Understanding HBase and BigTable


Understanding HBase and BigTable

The hardest part about learning HBase (the open source implementation of Google's BigTable), is just wrapping your mind around the concept of what it actually is.

I find it rather unfortunate that these two great systems contain the words table and base in their names, which tend to cause confusion among RDBMS indoctrinated individuals (like myself).

This article aims to describe these distributed data storage systems from a conceptual standpoint. After reading it, you should be better able to make an educated decision regarding when you might want to use HBase vs when you'd be better off with a "traditional" database.

It's all in the terminology

Fortunately, Google's BigTable Paper clearly explains what BigTable actually is. Here is the first sentence of the "Data Model" section:

A Bigtable is a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map.

Note: At this juncture I like to give readers the opportunity to collect any brain matter which may have left their skulls upon reading that last line.

The BigTable paper continues, explaining that:

The map is indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp; each value in the map is an uninterpreted array of bytes.

Along those lines, the HBaseArchitecture page of the Hadoop wiki posits that:

HBase uses a data model very similar to that of Bigtable. Users store data rows in labelled tables. A data row has a sortable key and an arbitrary number of columns. The table is stored sparsely, so that rows in the same table can have crazily-varying columns, if the user likes.

Although all of that may seem rather cryptic, it makes sense once you break it down a word at a time. I like to discuss them in this sequence: map, persistent, distributed, sorted, multidimensional, and sparse.

Rather than trying to picture a complete system all at once, I find it easier to build up a mental framework piecemeal, to ease into it...


At its core, HBase/BigTable is a map. Depending on your programming language background, you may be more familiar with the terms associative array (PHP), dictionary (Python), Hash (Ruby), or Object (JavaScript).

From the wikipedia article, a map is "an abstract data type composed of a collection of keys and a collection of values, where each key is associated with one value."

Using JavaScript Object Notation, here's an example of a simple map where all the values are just strings:

  "zzzzz" : "woot",
  "xyz" : "hello",
  "aaaab" : "world",
  "1" : "x",
  "aaaaa" : "y"


Persistence merely means that the data you put in this special map "persists" after the program that created or accessed it is finished. This is no different in concept than any other kind of persistent storage such as a file on a filesystem. Moving along...


HBase and BigTable are built upon distributed filesystems so that the underlying file storage can be spread out among an array of independent machines.

HBase sits atop either Hadoop's Distributed File System (HDFS) or Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3), while a BigTable makes use of the Google File System(GFS).

Data is replicated across a number of participating nodes in an analogous manner to how data is striped across discs in a RAID system.

For the purpose of this article, we don't really care which distributed filesystem implementation is being used. The important thing to understand is that it isdistributed, which provides a layer of protection against, say, a node within the cluster failing.


Unlike most map implementations, in HBase/BigTable the key/value pairs are kept in strict alphabetical order. That is to say that the row for the key "aaaaa" should be right next to the row with key "aaaab" and very far from the row with key "zzzzz".

Continuing our JSON example, the sorted version looks like this:

  "1" : "x",
  "aaaaa" : "y",
  "aaaab" : "world",
  "xyz" : "hello",
  "zzzzz" : "woot"

Because these systems tend to be so huge and distributed, this sorting feature is actually very important. The spacial propinquity of rows with like keys ensures that when you must scan the table, the items of greatest interest to you are near each other.

This is important when choosing a row key convention. For example, consider a table whose keys are domain names. It makes the most sense to list them in reverse notation (so "com.jimbojw.www" rather than "www.jimbojw.com") so that rows about a subdomain will be near the parent domain row.

Continuing the domain example, the row for the domain "mail.jimbojw.com" would be right next to the row for "www.jimbojw.com" rather than say "mail.xyz.com" which would happen if the keys were regular domain notation.

It's important to note that the term "sorted" when applied to HBase/BigTable does not mean that "values" are sorted. There is no automatic indexing of anything other than the keys, just as it would be in a plain-old map implementation.


Up to this point, we haven't mentioned any concept of "columns", treating the "table" instead as a regular-old hash/map in concept. This is entirely intentional. The word "column" is another loaded word like "table" and "base" which carries the emotional baggage of years of RDBMS experience.

