
gSOAP 是一个夸平台的,用于开发 Web Service 服务端和客户端的工具,在 Windows 、 Linux 、 MAC OS 和 UNIX 下使用 C 和 C++ 语言编码,集合了 SSL 功能。

下载地址: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gsoap2

官方网站: http://genivia.com/Products/gsoap/index.html

对于 Windows 平台下开发客户端,首先下载最新的 gsoap_win32_2.7.6c.zip 包,具体在以下地址: http://optusnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gsoap2/gsoap_win32_2.7.6c.zip

首先查看gsoap的User's Guide,基本就能对gsoap有个全面的了解,通过阅读Sample里的例子程序深入。然后搜索网上其它一些文章,比如:
gSOAP简单多线程服务器程序 http://blog.chinaunix.net/u1/55091/showart_430965.html
纯c gSoap实现WebService http://hi.baidu.com/2sky2sea/blog/item/40ec5555680279c1b745ae9b.html


一 服务器端
1.首先编写 add.h文件:

[cpp:nogutter] view plain copy print ?
  1. 1//gsoap ns service name: add
  2. 2//gsoap ns service namespace: http://localhost/add.wsdl
  3. 3//gsoap ns service location: http://localhost
  4. 4//gsoap ns service executable: add.cgi
  5. 5//gsoap ns service encoding: encoded
  6. 6//gsoap ns schema namespace: urn:add
  7. 7
  8. 8int ns__add( int num1, int num2, int* sum );

2.用gsoap/bin目录下的soapcpp2.exe程序,生成一些文件。可以把soapcpp2.exe拷贝到一add.h目录下,用cmd执行 soapcpp2.exe add.h就可以,在这个目录下会自动生成许多将来有用的文件,如 add.namap,soapH.h,soapC.cpp,soapClient.cpp,soapServer.cpp等文件。 soapcpp2.exe可以带参数执行,具体执行soapcpp2.exe -h查看。


  1. #include "add.h"
  2. #include "add.nsmap"
  3. int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  4. {
  5. int m, s; /**//* master and slave sockets */
  6. struct soap add_soap;
  7. soap_init(&add_soap);
  8. //soap_set_namespaces(&add_soap, add_namespaces);
  9. if (argc < 2)
  10. {
  11. printf("usage: %s <server_port> /n", argv[0]);
  12. exit(1);
  13. }
  14. else
  15. {
  16. m = soap_bind(&add_soap, NULL, atoi(argv[1]), 100);
  17. if (m < 0)
  18. {
  19. soap_print_fault(&add_soap, stderr);
  20. exit(-1);
  21. }
  22. fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful: master socket = %d/n", m);
  23. for ( ; ; )
  24. {
  25. s = soap_accept(&add_soap);
  26. if (s < 0)
  27. {
  28. soap_print_fault(&add_soap, stderr);
  29. exit(-1);
  30. }
  31. fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful: slave socket = %d/n", s);
  32. soap_serve(&add_soap);//该句说明该server的服务
  33. soap_end(&add_soap);
  34. }
  35. }
  36. return 0;
  37. }
  38. //server端的实现函数与add.h中声明的函数相同,但是多了一个当前的soap连接的参数
  39. int ns__add(struct soap *add_soap, int num1, int num2, int *sum)
  40. {
  41. *sum = num1 + num2;
  42. return 0;
  43. }

4. 编译这个程序,会提示错误,将gsoap_win32目录下stdsoap2.cpp,stdsoap2.h文件加入工程,重新编译如果还有错误,可能是你将add.h生成的文件添加入工程出错的原因。实际上在编写server程序时,无须带Client的那些文件,还有带Lib的文件也无须添加到工程中。再重新编译应该就没有问题了,启动4567端口,在ie中输入localhost:4567,如果显示xml页面,说明程序已经启动。

