

[1]ab blab cab dab grab jab nab slab swab tab

[2]ace brace face grace lace mace space trace

[3]ack black clace hack sack shack smack stack track

[4]act tact tract fact pact

[5]adge badge wadge cadge

[6]ad bad cad fad glad lad mad pad tad trad wad

[7]ade fade grade jade shade spade trade wade

[8]atch catch hatch match patch snatch swatch

[9]afe chafe safe strafe

[10]aff chaff quaff staff

[11]aft aft craft draft graft raft shaft waft

[12]ag bag fag flag jag lag slag snag stag wag

[13]age age cage page rage sage stage wage

[14]aid aid aide braid maid raid staid

[15]ail ail hail pao; rail snail tail trail wail

[16]aim aim claim maim

[17]ain gain main pain plain rain strain train vain

[18]aint faint quaint taint

[19]air air chair fair flair hair lair pair

[20]ait bait gait plait strait trait wait

[21]ak flak yak

[22]ake bake brake cake fake shake slake ake wake

[23]ald bald scalk

[24]ale ale bale gale sale scale tale whale

[25]alf calf half

[26]alk balk chalk stalk talk walk[caulk]

[27]all all fall gall mall pall small stall tall wall

[28]alm balm calm palm qualm

[29]alp scalp

[30]alt halt malt slat

[31]am clam dam dram gram ham jam tram wham yam

[32]amb jamb lamb

[33]ame blame dame lame name shame tame

[34]amp camp champ lamp ramp scamp swamp tramp vamp

[35]an ban bran can man pan plan scan span van wan

[36]ance chance dance glance prance stance trance

[37]anch blanch branch ranch stanch

[38]and and band brand grand band land sand stand

[39]ane bane cane crane lane olane sane vane wane

[40]ang bang clang fang fang hang pang slang tang

[41]ange change grange range strange

[42]ank bank blank clank rank spank stank thank

[43]ant ant cant chant grant pant scant slant want

[44]ap cap chap clap crap map nap pap slap snap yap

[45]ape ape cape grape nape rape scrape shape tape

[46]arch arch latch march parch starch

[47]ar bar car char gar mar par scar spar tar war

[48]are are bare blare hare share snare spare square

[49]arb barb garb

[50]ard bard card hard lard ward yard

[51]ark ark brk dark ark nark park shark spark stark

[52]arl gnarl snarl

[53]arm arm charm farm harm swarm warm

[54]arn barn darn tarn warn yarn

[55]arp carp harp scarp sharp warp

[56]arsh harsh marsh

[57]art art mart part quart smart start tart swart

[58]ase base case chase phase phrase vase

[59]ash gash rash sash slash stash thrash trash trash wash

[60]ask ask bask cask flask mask task

[61]asp clasp gasp grasp rasp wasp

[62]ass ass bass brass class crass glass mass pass

[63]ast blast cast fast last mast past

[64]aste baste caste chaste haste taste waste

[65]at at bat drat fat flat gant hat rat that what

[66]atch batch hatch latch match swatch thatch watch

[67]ate bate date hate plate skate slate spate state

[68]aul haul maul

[69]ault fault vanlt

[70]aunch paunch staunch

[71]aunt aunt daunt gaunt haunt haunt taunt vaunt

[72]ave brave cave crave nave slave stave suave wave

[73]wa caw claw draw jaw paw raw saw straw thaw yaw

[74]awk gawk hawk squawk

[75]wal wal bawl drawl scrawl shawl sprawl trawl

[76]awn brawn dawn drawn lawn pawn prawn spawn yawn

[77]ax flax lax tax wax

[78]ay bray day flay gay play slay splay spray sway

[79]aze blaze craze daze faze faze laze maze raze



[1]-e be he me she we

[2]ea flea lea pea plea sea tea yea

[3]-each beach bleach each peach preach reach teach

[4]ead bead dead mead plead read stead thread tread

[5]eaf deaf leaf

