windows SDK一些回顾和理解


几年前学过一点点关于windows SDK和MFC编程的东西,很少用。最近两三天重新又看了一点programming windows 上面的一些内容。

比如关于消息循环机制, 系统给应用程序发送消息。关于设备上下文的理解等问题。


















2:设备上下文(device context)。对这个概念的了解。以及这种方式对模块化编程的一些启示






开发一个模块 = 数据结构 + 算法 + 程序开发平台(程序运行时环境)。



下面是阅读programming windows的一些摘录文字。主要关于消息机制,设备上下文方面。



How does the application know that the user has changed the window's size? For programmers accustomed to only conventional character-mode programming, there is no mechanism for the operating system to convey information of this sort to the user. It turns out that the answer to this question is central to understanding the architecture of Windows. When a user resizes a window, Windows sends a message to the program indicating the new window size. The program can then adjust the contents of its window to reflect the new size.

"Windows sends a message to the program." I hope you didn't read that statement without blinking. What on earth could it mean? We're talking about program code here, not a telegraph system. How can an operating system send a message to a program?

When I say that "Windows sends a message to the program" I mean that Windows calls a function within the program—a function that you write and which is an essential part of your program's code. The parameters to this function describe the particular message that is being sent by Windows and received by your program. This function in your program is known as the "window procedure."

You are undoubtedly accustomed to the idea of a program making calls to the operating system. This is how a program opens a disk file, for example. What you may not be accustomed to is the idea of an operating system making calls to a program. Yet this is fundamental to Windows' architecture.

Every window that a program creates has an associated window procedure. This window procedure is a function that could be either in the program itself or in a dynamic-link library. Windows sends a message to a window by calling the window procedure. The window procedure does some processing based on the message and then returns control to Windows.

More precisely, a window is always created based on a "window class." The window class identifies the window procedure that processes messages to the window.



A handle, you'll recall, is simply a number that Windows uses for internal reference to an object. You obtain the handle from Windows and then use the handle in other functions. The device context handle is your window's passport to the GDI functions. With that device context handle you are free to paint your client area and make it as beautiful or as ugly as you like.


The device context (also called simply the "DC") is really just a data structure maintained internally by GDI.

When a program needs to paint, it must first obtain a handle to a device context. When you obtain this handle, Windows fills the internal device context structure with default attribute values. As you'll see in later chapters, you can change these defaults by calling various GDI functions



Here's the general procedure: You create a "logical pen," which is merely a description of a pen, using the function CreatePen or CreatePenIndirect. These functions return a handle to the logical pen. You select the pen into the device context by calling SelectObject.


A logical pen is a "GDI object," one of six GDI objects a program can create. The other five are brushes, bitmaps, regions, fonts, and palettes.


The GDI mapping mode



As the user presses and releases keys on the keyboard, Windows and the keyboard device driver translate the hardware scan codes into formatted messages. However, these messages are not placed in an application's message queue right away. Instead, Windows stores these messages in something called the system message queue. The system message queue is a single message queue maintained by Windows specifically for the preliminary storage of user input from the keyboard and the mouse. Windows will take the next message from the system message queue and place it in an application's message queue only when a Windows application has finished processing a previous user input message.

The reasons for this two-step process—storing messages first in the system message queue and then passing them to the application message queue—involves synchronization. As we just learned, the window that is supposed to receive keyboard input is the window with the input focus. A user can be typing faster than an application can handle the keystrokes, and a particular keystroke might have the effect of switching focus from one window to another. Subsequent keystrokes should then go to another window. But they won't if the subsequent keystrokes have already been addressed with a destination window and placed in an application message queue.

I've discussed what I consider to be the best architecture of a multithreaded program, which is that the primary thread creates all the program's windows, contains all the window procedures for these windows, and processes all messages to the windows. Secondary threads carry out background jobs or lengthy jobs.

Global variables in a multithreaded program, as well as any allocated memory, are shared among all the threads in the program. Local static variables in a function are also shared among all threads using that function. Local automatic variables in a function are unique to each thread because they are stored on the stack and each thread has its own stack.








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