
357 篇文章 145 订阅
195 篇文章 12 订阅




本文使用与vSAN运行状况相关的命令,这些命令仅在安装了Health Services时可用。

  • vsan.health.cluster_status

  • vsan.health.health_summary

  • vsan.health.cluster_rebalance

  • vsan.health.cluster_debug_multicast

  • vsan.health.multicast_speed_test

  • vsan.health.hcl_update_db

  • vsan.health.cluster_repair_immediately

  • vsan.health.cluster_attach_to_sr

  • vsan.health.health_check_interval_status

  • vsan.health.health_check_interval_configure

  • vsan.health.cluster_proxy_status

  • vsan.health.cluster_proxy_configure

  • vsan.health.cluster_load_test_run

  • vsan.health.cluster_load_test_prepare

  • vsan.health.cluster_load_test_cleanup

  • vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure

  • vsan.health.silent_health_check_status




/localhost/DC> mark cluster ~/computers/VSAN-Cluster/
/localhost/DC> mark vm ~/vms/vma.virten.lab
/localhost/DC> mark esx ~/computers/VSAN-Cluster/hosts/esx1.virten.lab/



vsan.health.cluster_status ~cluster



> vsan.health.cluster_status ~cluster
Configuration of ESX vSAN Health Extension: installed (OK)
Host 'vesx3.virten.lab' has health system version '6.6.0' installed
Host 'vesx2.virten.lab' has health system version '6.6.0' installed
Host 'vesx1.virten.lab' has health system version '6.6.0' installed
vCenter Server has health system version '6.6.0' installed


vsan.health.health_summary [-c] ~cluster




-c, --create-vm-test: performs a proactive VM creation test.



>  vsan.health.health_summary ~cluster
Overall health: yellow (Cluster health issue)
| Health check                                         | Result  |
| Cluster                                              | Warning |
|   ESXi vSAN Health service installation              | Passed  |
|   vSAN Health Service up-to-date                     | Passed  |
|   Advanced vSAN configuration in sync                | Passed  |
|   vSAN CLOMD liveness                                | Passed  |
|   vSAN Disk Balance                                  | Warning |
|   Resync operations throttling                       | Passed  |
|   vSAN cluster configuration consistency             | Passed  |
|   Time is synchronized across hosts and VC           | Passed  |
|   vSphere cluster members match vSAN cluster members | Passed  |
|   Software version compatibility                     | Passed  |
|   Disk format version                                | Passed  |
| Hardware compatibility                               | Warning |
|   vSAN HCL DB up-to-date                             | Warning |
|   vSAN HCL DB Auto Update                            | skipped |
|   SCSI controller is VMware certified                | skipped |
|   Controller is VMware certified for ESXi release    | skipped |
|   Controller driver is VMware certified              | skipped |
|   Controller firmware is VMware certified            | skipped |
|   Controller disk group mode is VMware certified     | skipped |
| Performance service                                  | Warning |
|   Performance service status                         | Warning |
| Online health (Last check: 48 minute(s) ago)         | Warning |
|   Customer experience improvement program (CEIP)     | Passed  |
|   Online health connectivity                         | skipped |
|   Disks usage on storage controller                  | Passed  |
|   vSAN max component size                            | Warning |
| Network                                              | Passed  |
|   Hosts disconnected from VC                         | Passed  |
|   Hosts with connectivity issues                     | Passed  |
|   vSAN cluster partition                             | Passed  |
|   All hosts have a vSAN vmknic configured            | Passed  |
|   All hosts have matching subnets                    | Passed  |
|   vSAN: Basic (unicast) connectivity check           | Passed  |
|   vSAN: MTU check (ping with large packet size)      | Passed  |
|   vMotion: Basic (unicast) connectivity check        | skipped |
|   vMotion: MTU check (ping with large packet size)   | Passed  |
|   Network latency check                              | Passed  |
| Physical disk                                        | Passed  |
|   Overall disks health                               | Passed  |
|   Metadata health                                    | Passed  |
|   Disk capacity                                      | Passed  |
|   Software state health                              | Passed  |
|   Congestion                                         | Passed  |
|   Component limit health                             | Passed  |
|   Component metadata health                          | Passed  |
|   Memory pools (heaps)                               | Passed  |
|   Memory pools (slabs)                               | Passed  |
| Data                                                 | Passed  |
|   vSAN object health                                 | Passed  |
| Limits                                               | Passed  |
|   Current cluster situation                          | Passed  |
|   After 1 additional host failure                    | Passed  |
|   Host component limit                               | Passed  |