Instead, I find it easier to think about this like a multidimensional map - a map of maps if you will. Adding one dimension to our running JSON example gives us this:

  "1" : {
    "A" : "x",
    "B" : "z"
  "aaaaa" : {
    "A" : "y",
    "B" : "w"
  "aaaab" : {
    "A" : "world",
    "B" : "ocean"
  "xyz" : {
    "A" : "hello",
    "B" : "there"
  "zzzzz" : {
    "A" : "woot",
    "B" : "1337"

In the above example, you'll notice now that each key points to a map with exactly two keys: "A" and "B". From here forward, we'll refer to the top-level key/map pair as a "row". Also, in BigTable/HBase nomenclature, the "A" and "B" mappings would be called "Column Families".

A table's column families are specified when the table is created, and are difficult or impossible to modify later. It can also be expensive to add new column families, so it's a good idea to specify all the ones you'll need up front.

Fortunately, a column family may have any number of columns, denoted by a column "qualifier" or "label". Here's a subset of our JSON example again, this time with the column qualifier dimension built in:

  // ...
  "aaaaa" : {
    "A" : {
      "foo" : "y",
      "bar" : "d"
    "B" : {
      "" : "w"
  "aaaab" : {
    "A" : {
      "foo" : "world",
      "bar" : "domination"
    "B" : {
      "" : "ocean"
  // ...

Notice that in the two rows shown, the "A" column family has two columns: "foo" and "bar", and the "B" column family has just one column whose qualifier is the empty string ("").

When asking HBase/BigTable for data, you must provide the full column name in the form "<family>:<qualifier>". So for example, both rows in the above example have three columns: "A:foo", "A:bar" and "B:".

Note that although the column families are static, the columns themselves are not. Consider this expanded row:

  // ...
  "zzzzz" : {
    "A" : {
      "catch_phrase" : "woot",

In this case, the "zzzzz" row has exactly one column, "A:catch_phrase". Because each row may have any number of different columns, there's no built-in way to query for a list of all columns in all rows. To get that information, you'd have to do a full table scan. You can however query for a list of all column families since these are immutable (more-or-less).

The final dimension represented in HBase/BigTable is time. All data is versioned either using an integer timestamp (seconds since the epoch), or another integer of your choice. The client may specify the timestamp when inserting data.

Consider this updated example utilizing arbitrary integral timestamps:

  // ...
  "aaaaa" : {
    "A" : {
      "foo" : {
        15 : "y",
        4 : "m"
      "bar" : {
        15 : "d",
    "B" : {
      "" : {
        6 : "w"
        3 : "o"
        1 : "w"
  // ...

Each column family may have its own rules regarding how many versions of a given cell to keep (a cell is identified by its rowkey/column pair) In most cases, applications will simply ask for a given cell's data, without specifying a timestamp. In that common case, HBase/BigTable will return the most recent version (the one with the highest timestamp) since it stores these in reverse chronological order.

If an application asks for a given row at a given timestamp, HBase will return cell data where the timestamp is less than or equal to the one provided.

Using our imaginary HBase table, querying for the row/column of "aaaaa"/"A:foo" will return "y" while querying for the row/column/timestamp of "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/10 will return "m". Querying for a row/column/timestamp of "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/2 will return a null result.


The last keyword is sparse. As already mentioned, a given row can have any number of columns in each column family, or none at all. The other type of sparseness is row-based gaps, which merely means that there may be gaps between keys.

This, of course, makes perfect sense if you've been thinking about HBase/BigTable in the map-based terms of this article rather than perceived similar concepts in RDBMS's.

And that's about it

Well, I hope that helps you understand conceptually what the HBase data model feels like.

As always, I look forward to your thoughts, comments and suggestions.


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Bryan Duxbury said ...

This is a great primer. We should incorporate something like this into our official documentation/wiki.

--Bryan Duxbury 10:42, 18 May 2008 (MST)

Jimbojw said ...

Thanks Bryan,

I'm glad you think this is valuable. The hardest part for me learning Hbase was unlearning what I already knew about relational databases.

After several conversations with friends about Hbase, it became clear to me that what really was needed was a lay-programmer's conceptual primer, presenting the concepts in the right order to minimize confusion.

--Jimbojw 07:17, 19 May 2008 (MST)

stack said ...

Excellent! (I added it our little list of articles linked from main hbase wiki page).

P.S. A vote in a room full of hbasistas said its 'HBase', not 'Hbase'

--stack 10:05, 20 May 2008 (MST)

Jimbojw said ...

Thanks stack!