[6]eak beak bleak creak freak leak steak streak weak

[7]eal deal heal peal real seal steal veal weal zeal

[8]eam beam cream dream scream seam steam stream team

[9]ean bean clean dean glean jean lean mean wean

[10]eap cheap heap leap reap

[11]ear dear ear fear near pear rear swear tear year

[12]ease cease crease ease frease lease please tease

[13]east beast breast feast least yeast

[14]eat beat cheat eat feat seat teat treat wheat

[15]eath heath sheath wreath

[16]-eave cleave eave heave leave weave

[17]eck beck check deck heck neck peck speck wreck

[18]ea bea rea shea shrea wed

[19]edge dredge edge hedge pledge sledge

[20]ee bee fee flee free knee lee see rree twee wee

[21]eech beech breech leech screech

[22]eed bleed creed deed feed reed seed speed weed

[23]eef beef reef

[24]eek cheek creek Greek leek meek peek reek week

[25]eel eel feel heel keel peel reel steel wheel

[26]eem deem seem teem

[27]een green keen preen queen screen sheen spleen

[28]eep beep cheep keep peep seep sheep sweep weep

[29]eer beer cheer seer sheer sneer steer veer

[30]eet beet fete fleet greet mete meet sweet tweet

[31]eeze breeze cheese freeze sneeze squeeze wheeze

[32]efe cleft deft left theft weft

[33]eg beg egg keg leg peg

[34]elch belch squelch

[35]eld geld meld weld

[36]ell bell sell shell smell spell tell well yell

[37]elp whelp yelp

[38]elt belt felt melt

[39]elve delve helve shelve

[40]em gem hem stem them

[41]empu kempt tempt

[42]en den glen ken pen ten then when yen

[43]ench bench clench French quench stench wench

[44]end bend end fiend lend mend send spend tend

[45]ent bent dent Lent scent spent vent

[46]ere here mere sphere there where

[47]ern fern stern

[48]erve nerve serve swerve verve

[49]ess bless chess dress less  ess press stress

[50]est best jest nest pest quest rest test west zest

[51]et bet fret get het let net pet set wet yet

[52]etch etch wretch

[53]-ew brew chew hew Jew screw sew strew view yew

[54]ex flex vex

[55]ey grey hey key



[1]ib bib crib fib glib jib nib rib

[2]ibe bribe gibe jibe scribe

[3]ice ice mice nice price thrice twice rice vice

[4]ick chick click flick kick pick prick sick wick

[5]id bod grid kid lid rid skid

[6]ide bide guide hide pride side slide tide wide

[7]ie die hie lie pie tie vie

[8]-ief brief chief grief thief

[9]-ield field shield wield yield

[10]ien lien mien

[11]ife knife life strife wife

[12]iff biff cliff miff skiff sniff stiff tiff whiff

[13]-ift drift gift lift shift shrift sift swift thrift

[14]ig big dig fig gig jig pig rig swig twig wig

[15]ight blight flight light night sight slight tight

[16]ike bike dike hike like mike strike trike tyke

[17]ilch filch zilch

[18]ild child gild mild wild

[19]ile bile mile pile rile smile tile while vile

[20]ill bill hill ill mill still thrill till will

[21]-ilt gilt guilt jilt lilt stilt tilt wilt

[22]im brim dim him prim slim swim trim whim vim

[23]ime chime crime dime grime mime prime time

[24]imp crimp gimp limp pimp primp

[25]in bin gin in ikn pin s skin spin tin thin win

[26]ince mince prince wince

[27]-inch clinch finch flinch inch lynch pinch winch

[28]ind bind find mind rind

[29]ine fine line mine nine shine shrine swine wine

[30]ing bring fling king spring swing wing wring

[31]-inge cringe fringe hinge springe tinge twinge

[32]ink fink ink kink link pink sink stink think wink

[33]int dint flint hint lint skint sprint stint tint