Details about any failed test below ...
Cluster - vSAN Disk Balance: yellow
  | Metric             | Value |
  | Average Disk Usage | 15 %  |
  | Maximum Disk Usage | 35 %  |
  | Maximum Variance   | 30 %  |
  | LM Balance Index   | 10 %  |
  | Host             | Device                                  | Rebalance State               | Data To Move |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | Local VMware Disk (mpx.vmhba0:C0:T2:L0) | Proactive rebalance is needed | 1.9889 GB    |

Hardware compatibility - vSAN HCL DB up-to-date: yellow
  | Entity                         | Time in UTC         |
  | Current time                   | 2017-07-25 14:13:23 |
  | Local HCL DB copy last updated | 2017-04-25 16:56:42 |

Hardware compatibility - SCSI controller is VMware certified: skipped
  | Host             | Device | Current controller                 | Used by vSAN | PCI ID              | Controller certified |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vmhba0 | VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | Yes          | 15ad,07c0,15ad,07c0 | Warning              |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vmhba0 | VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | Yes          | 15ad,07c0,15ad,07c0 | Warning              |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vmhba0 | VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | Yes          | 15ad,07c0,15ad,07c0 | Warning              |

Hardware compatibility - Controller is VMware certified for ESXi release: skipped
  | Host             | Device                                     | Current ESXi release | Release supported | Certified ESXi releases |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | vSAN 6.6             | Warning           | N/A                     |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | vSAN 6.6             | Warning           | N/A                     |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | vSAN 6.6             | Warning           | N/A                     |

Hardware compatibility - Controller driver is VMware certified: skipped
  | Host             | Device                                     | Current driver                    | Driver certified | Recommended drivers |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | pvscsi (0.1-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106) | Warning          | N/A                 |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | pvscsi (0.1-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106) | Warning          | N/A                 |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | pvscsi (0.1-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106) | Warning          | N/A                 |

Hardware compatibility - Controller firmware is VMware certified: skipped
  | Host             | Device                                     | Current firmware | Firmware certified | Recommended firmwares |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | N/A              | Warning            | N/A                   |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | N/A              | Warning            | N/A                   |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | N/A              | Warning            | N/A                   |

Hardware compatibility - Controller disk group mode is VMware certified: skipped
  | Host             | Device                                     | Current disk group mode | Disk group mode certified | Recommended disk group mode |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | All Flash               | Warning                   | N/A                         |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | All Flash               | Warning                   | N/A                         |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vmhba0: VMware Inc. PVSCSI SCSI Controller | All Flash               | Warning                   | N/A                         |

Performance service - Performance service status: yellow
  | Result  | Status                          |
  | Warning | Performance service is disabled |

Online health (Last check: 48 minute(s) ago) - vSAN max component size: yellow
  | Host             | Cluster Smallest Disk Size(GB) | Status  | Recommended Max Component Size in GB | Current Max Component Size in GB |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | 10                             | Warning | 180                                  | 255                              |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | 10                             | Warning | 180                                  | 255                              |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | 10                             | Warning | 180                                  | 255                              |

Network - vMotion: Basic (unicast) connectivity check: skipped
  | From Host | To Host | To Device | Ping result |
  | From Host        | To Host          | To Device | Ping result |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vesx1.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |
  | vesx2.virten.lab | vesx3.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vesx2.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |
  | vesx1.virten.lab | vesx3.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vesx2.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | vesx1.virten.lab | vmk1      | Passed      |

