阅读笔记001.《Parameter estimation for text analysis》- Gregor Heinrich 论文笔记

该论文注释21中,提及并简化了论文《Topic and role discovery in social networks with experiments on Enron and academic email》- A. McCallum, X. Wang & A. Corrada-Emmanuel.的式子:
P ( x d i , z d i ∣ x − d i , z − d i , w , α , β , a , r ) = P ( x d i , z d i , w d i ∣ x − d i , z − d i , w − d i , α , β , a , r ) P ( w d i ∣ x − d i , z − d i , w − d i , α , β , a , r ) ∝ P ( x , z , w ∣ α , β , a , r ) P ( x − d i , z − d i , w − d i ∣ α , β , a , r ) ∝ Γ ( α z d i + n a d x d i z d i ) Γ ( α z d i + n a d x d i z d i − 1 ) Γ ( β w d i + m z d i w d i ) Γ ( β w d i + m z d i w d i − 1 ) Γ ( ∑ t = 1 T ( α t + n a d x d i t ) ) Γ ( ∑ t = 1 T ( α t + n a d x d i t ) − 1 ) Γ ( ∑ v = 1 V ( β v + m z d i v ) ) Γ ( ∑ v = 1 V ( β v + m z d i v ) − 1 ) ∝ α z d i + n a d x d i z d i − 1 ∑ t = 1 T ( α t + n a d x d i ) − 1 β w d i + m z d i w d i − 1 ∑ v = 1 ( β v + m z d i v ) − 1 \begin{alignedat}{3} &P\left(x_{d i}, z_{d i} \mid \mathbf{x}_{-d i}, \mathbf{z}_{-d i}, \mathbf{w}, \alpha, \beta, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{r}\right) \\ &= \frac{P\left(x_{d i}, z_{d i}, w_{d i} \mid \mathbf{x}_{-d i}, \mathbf{z}_{-d i}, \mathbf{w}_{-d i}, \alpha, \beta, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{r}\right)}{P\left(w_{d i} \mid \mathbf{x}_{-d i}, \mathbf{z}_{-d i}, \mathbf{w}_{-d i}, \alpha, \beta, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{r}\right)} \propto \frac{P(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}, \mathbf{w} \mid \alpha, \beta, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{r})}{P\left(\mathbf{x}_{-d i}, \mathbf{z}_{-d i}, \mathbf{w}_{-d i} \mid \alpha, \beta, \mathbf{a}, \mathbf{r}\right)} \\ &\propto\frac{\frac{\Gamma\left(\alpha_{z_{d i}}+n_{a_{d} x_{d i} z_{d i}}\right)}{\Gamma\left(\alpha_{z_{d i}}+n_{\left.a_{d} x_{d i} z_{d i}-1\right)}\right.} \frac{\Gamma\left(\beta_{w_{d i}}+m_{z_{d i} w_{d i}}\right)}{\Gamma\left(\beta_{w_{d i}}+m_{\left.z_{d i} w_{d i}-1\right)}\right.} }{ \frac{\Gamma\left(\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(\alpha_{t}+n_{a_{d} x_{d i} t}\right)\right)}{\Gamma\left(\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(\alpha_{t}+n_{a_{d} x_{d i} t}\right)-1\right)} \frac{\Gamma\left(\sum_{v=1}^{V}\left(\beta_{v}+m_{z_{d i} v}\right)\right)}{\Gamma\left(\sum_{v=1}^{V}\left(\beta_{v}+m_{z_{d i} v}\right)-1\right)} }\propto\frac{\alpha_{z_{d i}}+n_{a_{d} x_{d i} z_{d i}}-1}{\sum_{t=1}^{T}\left(\alpha_{t}+n_{a_{d} x_{d i}}\right)-1} \frac{\beta_{w_{d i}}+m_{z_{d i} w_{d i}}-1}{\sum_{v=1}^{}\left(\beta_{v}+m_{z_{d i} v}\right)-1} \end{alignedat} P(xdi,zdixdi,zdi,w,α,β,a,r)=P(wdixdi,zdi,wdi,α,β,a,r)P(xdi,zdi,wdixdi,zdi,wdi,α,β,a,r)P(xdi,zdi,wdiα,β,a,r)P(x,z,wα,β,a,r)Γ(t=1T(αt+nadxdit)1)Γ(t=1T(αt+nadxdit))Γ(v=1V(βv+mzdiv)1)Γ(v=1V(βv+mzdiv))Γ(αzdi+nadxdizdi1)Γ(αzdi+nadxdizdi)Γ(βwdi+mzdiwdi1)Γ(βwdi+mzdiwdi)t=1T(αt+nadxdi)1αzdi+nadxdizdi1v=1(βv+mzdiv)1βwdi+mzdiwdi1