[34]-inx jinx sphinx

[35]ip chip pip ship sip skip snip tip whip zip

[36]ipe gripe pipe snipe stripe seipe wipe

[37]irch birch smirch

[38]-ird bird gird third

[39]ire dire fire hire mire shire spire tire wire

[40]-irk bird gird third

[41]-irl girl swirl twirl whirl

[42]-irm firm squirm

[43]-irt dirt flirt shirt skirt

[44]-irth birth girth mirth

[45]ise guise kise rise vise wise

[46]-ish dish fish wish

[47]-isk brisk frisk risk whisk

[48]-isp crisp wisp

[49]-iss bliss kiss miss piss

[50]-ist fist gist list mist twist wrist

[51]it bit grit hit it kit skit slit spit whit writ

[52]-itch bitch ditch nitch itch pitch stitch witch

[53]ite bite cite site smite spite trite white write

[54]-ithe blithe lithe scythe srethe

[55]ive dive five give jive live skive strive thrive

[56]-ize size prize



[1]y(e) by dye fly my ply pry shy sly sty try why

[2]ymph lymph nymph

[3]yre byre gyre lyre pyre tyre



[1]oach broach coach proach

[2]-oar boar oar roar soar

[3]oax coax hoax

[4]ob bob cob mob throb

[5]obe lobe probe robe

[6]ock block clock jock lock pock rock sock smock

[7]od cod plod pod sod

[8]ode bode code lode mode node ode

[9]oe doe foe hoe roe woe

[10]oad broad goad load road toad

[11]-oam foam loam roam

[12]oan groan moan roan

[13]oat boat bloat coat float goat gloat moat throat

[14]off doff off sof

[15]og obg cog clog dog log slog smog tog rogue

[16]oil boil broil coil foil roil soil spoil toil

[17]oin coin gtoin join loin

[18]oke coke joke poke spoke stroke yoke

[19]old fold hold mold old wold

[20]oll doll droll loll poll roll scroll toll troll

[21]olt bolt colt jolt molt

[22]ome dome gnome home Rome

[23]omp pomp romo

[24]one cone clone crone hone prone tone throne zone

[25]ong gong throng strong thong tong wrong song dong

[26]onk honk monk

[27]oan groan moan

[28]oak cloak croak soak

[29]oast boast coast roast toast

[30]ooch brooch hooch mooch

[31]oof hoof roof proof spoof

[32]ook book brook cook hook kook look nook rook


[33]ool cool drool fool school spool stool tool

[34]oom boom bloom broom doom gloom loom room zoom

[35]oon boon croon loon

[36]op chop crop flop hop lop prop slop sop

[37]oop coop loop sloop snoop stoop swoop troop whoop

[38]oor boor moor spoor floop

[39]oot boot foot hoot loot moot soot

[40]ope cope dope hope lope mope nope pope slope tope

[41]ord cord chord ford horde lord word

[42]ore bore core fore gore lore more score sore yore

[43]ork cork fork pork stork

[44]orm dorm form worm norm

[45]orn born corn porn scorn thorn

[46]ort fort mort port snort sport tort

[47]ose close dose hose lose nose pose rose those

[48]oss boss cross gross loss moss posse toss

[49]ost ghost host lost most post

[50]ot blot clot dot hot not pot plot snot spot trot

[51]otch blotch botch notch scotch

[52]ote cote dote mote note quote rote vote

[53]oth both broth cloth froth moth sloth troth

[54]ounce bounce flounce pounce trounce

[55]ouch couch crouch grouch pouch slouch vouch

[56]-ough bough cough plough rough slough tough trough

[57]ound bound found ground mound round sound wound

[58]ount count mount

[59]oup coup stoup troupe

[60]our dour flour four our scour tour

[61]ouse blouse dowse house louse mouse souse spouse

[62]oust joust oust

[63]out bout clout out pout rout scout shout tout

[64]ove clove dove grove Jove love move prove stove

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