I updated the URL and all references in the article from 'Hbase' to 'HBase' per your suggestion.

--Jimbojw 11:21, 20 May 2008 (MST)

Acure said ...

Great Job.

--Acure 14:39, 20 May 2008 (MST)

Jamie Penney said ...

Great explanation! I think I actually understand this stuff now. Thanks a lot for writing this in a clear, understandable fashion for us all.

--Jamie Penney 19:53, 20 May 2008 (MST)

Drew said ...

This is an excellent primer, thanks for writing it up.

Are there any sort of performance implications that are implied with column families? For example, if I needed to store a column 'foo' in a certain application, what rationale would I use to put it in column family 'A' or 'B'? Would I group columns into families based on how they're used in a particular application?

--Drew 13:26, 27 May 2008 (MST)

Jimbojw said ...

Hi Drew,

I started writing a response, but it got to be so long that I decided to put it into its own blog post.

See Understanding HBase column-family performance options

--Jimbojw 16:32, 27 May 2008 (MST)

Josh Ma said ...

> This is important when choosing a row key convention. For example, consider a table whose keys are domain names. It makes the most sense to list them in reverse notation (so "com.jimbojw.www" rather than "www.jimbojw.com") so that rows about a subdomain will be near the parent domain row.

> Continuing the domain example, the row for the domain "mail.jimbojw.com" would be right next to the row for "www.jimbojw.com" rather than say "mail.xyz.com" which would happen if the keys were regular domain notation.

Jimbojw,It's the right?Maybe the part of below is right for user.

Continuing the domain example, the row for the domain "com.jimbojw.mail" would be right next to the row for "com.jimbojw.www" rather than say "com.xyz.mail" which would happen if the keys were regular domain notation.

--Josh Ma 03:42, 10 June 2008 (MST)

Jimbojw said ...

Hi Josh,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

I see what you're saying. Perhaps reversing the domain notation in the second example would have been better for comprehension. :/

--Jimbojw 10:01, 10 June 2008 (MST)

Anand said ...

This article helped a lot. Thanks a tonne. I would love to read an article/discussion about where an RDBMS like setup makes more/less sense and compare those with BigTable/HBase. This would help people recognise the differences more and from a real-world perspective. Is there already something like that?

--Anand 04:32, 20 July 2008 (MST)

nontster said ...

Thanks Jimbojw, this help me a lot.

--nontster 00:07, 22 July 2008 (MST)

Marcus Herou said ...

Thanks man! You've helped a bunch of people.

--Marcus Herou 10:23, 29 July 2008 (MST)

Igor Minar said ...

Thanks a lot for putting together this excellent article.

The only thing I miss, is a brief mention of things that people are used to in RDBMS, but are not available in column-oriented dbs (joins, etc).

--Igor Minar 20:25, 24 August 2008 (MST)

Toucan said ...

I enjoyed reading this article and if anyone is interested in sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional databases they may be interested in Caché, see links below.

--Tony 21:53, 2 October 2008 (GMT)

--Toucan 13:51, 2 October 2008 (MST)

yossi said ...

Great article , it's been a lot of help, thank you!

--yossi 01:39, 15 October 2008 (MST)

Manu said ...

Thank you for the lucid explanation. Would like to know more on which kinds of applications does this fit in comparison to the traditional RDBMS.

--Manu 17:19, 19 December 2008 (MST)

Ole-Martin Mørk said ...

Great article! I have written a hands-on post on how to use HBase's shell to accomplish this. Check it out: http://ole-martin.net/hbase-tutorial-for-beginners/

--Ole-Martin Mørk 09:21, 22 December 2008 (MST)

Stuart said ...

Really nice article. One point of confusion: Towards the end, it says

'Using our imaginary HBase table, querying for the row/column of "aaaaa"/"A:foo" will return "y" while querying for the row/column/timestamp of "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/10 will return "m". Querying for a row/column/timestamp of "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/2 will return a null result.

It looks to me like "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/10 should be "aaaaa"/"A:foo"/4, since that's m's timestamp - is that correct?

--Stuart 10:20, 4 March 2009 (MST)

Glenn Gillen said ...

Great article. I was on the right path, but this has really helped cement my understanding.

--Glenn Gillen 05:45, 24 March 2009 (MST)

Sumanth said ...

Thank you very much. The domain example has been very illustrative.

--Sumanth 23:41, 2 April 2009 (MST)

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