Proc论文计划:《TDCS: a new scheduling framework for real-time multimedia OS》(一)


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The emerging real-time hyper-physical system(CPS), such as autonomous vehicle and live interactive media application, requires time deterministic behaviour. This is challenging to achieve by using the traditional general purpose operating system(GPOS). This paper presents a new design of the real-time operating system scheduling mechanism called ‘time deterministic cyclic scheduling’(TDCS) mainly for live multimedia tasks processing. This new scheduler shares a similar philosophy as classsic cyclic execution but with flexibility and dynamic configuration. This hybrid design is based on both time-reserved based cyclic execution and priority-based pre-emptive scheduling for mixed criticality applicaitons. The simulation results show that this scheduling scheme can achieve predicatable timing behaviour of task delay and jitter under high CPU utilisation. This shows that the proposed scheme is promising for low latency high-performance multimedia censoring tasks that occur in a periodic manner.



The trend is to use the digital audio workstation (DAW) to perform live music on stage or as the mixer for the front of the house(FOH) system or as the mixer for in-ear monitoring, because of the versatile functionalities, flexible configurations, and expandability that DAW can achieve. On the other hand, audio processing becomes increasingly multifunctional and complex. It is incorporated with the advancement of computation, digital signal processing (DSP) and networking technologies such as high-resolution multichannel audio processing, feature extraction, machine learning and intelligent audio production.


Using DAW in a live or interactive environment is bounded by the responsiveness and temporalperception of audio signals. Systems are restrained by interactions of the computational components with the physical processes and are commonly referred to as cyber-physical systems(CPS). UsingDAWs in live or with interaction is an example of CPS..


DAWs are the software systems running on a general purpose operating systems (GPOS). Thoughit is widely accepted compared with the real time (RT) system. GPOS does not have timing constraintsor time criticality. However, there are movements of GPOS towards the mixed criticality system. GPOS has been widely used in various pseudo or soft RT situation, such as multimedia live streaming. An OS that deals with the different levels of time criticality is called the mixed criticality (MC) system. It is worth noting the concept of MC implies some trade-off between isolation and integration of resource sharing, whereas systems solely focusing on isolation of tasks are regarded as multiple-criticality systems.

GPOS就是我们常用的操作系统,Windows,Mac,IOS等等,这段大体意思是说我们用的DAWs类软件都是建立在GPOS上的,GPOS并不是实时性操作系统的,但是它确实为了实现实时性,做了很多有进步性意义的措施,在目前,GPOS广泛的用于伪实时和软实时环境中,MC系统, 这个是说混合临界系统,意思是一个实时系统中有不同级别的任务,可以理解为优先级,当超时可能发生或者资源不足的时候,优先要让高级别的任务,进行处理。那么在有限时间内(毕竟要尽可能的减少任务超时的情况发生)如何保证所有任务都按时完成(这也是实时系统的本质),这其实是一个资源隔离和集成的平衡问题(不能让高优先的任务独占资源,也不能把资源无限制的放给低优先级的任务)

Most modern commodity GPOS such as Linux, Windows or MacOS all have some sort of hierarchical scheduling schemes that enable real-time tasks to be executed with minimum jitter and latency. Latest Windows OS has six different priority classes. Mac OS has four different priority bands. Linux by defaultuses Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), but it can be configured to use the real-time scheduling policy such as First in First Out (FIFO), Round Robin (RR) and Earliest Deadline first (EDF) with a priority level of 99..


Real-time systems are the systems that not only perform computation with logic correctness but also timing correctness. One of the applications of real-time systems is the multimedia systemthat supports low latency ‘live’ audio processing. There are classic real-time schedulers such as Cyclic Scheduling, Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) and EDF. However, there is a trend to have RT extension of GPOS such as real-time Linux, since the wide adoption of using open source GPOS in the industry area. Most modern telecommunication platforms and professional live consoles have embedded Linux with RT extension in them to ensure RT performance.


However, these modifications may not work for the hard RT system due to the non-deterministicattributes of a file system and device drivers such as the Virtual File System (VFS) framework. That is why traditional RTOS avoids using the file system. To be able to support hard RT in GPOS, one has to rewrite all the file system interfaces and device drivers, such as the proposed work from CMU’s RT Machand RT file system.


There are fundamental differences between RTOS and GPOS from a design point of view. RTOSis optimised to be the worst case, whereas GPOS is optimised to be the average case; RTOS targetson predictable scheduling, whereas GPOS targets on efficient scheduling; RTOS is simple executive whereas GPOS has a wide range of services; RTOS tries to minimise the latency, whereas GPOS triesto maximise the throughput. The earlier work of hard RT Linux proposed by Yodaiken et al. was done by replacing all ‘cli’, ‘sti’ and ‘iret’ to the soft interrupt macros and using hardware-triggered interrupts to execute hard RT tasks. However, these hard real-time tasks have no access to Linux kernel services.


Other effort tried to emulate RTOS within GPOS to provide soft RT performance. This paper predicts that the GPOS will be more popular for a soft real-time task such as telecommunication and finance transactions. This research direction is interesting since it is reappearing in the contemporary cloud and virtualisation trend.In this paper, we proposed a new set of the OS scheduling framework that is called (TDCS) that is specifically tailored for a real-time multimedia system with trading off mechanism of latency and predictable QoE requirements that aims to achieve the predictability of certain tasks using the systematic design approach. The performance evaluation based on simulation between TDCS and RMS is also given to show the pros and cons of it.






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