二 对应的客户端

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. #include "soapH.h"
  4. #include "add.nsmap"
  5. int add(const char* server, int num1, int num2, int *sum);
  6. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  7. {
  8. int result = -1;
  9. char* server="http://localhost:4567";
  10. int num1 = 0;
  11. int num2 = 0;
  12. int sum = 0;
  13. if( argc < 3 )
  14. {
  15. printf("usage: %s num1 num2 /n", argv[0]);
  16. exit(0);
  17. }
  18. num1 = atoi(argv[1]);
  19. num2 = atoi(argv[2]);
  20. result = add(server, num1, num2, ∑);
  21. if (result != 0)
  22. {
  23. printf("soap err,errcode = %d/n", result);
  24. }
  25. else
  26. {
  27. printf("%d+%d=%d/n", num1, num2, sum );
  28. }
  29. return 0;
  30. }
  31. int add( const char* server, int num1, int num2, int *sum )
  32. {
  33. struct soap add_soap;
  34. int result = 0;
  35. soap_init(&add_soap);
  36. // soap_set_namespaces(&add_soap, add_namespaces);
  37. //该函数是客户端调用的主要函数,后面几个参数和add.h中声明的一样,前面多了3个参数,函数名是接口函数名ns__add前面加上soap_call_
  38. soap_call_ns__add( &add_soap, server, "", num1, num2, sum );
  39. if(add_soap.error)
  40. {
  41. printf("soap error:%d,%s,%s/n", add_soap.error, *soap_faultcode(&add_soap), *soap_faultstring(&add_soap) );
  42. result = add_soap.error;
  43. }
  44. soap_end(&add_soap);
  45. soap_done(&add_soap);
  46. return result;
  47. }

2.客户端程序既可以新建一个新的win32控制台程序,将刚才生成的nsmap,soapH.h,soapClient.h等文件加入工程,编译既可。我是直接在原先工程中加入一客户端代码,将webserver.cpp文件移除,并且将soapServer.cpp等server端需要的文件移除,将 soapClient.cpp等client端需要的cpp添加到工程,编译既可。

三 遇到的问题

  1. if (argc < 2) // no args: assume this is a CGI application
  2. {
  3. soap_serve(&soap); // serve request, one thread, CGI style
  4. soap_destroy(&soap); // dealloc C++ data
  5. soap_end(&soap); // dealloc data and clean up
  6. }