[[0.070919772, "initial connect"],
 [2.234612291, "cluster-health"],
 [0.022485742, "table-render"]]


>  vsan.health.health_summary ~cluster -c
Performing pro-active VM creation test ...
| Check            | Result  |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Success |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Success |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Success |


vsan.health.cluster_rebalance ~cluster

该命令触发vSAN集群中的立即重新平衡。类似于vsan.proactive_rebalance。 可使用vsan.health.health_summary命令查看“ vSAN磁盘平衡”运行状况,显示何时需要重新平衡。


> vsan.health.health_summary ~cluster
 |   vSAN Disk Balance                                  | Warning |
Details about any failed test below ...
Cluster - vSAN Disk Balance: yellow
  | Metric             | Value |
  | Average Disk Usage | 15 %  |
  | Maximum Disk Usage | 35 %  |
  | Maximum Variance   | 30 %  |
  | LM Balance Index   | 10 %  |
  | Host             | Device                                  | Rebalance State               | Data To Move |
  | vesx3.virten.lab | Local VMware Disk (mpx.vmhba0:C0:T2:L0) | Proactive rebalance is needed | 1.9889 GB    |
> vsan.health.cluster_rebalance ~cluster
This command will trigger the immediate rebalance of vSAN
cluster. It will rebalance the vSAN objects for the imbalance hosts
based on the disk usage. This process may take a moment ...

 vSAN66: success
> vsan.health.health_summary ~cluster
 |   vSAN Disk Balance                                  | Passed  |


vsan.health.cluster_debug_multicast [-d] ~cluster


vSAN 6.6不再使用多播,此测试只能用于旧版本。

-d, --duration: Duration to watch for packets (default: 60)


> vsan.health.cluster_debug_multicast ~cluster
2017-07-25 15:00:06 +0000: Gathering information about hosts and vSAN
2017-07-25 15:00:06 +0000: Watching packets for 60 seconds
2017-07-25 15:00:06 +0000: Got observed packets from all hosts, analysing

Automated system couldn't derive any issues.
Either no problem exists or manual inspection is required.

To further help the network admin, the following is a list of
packets with source and destination IPs. As all these packets
are multicast, they should have been received by all hosts in
the cluster. To show which hosts actually saw the packets, each
host is represented by a character (A-Z). If the character is
listed in front of the packet, the host received the packet. If
the space is left empty, the host didn't receive the packet.

A = Host vesx1.virten.lab
B = Host vesx2.virten.lab
C = Host vesx3.virten.lab


vsan.health.multicast_speed_test ~cluster

执行多播速度测试以确保vSAN集群中所有主机之间都有足够的网络带宽。尽管不再使用多播,但速度测试在vSAN 6.6中仍然有效。


> vsan.health.multicast_speed_test ~cluster
Performing a multicast speed test. One host is selected to send multicast
traffic, all other hosts will attempt to receive the packets. The test
is designed such that the sender sends more than most physical networks
can handle, i.e. it is expected that the physical network may drop packets
which then won't be received by the receivers. Assuming a TCP speed test
shows good performance, the most likely suspect for failing the multicast
speed test are multicast bottlenecks in physical switches.
The key question this test tries to answer is: What bandwidth is the
receiver able to get? For vSAN to work well, this number should be at
least 20MB/s. Typical enterprise environments should be able to do 50MB/s
or more.

Now running test ...

Overall health: Passed
| Host             | Health Status | Received Bandwidth (MB/s) | Maximum Achievable Bandwidth Result (MB/s) |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Passed        | 63.68                     | 125.00                                     |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Passed        | 62.58                     | 125.00                                     |


vsan.health.hcl_update_db [-l|-u|-f] ~vc


  • -l, --local-file: Path to local file that contains DB

  • -u, --url: Path to URL that contains DB

  • -f, --force: Skip any questions, and proceed


> vsan.health.hcl_update_db ~vc -f
Updating DB from vmware.com.
Note: vCenter needs to have access to vmware.com.


