
    (算术表达式求值) 输入一个由数字、+,-,*,/ 及括号组成的算术表达式, 求其值。


using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;

        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dhx2 = text1.Lines.Length;
            int hw = 0;
            hw = dhx2 - 1;

            string[] mhsj;
            mhsj = new string[dhx2];

            string[] mhszfhzf = new string[dhx2];


                for (int i = 0; i < dhx2; i++)
                    mhsj[i] = text1.Lines[i];
                    string[] dgzf;
                    dgzf = new string[mhsj[i].Length];
                    int j, h;
                    for (j = 0; j < mhsj[i].Length; j++)
                        dgzf[j] = mhsj[i].Substring(j, 1);
                        if (dgzf[j].Equals("%") == true)
                            dgzf[j] = "*0.01";
                    for (int k = 0; k < mhsj[i].Length; k++)
                        if (dgzf[k].Equals("/") == true)
                            if (char.IsNumber(dgzf[k + 1], 0) == true)
                                dgzf[k] = dgzf[k];
                                dgzf[k] = "每";

                    for (h = 0; h < j; h++)
                        if (char.IsNumber(dgzf[h], 0) == true || char.IsPunctuation(dgzf[h], 0) == true || char.IsSymbol(dgzf[h], 0) == true)
                            mhszfhzf[i] = mhszfhzf[i] + dgzf[h];
            catch (Exception)
                //将"/"号换成" div "这样就可以做除法;
                mhszfhzf1[hw] = mhszfhzf[hw].Replace("/", " div ");
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                XPathNavigator jszhs = xd.CreateNavigator();
                myhjg = (double)jszhs.Evaluate(mhszfhzf1[hw]);
            catch (Exception)

        private void text1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyChar == 13)
                zzjg += myhjg;
                jg = zzjg.ToString();
                textBox2.Text = jg;



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdlib> // For exit()
using namespace System;
String^ eatspaces(String^ str); // Function to eliminate blanks
double expr(String^ str); // Function evaluating an expression
double term(String^ str, int^ index); // Function analyzing a term
double number(String^ str, int^ index); // Function to recognize a number
String^ extract(String^ str, int^ index); // Function to extract a substring

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
 String^ buffer; // Input area for expression to be evaluated
 Console::WriteLine(L"Welcome to your friendly calculator.");
 Console::WriteLine(L"Enter an expression, or an empty line to quit.");
  buffer = eatspaces(Console::ReadLine()); // Read an input line
  if(String::IsNullOrEmpty(buffer)) // Empty line ends calculator
   return 0;
  Console::WriteLine(L" = {0}/n/n",expr(buffer)); // Output value of expression
 return 0;

// Function to eliminate spaces from a string
String^ eatspaces(String^ str)
 // Array to hold string without spaces
 array<wchar_t>^ chars = gcnew array<wchar_t>(str->Length);
 int length = 0; // Number of chars in array
 // Copy non-space characters to chars array
 for each(wchar_t ch in str)
  if(ch != ' ')
   chars[length++] = ch;
 // Return chars array as string
 return gcnew String(chars, 0, length);

// Function to evaluate an arithmetic expression
double expr(String^ str)
 int^ index = 0; // Keeps track of current character position
 double value = term(str, index); // Get first term
 while(*index < str->Length)
  switch(str[*index]) // Choose action based on current character
  case '+': // + found so
   ++(*index); // increment index and add
   value += term(str, index); // the next term
  case '-': // - found so
   ++(*index); // decrement index and add
   value -= term(str, index); // the next term
  default: // If we reach here the string is junk
   Console::WriteLine(L"Arrrgh!*#!! There's an error./n");
 return value;

// Function to get the value of a term
double term(String^ str, int^ index)
 double value = number(str, index); // Get the first number in the term
 // Loop as long as we have characters and a good operator
 while(*index < str->Length)
  if(str[*index] == L'*') // If it's multiply,
   ++(*index); // increment index and
   value *= number(str, index); // multiply by next number
  else if( str[*index] == L'/') // If it's divide
   ++(*index); // increment index and
   value /= number(str, index); // divide by next number
   break; // Exit the loop
 // We've finished, so return what we've got
 return value;

// Function to recognize a number
double number(String^ str, int^ index)
 double value = 0.0; // Store for the resulting value
 // Check for expression between parentheses
 if(str[*index] == L'(' ) // Start of parentheses
  String^ substr = extract(str, index); // Extract substring in brackets
  return expr(substr); // Return substring value
 // Loop accumulating leading digits
 while((*index < str->Length) && Char::IsDigit(str, *index))
  value = 10.0*value + Char::GetNumericValue(str[(*index)]);
 // Not a digit when we get to here
 if((*index == str->Length) || str[*index] != '.') // so check for decimal point
  return value; // and if not, return value
 double factor = 1.0; // Factor for decimal places
 ++(*index); // Move to digit
 // Loop as long as we have digits
 while((*index < str->Length) && Char::IsDigit(str, *index))
  factor *= 0.1; // Decrease factor by factor of 10
  value = value + Char::GetNumericValue(str[*index])*factor; // Add decimal place
 return value; // On loop exit we are done

// Function to extract a substring between parentheses
String^ extract(String^ str, int^ index)
 // Temporary space for substring
 array<wchar_t>^ buffer = gcnew array<wchar_t>(str->Length);
 String^ substr; // Substring to return
 int numL = 0; // Count of left parentheses found
 int bufindex = *index; // Save starting value for index
 while(*index < str->Length)
  buffer[*index - bufindex] = str[*index];
  case ')':
   if(numL == 0)
    array<wchar_t>^ substrChars = gcnew array<wchar_t>(*index - bufindex);
    str->CopyTo(bufindex, substrChars, 0, substrChars->Length);
    substr = gcnew String(substrChars);
    return substr; // Return substring in new memory
    numL--; // Reduce count of '(' to be matched
  case '(':
   numL++; // Increase count of '(' to be matched
 Console::WriteLine(L"Ran off the end of the expression, must be bad input.");
 return substr;

            string[] mhszfhzf1 = new string[dhx2];




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