  1. 一 gSOAP需要的头文件:
  2. //gsoap ns service name: calc
  3. //gsoap ns service style: rpc
  4. //gsoap ns service encoding: encoded
  5. //gsoap ns service namespace:
  6. //gsoap ns service location:
  7. //gsoap ns schema namespace: urn:calc
  8. int ns__add(double a, double b, double *result);
  9. int ns__sub(double a, double b, double *result);
  10. int ns__mul(double a, double b, double *result);
  11. int ns__div(double a, double b, double *result);
  12. int ns__pow(double a, double b, double *result);
  13. 二 多线程服务器关键代码
  14. #include
  15. #include "calc.nsmap"
  16. #include "soapH.h"
  17. /**//
  18. ///宏与全局变量的定义
  19. #define BACKLOG (100)
  20. #define MAX_THR (10)
  21. #define MAX_QUEUE (1000)
  22. pthread_mutex_t queue_cs; //队列锁
  23. pthread_cond_t queue_cv; //条件变量
  24. SOAP_SOCKET queue[MAX_QUEUE]; //数组队列
  25. int head =0, tail =0; //队列头队列尾初始化
  26. /**///
  27. //
  28. void * process_queue(void *); //线程入口函数
  29. int enqueue(SOAP_SOCKET); //入队列函数
  30. SOAP_SOCKET dequeue(void); //出队列函数
  31. /**///
  32. //线程入口函数
  33. void * process_queue(void * soap)
  34. {
  35. struct soap * tsoap = (struct soap *)soap;
  36. for(;;)
  37. {
  38. tsoap->socket = dequeue();
  39. if (!soap_valid_socket(tsoap->socket))
  40. {
  41. break;
  42. }
  43. soap_serve(tsoap);
  44. soap_destroy(tsoap);
  45. soap_end(tsoap);
  46. }
  47. return NULL;
  48. }
  49. //入队列操作
  50. int enqueue(SOAP_SOCKET sock)
  51. {
  52. int status = SOAP_OK;
  53. int next;
  54. pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_cs);
  55. next = tail +1;
  56. if (next >= MAX_QUEUE)
  57. next = 0;
  58. if (next == head)
  59. status = SOAP_EOM;
  60. else
  61. {
  62. queue[tail] =sock;
  63. tail = next;
  64. }
  65. pthread_cond_signal(&queue_cv);
  66. pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_cs);
  67. return status;
  68. }
  69. //出队列操作
  70. SOAP_SOCKET dequeue()
  71. {
  72. SOAP_SOCKET sock;
  73. pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_cs);
  74. while (head == tail )
  75. {
  76. pthread_cond_wait(&queue_cv,&queue_cs);
  77. }
  78. sock = queue[head++];
  79. if (head >= MAX_QUEUE)
  80. {
  81. head =0;
  82. }
  83. pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_cs);
  84. return sock;
  85. }
  86. /**///具体服务方法
  87. //加法的实现
  88. int ns__add(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *result)
  89. {
  90. *result = a + b;
  91. return SOAP_OK;
  92. }
  93. //减法的实现
  94. int ns__sub(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *result)
  95. {
  96. *result = a - b;
  97. return SOAP_OK;
  98. }
  99. //乘法的实现
  100. int ns__mul(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *result)
  101. {
  102. *result = a * b;
  103. return SOAP_OK;
  104. }
  105. //除法的实现
  106. int ns__div(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *result)
  107. {
  108. if (b)
  109. *result = a / b;
  110. else
  111. {
  112. char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, 1024);
  113. sprintf(s, "Can't">http://tempuri.org/">Can't divide %f by %f", a, b);
  114. return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Division by zero", s);
  115. }
  116. return SOAP_OK;
  117. }
  118. //乘方的实现
  119. int ns__pow(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double *result)
  120. {
  121. *result = pow(a, b);
  122. if (soap_errno == EDOM) /**//* soap_errno 和errorno类似, 但是和widnows兼容 */
  123. {
  124. char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, 1024);
  125. sprintf(s, "Can't take the power of %f to %f", a, b);
  126. sprintf(s, "Can't">http://tempuri.org/">Can't take power of %f to %f", a, b);
  127. return soap_sender_fault(soap, "Power function domain error", s);
  128. }
  129. return SOAP_OK;
  130. }
  131. /**///
  132. //主函数
  133. int main(int argc,char ** argv)
  134. {
  135. struct soap ServerSoap;
  136. //初始话运行时环境
  137. soap_init(&ServerSoap);
  138. //如果没有参数,当作CGI程序处理
  139. if (argc <2)
  140. {
  141. //CGI 风格服务请求,单线程
  142. soap_serve(&ServerSoap);
  143. //清除序列化的类的实例
  144. soap_destroy(&ServerSoap);
  145. //清除序列化的数据
  146. soap_end(&ServerSoap);
  147. }else
  148. {
  149. struct soap * soap_thr[MAX_THR];
  150. pthread_t tid[MAX_THR];
  151. int i,port = atoi(argv[1]);
  152. SOAP_SOCKET m,s;
  153. //锁和条件变量初始化
  154. pthread_mutex_init(&queue_cs,NULL);
  155. pthread_cond_init(&queue_cv,NULL);
  156. //绑定服务端口
  157. m = soap_bind(&ServerSoap,NULL,port,BACKLOG);
  158. //循环直至服务套接字合法
  159. while (!soap_valid_socket(m))
  160. {
  161. fprintf(stderr,"Bind port error! ");
  162. m = soap_bind(&ServerSoap,NULL,port,BACKLOG);
  163. }
  164. fprintf(stderr,"socket connection successful %d ",m);
  165. //生成服务线程
  166. for(i = 0; i <MAX_THR; i++)
  167. {
  168. soap_thr[i] = soap_copy(&ServerSoap);
  169. fprintf(stderr,"Starting thread %d ",i);
  170. pthread_create(&tid[i],NULL,(void*(*)(void*))process_queue,(void*)soap_thr[i]);
  171. }
  172. for(;;)
  173. {
  174. //接受客户端的连接
  175. s = soap_accept(&ServerSoap);
  176. if (!soap_valid_socket(s))
  177. {
  178. if (ServerSoap.errnum)
  179. {
  180. soap_print_fault(&ServerSoap,stderr);
  181. continue;
  182. }else
  183. {
  184. fprintf(stderr,"Server timed out ");
  185. break;
  186. }
  187. }
  188. //客户端的IP地址
  189. fprintf(stderr,"Accepted connection from IP= %d.%d.%d.%d socket = %d ",
  190. ((ServerSoap.ip)>>24)&&0xFF,((ServerSoap.ip)>>16)&0xFF,((ServerSoap.ip)>>8)&0xFF,(ServerSoap.ip)&0xFF,(ServerSoap.socket));
  191. //请求的套接字进入队列,如果队列已满则循环等待
  192. while(enqueue(s) == SOAP_EOM)
  193. Sleep(1000);
  194. }
  195. //服务结束后的清理工作
  196. for(i = 0; i < MAX_THR; i++)
  197. {
  198. while (enqueue(SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET) == SOAP_EOM)
  199. {
  200. Sleep(1000);
  201. }
  202. }
  203. for(i=0; i< MAX_THR; i++)
  204. {
  205. fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for thread %d to terminate ..",i);
  206. pthread_join(tid[i],NULL);
  207. fprintf(stderr,"terminated ");
  208. soap_done(soap_thr[i]);
  209. free(soap_thr[i]);
  210. }
  211. pthread_mutex_destroy(&queue_cs);
  212. pthread_cond_destroy(&queue_cv);
  213. }
  214. //分离运行时的环境
  215. soap_done(&ServerSoap);
  216. return 0;
  217. }

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