Advanced Troubleshooting of CSS Heartbeat Failures



Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition -Version: 10.2 to 10.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Internal Note to Explain How toTroubleshoot CSS Heartbeat Failures (Network).

Scope and Application

For Oracle Support and Development

Internal Only: Advanced Troubleshooting of CSS HeartbeatFailures (Network)

The tell tale sign of a CSS network heartbeat related issueis the following type of message in the CSS log:

[CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:45.861 [18] >WARNING: clssnmPollingThread: nodescadfrai11 (2) at 50% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 14.275 seconds

The first thing to do is find out if the missed checkinsARE the problem or are a result of the node going down due to other reasons.Check the messages file to see what exact time the node went down and compareit to the time of the missed checkins.

- If the messages file reboot time <missed checkin time then the node eviction was
likely not due to these missed checkins.

- If the messages file reboot time > missed checkin time then the nodeeviction was
likely a result of the missed checkins.

If you determine that CSS actually did reboot the node dueto missed checkins, then we need to find out why.  There are 3 threads inCSS that deal with CSS heartbeats:

clssnmSendingThread - Thisthread periodically wakes up and sends appropriate packets (based on the joinstate) to other nodes so that other members know we are still alive. For theheartbeat he sends "status" packets every second to the other nodesto tell them that they are alive. This can be seen at CSS trace level 2 orhigher. Example:

[CSSD]2007-09-06 18:37:07.857 [19] >TRACE: clssnmSendingThread: sendingstatus msg to all nodes

Notice that the thread # for the clssnmSendingThread is 19in this example.  This is important to know so that you don't end uptroubleshooting the wrong thread  

With CSS trace level 4 + CLSC tracing you can see moredetails important details like:

[CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:31.584 [19] >TRACE: clssnmsendmsg: sending msg type 3to node 1
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:31.584 [19] >TRACE: clscsendx: (b8aaf0)sending msg (f395c8) type 3, size 68, srqh (eed3d0)
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:31.587 [19] >TRACE: clscsendx: (b8aaf0) sentmsg type 3, size 68, rc 0 srqh (eed3d0)

If you also turn on CLSC NS tracing you can see the OracleNet tracing for this.  You can see something like:

(19) [00001306-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] nsdo: cid=1, opcode=67, *bl=68, *what=1, uflgs=0x2,cflgs=0x3
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] nsdo: nsctx: state=8, flg=0x400d,mvd=0
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] nsdo: 68 bytes to transport
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:586] nttmwr: entry
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:587] nttmwr: socket 26 had byteswritten=68
(19) [000013 06-SEP-2007 18:38:31:587] nttmwr: exit

And of course OS Watcher is good to look at thingsunderneath CSS.

The code path for sending a heartbeat message isclssnmSendingThread-->clssnmsendmsg-->clscsendx

clssnmClusterListener thread - This thread listens for incoming packets from other nodes by callingclscselect and dispatches them for appropriate handling. When theclssnmClusterListener receives a packet, it calls clssnmProcessPkt to processthe packet. If it is a status packet then clssnmProcessPkt callsclssnmHandleStatus. In clssnmHandleStatus we put the packet info in memory tolet it get seen by the polling thread so it can decide what to do with them.

At CSS trace level 3 or higher you can see the clssnmClusterListener threadwaking up and going through it's loop. You can also see

[ CSSD]2007-09-0618:38:31.299 [13] >TRACE: clssnmClusterListener: Entering select blocking

Notice that the thread # for the clssnmClusterListenerthread is 13 in this example. This is important to know so that you don't endup troubleshooting the wrong thread

With trace level 4 + CLSC tracing you can see more detailsimportant details like:

[CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:30.070 [13] >TRACE: clsc_receive: (f16470) prepare toreceive
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:30.074 [13] >TRACE: clsc_receive: (f16470)compl recv, rc 0, nsret 0, flgs 0x0000, size 68
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:30.074 [13] >TRACE: clsc_receive: (f16470, 1)recv msg type 3, size 68, msgsz 68
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:30.074 [13] >TRACE: clssnmHandleStatus: src[2]dest[0] dom[0] seq[0] sync[53]
[ CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:31.299 [13] >TRACE: clssnmClusterListener:Entering select blocking

If you also turn on CLSC NS tracing you can see the OracleNet tracing for this.  You can see something like:

(13) [00001406-SEP-2007 18:38:30:071] nsdo: cid=2, opcode=68, *bl=131136, *what=0,uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:071] snsbitts_ts: acquired the bit
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:071] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:071] nsdo: nsctx: state=8, flg=0x400c,mvd=0
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:072] nsdo: reading from transport...
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:072] nttmrd: entry
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:073] nttmrd: socket 95 had bytesread=68
(13) [000014 06-SEP-2007 18:38:30:073] nttmrd: exit

And of course OS Watcher is good to look at thingsunderneath CSS.

The code path for receiving a heartbeat message isclssnmClusterListener-->clscselect
The code path to process a received heartbeat message isclssnmClusterListener-->clssnmProcessPkt-->clssnmHandleStatus

clssnmPollingThread -Periodically wakes up and scans to see who is active and has been checking inregularly by reading from the node db in memory. If the last last packet timein memory reaches 1/2 of misscount you will see this famous message:

[CSSD]2007-09-06 18:38:45.861 [18] >WARNING: clssnmPollingThread: nodescadfrai11 (2) at 50% heartbeat fatal, eviction in 14.275 seconds

Not much more useful trace info you can turn on for thisguy. He just reads the last packet time in memory and takes action if we reachmisscount (sends out poison packets, etc...).

Things to Look For:

- Is the clssnmSendingThread sending a status message toevery other node every second?

If the answer is no, see if theclssnmSendingThread is stuck (stack traces of all threads of CSS) or if thereis a resource problem or network error in OS Watcher (netstat, vmstat, etc...)

- Is the clssnmClusterListener receiving a status messagefrom every other node every second? 

Again, if the answer is no, see if theclssnmClusterListener is stuck (stack traces of all threads of CSS) or if thereis a resource problem or network error in OS Watcher (netstat, vmstat, etc...)

As long as you can confirm that the sending thread fromnode x is sending every second and the listening thread from node y isreceiving every second you should not see any missed checkins. 

For Extremely Detailed Tracing of CSSHeartbeats (Be Careful Suggesting This to Customers): (Bundle Patch 2) and above:

<CRS_HOME>/bin/crsctl debug log css CSSD:4 (default is 1)
(No subsequent reboot needed if you do it this way)

Prior versions:

<CRS_HOME>/bin/crsctl set css trace 4 (default is 1)

And set the following <CRS_HOME>/bin/ocssd:


Thenrestart CRS. 

This would provide A LOT of detail about the underlying Oracle network layersunder CSS but obviously would generate trace info very fast inCRS_HOME/log/<hostname>/cssd so the data would have to be capturedquickly before the CSS log wraps. Either that or have a job to save off andcompress all the logs every 10-15 min.
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