Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters
ZooKeeper's behavior is governed by the ZooKeeper configuration file. This file is designed so that the exact same file can be used by all the servers that make up a ZooKeeper server assuming the disk layouts are the same. If servers use different configuration files, care must be taken to ensure that the list of servers in all of the different configuration files match.

Minimum Configuration
Here are the minimum configuration keywords that must be defined in the configuration file:

the port to listen for client connections; that is, the port that clients attempt to connect to.

the location where ZooKeeper will store the in-memory database snapshots and, unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database.

Be careful where you put the transaction log. A dedicated transaction log device is key to consistent good performance. Putting the log on a busy device will adversely effect performance.

the length of a single tick, which is the basic time unit used by ZooKeeper, as measured in milliseconds. It is used to regulate heartbeats, and timeouts. For example, the minimum session timeout will be two ticks.

Advanced Configuration
The configuration settings in the section are optional. You can use them to further fine tune the behaviour of your ZooKeeper servers. Some can also be set using Java system properties, generally of the form zookeeper.keyword. The exact system property, when available, is noted below.

(No Java system property)

This option will direct the machine to write the transaction log to the dataLogDir rather than the dataDir. This allows a dedicated log device to be used, and helps avoid competition between logging and snaphots.

Having a dedicated log device has a large impact on throughput and stable latencies. It is highly recommened to dedicate a log device and set dataLogDir to point to a directory on that device, and then make sure to point dataDir to a directory not residing on that device.

(Java system property: zookeeper.globalOutstandingLimit.)

Clients can submit requests faster than ZooKeeper can process them, especially if there are a lot of clients. To prevent ZooKeeper from running out of memory due to queued requests, ZooKeeper will throttle clients so that there is no more than globalOutstandingLimit outstanding requests in the system. The default limit is 1,000.

(Java system property: zookeeper.preAllocSize)

To avoid seeks ZooKeeper allocates space in the transaction log file in blocks of preAllocSize kilobytes. The default block size is 64M. One reason for changing the size of the blocks is to reduce the block size if snapshots are taken more often. (Also, see snapCount).

(Java system property: zookeeper.snapCount)

ZooKeeper logs transactions to a transaction log. After snapCount transactions are written to a log file a snapshot is started and a new transaction log file is created. The default snapCount is 100,000.

(Java system property: requestTraceFile)

If this option is defined, requests will be will logged to a trace file named Use of this option provides useful debugging information, but will impact performance. (Note: The system property has no zookeeper prefix, and the configuration variable name is different from the system property. Yes - it's not consistent, and it's annoying.)

(No Java system property)

Limits the number of concurrent connections (at the socket level) that a single client, identified by IP address, may make to a single member of the ZooKeeper ensemble. This is used to prevent certain classes of DoS attacks, including file descriptor exhaustion. The default is 60. Setting this to 0 entirely removes the limit on concurrent connections.

New in 3.3.0: the address (ipv4, ipv6 or hostname) to listen for client connections; that is, the address that clients attempt to connect to. This is optional, by default we bind in such a way that any connection to the clientPort for any address/interface/nic on the server will be accepted.

(No Java system property)

New in 3.3.0: the minimum session timeout in milliseconds that the server will allow the client to negotiate. Defaults to 2 times the tickTime.

(No Java system property)

New in 3.3.0: the maximum session timeout in milliseconds that the server will allow the client to negotiate. Defaults to 20 times the tickTime.

(Java system property: fsync.warningthresholdms)

New in 3.3.4: A warning message will be output to the log whenever an fsync in the Transactional Log (WAL) takes longer than this value. The values is specified in milliseconds and defaults to 1000. This value can only be set as a system property.

(No Java system property)

New in 3.4.0: When enabled, ZooKeeper auto purge feature retains the autopurge.snapRetainCount most recent snapshots and the corresponding transaction logs in the dataDir and dataLogDir respectively and deletes the rest. Defaults to 3. Minimum value is 3.

(No Java system property)

New in 3.4.0: The time interval in hours for which the purge task has to be triggered. Set to a positive integer (1 and above) to enable the auto purging. Defaults to 0.

Cluster Options
The options in this section are designed for use with an ensemble of servers -- that is, when deploying clusters of servers.

(No Java system property)

Election implementation to use. A value of "0" corresponds to the original UDP-based version, "1" corresponds to the non-authenticated UDP-based version of fast leader election, "2" corresponds to the authenticated UDP-based version of fast leader election, and "3" corresponds to TCP-based version of fast leader election. Currently, algorithm 3 is the default

The implementations of leader election 0, 1, and 2 are now deprecated . We have the intention of removing them in the next release, at which point only the FastLeaderElection will be available.

(No Java system property)

Amount of time, in ticks (see tickTime), to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader. Increased this value as needed, if the amount of data managed by ZooKeeper is large.