vsan.health.cluster_repair_immediately ~cluster



> vsan.health.cluster_repair_immediately ~cluster

 vSAN66: success


vsan.health.cluster_attach_to_sr [-s] ~cluster

执行与vSAN相关的日志包的自动创建,并将它们上载到VMware Global support Services (GSS)打开的支持请求。

-s, --sr=: SR number


> > vsan.health.cluster_attach_to_sr -s 99999999 ~cluster
vSAN Support Assistant performs automated upload
of support bundles, and so does not allow you to review,
obfuscate or otherwise edit the contents of your support
data prior to it being sent to VMware. If your support data
may contain regulated data, such as personal, health care data
and/or financial data, you should instead use the more manual
workflow by clicking vCenter -> Actions -> Export System Logs
selecting 'Include vCenter Server' as well as all ESX hosts
in the cluster. Follow VMware KB 2072796
(http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2072796) for the manual workflow.
This process may take a moment ...

Attaching vSAN support bundle for the cluster 'vSAN66' ...
 vSAN66: running |-------                              |


vsan.health.health_check_interval_status ~cluster


> vsan.health.health_check_interval_status ~cluster
| Cluster | Health Check Interval |
| vSAN66  | 60 mins               |


vsan.health.health_check_interval_configure [-i] ~cluster


-i, --interval: Health Check Interval in minutes


> vsan.health.health_check_interval_configure -i 0 ~cluster
Disabled the periodical health check for vSAN66


> vsan.health.health_check_interval_configure -i 120 ~cluster
Successfully set the health check interval for vSAN66 to 120 minutes!


vsan.health.cluster_proxy_status ~cluster



> vsan.health.cluster_proxy_status ~cluster/
| Cluster | Proxy Host | Proxy Port | Proxy User |
| vSAN66  |            |            |            |


vsan.health.cluster_proxy_configure [-o|-p|-u]~cluster


  • -o, --host: Proxy host

  • -p, --port: Proxy port

  • -u, --user: Proxy user


> vsan.health.cluster_proxy_configure -o proxy.virten.lab -p 8080 -u vc ~cluster
Enter proxy password (empty for no password):
Enter proxy password again:

Configure the proxy for the cluster 'vSAN66' ...
> vsan.health.cluster_proxy_status ~cluster
| Cluster | Proxy Host       | Proxy Port | Proxy User |
| vSAN66  | proxy.virten.lab | 8080       | vc         |


vsan.health.cluster_load_test_run [-r|-t|-d|-a] ~cluster

对vSAN运行存储性能测试, 有两个选项可以选择。可以一次性运行所有步骤,也可以3个不同的步骤运行测试。这三个步骤是准备-运行-清理。

  • -r, --runname: Test name

  • -t, --type: VMDK workload type

  • -d, --duration-sec: Duration for running the load test in second

  • -a, --action: Possible actions are 'prepare', 'run', 'cleanup' and 'fullrun'. (Default is fullrun)


  • Low stress test

  • Basic sanity test, focus on Flash cache layer

  • Stress test

  • Performance characterization - 100% Read, optimal RC usage

  • Performance characterization - 100% Write, optimal WB usage

  • Performance characterization - 100% read, optimal RC usage after warmup

  • Performance characterization - 70/30 read/write mix, realistic, optimal flash cache usage

  • Performance characterization - 70/30 read/write mix, high IO size, optimal flash cache usage

  • Performance characterization - 100% read, Low RC hit rate / All-Flash demo

  • Performance characterization - 100% Streaming reads

  • Performance characterization - 100% Streaming writes



示例1-执行“低压力测试” 60秒:

> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_run -r stresstest -t "Low stress test" -d 60 ~cluster
This command will run the VMDK load test for the given cluster
If the action is 'fullrun' or not specified, it will do all of steps
to run the test including preparing, running and cleaning up. And
it will only run the test based on the VMDK which is created by
cluster_load_test_prepare if action is 'run'. In this sitution, the
VMDK cleanup step is required by calling cluster_load_test_cleanup

 vSAN66: success
VMDK load test completed for the cluster vSAN66: green
| Host             | Workload Type   | VMDK Disk Number | Duration (sec) | IOPS | Throughput MB/s | Average Latency (ms) | Maximum Latency (ms) |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 4822 | 18.84           | 0.21                 | 14.79                |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 2905 | 11.35           | 0.34                 | 27.40                |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 2888 | 11.28           | 0.34                 | 32.50                |


> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_run -r stresstest -d 60 ~cluster
This command will run the VMDK load test for the given cluster
If the action is 'fullrun' or not specified, it will do all of steps
to run the test including preparing, running and cleaning up. And
it will only run the test based on the VMDK which is created by
cluster_load_test_prepare if action is 'run'. In this sitution, the
VMDK cleanup step is required by calling cluster_load_test_cleanup

0: Low stress test
1: Basic sanity test, focus on Flash cache layer
2: Stress test
3: Performance characterization - 100% Read, optimal RC usage
4: Performance characterization - 100% Write, optimal WB usage
5: Performance characterization - 100% read, optimal RC usage after warmup
6: Performance characterization - 70/30 read/write mix, realistic, optimal flash cache usage
7: Performance characterization - 70/30 read/write mix, high IO size, optimal flash cache usage
8: Performance characterization - 100% read, Low RC hit rate / All-Flash demo
9: Performance characterization - 100% Streaming reads
10: Performance characterization - 100% Streaming writes
Choose the storage workload type [0]:
 vSAN66: success
VMDK load test completed for the cluster vSAN66: green


vsan.health.cluster_load_test_prepare [-r|-t] ~cluster


  • -r, --runname: Test name

  • -t, --type: VMDK workload type


> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_prepare -r stresstest -t "Low stress test" ~cluster
Preparing VMDK test on vSAN66
 vSAN66: success
Preparing VMDK load test is completed for the cluster vSAN66 with status green
| Host             | Status | Error |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Passed |       |


vsan.health.cluster_load_test_cleanup [-r] ~cluster


-r, --runname: Test name


> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_prepare -r stresstest -t "Low stress test" ~cluster
Preparing VMDK test on vSAN66
 vSAN66: success
Preparing VMDK load test is completed for the cluster vSAN66 with status green
| Host             | Status | Error |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Passed |       |

> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_run -r stresstest -d 60 -t "Low stress test" -a run ~cluster
This command will run the VMDK load test for the given cluster
If the action is 'fullrun' or not specified, it will do all of steps
to run the test including preparing, running and cleaning up. And
it will only run the test based on the VMDK which is created by
cluster_load_test_prepare if action is 'run'. In this sitution, the
VMDK cleanup step is required by calling cluster_load_test_cleanup

 vSAN66: success
VMDK load test completed for the cluster vSAN66: green
| Host             | Workload Type   | VMDK Disk Number | Duration (sec) | IOPS | Throughput MB/s | Average Latency (ms) | Maximum Latency (ms) |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 4492 | 17.55           | 0.22                 | 15.18                |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 4338 | 16.95           | 0.23                 | 16.37                |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Low stress test | 0                | 60             | 4167 | 16.28           | 0.24                 | 20.39                |

> vsan.health.cluster_load_test_cleanup -r stresstest  ~cluster
Cleaning up VMDK test on cluster vSAN66
 vSAN66: success
Cleanup VMDK load test is completed for the cluster vSAN66 with status green
| Host             | Status | Error |
| vesx2.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx1.virten.lab | Passed |       |
| vesx3.virten.lab | Passed |       |


vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure [-a|-r|-i|-n] ~cluster


  • -a, --add-checks: Add checks to silent list

  • -r, --remove-checks: Remove checks from silent list

  • -i, --interactive-add: Use interactive mode to add checks to the silent list

  • -n, --interactive-remove: Use interactive mode to remove checks from the silent list


> vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure -a controllerdiskmode ~cluster
Successfully add check "Controller disk group mode is VMware certified" to silent health check list for vSAN66
> vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure -a controllerdriver ~cluster
Successfully add check "Controller driver is VMware certified" to silent health check list for vSAN66
> vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure -a controllerfirmware ~cluster
Successfully add check "Controller firmware is VMware certified" to silent health check list for vSAN66
> vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure -a controllerreleasesupport ~cluster
Successfully add check "Controller is VMware certified for ESXi release" to silent health check list for vSAN66
> vsan.health.silent_health_check_configure -a controlleronhcl ~cluster
Successfully add check "SCSI controller is VMware certified" to silent health check list for vSAN66


vsan.health.silent_health_check_status ~cluster



> vsan.health.silent_health_check_status ~cluster
Silent Status of Cluster vSAN66:
| Health Check                                                                 | Health Check Id                     | Silent Status |
| Cloud Health                                                                 |                                     |               |
|   Controller utility is installed on host                                    | vendortoolpresence                  | Normal        |
|   Controller with pass-through and RAID disks                                | mixedmode                           | Normal        |
|   Customer experience improvement program (CEIP)                             | vsancloudhealthceipexception        | Normal        |
|   Disks usage on storage controller                                          | diskusage                           | Normal        |
|   Online health connectivity                                                 | vsancloudhealthconnectionexception  | Silent        |
|   vSAN and VMFS datastores on a Dell H730 controller with the lsi_mr3 driver | mixedmodeh730                       | Normal        |
|   vSAN configuration for LSI-3108 based controller                           | h730                                | Normal        |
|   vSAN max component size                                                    | smalldiskstest                      | Normal        |
| Cluster                                                                      |                                     |               |
|   Advanced vSAN configuration in sync                                        | advcfgsync                          | Normal        |
|   Deduplication and compression configuration consistency                    | physdiskdedupconfig                 | Normal        |
|   Deduplication and compression usage health                                 | physdiskdedupusage                  | Normal        |
|   Disk format version                                                        | upgradelowerhosts                   | Normal        |
|   ESXi vSAN Health service installation                                      | healtheaminstall                    | Normal        |
|   Resync operations throttling                                               | resynclimit                         | Normal        |
|   Software version compatibility                                             | upgradesoftware                     | Normal        |
|   Time is synchronized across hosts and VC                                   | timedrift                           | Normal        |
|   vSAN CLOMD liveness                                                        | clomdliveness                       | Normal        |
|   vSAN Disk Balance                                                          | diskbalance                         | Normal        |
|   vSAN Health Service up-to-date                                             | healthversion                       | Normal        |
|   vSAN cluster configuration consistency                                     | consistentconfig                    | Normal        |
|   vSphere cluster members match vSAN cluster members                         | clustermembership                   | Normal        |
| Data                                                                         |                                     |               |
|   vSAN VM health                                                             | vmhealth                            | Normal        |
|   vSAN object health                                                         | objecthealth                        | Normal        |
| Encryption                                                                   |                                     |               |
|   CPU AES-NI is enabled on hosts                                             | hostcpuaesni                        | Normal        |
|   vCenter and all hosts are connected to Key Management Servers              | kmsconnection                       | Normal        |
| Hardware compatibility                                                       |                                     |               |
|   Controller disk group mode is VMware certified                             | controllerdiskmode                  | Silent        |
|   Controller driver is VMware certified                                      | controllerdriver                    | Silent        |
|   Controller firmware is VMware certified                                    | controllerfirmware                  | Silent        |
|   Controller is VMware certified for ESXi release                            | controllerreleasesupport            | Silent        |
|   Host issues retrieving hardware info                                       | hclhostbadstate                     | Normal        |
|   SCSI controller is VMware certified                                        | controlleronhcl                     | Silent        |
|   vSAN HCL DB Auto Update                                                    | autohclupdate                       | Silent        |
|   vSAN HCL DB up-to-date                                                     | hcldbuptodate                       | Normal        |
| Limits                                                                       |                                     |               |
|   After 1 additional host failure                                            | limit1hf                            | Normal        |
|   Current cluster situation                                                  | limit0hf                            | Normal        |
|   Host component limit                                                       | nodecomponentlimit                  | Normal        |
