass Agent

#Agent/Null instproc init args {

#    eval $self next $args



13、$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $udp1

       $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null1



#ns-lib.tcl, ns-node.tcl


# Simulator instproc attach-agent { node agent } {

#       $node attach $agent

#       …


#Node instproc attach { agent { port "" } } {

#       …

#       $self add-target $agent $port


# Node instproc add-target { agent port } {}

14、$ns_ connect $udp1 $null1 




#Simulator instproc connect {src dst} {

#       …

#       $self simplex-connect $src $dst

#       $self simplex-connect $dst $src

#       …


#Simulator instproc simplex-connect { src dst } {

#       …

#       return $src




15、set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]




#class CBR_Traffic,class CBRTrafficClass,方法CBR_Traffic()

# class CBR_Traffic : public TrafficGenerator {}


#static class CBRTrafficClass : public TclClass {

# public:

#       CBRTrafficClass() : TclClass("Application/Traffic/CBR") {}

#       TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {

#                return (new CBR_Traffic());

#       }

#} class_cbr_traffic;

#CBR_Traffic::CBR_Traffic() : seqno_(0)


#       bind_bw("rate_", &rate_);

#       bind("random_", &random_);

#       bind("packetSize_", &size_);

#       bind("maxpkts_", &maxpkts_);


16、$cbr1 set rate_ 0.5Mb

       $cbr1 set packetSize_ 200



#方法Application/Traffic/CBR instproc set args{}, Application/Traffic instproc set args{}

# Application/Traffic/CBR instproc set args {

#       $self instvar packetSize_ rate_

#       if { [lindex $args 0] == "interval_" } {

#                if { [llength $args] == 2 } {

#                          set ns_ [Simulator instance]

#                          set interval_ [$ns_ delay_parse [lindex $args 1]]

#                          $self set rate_ [expr $packetSize_ * 8.0/$interval_]

#                          return

#                } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } {

#                          return [expr $packetSize_ * 8.0/$rate_]

#                }

#       }

#       eval $self next $args


#Application/Traffic instproc set args {

#       $self instvar packetSize_ rate_

#       if { [lindex $args 0] == "packet_size_" } {

#                if { [llength $args] == 2 } {

#                          set packetSize_ [lindex $args 1]

#                          return

#                } elseif { [llength $args] == 1 } {

#                          return $packetSize_

#                }

#       }

## 应该还会继续调用父类方法 , 可是我找不到 Application instproc set args{}

#       eval $self next $args




17、$cbr1 attach-agent $udp1





#int Application::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       …

#       else if (argc == 3) {

#                if (strcmp(argv[1], "attach-agent") == 0) {

#                          agent_ = (Agent*) TclObject::lookup(argv[2]);

#                          if (agent_ == 0) {

#                                   tcl.resultf("no such agent %s", argv[2]);

#                                   return(TCL_ERROR);

#                          }

#                          agent_->attachApp(this);

#                          return(TCL_OK);

#                }

#                …

#       }

#       return (Process::command(argc, argv));



#方法TclObject::lookup(),Tcl::instance().lookup(), …, Tcl::lookup()

# inline static TclObject* lookup(const char* name) {

#                return (Tcl::instance().lookup(name));

#       }


#      TclObject* Tcl::lookup(const char* name)


#       /*XXX use tcl hash table */

#       Tcl_HashEntry* he = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&objs_, (char*)name);

#       if (he != 0)

#                return ((TclObject*)Tcl_GetHashValue(he));

#       return (0);





#方法Simulator instproc at args{}

# Simulator instproc at args {

#       $self instvar scheduler_

#       return [eval $scheduler_ at $args]



19、$ns_ at 5.0 "$cbr1 start"




# int Application::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance();


#       if (argc == 2) {

#                if (strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0) {

#                          // enableRecv_ only if recv() exists in Tcl

#                          tcl.evalf("[%s info class] info instprocs", name_);

#                         char result[1024];

#                          sprintf(result, " %s ", tcl.result());

#                          enableRecv_ = (strstr(result, " recv ") != 0);

#                          enableResume_ = (strstr(result, " resume ") != 0);

#                          start();

#                          return (TCL_OK);

#                }

#                …

#       }

#       …

#       return (Process::command(argc, argv));





# void Application::start(){}


# void CBR_Traffic::start()


#        init();

#        running_ = 1;

#        timeout();


20、$ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(0) reset"