(Java system property: zookeeper.leaderServes)

Leader accepts client connections. Default value is "yes". The leader machine coordinates updates. For higher update throughput at thes slight expense of read throughput the leader can be configured to not accept clients and focus on coordination. The default to this option is yes, which means that a leader will accept client connections.

Turning on leader selection is highly recommended when you have more than three ZooKeeper servers in an ensemble.

server.x=[hostname]:nnnnn[:nnnnn], etc
(No Java system property)

servers making up the ZooKeeper ensemble. When the server starts up, it determines which server it is by looking for the file myid in the data directory. That file contains the server number, in ASCII, and it should match x in server.x in the left hand side of this setting.

The list of servers that make up ZooKeeper servers that is used by the clients must match the list of ZooKeeper servers that each ZooKeeper server has.

There are two port numbers nnnnn. The first followers use to connect to the leader, and the second is for leader election. The leader election port is only necessary if electionAlg is 1, 2, or 3 (default). If electionAlg is 0, then the second port is not necessary. If you want to test multiple servers on a single machine, then different ports can be used for each server.

(No Java system property)

Amount of time, in ticks (see tickTime), to allow followers to sync with ZooKeeper. If followers fall too far behind a leader, they will be dropped.

(No Java system property)

Enables a hierarchical quorum construction."x" is a group identifier and the numbers following the "=" sign correspond to server identifiers. The left-hand side of the assignment is a colon-separated list of server identifiers. Note that groups must be disjoint and the union of all groups must be the ZooKeeper ensemble.

You will find an example here

(No Java system property)

Used along with "group", it assigns a weight to a server when forming quorums. Such a value corresponds to the weight of a server when voting. There are a few parts of ZooKeeper that require voting such as leader election and the atomic broadcast protocol. By default the weight of server is 1. If the configuration defines groups, but not weights, then a value of 1 will be assigned to all servers.

You will find an example here

(Java system property: zookeeper.cnxTimeout)

Sets the timeout value for opening connections for leader election notifications. Only applicable if you are using electionAlg 3.

Default value is 5 seconds.

Authentication & Authorization Options
The options in this section allow control over authentication/authorization performed by the service.

(Java system property only: zookeeper.DigestAuthenticationProvider.superDigest)

By default this feature is disabled

New in 3.2: Enables a ZooKeeper ensemble administrator to access the znode hierarchy as a "super" user. In particular no ACL checking occurs for a user authenticated as super.

org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestAuthenticationProvider can be used to generate the superDigest, call it with one parameter of "super:<password>". Provide the generated "super:<data>" as the system property value when starting each server of the ensemble.

When authenticating to a ZooKeeper server (from a ZooKeeper client) pass a scheme of "digest" and authdata of "super:<password>". Note that digest auth passes the authdata in plaintext to the server, it would be prudent to use this authentication method only on localhost (not over the network) or over an encrypted connection.

Experimental Options/Features
New features that are currently considered experimental.

Read Only Mode Server
(Java system property: readonlymode.enabled)

New in 3.4.0: Setting this value to true enables Read Only Mode server support (disabled by default). ROM allows clients sessions which requested ROM support to connect to the server even when the server might be partitioned from the quorum. In this mode ROM clients can still read values from the ZK service, but will be unable to write values and see changes from other clients. See ZOOKEEPER-784 for more details.

Unsafe Options
The following options can be useful, but be careful when you use them. The risk of each is explained along with the explanation of what the variable does.

(Java system property: zookeeper.forceSync)

Requires updates to be synced to media of the transaction log before finishing processing the update. If this option is set to no, ZooKeeper will not require updates to be synced to the media.

(Java system property: jute.maxbuffer)

This option can only be set as a Java system property. There is no zookeeper prefix on it. It specifies the maximum size of the data that can be stored in a znode. The default is 0xfffff, or just under 1M. If this option is changed, the system property must be set on all servers and clients otherwise problems will arise. This is really a sanity check. ZooKeeper is designed to store data on the order of kilobytes in size.

(Java system property: zookeeper.skipACL)

Skips ACL checks. This results in a boost in throughput, but opens up full access to the data tree to everyone.

Communication using the Netty framework
New in 3.4: Netty is an NIO based client/server communication framework, it simplifies (over NIO being used directly) many of the complexities of network level communication for java applications. Additionally the Netty framework has built in support for encryption (SSL) and authentication (certificates). These are optional features and can be turned on or off individually.

Prior to version 3.4 ZooKeeper has always used NIO directly, however in versions 3.4 and later Netty is supported as an option to NIO (replaces). NIO continues to be the default, however Netty based communication can be used in place of NIO by setting the environment variable "zookeeper.serverCnxnFactory" to "org.apache.zookeeper.server.NettyServerCnxnFactory". You have the option of setting this on either the client(s) or server(s), typically you would want to set this on both, however that is at your discretion.

TBD - tuning options for netty - currently there are none that are netty specific but we should add some. Esp around max bound on the number of reader worker threads netty creates.

TBD - how to manage encryption

TBD - how to manage certificates





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