p ( z i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) = p ( z i , w i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) / p ( w i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) ∝ p ( z ⃗ , w ⃗ ) / p ( z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) p(z_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i})=p(z_{i}, w_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) / p(w_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) \propto p(\vec{z}, \vec{w}) / p(\vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) p(ziz ¬i,w ¬i)=p(zi,wiz ¬i,w ¬i)/p(wiz ¬i,w ¬i)p(z ,w )/p(z ¬i,w ¬i)
p ( z i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ) = p ( z i , w i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) / p ( w i ∣ z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) ∝ p ( z ⃗ , w ⃗ ) / p ( z ⃗ ¬ i , w ⃗ ¬ i ) p(z_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w})=p(z_{i}, w_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) / p(w_{i} \mid \vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) \propto p(\vec{z}, \vec{w}) / p(\vec{z}_{\neg i}, \vec{w}_{\neg i}) p(ziz ¬i,w )=p(zi,wiz ¬i,w ¬i)/p(wiz ¬i,w ¬i)p(z ,w )/p(z ¬i,w ¬i)




def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Face detection and classification for politicians in Japanese TV.') # Important configuration variables parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='mot17', help='Mode name for saving files.') parser.add_argument('--mode', default='train', type=str, help='train or test.') parser.add_argument('--detector', type=str, default='YOLOX', help='Detector to be used. FRCNN, SDP, Bresee, SGT, YOLOX, GT.') parser.add_argument('--reid', type=str, default=None, help='Reidentification model to be used. SBS, MGN.') parser.add_argument('--mod', type=str, default=None, help='Tracker name modifier to do testing of features.') # Paths parser.add_argument('--datapath', type=str, default='datasets/MOT17Det', help='Dataset path with frames inside.') parser.add_argument('--feat', type=str, default='feats', help='Features files path.') # Tracking-specific configuration variables parser.add_argument('--max_iou_th', type=float, default=0.15, help='Max value to multiply the distance of two close objects.') parser.add_argument('--w_tracklet', type=int, default=10, help='Window size per tracklet') parser.add_argument('--w_fuse', type=int, default=3, help='Window size per fusion in hierarchy') parser.add_argument('--max_prop', type=int, default=10000, help='Difficult the fusion when the frame difference is larger than this value.') parser.add_argument('--fps_ratio', type=int, default=1, help='Use lower fps dataset if lower than 1.') # Flags parser.add_argument('--save_feats', action='store_true', help='Save tracking + feature vectors as pkl file for analysis.') parser.add_argument('--iou', action='store_true', help='Add IoU distance to further improve the tracker.') parser.add_argument('--temp', action='store_true', help='Use temporal distance to further improve the tracker.') parser.add_argument('--spatial', action='store_true', help='Use spatial distance to further improve the tracker.') parser.add_argument('--motion', action='store_true', help='Add motion estimation to further improve the tracker.') parser.add_argument('--randorder', action='store_true', help='Random order of lifted frames for testing.') parser.add_argument('--noncont', action='store_true', help='Do not enforce continuous clustering. Allow all tracklets to cluster with whoever they want.') return parser
评论 3




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