       $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(1) reset"



#方法reset{}, list-modules {}

#Node instproc reset {} {

#       $self instvar agents_

#       foreach a $agents_ {

#                $a reset

#       }

#       foreach m [$self list-modules] {

#                $m reset

#       }


#Node instproc list-modules {} {

#       $self instvar reg_module_

#       set ret ""

#       foreach n [array names reg_module_] {

#                lappend ret $reg_module_($n)

#       }

#       return $ret


(2)#C++代码有可能调用agent instproc reset;若没有,则调用class agentcommand(),不过我找了这两个地方没找到,所以我觉得有可能要看是具体哪个agent,然后调用agent的子类的#command()

21、 $ns_ at 0.6 "$node_(0) setdest 300.0 250.0 60.0"

$ns_ at 1.1 "$node_(1) setdest 300.0 300.0 60.0"

$ns_ at 40 "$node_(0) setdest 600.0 600.0 20.0"

$ns_ at 40.1 "$node_(1) setdest 100.0 100.0 20.0"

$ns_ at 50.0 "finish" 





#MobileNode::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       …

#       else if (argc == 5) {

#                if (strcmp(argv[1], "setdest") == 0) {

#                          /* <mobilenode> setdest <X> <Y> <speed> */

##ifdef DEBUG

#                          fprintf(stderr, "%d - %s: calling set_destination()/n",

#                                   address_, __FUNCTION__);



#                          if (set_destination(atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3]),

#                                                atof(argv[4])) < 0)

#                                   return TCL_ERROR;

#                          return TCL_OK;

#                }

#       }

#       return Node::command(argc, argv);






MobileNode::set_destination(double x, double y, double s)




         if(x >= T_->upperX() || x <= T_->lowerX())

                   return -1;

         if(y >= T_->upperY() || y <= T_->lowerY())

                   return -1;


         update_position();   // figure out where we are now


         destX_ = x;

         destY_ = y;

         speed_ = s;


         return 0;


22、$ns_ at 50.1 "puts /"NS EXITING.../"; $ns_ halt"

   proc finish {} {

         global ns_ f nf val

         $ns_ flush-trace

         close $f

         close $nf  

puts "Starting Simulation..."



#方法Simulator instproc halt {}

#Simulator instproc halt {} {

#       $self instvar scheduler_

#       #puts "time: [clock format [clock seconds] -format %X]"

#       $scheduler_ halt





# int

#Scheduler::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       …

#                else if (strcmp(argv[1], "halt") == 0) {

#                          halted_ = 1;

#                          return (TCL_OK);


#                }

#       …


23、$ns_ run

#tcl, C++

#ns-lib.tcl, priqueue.cc, ns-namsupp.tcl, scheduler.cc

#方法Simulator instproc run {},这其中做了一系列初始化check-smac{}, check-node-num{}, #rtmodel-configure{}, get-routelogic{}…(若这些不在Simulator instproc中定义,那就是通过#command()在C++中定义的 );

#Node instproc reset{};

#Queue reset通过command传给PriQueue::command()来执行;然后调用了Terminate()

#Simulator instproc init-nam {}; s

#scheduler run通过command传给Scheduler::command()中定义的,然后调用了reset(); run()

# Simulator instproc run {} {

#       …

#       foreach nn [array names Node_] {

#                $Node_($nn) reset

#                …

#                }

#       }

#       …

#       foreach qn [array names link_] {

#                set q [$link_($qn) queue]

#                $q reset

#       }

#       …

#       $self init-nam

#       …

#       return [$scheduler_ run]




#PriQueue::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#  if (argc == 2 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "reset") == 0)

#   {

#      Terminate();

#      //FALL-THROUGH to give parents a chance to reset

#    }

#  return DropTail::command(argc, argv);



#Simulator instproc init-nam {} {

#       # 一系列初始化

#       …




#Scheduler::command(int argc, const char*const* argv)


#       …

#       if (argc == 2) {

#                if (strcmp(argv[1], "run") == 0) {

#                          /* set global to 0 before calling object reset methods */

#                          reset();     // sets clock to zero

#                          run();

#                          return (TCL_OK);

#                }


  • 0
  • 2
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