| Network                                                                      |                                     |               |
|   Active multicast connectivity check                                        | multicastdeepdive                   | Normal        |
|   All hosts have a vSAN vmknic configured                                    | vsanvmknic                          | Normal        |
|   All hosts have matching multicast settings                                 | multicastsettings                   | Normal        |
|   All hosts have matching subnets                                            | matchingsubnet                      | Normal        |
|   Hosts disconnected from VC                                                 | hostdisconnected                    | Normal        |
|   Hosts with connectivity issues                                             | hostconnectivity                    | Normal        |
|   Multicast assessment based on other checks                                 | multicastsuspected                  | Normal        |
|   Network latency check                                                      | hostlatencycheck                    | Normal        |
|   vMotion: Basic (unicast) connectivity check                                | vmotionpingsmall                    | Silent        |
|   vMotion: MTU check (ping with large packet size)                           | vmotionpinglarge                    | Normal        |
|   vSAN cluster partition                                                     | clusterpartition                    | Normal        |
|   vSAN: Basic (unicast) connectivity check                                   | smallping                           | Normal        |
|   vSAN: MTU check (ping with large packet size)                              | largeping                           | Normal        |
| Performance service                                                          |                                     |               |
|   All hosts contributing stats                                               | hostsmissing                        | Normal        |
|   Performance data collection                                                | collection                          | Normal        |
|   Performance service status                                                 | perfsvcstatus                       | Normal        |
|   Stats DB object                                                            | statsdb                             | Normal        |
|   Stats DB object conflicts                                                  | renameddirs                         | Normal        |
|   Stats master election                                                      | masterexist                         | Normal        |
|   Verbose mode                                                               | verbosemode                         | Normal        |
| Physical disk                                                                |                                     |               |
|   Component limit health                                                     | physdiskcomplimithealth             | Normal        |
|   Component metadata health                                                  | componentmetadata                   | Normal        |
|   Congestion                                                                 | physdiskcongestion                  | Normal        |
|   Disk capacity                                                              | physdiskcapacity                    | Normal        |
|   Memory pools (heaps)                                                       | lsomheap                            | Normal        |
|   Memory pools (slabs)                                                       | lsomslab                            | Normal        |
|   Metadata health                                                            | physdiskmetadata                    | Normal        |
|   Overall disks health                                                       | physdiskoverall                     | Normal        |
|   Physical disk health retrieval issues                                      | physdiskhostissues                  | Normal        |
|   Software state health                                                      | physdisksoftware                    | Normal        |
| Stretched cluster                                                            |                                     |               |
|   Invalid preferred fault domain on witness host                             | witnesspreferredfaultdomaininvalid  | Normal        |
|   Invalid unicast agent                                                      | hostwithinvalidunicastagent         | Normal        |
|   No disk claimed on witness host                                            | witnesswithnodiskmapping            | Normal        |
|   Preferred fault domain unset                                               | witnesspreferredfaultdomainnotexist | Normal        |
|   Site latency health                                                        | siteconnectivity                    | Normal        |
|   Unexpected number of fault domains                                         | clusterwithouttwodatafaultdomains   | Normal        |
|   Unicast agent configuration inconsistent                                   | clusterwithmultipleunicastagents    | Normal        |
|   Unicast agent not configured                                               | hostunicastagentunset               | Normal        |
|   Unsupported host version                                                   | hostwithnostretchedclustersupport   | Normal        |
|   Witness host fault domain misconfigured                                    | witnessfaultdomaininvalid           | Normal        |
|   Witness host not found                                                     | clusterwithoutonewitnesshost        | Normal        |
|   Witness host within vCenter cluster                                        | witnessinsidevccluster              | Normal        |
| vSAN iSCSI target service                                                    |                                     |               |
|   Home object                                                                | iscsihomeobjectstatustest           | Normal        |
|   Network configuration                                                      | iscsiservicenetworktest             | Normal        |
|   Service runtime status                                                     | iscsiservicerunningtest             | Normal        |






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